February 17, 2013

Gems of Encouragement: February 16, 2013



The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord. Proverbs 21:31.


With God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies. Psalm 60:12


My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

Weapon: February 15, 2013




Any instrument used in fighting.


"But everyone went down to the Philistines to sharpen his mans plow-share, his mattock, his ax, and his sickle." I Samuel 13:20


The children of Israel were at war with the evil Philistines but they were little equipped to conquer anyone as they had no weapons. All they had were their farm tools. There were no swords or spears to be found in Israel. Only Saul and his son, Jonathan, had them. The children of Israel made themselves prepared as best they could. They had their tools sharpened. These rough farm tools needed to be sharpened so they could inflict deadly blows.

As God lead them they went to the Philistine villages and had their farm tools sharpened so that they were ready for battle. It never dawned on the Philistines that the Israelites would use their farm tools in battle. The lesson we should learn from this is that God can use whatever we have if we are obedient and willing to follow His command. Even though the Children of Israel had their farm tools sharpened for battle, they never had to use them because God won the battle for them although they had gone into the battle prepared.

Today, we, as believers are in a war against evil just like Saul was. Our weapons are different, but they need to be sharpened. Just as in the days of Saul, every weapon that we have available to us must be used: Faith, the knowledge of God’s Word, prayer and obedience are necessary equipment for every Christian warrior. We must keep our weapons sharpened and ready for action.

The battle of good and evil rages all around us. Satan never sleeps so we must be prepared for battle at every moment. We need quickness of perception. This means that we need to be alert to see and recognize evil when it approaches us. We need strength, an unwavering faith, wisdom, energy and a prepared heart to respond to evil. All of the resources that God has given us must be employed daily in our Christian walk as weapons to fight against the evil we face.

For the children of Israel, it was war to protect what God had given them. For us, today, it is war to protect our faith in Jesus Christ. God has promised to be with us just as He promised the children of Israel. He kept His word with them and He will do the same for us.

One of our longtime friends owns and operates a company that manufactures parts for weapons. Often he has told us how important it is that every part that they manufacture is accurate and sharpened with perfection. Our friend also told us that if just one item was not done exactly according to the specs given, the contract would be cancelled. Perfection in the making of today's weapons is expected and God expects us to sharpen our weapons to perfection so we are ready for the battle against evil. This is what God wants for us. We need to sharpen daily all the weapons that God has given us. Just like the children of Israel we may not have swords or spears but we can take our "FARM TOOLS" that God has given us and sharpen them to be used for His glory.

The best weapon we have to challenge the evils of this world is the Bible. Hebrews 4:12 describes God's Word as the sword: "For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword, and it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

As parents we thought it of utmost importance to arm our children with God's Word. Part of our family devotional time each evening was spent in memorizing scripture verses. When having to defend our faith nothing squelches the fire of an argument like God's Word. No one can successfully argue against God's Word because the Word is like a sword, it pierces to the heart and soul of the unbeliever.

The Bible verses that we recall the quickest are the ones we learned as children. Children learn quickly so begin to arm them early with the sword of God's Word. You will never regret it.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I Thessalonians 5:18.

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Thank You for the resources that You have given me. Help me to understand that these resources need to be continually sharpened so I will be well equipped and ready to fight the evil challenges of the devil I must fight daily. Help my family to sharpen their weapons, so together we stand well prepared to represent You with honor and with praise.

Stones: February 14, 2013




A piece or substance of rock; a gem; a hard rounded object.


"I tell you that, if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out." Luke 19:40


It was during Jesus last week on earth that Jesus publicly proclaimed that He was indeed the promised Messiah. He chose the time of Passover week when large crowds would be gathered in Jerusalem. As He made His triumphal entry, riding on a donkey into Jerusalem, the large crowd hailed Him as Messiah and broke out into joyful praise to God, singing, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Luke 19:38)

The Pharisees considered this blasphemy and ordered Jesus to tell the crowd to be quiet. Jesus reply was, “If the people should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.”

But could the stones cry out? Yes they could if God, who opens the mouth of the dumb, should tell them to lift up their voice and talk. If they were to speak, they would have much to say in praise of God who created them by the word of His power. They would proclaim with a loud voice the wisdom and power of their maker who called them into being.

If even the rocks recognize their creator, should not we speak well of Him and praise Him, who made us, and not only made us, but made us anew through the power of His salvation. The old rocks could tell of chaos and order, and the handiwork of God in stages of creations drama. Therefore, how can we not help but to talk of God's great work in ancient times, as well as what He continues to do for those that love Him and are His children.

