February 3, 2013

Race: February 1, 2013




Any contest or competition to achieve superiority.


Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. I Corinthians 9:24.


Paul’s missionary journeys took him to different countries with varied cultures. When preaching the gospel he often used illustrations that related to the culture of those he was speaking to. In his letter to the Corinthians he knew the Greeks loved athletic competitions. The Olympic Games were begun by the Greeks. The illustration of running a race that Paul used in I Corinthians 9 and the analogy of running to win was well understood by the Corinthians.

In 1896 when the Olympics were revived in Athens after many years of no Olympics, the first ever marathon was run. Seventeen athletes competed and ran 40 Kilometers (24.8 miles). The race was won in 1896 by a common laborer, but winning was so significant to the Greeks that he was considered a national hero and honored as such by the King. In those days the winners of races were awarded with a crown made of leaves symbolizing victory.

We were privileged several years ago to stand on the exact location of the running of that first marathon race. Being there and seeing the site first hand helped us understand even more vividly what Paul was talking about centuries before about crowns.

All six of our children were actively involved in sports. It became very important as they grew and matured that they would improve their abilities each year with the goal of competing to win and be victorious. No matter what the sport was it demanded discipline and hard work to be prepared. Everyone involved was driven by the ultimate goal of winning and getting that championship trophy.

In I Corinthians 9:24 Paul relates the illustration of running a race to the Christian life. The Christian life requires hard work and dedication. As Christians we are not running for an earthly crown of leaves or a gold medal or to be a national hero. We are running for a heavenly reward from our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul challenges us as believers, not to just run the race but to win the race. The verse written above from verse 24 tells us to run in such a way that you may obtain an imperishable crown. Paul not only taught this but lived it out.

In II Timothy 4:7 Paul says that “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Paul joyfully anticipated receiving the victory crown from his King in Heaven. The victory crown received in ancient Greek games was perishable. The victory crown the Christian will receive in heaven will last forever.

Every athlete who is really motivated to win is willing to give his or her time and effort to strict training and preparation. The athlete must learn the rules and then obey them so he or she will not be disqualified. The athlete is dedicated to do whatever it takes to win and is willing to make sacrifices to be the best he or she can be.

Christians who really want to receive the victory crown that will not perish, that Paul is talking about, must be willing to also do whatever it takes. The Christian must know the rules that God has set down in order for us to live a victorious life. God’s rules are given to us in His Word and the way we can know the rules is by reading the Word.

When we understand the rules that God lays out for us then we must train ourselves to follow these rules and live by them. Spending time in studying the Bible, in praying to God, and in worshipping God is essential to being victorious in our Christian life. This requires time and effort on our part. It also requires giving up whatever keeps us from being what God wants us to be.

Paul was motivated to win the victory crown that never perishes --- eternal life. He said, “Therefore, I do not run like a man running aimlessly.” Are you running aimlessly or are you running to win the crown that God has promised you and that will last forever. We challenge you to run for the crown of eternal life and God will honor you. In our spiritual walk we as believers, need a goal that we will strive for daily. According to these words from the Apostle Paul we should set our spiritual goals in life to win the crown that will not perish.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 13:8.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Help me to run today a “race” that will honor and glorify Your name. Help me to challenge my family, through my words and deeds to run our daily races anticipating the crown of victory that You will give those who run a consistent life honoring You.

Pollution: January 31, 2013




To make fowl or unclean; to make impure or morally unclean; to defile.


For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and over-come, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. II Peter 2:20.

Like a muddied spring or a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked. Proverbs 25:26. 


You may wonder why we picked a word like pollution for our devotional word of the day. Please read on and you will understand why we did. Today much is being said in our world about pollution because it is of great concern. It is a threat to our physical health. When the word pollution is mentioned we think only of water pollution, air pollution, or soil pollution. Pollution is caused by man dumping garbage, chemicals, and all kinds of toxic substances into the environment.

When the Bible speaks of pollution it is speaking of the pollution of our minds and our bodies which is a threat to our spiritual well being. Pollution of the mind and body is caused by what we dump into them. We live in a polluted world both environmentally and spiritually. Today the majority of the people in this world are much more concerned about the pollution of our environment than the pollution of their mind and moral values.

James (1:27) advises us to keep ourselves from being polluted by the world. In today’s world that is not easy. We live in a sinful world and the reality of sin is that it is infectious. Like a toxic pollutant put in a river, sin spreads. Christians are in a constant battle with the pollutions of evil influences in our world.

As we read in II Peter 2:20 (above), even after someone has been freed from the sinfulness of the world by knowing the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they can become entangled once again in sin and overcome by sin’s polluting power. To return to a life of sin after we know the truth is to reject the truth. To reject the truth is like a drowning person rejecting a life preserver when it is thrown to him. Peter says the one who knows the truth and then rejects the truth is worse off than before because he has rejected the one and only way to be saved from his sins that have polluted his spiritual life.

