April 11, 2010
Priorities: April 9, 2010
Earlier in time and occurrence; the right to proceed others in order; rank or privilege.
Here is the conclusion of the matter. Fear God and keep His commandments. Ecclesiastics 12:13.
Very few people today set priorities for their day to day living, let alone for their goals in life. As adults and parents we need to have priorities for our marriage, for our children and for our own personal and family activities. The problem is that when one does not set priorities basically nothing is accomplished and at the end of the day one wonders where the day went and what was accomplished.
The Bible has a lot to say about priorities. In the Old Testament Solomon sums up so well in the last chapter of Ecclesiastics what our priorities should be in life. He says to honor God and obey His commands. This is the most important thing people can do. God knows everything that a person does even the things done in secret. He knows the good and the bad and he will judge everything that a person does. The things we do are evidence of our priorities. This advice from Solomon in the verse above should remind us what our first priority should be making God’s priorities our priorities.
Webster defines priority as the right to precede others in order. God has that right and He should precede all other things and people in our lives. Jesus had much to say about priorities in the sixth chapter of Matthew. He tells us not to lay up treasures upon earth. We need to realize that everything on earth is temporal and if the eyes of the believer are focused on these treasures the life and character of the believer will be shrouded in moral darkness.
Jesus also told us in verse 21 that “where our treasure is, there will our heart be also.” Again if our priorities are in the temporal things of this world we will be wandering in darkness because we will be spiritually blind to see what God wants us to do. A person’s aim in life, or better, his priorities in life, determines his character and this affects his or her relationship with God.
And in Matthew 6:33 we read one of the most clear cut verses in the Bible as to what our priority in life should be. It reads: “But seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added on to you.” God’s interests (seeking first His Kingdom) are to be first in our lives. So if we “seek God’s righteousness first,” we meet the condition of God’s blessing for our lives. And then the last of this verse gives us the guarantee of God’s provision to us (all these things shall be added on to us).
As you set your priorities in life from a spiritual perspective read Philippians 1:21 and make it your purpose for living: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.
Help me, dear Lord, to set my priorities each day first to honor and serve You. Make me set as a priority the reading of the Bible and the communication I must have with You through prayer. Give me the leadership needed with my family so that together we will put You first in all of our lives both in our words and our deeds.
Earlier in time and occurrence; the right to proceed others in order; rank or privilege.
Here is the conclusion of the matter. Fear God and keep His commandments. Ecclesiastics 12:13.
Very few people today set priorities for their day to day living, let alone for their goals in life. As adults and parents we need to have priorities for our marriage, for our children and for our own personal and family activities. The problem is that when one does not set priorities basically nothing is accomplished and at the end of the day one wonders where the day went and what was accomplished.
The Bible has a lot to say about priorities. In the Old Testament Solomon sums up so well in the last chapter of Ecclesiastics what our priorities should be in life. He says to honor God and obey His commands. This is the most important thing people can do. God knows everything that a person does even the things done in secret. He knows the good and the bad and he will judge everything that a person does. The things we do are evidence of our priorities. This advice from Solomon in the verse above should remind us what our first priority should be making God’s priorities our priorities.
Webster defines priority as the right to precede others in order. God has that right and He should precede all other things and people in our lives. Jesus had much to say about priorities in the sixth chapter of Matthew. He tells us not to lay up treasures upon earth. We need to realize that everything on earth is temporal and if the eyes of the believer are focused on these treasures the life and character of the believer will be shrouded in moral darkness.
Jesus also told us in verse 21 that “where our treasure is, there will our heart be also.” Again if our priorities are in the temporal things of this world we will be wandering in darkness because we will be spiritually blind to see what God wants us to do. A person’s aim in life, or better, his priorities in life, determines his character and this affects his or her relationship with God.
And in Matthew 6:33 we read one of the most clear cut verses in the Bible as to what our priority in life should be. It reads: “But seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added on to you.” God’s interests (seeking first His Kingdom) are to be first in our lives. So if we “seek God’s righteousness first,” we meet the condition of God’s blessing for our lives. And then the last of this verse gives us the guarantee of God’s provision to us (all these things shall be added on to us).
As you set your priorities in life from a spiritual perspective read Philippians 1:21 and make it your purpose for living: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.
