June 27, 2010

Apperciation: June 24, 2010

Today's Word for Thursday June 24, 2010



Recognizing the worth of; esteem duly; be fully conscious of.


"Now to God and Father be glory forever and ever. Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you." Philippians 4:20-21.

Paul is closing his letter to the church at Philippi but has one more item to cover that we can learn from. He expresses his appreciation to God and for his fellow believers.

First of all he wants to remind us that God is to be praised as God. He is God, the Creator and Sovereign ruler of the universe. God has made all things and governs all. An eternity of declaration could be proclaimed about God and because He is God, He is to be praised.

Secondly God is to be praised because He is our Father. Here is the Sovereign Majesty of the universe who humbled Himself so much that He adopted us as His sons and daughters. Just think about how we as people have responded. We have criticized, grumbled and complained about how He has ruled for us. We have cursed His name. We have rebelled and rejected Him. We have questioned and denied Him and even scoffed at the very idea that He is God. We have deliberately disobeyed Him. We have chosen to live as we please and to do our own thing instead of following Him.

Our attitude and behavior toward God has been unacceptable, BUT, He has not wiped us out even though it was what we deserve. Instead He sent His Son to this world to declare that He loves us and wants to reconcile us to Himself. He wants to be our Father. This is the great humility and mercy of God. He has given us what we do not deserve. Isn't this enough to make us want to praise and glorify Him as our Father forever and ever? Is this not enough for us to show appreciation for all God has done for us?

There is so much we need to be thankful for and show our appreciation for when we consider who God is and all that He has given us. Webster says that appreciation is recognizing the worth of. God is worthy of our appreciation. I Chronicles 16:25, "For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise."

Praise is how we show our appreciation to God. Praise and thanksgiving should be part of every prayer.

In the world we live in today children seem to show so very little appreciation to their parents. This is because they are not taught appreciation and more important they do not see appreciation expressed through their parents walk and talk.

In the work place today hard work and a job well done often goes without any recognition or appreciation. Instead each worker is striving to only make themselves look good and they look to seeking every opportunity to find fault with other workers.

The apostle Paul in all his letters sets an example for his fellow believers. Believers need to show love and appreciation first and foremost to God for all that He has provided for us as sinners. Then Paul shows us the importance of showing appreciation to our fellow believers and to pray for them. As Christians we should show appreciation to those we work with, and pray for them daily. And certainly we should show appreciation to all of our family members and pray not only for them but with them.

As you pray today think about whom God is and all that He has given you. Think about His compassion and love He showed you when He gave His only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you. Think about your fellow Christians and thank God for them and pray God's blessing on them.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:16.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


I acknowledge You as my God and my creator knowing that You are worthy of my praise and appreciation. I thank You for Your great gift of my salvation through Your Son Jesus. I thank You for my Christian friends and I pray that You will bless them and meet their every need. Help me to lead my family to showing the right appreciation to You for all that You have done for us.

Call: June 25, 2010

Today's Word for Friday June 25, 2010



Announce, proclaim, summon, designate, characterize, utter loudly, to call to a duty, a divine summons, an occupation or vocation.


"I Paul and my companions of faith here, send greetings to the Galatian churches. My authority for writing to you does not come from any popular vote of the people, nor does it come through the appointment of some human higher-up. It comes directly from Jesus the Messiah and God the Father. I am God commissioned." Galatians 1:1, from the message translation.


In the above verse the apostle Paul is referring to his call from God. When he wrote this letter to the Church at Galatia and then later to Timothy he wrote as one called by God by the commandments of God and of Jesus. Paul had a personal encounter with Jesus so he knew he was called by Jesus Himself and that he was an apostle by Christ's authority.

In the first chapter of I Timothy Paul gives Timothy a challenge that is relevant for us today. Paul is a compassionate apostle writing a beloved son in the faith to warn and instruct the people to keep "the faith" by keeping sound doctrine.

We are also a son of Paul in the faith so what he writes to Timothy is written also to us. He gives a strong but warm and tender greeting, "Timothy, my own son in the faith: grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord."

Paul is not only an ambassador of God to Timothy but also a father, fathering him as his son in the faith. Paul gives to Timothy in I Timothy chapter 1 several details about his call from God to preach the gospel.

As believers we all receive our call from God as to how we are to serve Him. For some it is a call to preach, a call to be a missionary, a call to be a teacher or a call to be in Christian ministry. For others it is a call to be a mother, a call to be a prayer warrior, a call to be an electrician or a call to be in business. But whatever it is, we are all called by God and we need to prepare ourselves for the call given to us. This preparation demands daily work. We must daily as believers communicate to God through prayer and listen for God's direction and leading by reading His Word.