If the stones were to speak, they could tell how He saw that they were taken from the quarry and broken to fit perfectly for the temple. How much greater should be our desire to tell how are hearts were broken with the reading of God's Word that He might shape our hearts into a temple of worship and mold us into a useable representative of Him as one of His children.

If the stones would cry out they would magnify their builder, who polished them and set them carefully in His temple. In the same way should we not cry out to all that will listen to us of our architect and builder, who has made us and placed us where He wants us to be?

Our Savior, Jesus saw that the stone at the door of the tomb was rolled away so we can be certain that Jesus died and paid the penalty for our sins. Take a moment and wonder what that stone would say if it could speak to us today.

Some of the Pharisees watching with the crowds were yelling to Jesus to stop His disciples. Jesus had come to fulfill the will and purpose of God, His heavenly Father. There is no one or nothing in this world that can interfere with the will of God.  But Jesus, honored by some as Lord and Messiah and rejected by others, kept moving on His way to Jerusalem to fulfill all the prophecies concerning Him as God's Son and our redeemer.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I Thessalonians 5:18.

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Thank You for this application that we can learn from as we study Your word. If even the stones could recognize Jesus as their creator, how much more should I acknowledge that You are not only my creator but my Lord and Savior. Thank You Lord for coming to this earth to be my Messiah.

Speak: February 13, 2013




To utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice; to communicate vocally; to converse.


If anyone speaks, he should do as one speaking the very words of God. I Peter 4:11

But Jesus remained silent. Matthew 26:63


We all learn, often the hard way that at times it is right to speak up and at times it is better to remain silent. When Jesus was taken before the high priest and getting close to His trial, they wanted testimony against Jesus so they could put Him to death. In Matthew 26:63 we are told that Jesus kept silent and answered nothing. Jesus, in this passage, was fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 53:7.

We are not told why Jesus kept silent but certainly Jesus had a reason and a purpose to remain silent. Jesus knew God’s plan and the purpose of His trial and He also knew what was in the hearts of the accusers. They were desperate to find a reason to get rid of Jesus. For Jesus to respond to their false charges would have been futile. Their minds were made up.

Yes, there is a time for all of us to speak and a time for us to keep quiet. Unfortunately, many people do not know when to keep quiet. It seems that at times some people just like to hear themselves talk. And then there are others who argue for arguments sake and love to have the last word.

In the above scripture from I Peter we are told that when we speak, we are to speak as one speaking the very words of God. What this means is that all of our conversations should honor God and be in keeping with the laws of God as written for us in God’s Word. For most believers this is difficult to do but it is the way God wants us to speak. 

Early in His ministry, Jesus often rebuked the Pharisees and exposed their wrong thinking and motives. When He needed to, He spoke.  Saying nothing may allow wrongdoers to go unchallenged in their evil ways. Everyone who knows the Word of God knows the truth and therefore must speak out to refute those who are proclaiming untruth.

When John wrote I John his purpose was to correct false teaching, so when he heard about the false teachings of some of the churches he spoke up against them.

Paul was always very concerned about what he spoke and how he spoke. His first priority was to speak the gospel message, the very words of God. Paul desired not only to speak the truth about Jesus but he wanted to speak it boldly. In Ephesians 6:19 he asked for others to “Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.”

In the New Testament the word “boldly” is used to describe Paul’s preaching. In Acts 18:26 it says Paul “began to speak boldly in the synagogue. (Ephesus) In Acts 14:23 we find Paul in Iconium “speaking” boldly for the Lord.”

In I Timothy 4:12 one of the things Paul instructed Timothy to do was to set an example for believers by his speech. We can remember talking to our children many times about how they spoke to people and urged them to think about what they would say and how they would say it before they opened up their mouth. The arguments they had with each other as children could easily have been avoided if they had not egged each other on and had stopped to think before they talked. We tried to impress on them the truth of Proverbs 15:1 that reads, “A gentle answer turns away wrath.”

God wants us to speak His Word, speak kindly and speak boldly about our faith. God will give us His direction when we put our trust in Him and He will direct our paths and our speech. Silence can be valuable so do not break it unless you can improve on it.


Our memory verse this week is found in I Thessalonians 5:18.