Help me, dear Lord, to set my priorities each day first to honor and serve You. Make me set as a priority the reading of the Bible and the communication I must have with You through prayer. Give me the leadership needed with my family so that together we will put You first in all of our lives both in our words and our deeds.
Discipline: April 8, 2010
Training to act in accordance with rules; the training affect of experience.
He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly. Proverbs 13:24.
Harsh discipline is for him who forsakes the way, and he who hates correction will die. Proverbs 15:10.
In Hebrews chapter twelve there are some wonderful, expressive and powerful words concerning the discipline we need in our lives as believers. The message translation of this passage from the Bible talks about the discipline needed for a long-distance race and relating it to the discipline we need in our daily lives.
The previous chapter gives us the experiences of all the godly men and women in the Old Testament and how they ran their race in life. They achieved victories in their lives in spite of difficulties and oppression. They all had one thing in common --- FAITH! For example what they have left for us should challenge us to get on with it, start running our race and never quit.
To have victorious lives we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and never lose sight of where we are headed. Living the Christian life involves hard work. It takes discipline on our part to keep our eyes on Jesus.
In verses three and four we are reminded that we are in an all out fight against sin and we may have to suffer hardships. But others have suffered far worse than we have and no one more than Jesus. He shed His blood.
Then in verse 5 the author of Hebrews reminds us not to feel sorry for ourselves when we get disciplined by God. He asks if we have forgotten how good parents treat their children and that God regards us as His children. He writes: “my dear child, don’t shrug off God’s discipline, but do not be crushed by it either. It is the child He loves that he disciplines; the child He embraces, He also corrects.”
These verses go on to remind us that when God disciplines us He is educating us and treating us as dear children whom He loves. He is not punishing us through His discipline but training us just like we as good parents train our children. We respect our parents when they train us so why not embrace God’s training so we can truly live a life blessed by God. God is doing what is the very best for us, training us to live God’s holy best.
In verse eleven the purpose of discipline is given to us. “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, bur painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
The author of Hebrews goes on to challenge us to not to sit on our hands, do not drag our feet, clear the path for the runners, help each other out and run for it. We are to work at getting along with each other and with God. Make sure no one gets left out of God’s generous offer of eternal life.
Discipline in our lives make us better people and better representatives of our Lord. Parents are reminded often in God’s Word of the importance of disciplining because God considers us as His children and He disciplines us in the same manner.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
First of all we thank You for the discipline that our parents gave to us. We also praise You that being one of Your children that You discipline us to make us more useful for the purpose You have for us in our lifetime on this earth. Help me to live for You today and to learn daily from Your teachings and by Your discipline that I may be the servant You desire me to be.
Training to act in accordance with rules; the training affect of experience.
He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly. Proverbs 13:24.
Harsh discipline is for him who forsakes the way, and he who hates correction will die. Proverbs 15:10.
In Hebrews chapter twelve there are some wonderful, expressive and powerful words concerning the discipline we need in our lives as believers. The message translation of this passage from the Bible talks about the discipline needed for a long-distance race and relating it to the discipline we need in our daily lives.
The previous chapter gives us the experiences of all the godly men and women in the Old Testament and how they ran their race in life. They achieved victories in their lives in spite of difficulties and oppression. They all had one thing in common --- FAITH! For example what they have left for us should challenge us to get on with it, start running our race and never quit.
To have victorious lives we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and never lose sight of where we are headed. Living the Christian life involves hard work. It takes discipline on our part to keep our eyes on Jesus.
In verses three and four we are reminded that we are in an all out fight against sin and we may have to suffer hardships. But others have suffered far worse than we have and no one more than Jesus. He shed His blood.
Then in verse 5 the author of Hebrews reminds us not to feel sorry for ourselves when we get disciplined by God. He asks if we have forgotten how good parents treat their children and that God regards us as His children. He writes: “my dear child, don’t shrug off God’s discipline, but do not be crushed by it either. It is the child He loves that he disciplines; the child He embraces, He also corrects.”
These verses go on to remind us that when God disciplines us He is educating us and treating us as dear children whom He loves. He is not punishing us through His discipline but training us just like we as good parents train our children. We respect our parents when they train us so why not embrace God’s training so we can truly live a life blessed by God. God is doing what is the very best for us, training us to live God’s holy best.