God called Paul to be an apostle, one who is sent out or sent forth. An Apostle is a representative of God, an ambassador, an envoy, a person sent out to represent God0.. Three things are necessary and true about being an earthly ambassador or an apostle of Jesus Christ. First, he represents and belongs to the one who sent him out. Secondly, he is commissioned to be sent out. Thirdly, he possesses all the authority and power of the person who sent him out.

Paul goes on to say that he was an apostle by the command of God. He was under orders and under obligation to be a minister of Jesus Christ. He was also an apostle because of God our Savior. God is the source of our salvation and this is our message: We are all sinners and the penalty for our sins is death, but we can be delivered from sin, death, and the judgment to come because Jesus paid the penalty. Paul wanted to serve Christ because he acknowledged that Jesus was his Savior and Lord. No matter what call God has given us in life, we should desire to serve Him because He is our Savior and Lord.

Paul was also an apostle because Jesus Christ was his only hope for a life in heaven for all eternity. Man hopes for all kinds of things mainly because he lacks them and desires them, not because he needs them. The hope we need is to be found in Jesus. Paul preached that Jesus is our hope and that when we put our hope and trust in Jesus, we become complete and satisfied in Christ Jesus because we have absolute assurance of eternal life.

Just as Paul and Timothy were called of God, you as a believer in Jesus have been called of God. Do you know you're calling? Are you working daily in fulfilling your calling as God leads and directs you to do? Now is the time to listen to and apply to your life what Paul has to say and then ask God for His leadership in your life.

Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:16.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


Our prayer is that we may be sensitive to Your call in our lives. Thank You that we know beyond any doubt that when we become Your child that You call us to be Your representative. May we represent You today in such a way that we bring glory and honor to Your name.

Example: June 23, 2010

Today's Word for Wednesday June 23, 2010



One of a number of things that show the character of all; a model.


"Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those that walk according to the pattern you have in us." Philippians 3:17


We can remember when one of our children, when quite young, said - I can walk just like daddy. We have always been very sensitive to walking a life that honors God because we know not only our children but friends and acquaintances are watching us daily. In fact some people watch just waiting for us to stumble so they can say or think, "just what I thought; they really are not consistent in their walk as Christians."

The way we live and what we do influences people. We may not want to influence them, but it does not matter whether we want to or not: they are influenced. Everyone that knows us, including our family and friends, watch for the good and bad and think of what they see and hear as an example for them. It may be conscious or unconscious, intentional or unintentional, but willing or unwilling we set an example for those that know us. We influence people by how we live and by what we do.

The word of Paul from Philippians, in the above passage, gives us one of the most important messages for all believers. All believers must make sure they are following the right examples of Christian living. Paul is challenging us to follow his example. He could say this because he was following Christ's example. In the previous three verses (12-14) Paul says he knows he is not perfect but he keeps on trying to be more like Christ. None of us are perfect and we all need to strive daily to be all that God wants us to be so that others can see Christ in us.

The point is this: the life we live, if we say that we are a believer, sets a pattern for others to follow. Others are observing us in all that we do. This should serve as a warning to us of great critical importance. We must live on the highest plane possible. We must set the most positive and dynamic example possible for others to follow.

Paul also said "to take note of those who walk according to the pattern you have in us." If we are going to look at someone as our example, we must make sure that they are following Christ's example as Paul did. We must follow only those that have a positive Godly example.

Christians in Paul's day did not have Bibles. If they would have, Paul would have said to follow what God's Word said. As Christians we do have the Bible so in order to be the example God wants us to be, we must read the Bible. Remember if you choose to follow an example of someone make sure that someone measures up to Christ's example and is obedient to God's Word.

When a person like Paul, who is an example for us to follow as believers, lives his life on the highest plane, he lives like Christ told us to live.

What kind of an example are you living today? Do you understand that you are being watched? Make sure your life, your walk and your talk, serve as an example to others so that they will see Christ in you and through you.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:16.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


Give me this day the confidence to live my life so that I am an example of You in all that I do. May my life first be an example to my spouse and my children. May my walk and talk honor You in all that I do and then be that example that You expect from me.

False Teachers: June 22, 2010

Today's Word for Tuesday June 22, 2010



Speaking not according to the fact; untrue; not telling the truth.


"Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers." Philippians 3:2


Paul continues to warn the believers in the church at Philippi, just as he is warning us, to guard ourselves by rejoicing in the Lord and by reading the scriptures daily and living by them.

