August 3, 2014

Light: July 28, 2014




Something that makes things visible or affords illumination; the radiance from a particular source.


If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. I John 1:7.

For you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord, walk as children of Light. Ephesians 5:8.


The artist Peter Milne hung one of his paintings he drew in the church he founded on the little Island of New Hebrides in Nguna. Under the picture were the words, “When He came, there was no light. When He died there was no darkness.”

When Christ came into this world, there was no light. Matthew, quoting Isaiah, said, “The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up” Matthew 4:16.

Harry Lauder said that during his boyhood, he could tell where the city lamplighter was by the trail of light he left behind him. Christ was the heavenly Lamplighter that came to this earth to bring us Light. Everywhere He went the midnight gloom of sin and despair disappeared before Him.

In Genesis 1:3 God said let there be light. God is light and God is the creator of light. The word light is divinely rich, a symbol of all that is good, pure, holy and true. In I Timothy 6:16, Paul tells us that God dwells in light unapproachable. No one has seen God, because no one can look on the light of God’s holiness and live (Exodus 30:20).

A genuine Christian walks habitually in the Light of truth and holiness that Christ has given us, not in the darkness of sin and falsehood that we were born into. The believers walk also results in cleansing from sin as the Lord continually forgives those who believe in Him and acknowledge that He is their light and their salvation.

Since those believers who walk in the Light share in the character of God, they are habitually characterized by His Holiness indicating their true fellowship with Him. A genuine Christian does not walk in the dark but only in the light, and according to the verse above from I John, cleansing from sin continually occurs in the life of the believer.

Darkness describes the character of the unbeliever which is void of truth and virtue in intellectual and moral matters. The realm of darkness that they live in is presided over by the power of darkness. Tragically, sinners love the darkness and it is from this darkness that God has offered Salvation through His Son to sinners.

May we encourage you today, as the verse above from Ephesians says, if you are living in darkness you need to come to Jesus who was sent by God to be the light to the world and begin your walk with the Lord and walk as a child of Light.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I Corinthians 3:11.

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.


My soul and heart praises You, my risen Redeemer, for the light that pervades the deepest gloom that I may face and transforms my life with Your Love. Thank You for this reality. May my life shine brightly the light that You have radiated through me.

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