In verse eleven the purpose of discipline is given to us. “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, bur painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
The author of Hebrews goes on to challenge us to not to sit on our hands, do not drag our feet, clear the path for the runners, help each other out and run for it. We are to work at getting along with each other and with God. Make sure no one gets left out of God’s generous offer of eternal life.
Discipline in our lives make us better people and better representatives of our Lord. Parents are reminded often in God’s Word of the importance of disciplining because God considers us as His children and He disciplines us in the same manner.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
First of all we thank You for the discipline that our parents gave to us. We also praise You that being one of Your children that You discipline us to make us more useful for the purpose You have for us in our lifetime on this earth. Help me to live for You today and to learn daily from Your teachings and by Your discipline that I may be the servant You desire me to be.
Authority: April 7, 2010
The power to determine and settle issues; the right to control; authorization.
And Jesus came and spoke to them (the disciples) saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” Matthew 28:18.
Let every soul be subject to the government authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Romans 13:1
Have you noticed the lack of respect for authority today? This includes such places as in our schools, the students for their teachers and even children to their peers. Then look at the work place for the workers toward their bosses and vice-versa.
In the verse found in Romans (above) we see that the Apostle Paul gives us direction about the authority that our government leaders have over us. First of all the scripture makes it clear that we are to respect our leaders. We are to be subject to civil authority. But when the laws of civil governments conflict with the explicit commandments of God, then believers must say , as it is written in Acts 5:29, “we ought to obey God rather than man.”
Christians must stand for what is right in God’s sight and according to what the scriptures teach us. When those in authority require us to do anything that goes against God’s Word and His spiritual standards then we must as Christian’s rebel. When one goes against government leaders and follows the standards that God gives us, it comes with a price. In the Bible we find that those that believed in God often had to rebel against those in authority who were requiring them to break one or more of God’s commandments.
When this happened, they all knew there would be consequences. Daniel was thrown into a Lion’s den. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace and many of the apostles and Paul were persecuted and paid with their lives.
No ruler can claim divine rights. The existence, the authority, the position, and the offices of government all are ordained by God according to His purposes. There are three institutions ordained by God. They are the family, the church and the government. All three exist because God set them up as the means by which men are to relate to each other and to Him as our God. Without some structure of authority we would have chaos. God expects the leaders of these institutions to be honorable and just and to operate within His laws. Remember those in authority in all three institutions ordained by God, are answerable to a higher authority than themselves. They must answer to God Himself and give an account to Him.
The scripture teaches us about family authority. In Ephesians 5 and 6, we are reminded that children should obey and respect the authority of their parents. Parents must recognize the areas of authority each has in the family and be willing to submit to each other. There first priority must be to submit to the authority of God.
Jesus taught the disciples in Matthew 28: 18 (above) that “All authority was given to Jesus both in heaven and here on earth.” We know that we need to at all times, as believers, respect the authority of our Lord. In Matthew 7:29 we read that Jesus was teaching His disciples as one having authority, not as the scribes of the day taught.
When one is in a position of authority God expects that authority to be administered in humility and with respect. As believers our Lord expects us to go into all the world with authority and preach the gospel. This is our God ordained position of authority. In Titus 2:15 we are told to speak these things (the saving grace of our Lord), “exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you” --- because you are God’s spokesperson.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Thank You for the authority that You give those that put their complete trust in You. Help me today to understand Your Word and the commandments in Your Word so that I might live my life in accordance to Your will. Help me to respect the leaders in our family, in our church and in our government. Give me the proper discernment between right and wrong. Bless my family today as we honor You in all that we do.
The power to determine and settle issues; the right to control; authorization.
And Jesus came and spoke to them (the disciples) saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” Matthew 28:18.
Let every soul be subject to the government authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Romans 13:1
Have you noticed the lack of respect for authority today? This includes such places as in our schools, the students for their teachers and even children to their peers. Then look at the work place for the workers toward their bosses and vice-versa.
In the verse found in Romans (above) we see that the Apostle Paul gives us direction about the authority that our government leaders have over us. First of all the scripture makes it clear that we are to respect our leaders. We are to be subject to civil authority. But when the laws of civil governments conflict with the explicit commandments of God, then believers must say , as it is written in Acts 5:29, “we ought to obey God rather than man.”
