November 20, 2011

Giving: November 17, 2011




Make a present of; donate; convey; bestow.


Jesus said, “This poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury.” Mark 12:43.

When you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Matthew 6:3.


These two verses that we have put above give us two very important principles that apply to our spirit of giving to the Lord. The first principle is that it is not the size of the gift that matters.

In Mark 12:41-44, Mark relates the incident that took place when Jesus was with His disciples in the temple area where people brought their gifts of money. A poor widow put in two small coins. These were very little gifts in comparison to the large amounts given by others. Yet, Jesus said to His disciples that the widow had put in more than all the others. The reason He said this was that the others gave out of their surplus, but the widow gave sacrificially-all that she owned.

Even if we have only a small amount to give, when it is given to the Lord He will bless it. We learned this as children when we had little to give but we always gave a minimum of ten percent of every dollar we received. It became part of our life style and we never quit giving this way and God has blessed us overwhelming.

The second principle that our Lord gave us as written in the above verse from Matthew is that we need to give without fanfare. In other words we do not need to announce what we give to anyone. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand gives. We are giving unto the Lord, not to gain favor from others on this earth.

Giving is much more than giving of our income. As believers we need to have a heart for giving. In James 1:22 James tells us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. But he does not stop by telling us only to obey by being a doer of the Word but He gives us specific instructions as to how we can be a doer of the Word. He does this by giving us practical ways to be a doer. In James 1: 27 he says for us to “Visit orphans and widows in their trouble.” In other words we are to give not only of our treasures but of our time and talents. God expects us to have a heart of compassion and caring for the less fortunate among us.

We recently read about a young girl who kept coming home without her winter gloves. Her mother was driven, what we may say, crazy having to continually buy her new gloves. She finally told her daughter that she needed to be more responsible and bring home her gloves every night. The young girl responded by crying and through her tears told her mom that as long as she kept getting new gloves she could give them away to someone who did not have any and could not afford to get some.

The story went on that when this young girl grew up her hobbies included volunteering in the community and helping to mentor inner city children. You see that as a child she developed the habit of giving and as she grew up it became part of her life style.

We all need to ask God for a heart like this young girl. Out of love for God, then we need to obey Him by doing what He tells us to do. This is what we are supposed to be doing as believers in Jesus.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 10:36.

For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.


May we as a family learn today the importance of giving all that we should be giving of our treasures, our time and our talent to You so that You can use them for Your glory.

Gossip: November 16, 2011




A rumor; revealing personal or sensational facts about others; Trifling talk about other people; an idle talker; discussing other peoples affairs.


A man who bears false witness against his neighbor is like a club, a sword, and an arrow. Proverbs 25:18.

A perverse man stirs up dissension and a gossip separates close friends. Proverbs 16:28.


Gossip defined really is the act of someone sharing with another party information about a third party that is most often just a rumor that is not true or at least stretching the truth. Most certainly it is not complimentary to the third party and is most often very hurtful.

Our sinful nature causes us to relish juicy tidbits of gossip. We love to hear about someone’s rumored indiscretion and we can’t wait to tell others. The most prevalent place for gossip is in the work place. In fact it has gotten so bad that now a person can get fired for gossiping in certain workplaces. According to a recent poll, the average employee gossips 65 hours a year. Notice that this includes all employees --- that is over ¾ of an hour each and every week if someone works 50 weeks a year.

There are some work places that take corrective approaches to gossip. They range from firing the one that gossips to a group in the entertainment industry that takes the time to pray for a person who is making bad choices rather than spreading the facts or rumors to more people.

There is no place in the life of a believer for gossip. As believers it is clear what God wants from us concerning gossiping. Exodus 20:16 reads, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” That is quite clear and simple to understand. In the verse we wrote above from Proverbs it is stated very strongly that the use of our words in a gossiping situation is like a club, a sword and a sharp arrow.

Clubs, swords and sharp arrows are weapons that cause great pain and harm. Like a weapon, gossip causes pain and does great harm. The writer of Proverbs 16:28 tells us that gossip is harmful because it stirs up dissension and separates close friends.

Unfortunately, we have heard many people gossip in church. Of all places this is a place that should not be a place for gossip. Gossip feeds into our natural desires to feel superior to others and to belong or fit in with the crowd. If you choose to love others and be concerned about others you will live in a Gossip free zone. You can never justify gossip. It is better to pray for someone. If you are praying for a person you will find it difficult to gossip about them.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 10:36.

For you have need for endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.


Lord, forgive me for speaking carelessly about others to make myself look better. Help me to think before I speak and show a Christ-like love to all that I talk to. Teach me to be loving in my words.

Conviction: November 15, 2011




A firm belief; feelings of guilt; the state of being convinced.


The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12


Most people respond when you ask what the word conviction means by saying that it refers to a criminal being convicted. But there is another definition of the word conviction that deals with the response that our hearts have to wrong and evil in our lives and in the world.

Modern technology has provided doctors with instruments that are used in procedures to see, inside our bodies, what cannot be seen from the outside. One such procedure is called a Laryngoscopy which views the throat and vocal chords. The doctor takes a very small camera with a light on the end and puts it down the throat of a person to try and find out what is causing the problem.

