October 19, 2014

Good Works: October 17, 2014




A good thing done; a good act completed; good works.


In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned. Titus 2:7


Titus was a Greek and most likely was led to Christ by Paul. Titus was taught and nurtured in the truth of the gospel by Paul. Titus accompanied Paul on some of his missionary journeys. He worked with Paul in Crete and when Paul had to leave he left Titus there to oversee the church and to disciple the people in the church.

The degenerate culture in Crete and the crude conduct of the people had a bad influence on the new believers. The false teachers were undermining the church with false doctrine.

Paul knew that he left Titus with a tough assignment. Paul was always concerned about his churches and about the young pastors like Titus. He continued to support them with advice and admonition. The book of Titus was his letter of exhortation to Titus.

Paul was teaching the young men (verse 6) to show integrity in their leadership role as teachers in the church. Paul was exhorting Titus that he had a special obligation to exemplify the moral and spiritual qualities of a true believer by being a model of good works.

The words “good works” appear five times in the book of Titus. Paul was teaching Titus that he must live according to the sound doctrine that he had learned from Paul and was teaching to others so he was above criticism. These words are a warning to him. If he preaches sound doctrine it is meaningless if it is not backed by good works.

This is a warning for us as well. We all must examine ourselves and ask ourselves, “What does my life teach others about God and the genuineness of my faith?”

Paul gives Titus a description in 1:16 of those who are “unfit for doing anything good.” They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. In Chapter two Paul tells Titus to set an example by always doing good. Paul then several times exhorted Titus to communicate to the believers their responsibility to do good deeds, as Christ did and as the Word of God commands us to do.

As members of a civilized society we keep trying, by our power, to change the way people are and the way we behave. We hear this from many who read our devotionals. Society tries to effect change in people, and we set tougher laws and boundaries, but people are people and human nature is the same. Someone once said that you can bring a pig into your house but it will not change the pig but it will certainly change your house.

And that is the problem. You cannot within your power change the behavior of your spouse, your children, your friend or anyone at all. You have to change the heart and this can only be done by God. If you want someone to act a certain way you must lead by example by the way you live. Our way of living and our conduct speak volumes about what we believe and what we value. People judge the integrity of our words by the good works we do. We can’t change people but by our example, we can be a witness of God’s love and saving grace. In God’s perfect timing a heart will be changed.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I John 1:9.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


Help me to realize the way my good deeds can be used by You to change the heart of someone whose life I touch today. Help me to be faithful in living a Godly life so that my good deeds will be a testimony to others of God’s love and grace.


Alone: October 16, 2014




Apart from or the exclusion of others or things; solitary; separate.


I lie awake, and am like a sparrow alone on the housetop. Psalm 102:7.


The Psalmist in the verse we have written above is expressing that he is feeling like a solitary bird thinking that he has been abandoned by both God and man. These are the thoughts of an afflicted man that feels completely alone and feels that no one cares, even God.

The writer of this Psalm is unknown but it is apparent that it was written when he was going through a troubled time in his life. Psalm 102 tells us that he was in great distress, so much so that he couldn’t eat and he couldn’t sleep. When we are in great distress we often feel deserted and that no one understands. This is how the Psalmist felt.

In verse 7 (above) he pictures himself as just a little sparrow all alone on a housetop. He feels so insignificant that he wasn’t sure God even saw him or heard him. He cries out to God and asks God not to hide His face from him and to turn His ear to him. As he prays for God’s help he feels reassured that God still sits on His throne and that He will respond to the prayer of the destitute.

Every day we receive emails from people that read our devotionals and many of them share with us that they are distressed, frustrated and feeling helpless and alone, just as the Psalmist did. Being alone can be devastating for most people because they have literally no support in this life or do not know where to turn for support. They are truly lonely and alone. They feel no one cares. We can, however, be assured that God cares and that He understands. 

Just think how alone Jesus must have felt hanging alone on the cross. He cried out to God, “Why hast thou forsaken Me?” He endured separation from His Father in order to pay the penalty for our sins. Yes, because of God’s great love for us, He sent Jesus all alone to the cross. Both Jesus and God, our Father, understand what it meant to be alone.

When you, as a believer in Jesus, begin to feel alone you have comfort that an unbeliever does not have. Knowing that you are a child of God, you have Jesus to turn to in prayer and you have the assurance that He is right by your side to comfort you and to encourage you. Those that do not know Jesus as their Savior are truly alone when they face struggles and loneliness.