Christians must stand for what is right in God’s sight and according to what the scriptures teach us. When those in authority require us to do anything that goes against God’s Word and His spiritual standards then we must as Christian’s rebel. When one goes against government leaders and follows the standards that God gives us, it comes with a price. In the Bible we find that those that believed in God often had to rebel against those in authority who were requiring them to break one or more of God’s commandments.
When this happened, they all knew there would be consequences. Daniel was thrown into a Lion’s den. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace and many of the apostles and Paul were persecuted and paid with their lives.
No ruler can claim divine rights. The existence, the authority, the position, and the offices of government all are ordained by God according to His purposes. There are three institutions ordained by God. They are the family, the church and the government. All three exist because God set them up as the means by which men are to relate to each other and to Him as our God. Without some structure of authority we would have chaos. God expects the leaders of these institutions to be honorable and just and to operate within His laws. Remember those in authority in all three institutions ordained by God, are answerable to a higher authority than themselves. They must answer to God Himself and give an account to Him.
The scripture teaches us about family authority. In Ephesians 5 and 6, we are reminded that children should obey and respect the authority of their parents. Parents must recognize the areas of authority each has in the family and be willing to submit to each other. There first priority must be to submit to the authority of God.
Jesus taught the disciples in Matthew 28: 18 (above) that “All authority was given to Jesus both in heaven and here on earth.” We know that we need to at all times, as believers, respect the authority of our Lord. In Matthew 7:29 we read that Jesus was teaching His disciples as one having authority, not as the scribes of the day taught.
When one is in a position of authority God expects that authority to be administered in humility and with respect. As believers our Lord expects us to go into all the world with authority and preach the gospel. This is our God ordained position of authority. In Titus 2:15 we are told to speak these things (the saving grace of our Lord), “exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you” --- because you are God’s spokesperson.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Thank You for the authority that You give those that put their complete trust in You. Help me today to understand Your Word and the commandments in Your Word so that I might live my life in accordance to Your will. Help me to respect the leaders in our family, in our church and in our government. Give me the proper discernment between right and wrong. Bless my family today as we honor You in all that we do.
Time: April 6, 2010
A system of measuring; a limited period or interval of time; a particular period.
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastics 3: 1.
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. Revelation 1:3.
Ninety –nine years ago today my father (Ken) was born. I mention this because he taught us both a lot about how to spend our time. I (Ken) can remember hearing many times my father telling me that since I came to find Jesus as my Savior, time was my most valuable asset. He constantly reminded me that God had put us here on this earth for a purpose and when we made our commitment to God, we were to spend every moment of our time working for our Lord. Our words, our actions and all we did needed to be done in honor of Him.
Ken’s father led us by example. He was always involved in multiple projects and was always willing to talk to someone who needed help, especially help in communicating the good news of the Gospel to the masses.
God has given us time to first come to know Him and then time to be a witness for Him in the world we live in. In the verse above from Ecclesiastics we are reminded that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. When Jesus was looking for His disciples He was looking for men that would give their time to Him. He was asking for a life-long commitment that began by believing in Him, then learning from Him and finally speaking for Him. This is what God expects from us today.
One of the biggest concerns we have today is the concern as to how people spend their time. People always find time to do the things they really want to do, but spending time with the Lord is not usually one of them. These people seem to be lazy and say that they just do not have time to give to the Lord. We hear so many excuses about why one cannot go to church, teach Sunday school, be involved in a home Bible study group, go on a short term mission trip or just about anything that involves God.
A recent study reported that the average person in America will spend in a lifetime 20 years working, 10 years watching television and movies in their home, 6 years eating, 7 years watching entertainment things outside of their home, 5 years dressing, 1 year on the telephone or their cell phone, 1 year working or attending a church or involved in a charitable project and finally 3 years doing nothing or just waiting.
These numbers are staggering and make us even more concerned that many people seem to be too busy to take the time daily to read the Bible and to pray. If one is a true believer in Jesus the reading of God’s Word and praying daily must be a daily priority and TIME must be taken to do this daily. How can you expect God to protect you, bless you and guide you if you do not communicate with Him? We can be thankful that God is never too busy for us. He always has time to listen to our prayers and to provide for all of our needs.