Today in this verse Paul is telling us to guard ourselves by watching out for false teachers. Paul was constantly facing false teachers who were savage in their attacks on him. He mentions in this verse his concern about false teachers and how we are to guard against them.

First, he tells us to be aware of false teachers who act like dogs. Both Jews and gentiles of his day called each other dogs as a term of contempt. The word dog was the lowest title possible to convey contempt and ridicule. Dog refers to wild dogs of that day that roamed the forests day and night. They were scavengers who could be vicious and dangerous.

Paul refers to false teachers who are just like wild dogs. They seek out all who will listen and consume them with their false teachings. When one responds to them to defend their true belief in God they will snarl and become vicious and do all they can to destroy one's belief in the truth. In Matthew 7:6, Jesus tells us to beware of false teachers that come to us in sheep's clothing. These are whom Paul is talking about here.

Secondly, Paul tells us to beware of false teachers who are evil workers. There were some in the churches at that time that were teaching that the gentiles had to be circumcised and keep the Jewish laws as part of salvation. These are people who hold to and teach high standards of righteousness, morality and religion. They are absolutely sure that their righteousness and good deeds are what makes them acceptable to God. They think that there is no way God would reject them.

Paul called them evil workers because they taught that it was by what we do through our own works that we come to God instead of by God's saving grace. Jesus died on the cross to offer His free gift of salvation. Any teaching that adds to God's plan of salvation by grace through faith is false teaching.

Paul in this verse also is referring to those who live and teach evil by the way they live and talk about morality, righteousness and religion. These types live immoral, indulgent and extravagant lives and do all they can to mix both a religious and indulgent lifestyle.

False teachers always oppose the Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation by grace alone. By their actions they do not accept God's Son, Jesus. They accept what they choose of His teaching but deny or ignore salvation by His blood. Such false teachers are referred to by Paul as evil workers.

The Congress here in America has taken God out of the public schools. Children are not being taught about God but they are being taught to be anti-God. Immorality, violence, sex, drugs, you name it, is prevalent on school campuses today. Every parent must make it a priority to know what their children are being taught. You must teach your children to beware of false teachings and the evil doers on the school campuses. Parents must make it their business to know who their children are spending time with and what they are doing.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:16.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


As the apostle Paul has advised us how to beware of evil and false teachers affecting our lives, we ask You to give us, our family, wisdom and direction how we can put You first place in our lives. Keep us alert to guarding our faith and to beware of false teachers that may try to work into our lives. Keep us reading Your Word and communicating daily with You through prayer

Scriptures: June 21, 2010

Today's Word for Monday June 21, 2010


The Bible; Any sacred writing.


"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." II Timothy 3:16

"Finally my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me is not grievous, but for you it is safe." Philippians 3:1


In the last devotional we sent you, we talked about the first of four ways Paul told us how we could and should guard against the trials of life we face daily. We first learned that we should at all times be alert for all evil influences we face and rejoice in the Lord always.

The second way that Paul tells us, in verse one, is through the writings - the scripture. The scriptures are full of promises that we as believers need to heed in order to guard against the trials of life we face. The scripture is as powerful to us as a two edged sword, we are told, and is our defense in the spiritual and moral battle we face.

Paul notes in this first verse that he is writing some things that he has written before. But he says it is so important it must be written again. The scripture says that it was written to instruct us and to help us in pressing on for Christ. No person can press on and grow spiritually without heeding the scripture. If we fail to study and obey the scripture we will cave in either to the trials of life or to false teaching. Only as we obey the scripture which contains the commandments of the Lord, can we show our daily love and loyalty to the Lord.

Over and over in the scriptures we are told to obey the Word of the Lord and keep His commandments. It is so important that in just one chapter, John 14, Jesus said three times to obey His commandments.

In verse fifteen Jesus says, "If you love me, keep My commandments." In verse twenty-one Jesus said, "He that has My commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves Me: and he that loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him."

In verse twenty-three Jesus says, "If a man loves Me, he will keep My words, and My Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our abode with him."

It is not only necessary to keep God's commandments to show we love Him, but if we truly love Him we will want to obey His Word. We must read and study the scripture daily in order for us to put up our guard against the evil we face daily in our lives.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:16.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


Today I turn my life completely over into Your hands. Help me to be on guard in my daily life and help me to study and obey Your Word - the scripture - in a new and fresh way, so that I can not be affected by the evil of this world and any false teaching that comes my way.

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