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Help me to learn when to speak and when to remain silent. May I always speak boldly when I have opportunity to share my faith about You. Help me to instill in my family the knowledge of when to speak and when to be silent.

Sought: February 12, 2013




Go in search or quest of; attempt to discover or obtain.


"And they shall be called the Holy people, the redeemed of the Lord; and you shall be called sought out, a city not forsaken." Isaiah 62:12


In the wonderful grace of God it is seen very clearly that we were not only sought by God but sought out. There is a difference between seeking something with little value and seeking out something with great value. We constantly look for things in the house that we have misplaced or lost. Usually, the item is not of great value and is something that could be easily replaced.  While we search for this kind of item we usually are not too concerned. The loss of the item will not have a life-changing effect.

When the item is very valuable our searching is more intense and we go to no ends of trouble and effort in seeking out the item. It is this kind of seeking out that God has done for us. We were lost but because of God’s great love for us as one of His own children. God seeks us out. Just as we would seek for a valuable treasure we had lost.

Before we knew Christ we were lost. We were wandering in the darkness of our sins and wallowing in the filth of our wickedness. In God's sight we were like a precious piece of gold that had fallen into a sewer. Gold is precious but we are more precious to God than gold, and therefore we are sought by Him. In His mercy He came to us while we were wandering and lost in sin to bring us the good news of the gospel. We were lost sheep, desperately lost, as though we had wandered into another country. We might think we are so lost it would be impossible for the good Shepherd to find us in our wanderings.

By the power of God's unspeakable grace, He found us and sought us out to be one of His children. God never relinquishes His search until the "chosen" are sought out effectively. As believers, we are not sought out today and cast away tomorrow.

It is only because of the matchless mercy and grace of God our Father that He would even to be willing to seek us out. That He really does is really beyond our human understanding. Not only has God sought us out but He gave His Son to die for us and give us the greatest treasure of all ---- eternal life. When you think of what God has done to seek us out it should lift up your heart in wonder and you should praise the Lord daily that you were sought out.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I Thessalonians 5:18.

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Thank You for seeking me out because I was lost in the depth of an ugly and sinful world. Thank You for the salvation You brought to me so that I could become one of Your children.

Snail: February 11, 2013




A slow mover - a mollusk with a spiral shell.


"But we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4


One of our earliest childhood experiences was watching snails crawl around in our flower gardens. Even though they were fascinating to watch we were always taken aback as to how slow they were. It is noted that a snail can move at about 40 feet an hour. No wonder we often use the phrase, "moving at a snail's pace" when we refer to extreme slowness. In today’s fast paced world we have little patience for anything that goes at a snail’s pace. When things do not come quickly or easily, most often people just give up.

One virtue that a slow snail has is perseverance. The great preacher, Charles Spurgeon, apparently observed snails and stated in one of his sermons, “by perseverance the snail reached the ark.” The snail continues to persevere at his slow pace until he reaches his goal.

So when we think of a snail we think of perseverance. In the verse above, the apostle Paul tells us that perseverance is a key component in character development. Paul says that tribulation produces perseverance and upon that building block character and hope are founded.

No matter what our trials are, when we persevere and our faith endures, we have the sure hope of the outcome of our faith, which is the salvation of our souls. (I Peter 1:6-9)

The original Greek word translated "perseverance" means steadfastness, constancy and endurance. It was used in the scriptures referring to believers who endured in their walk of faith with their Lord. They persevered in spite of their many painful trials.

Those who follow Jesus will not get through life in this world without suffering in some way for their faith. Jesus warns believers in John 15:20, “If they persecuted Me they will persecute you also.”

Look at your life today and respond to these two questions. First, have you developed perseverance in your walk with the Lord? Have setbacks slowed you down to a snail's pace in your walk with the Lord? Secondly, have you learned, despite the many trials you may be facing, to build your daily walk with the Lord with perseverance?  Are you being steadfast in your faith knowing that character and hope are building blocks that you can daily use in building up your endurance to serve the Lord with all of your heart, mind and soul?

God does not ask for a quick start or a fast finish. He expects from all of us a consistent persevering progress even if it is at a snail's pace. Great achievement in life demands great perseverance.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I Thessalonians 5:18.

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Thank You for teaching me that I can expect to have tribulations but that the troubles and suffering in my life will produce perseverance, character and hope. Keep me steadfast in my faith and give me the fortitude to be the leader You want me to be with my family, friends and neighbors. May they all see in me Your love for them so that they may desire to have a personal relationship with You.

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