People allow themselves to get too busy with their job, playtimes, television and parties at the expense of their relationship with God. We have communicated in prior devotionals what we did as we raised our family concerning time designated to read the Bible and to pray. We made dinner every night a priority for every one of us to be together. We ate together, we prayed together, we read the Bible together, we memorized a Bible verse together and we talked together. Every night, seven days a week, this was a meaningful time in our daily schedule and we were committed to keeping it. Without this commitment it would have been easy to let other things interfere. We all knew that God deserved this priority time in our lives. And we believe God blessed us as a family because we honored Him in this way.
The way we spend our time is based on the priorities we set in our own lives. A person has the capability to manage his or her time based on their desire and will find the time they need to do what they want to do. So if God is left out of one’s schedule it is by their choice.
We urge you every night to write yourself a note and plan your next day. Put in the time you will pray and read the Bible. Put in the time you will do other things to serve the Lord. The next day you need to check them off as you do them and then see how God will bless you --- only if you include Him in the schedule. Plan your time wisely and include God and your family first.
Our memory verse this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.
Help me to make the time I have each day to be productive in serving You. Give me the discipline and flexibility to plan my day with time to spend with You. And I pray that You would help me to lead my spouse, children, family and friends so that they will have the same desire that I have to spend time with You.
A system of measuring; a limited period or interval of time; a particular period.
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastics 3: 1.
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. Revelation 1:3.
Ninety –nine years ago today my father (Ken) was born. I mention this because he taught us both a lot about how to spend our time. I (Ken) can remember hearing many times my father telling me that since I came to find Jesus as my Savior, time was my most valuable asset. He constantly reminded me that God had put us here on this earth for a purpose and when we made our commitment to God, we were to spend every moment of our time working for our Lord. Our words, our actions and all we did needed to be done in honor of Him.
Ken’s father led us by example. He was always involved in multiple projects and was always willing to talk to someone who needed help, especially help in communicating the good news of the Gospel to the masses.
God has given us time to first come to know Him and then time to be a witness for Him in the world we live in. In the verse above from Ecclesiastics we are reminded that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. When Jesus was looking for His disciples He was looking for men that would give their time to Him. He was asking for a life-long commitment that began by believing in Him, then learning from Him and finally speaking for Him. This is what God expects from us today.
One of the biggest concerns we have today is the concern as to how people spend their time. People always find time to do the things they really want to do, but spending time with the Lord is not usually one of them. These people seem to be lazy and say that they just do not have time to give to the Lord. We hear so many excuses about why one cannot go to church, teach Sunday school, be involved in a home Bible study group, go on a short term mission trip or just about anything that involves God.
A recent study reported that the average person in America will spend in a lifetime 20 years working, 10 years watching television and movies in their home, 6 years eating, 7 years watching entertainment things outside of their home, 5 years dressing, 1 year on the telephone or their cell phone, 1 year working or attending a church or involved in a charitable project and finally 3 years doing nothing or just waiting.
These numbers are staggering and make us even more concerned that many people seem to be too busy to take the time daily to read the Bible and to pray. If one is a true believer in Jesus the reading of God’s Word and praying daily must be a daily priority and TIME must be taken to do this daily. How can you expect God to protect you, bless you and guide you if you do not communicate with Him? We can be thankful that God is never too busy for us. He always has time to listen to our prayers and to provide for all of our needs.
People allow themselves to get too busy with their job, playtimes, television and parties at the expense of their relationship with God. We have communicated in prior devotionals what we did as we raised our family concerning time designated to read the Bible and to pray. We made dinner every night a priority for every one of us to be together. We ate together, we prayed together, we read the Bible together, we memorized a Bible verse together and we talked together. Every night, seven days a week, this was a meaningful time in our daily schedule and we were committed to keeping it. Without this commitment it would have been easy to let other things interfere. We all knew that God deserved this priority time in our lives. And we believe God blessed us as a family because we honored Him in this way.
The way we spend our time is based on the priorities we set in our own lives. A person has the capability to manage his or her time based on their desire and will find the time they need to do what they want to do. So if God is left out of one’s schedule it is by their choice.