God’s Word is like a Laryngoscopy. It invades the unseen areas of our lives and exposes to us the areas of spiritual failures that fill our lives. This can be an uncomfortable procedure that God does on our lives but if we are willing to respond in obedience we will grow in our relationship with God.

In John 3:20 Jesus said to us, “Everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.” Jesus is that light that exposes the evil in our lives just like the light on the camera that the doctor uses. God’s internal intrusions into our lives convict us and we do not feel good about the conviction, but do you really want the disease that God exposes in our lives?

We need to daily welcome God into the deep, dark places of our hearts because it is the only way we can find true healing and spiritual health that we should be longing for daily. And in order for God to do this we must communicate with Him daily by reading God’s Word and praying. Through what we read God will expose to us our personal problems and through prayer we can ask Him for victory over our sinful desires and our evil acts.

With God’s Word you do not need an appointment to get going and finding God’s diagnosis. The divine surgeon is ready when you are ready and He is just waiting for you to come to Him. Let God’s Word explore your inner being.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 10:36.

For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.


Lord, speak to me today through Your Word and convict me of my sins. Thank You for the assurance that You are always present and my truest friend. Guide me this day as I search the Word of God so that it becomes both my shield and sword.

Reconciliation: November 14, 2011




Restore to union and friendship after estrangement; adjust; settle; bring to agreement.


First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Matthew 5:24.


In Judaism, the holiest day of the year is YOM KIPPER, the Day of Atonement. On that day the people seek God’s forgiveness for their sins both personal and national. The day before is called EREV YOM KIPPER and is the last opportunity to seek forgiveness from other people before Yom Kipper begins. This is important because in the Jewish tradition you must seek forgiveness from other people before you can seek the forgiveness of God.

If we have wronged someone so that there is a broken relationship it can hinder our relationship with the Lord. If you wonder why this is so, it is because issues that are left unresolved fester and grow which often leads to bitterness and escalating acts of retaliation. This is sin in God’s eyes. Sin separates us from God. Jesus pointed out that in order to worship Him with all of our heart, and a pure heart, we first need to resolve matters with others. Jesus states this clearly in Matthew 5:24 (above).

Our ability to truly worship God is hindered by our broken relationships with others. As believers we need to understand and practice reconciliation in our lives. Broken relationships are caused by wrong actions, bad attitudes and destructive words and these are all issues that God expects us to make right before we should come to Him. If we do not, how can God bless us?

It is tough, and for some tougher than for others, to get up the courage necessary to go to a person we have wronged and admit that we were wrong and ask forgiveness, which is part of the process of reconciliation. As believers we have no choice, if we want to be obedient to God and used of God, but to act and act swiftly and completely.

Are you concerned enough that your worship with God will be pleasing and acceptable to Him to take the necessary action to reconcile the issues in your life with those who have been affected by your actions? Remember what someone once said: Am offense against your neighbor is a fence between you and God.


Our memory verse for this week is found in HEBREWS 10:36.

For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise,


Give me the strength today if I have hurt a friend or relative to go at once and make things right. Help me to learn to be able to ask forgiveness knowing that these words bring delight to Your heart.

Honest: November 18, 2011




Having a sense of honor; uprighteousness; sincere; truthful; genuine.


Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God. Acts 5:4.

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight. Psalm 12:22.


In the book of Acts (above), God gave us a sobering example of how He views dishonesty. Some believers had sold their land and shared all the proceeds with the church. Ananias and Sapphira decided to do likewise. But the couple kept some money back declaring that they had given the whole amount to the church.

We need to note that the dishonesty was not that they did not give all to the church. The dishonesty was that they said that they gave all to the church. That was why God did what He did. Both Ananias and Sapphira expected commendation for their generous giving but instead God struck them dead for lying about what they did.

Some may say that God was too harsh. After all it was just a little lie and it was not life threatening to anybody. But in Proverbs 25:14 the scripture says that “Whoever falsely boasts of giving is like clouds and winds without rain.” The apostle Peter in Acts 5:3 asked Ananias, “Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit?” Peter strongly rebuked him saying, “You have not lied to men, but to God.” Peter’s strong words of condemnation leave no doubt about the seriousness of Ananias’s dishonesty.

One of the Ten Commandments that God gave Moses and to us, as well, is simply and clearly stated that we shall not bear false witness --- LIE. There are no degrees of honesty. You are either an honest person or a dishonest person.

An understanding of honesty begins when we recognize that God, who is our ultimate example, is truth and that He cannot lie. God hates falsehoods and makes it clear in the scriptures that Satan is the originator of all lies. He began lying in the Garden of Eden. In Proverbs 13:5 we read that a righteous man hates lying. In I Corinthians 13:6 we read that love rejoices in truth. People who trust the Word of God should be people whose word can be trusted. Where do you stand on honesty?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 10:36.

For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.


Help me and my family today to be honest and true in all that we do and say. Give us the courage to do what is right and always tell the truth so that we can bring to the world we live in a glimpse of Your light and glory.

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