Both Paul and James addressed the evil of the pollution that comes out of our mouth. James tells us that “the tongue corrupts the whole person.” We are told by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:29 to “let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” Corrupt words are “verbal pollution.” Verbal pollution takes on many forms: criticism, backbiting, gossip, bitterness; anger to name a few. Often we neglect to think how some of the words we say pollute the environment of our home, our church, and our neighborhood and more importantly, how they affect our testimony.

Dr. Charles Swindoll wrote about knowing a group of friends who became concerned about this form of pollution and the part that they might be playing in it. They made a pact to avoid saying critical words for one whole week. They were surprised to find out how little they spoke. As they continued the experiment, they actually agreed that they had to relearn conversational skills.

The apostle Paul called on us as believers, in Ephesians 4, to that kind of decisive action to remove those things that pollute our life. He said we are to put off the old self and its conduct that grieves the Holy Spirit and put on the new self that builds up others. As we rely on the Holy Spirit we can make those changes in our conduct, in our thinking and in our speaking.

If we really want to get rid of our verbal pollution we must choose to change and do this by asking God for His help. This is a great way to help start cleaning up our spiritual environment. You will be surprised how your spouse, children, family and friends will react. They will see the dramatic difference and will want to join with you. Help stamp out pollution --- clean up your speech!


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 13:8.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Help me to be concerned about the pollution of my corrupt words that are affecting my testimony and my relationship to others. Give me the discipline to clean up my words of criticism, jealousy and gossip. Make my life and my words an example of Your glory in all that I do today.


Lazy: January 28, 2013




Adverse to or disinclined to work or exertion; slow; sluggish; lack of interest or drive.


“But his Lord answered and said unto him, ‘you wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed.’” Matthew 25:26.


Many people today are possibly considered lazy. Lazy people really have too much time on their hands with very little purpose in life. Since they have so much time they either watch hours of television, go to movies, surf the internet, read papers or books and just sit and accomplish nothing. God has given us the gift of time and He expects us to use our time to His glory. Unfortunately, many believers do not understand this or just do not respond to what God expects of them.

In the parable of the talents that we read about in Matthew 25, Jesus gave to each of the three servants the number of talents determined by their ability. He gave them no more than He thought they could handle. When the servants came back to report on how they invested their talents the master responded to the servant that received five talents and had doubled them by saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” The same response was given by the master to the servant that received two talents and doubled them. But the servant who received one talent told his master that he was afraid of what he might do to him if he lost the talent the master gave him, so he hid it in the ground. The master responded by saying that he was a wicked and lazy man.

God is our master and we are His servants. God gives us gifts of talent, time and resources according to our ability. He expects us to use the gifts He has given us wisely and productively. Laziness makes us unproductive. When we are too lazy to use the gifts God has given us we are like the lazy servant who buried the talent he was given in the ground.

God has given each of us various talents and abilities and He has given some more than others. It is not about a matter of how much we were given but how well we use what God has given us. Since all that we have belongs to Him, He expects us to be faithful servants and to use our God given abilities the way that He has called us to do. Those that are diligent in using their abilities to serve the Lord will be rewarded and those who are lazy will receive God’s condemnation.

This verse we have written above, found in Matthew 25:26, links laziness and wickedness. This is because being lazy means one is basically accomplishing nothing in life to honor the Lord. God sees this type of person who is not using his God given talent, as useless to furthering His kingdom. So often living this kind of lazy life, leads to self-centeredness and activities that are wicked in God’s sight. 

There are many verses in Proverbs that refer to laziness, but none of them are positive. Proverbs 10:4 tells us that “lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” In Proverbs 12:24 we are told that “the lazy man will be put to forced labor and the hand of the diligent rule.”

Just as this parable tells us, it is the same for us today. Faithful servants are rewarded by God and given more responsibility, and unfaithful servants are not only not rewarded but also have what they have taken away from them. If you are lazy in your job or lazy around your home you will not be rewarded by God with greater responsibilities. In Proverbs 13:4 it tells us that the lazy man desires and gets nothing. For the lazy there is no satisfaction in life.

Laziness also cannot be hidden. Proverbs 24:30-31 reads that when one goes by the field of a lazy man you will find it over grown with weeds and thorns. These verses should challenge all believers not to be lazy but to be diligent in serving our Lord.

You can increase your vision and seek a place to serve God and find you can do what you thought was impossible. When we say impossible we refer to even little things like giving an hour or two a week to teaching Sunday school or being a youth sponsor in your church. Give some time to sing in the choir. Volunteer to help at your children’s school. These are just ideas to help you enlarge your vision and to begin serving God in places where you have not served before. When we are willing to serve God He will find a way to use us.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 13:8.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Forgive me Lord for the tendency I have had to be lazy in my walk with You. Increase my vision today and open doors for me to serve You. Help me to begin at home and guide me to greater spiritual influence on my family.

Man: January 30, 2013




A person, a human being.


"What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?" Psalm 8:4


Have you ever asked the question, Who am I and why am I here?” Through the ages philosophers and historians have attempted to understand the nature of man and the purpose of man’s existence. They have wondered why man cannot live in peace and what will man's final destination be? The Bible alone supplies all of the answers for these questions. Even David asked this question (the verse above).