We urge you every night to write yourself a note and plan your next day. Put in the time you will pray and read the Bible. Put in the time you will do other things to serve the Lord. The next day you need to check them off as you do them and then see how God will bless you --- only if you include Him in the schedule. Plan your time wisely and include God and your family first.
Our memory verse this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.
Help me to make the time I have each day to be productive in serving You. Give me the discipline and flexibility to plan my day with time to spend with You. And I pray that You would help me to lead my spouse, children, family and friends so that they will have the same desire that I have to spend time with You.
Ascension: April 5, 2010
The bodily ascension of Christ from earth to heaven.
He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things. Ephesians 4:10.
It has been our prayer that this past Easter weekend has been a time of celebration for you and your family. One of the things that make Easter special for us is being with family. Together we remembered the death of Jesus and then rejoiced in His resurrection. Easter is the most significant day in the life of a Christian and a day we should all give thanks to our Lord for what He did for us.
After the resurrection of Jesus He remained on earth for 40 days to give proof that He had risen and that He was still alive. In Mark 16 we are told that three women (Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome) came to the tomb. And in Matthew 28 we are told that two women (Mary Magdalene and the mother of James) came to the tomb and in John 20 we read of Mary Magdalene coming to the empty tomb and after talking to the two angels turned around and saw Jesus standing in front of her.
Over the forty days He appeared to the disciples many times and also appeared to many others. In I Corinthians 15 Paul tells us that He was seen by over 500 at one time, probably when He went back to Galilee. Yes, we can be assured we serve a risen Savior who is alive. This is why Easter is such a significant day in the life of a Christian.
Today our word is ASCENSION. Forty days after the resurrection of Jesus we are told that He ascended into heaven. The scripture above from Ephesians reminds us that He who ascended into heaven is the same One that descended to this earth. This is a portrayal of Jesus being not only our deliverer but now our Mediator. Jesus is in Heaven not only preparing for us as believers a place to spend eternity with Him (John 14:1-6) but He is our Mediator between God and us.
What a day it will also be for us as believers when Jesus comes to take us to be with Him. We too will be resurrected and join our Lord and Savior in the air. Then we will begin our eternity with Him.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
We thank You for Your death, resurrection and ascension back to Your home in Heaven. Thank You for being my mediator between God and me. I am so excited Lord to be able to celebrate at this Easter season Your resurrection. I thank You that because of Your death and resurrection I will be spending eternity with You.
The bodily ascension of Christ from earth to heaven.
He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things. Ephesians 4:10.
It has been our prayer that this past Easter weekend has been a time of celebration for you and your family. One of the things that make Easter special for us is being with family. Together we remembered the death of Jesus and then rejoiced in His resurrection. Easter is the most significant day in the life of a Christian and a day we should all give thanks to our Lord for what He did for us.
After the resurrection of Jesus He remained on earth for 40 days to give proof that He had risen and that He was still alive. In Mark 16 we are told that three women (Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome) came to the tomb. And in Matthew 28 we are told that two women (Mary Magdalene and the mother of James) came to the tomb and in John 20 we read of Mary Magdalene coming to the empty tomb and after talking to the two angels turned around and saw Jesus standing in front of her.
Over the forty days He appeared to the disciples many times and also appeared to many others. In I Corinthians 15 Paul tells us that He was seen by over 500 at one time, probably when He went back to Galilee. Yes, we can be assured we serve a risen Savior who is alive. This is why Easter is such a significant day in the life of a Christian.
Today our word is ASCENSION. Forty days after the resurrection of Jesus we are told that He ascended into heaven. The scripture above from Ephesians reminds us that He who ascended into heaven is the same One that descended to this earth. This is a portrayal of Jesus being not only our deliverer but now our Mediator. Jesus is in Heaven not only preparing for us as believers a place to spend eternity with Him (John 14:1-6) but He is our Mediator between God and us.
What a day it will also be for us as believers when Jesus comes to take us to be with Him. We too will be resurrected and join our Lord and Savior in the air. Then we will begin our eternity with Him.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
We thank You for Your death, resurrection and ascension back to Your home in Heaven. Thank You for being my mediator between God and me. I am so excited Lord to be able to celebrate at this Easter season Your resurrection. I thank You that because of Your death and resurrection I will be spending eternity with You.
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