When David reflected on the heavens, the moon and the stars and all that God had created, he felt very insignificant. He asked the question: why would he be of any importance to God that God would even care that he existed? God is merciful to each one of us, and to mankind as a whole, because he chooses to be. From the beginning He had a plan and a purpose for us.

Man perceives himself higher than the animals but below God because of our limited control over events and our life span. Man was created by God on the sixth day of creation and God placed him on a planet that was specifically designed for him and prepared to sustain him. Man was also given a body and a soul that made him fit for dominion over the planet He created for us. God gave man the responsibility to tend to it and to care for it. 

God gave the first human couple, Adam and Eve, freedom of will and commanded them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They also were given by God the gift of spoken language. Eve was lured by Satan through his half truths and misquotation of God's Word. Both Adam and Eve chose to disobey by doing exactly what God commanded them not to do and therefore they sinned against God. Thus they brought down the future of the human race with them.

God then sent His Son as His redemptive plan for man to be saved from his sins. To those that believe, God gave His biblically commanded duties. They are to love God and to love one another. We are also to have joy, glorify God, worship Him in holiness and honor the Son just as we are to honor the Father.

The Bible is very clear as to the final destiny of man. Man has a choice. If he chooses death, he will spend an eternity in Hell. If he chooses life, he chooses God's way and will spend an eternity with God in heaven. Those who believe in Jesus and accept Him into their heart, according to the scripture, will spend an eternity on the new earth and in the new Jerusalem and in a world of sinless happiness in the constant presence of God and the Lamb of God which is Christ.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 13:8.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Thank You for being mindful of me and caring for me even though I am unworthy. Thank You that although I was born a sinner You sent Your only Son down from heaven to rescue me from the penalty of my sin and give me the precious gift of eternal life. I rejoice that I am saved by Your grace!

Leave: January 29, 2013




Go away from; abandon; quit; omit; stop doing; postpone; desist from.


“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”Hebrews 13:5.


The one thing that we remember vividly from when we were small children was that we did not like to be left alone. Both of us, as most children are, were attached to our mothers and when they left to go somewhere we experienced what they call separation anxiety. Usually it was acceptable if our father or someone we knew well was there. There was a sense of security when our parents were with us so when they left it was scary.

When we were raising our children we witnessed the same fear when we had to leave them, even for a few moments. When our fifth child was in kindergarten, Dottie was delayed in picking him up from school due to an accident that blocked the freeway. We did not have cell phones so there was no way to communicate to the school that she was on the way but was going to be late. Dottie was always early so this was the first time that she was not sitting there waiting. By the time she got to the school our son was in tears. As they were headed home he said to Dottie that he thought she had forgotten him and was not coming. All the way home she needed to assure him that he would never be forgotten nor would she ever leave him. As believers we can have that same assurance because our Father in heaven has promised that He will never leave us.

In this promise that we have in Hebrews (above) when God says He will never leave us nor forsake us He means that we have at all times all that he has and is. Just think what that means. God gives to those that believe in Him everything. He is almighty, all powerful, all knowing and thus all of His attributes are with us at all times because He is always with us. As children of God, no attribute of God can be kept away from us.

It is also important to note that when God makes a promise and says He will never leave us, He keeps it and it is intended for all who believe in Him. Yes, whatever God said to one person, He has said to all the generations that followed.

Just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Moses gave them this same promise from the Lord. He said in Deuteronomy 31:5-6, “Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”God then gave this same promise to Joshua telling him, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5.

What wonderful assurance for us! Just as God promised to never leave Moses, Joshua or the Children of Israel as they faced the tough job of conquering the Promised Land so will He be with us even in the midst of the toughest battle. We can be certain that we will face difficult challenges in the evil world we live in.

When God opens a well for one to drink from, He opens it to all who accept it. When He gave the Word to Abraham and when He gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, He gave it to all. God is not a respecter of certain people only. He wants us all to partake of His love and the blessed assurance that He is always there for us and will never leave us. We may leave God, but He never leaves us.

There is not a blessing that God has given that is too high, too large or too big for anyone who will accept it. We need to climb to the highest mountain, as Moses did to view the Promised Land, and then look to the north, to the south, to the east and to the west and just stand there in awe and view the vastness of what God has given us for the land is all ours. There is not a brook of living water that we cannot drink from and if the land is flowing with milk and honey, we can partake of it.

Whatever attributes compose the character of God we, who are His children, have constant access to an all wise and all knowing God because He is with us always and will never leave us. There is nothing you may want, nothing that you may ask for or nothing you need that cannot be yours because God has promised that for those that believe on Him, serve Him and honor and praise Him, he will never leave you nor forsake you.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 13:8.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Thank You for never leaving me nor forsaking me. Thank You for this promise and the assurance that I have in my heart as to its truth. May my life reflect the assurance I have that you are always with me so those who do not know You will desire to have the assurance I enjoy. Make this a special day in my life.

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