Do you lie awake at night feeling like a sparrow all alone on the rooftop? Or do you lie down and sleep in peace because you have put your trust in the Lord? It is the Lord alone, nobody else or nothing else, who brings peace and allows us to dwell in safety.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I John 1:9.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


Help me to remember that as a child of God, You are with me at all times. May I be an encouragement to someone today who is alone and feels no one cares. May the joy of Jesus shine out through my words and deeds.

Allergy: October 15, 2014




An overreaction of the immune system to a previously encountered harmless substance resulting in skin rash, swelling, sneezing or wheezing; having an allergy to something.


Abstain from every form of evil. I Thessalonians 5:22.


You may ask or think that this is a strange word for a devotional. When we hear the word allergy we think of the symptoms of sneezing, coughing, itching, rashes and swelling that are results from contact with things that our immune system cannot handle. The best defense against these allergies is to avoid contact with those things our immune system cannot cope with.

We have several children and grandchildren along with Dottie that have somewhat chronic cases of allergies. We can see how they are detrimental to their health. Some take medication and others even use breathers to help conquer the discomfort they face with these physical allergies. For some the allergies come from food, some from plants and for others it is just something in the air. It is not easy to avoid things that cause allergies, particularly things that we cannot see.

We also face spiritual allergies in life and we need to be able to recognize them and stay away from them to protect our relationship with the Lord.

As believers we constantly face dangers in our lives that some may call spiritual allergies. In the scripture above Paul is telling us to avoid every form of evil. What is evil? Anything that is ungodly and unbiblical is evil. Satan does everything in his power to bring us in contact with evil. He uses his power of temptation to attract us to evil. He uses his power of deceit to convince us that evil is all right. He also uses false teachers to keep us from knowing what is evil.

When you go to the doctor to find out how to cope with a physical allergy, the doctor will test for the cause and then tell you to stay away from the things that are bad for you and the cause of your allergy. This is also the Apostle Paul’s advice to us about evil. Stay away from what is bad. In I Thessalonians 5:21, Paul says, “test everything and hold onto the good.”

Paul is telling us to analyze all of our activities. What we find to be good we should embrace whole heartily. What we find as evil, bad, or unbiblical we should stay away from at all times. If we adhere to this advice it will lead us to make good choices in each day’s activities and choices that honor God.

When we take part of something that is evil it comes between us and God and our spiritual sensitivity is weakened. Unless we avoid the evil it will soon become a chronic sin and like an allergy we will have to fight it daily. As believers we need to avoid situations that lead us to do things that are evil in God’s sight.

Psalm 34:14 tells us to “Turn from evil and do good.” When we sin and do evil it is because we choose to do so. It is a conscious choice but God wants us to choose to turn from evil and choose to do good.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I John 1:9.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


Lord, give me godly incite to discern what is evil and what is good. Give me the strength to resist the temptations that Satan uses to draw me to evil. Keep me diligent in testing everything so that I avoid evil and hold on to the good. Make my life shine in a way today to allow others fighting spiritual allergies to see Christ in and through me.

Prejudice: October 14, 2014




An opinion, often unfavorable; formed without adequate reasons; bias.


And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. Acts 17:26.


Prejudice is a serious problem in our world today. Prejudice can be based on race, on the color of one’s skin, one’s culture, on one’s social standing, on one’s financial status, talent or treasures of others, on education, on religious belief and any of a number of other things that sets one person apart from another. God’s Word has made it clear that prejudice of any kind is not acceptable. Prejudice grows out of pride and causes people to look down on others they consider inferior to themselves.

In the verse above we are reminded that all men and women today are created equal in God’s sight since all came from one man --- Adam. This teaching was a real blow to the national pride of the Greeks, who believed that all non-Greeks were barbarians. (Romans 1:14)

Likewise the Jews thought they were superior to others. In Bible times the Jews despised the Samaritans. The Samaritans were the mixed race that came from Jewish and pagan mixed marriages during the years of captivity after the Assyrians invaded Israel. The Samaritans were considered unclean by the Jews. The Jews were so prejudiced toward the Samaritans that they, the Jews, would go miles out of their way to avoid going through Samaria.

Jesus was not like the Jews. In John 4:3-4 we read that Jesus left Judea after observing the Passover in Jerusalem and went back once more to Galilee and had to go through Samaria. The Jews would not walk through Samaria but Jesus did. While at a well in Samaria Jesus met a Samarian woman of low reputation and gave her the gift of Salvation. No Jewish man would ever talk a woman like her but Jesus did.

The Greeks and the Jews had a very hard time accepting this message of our Lord because of their pride and prejudice.

In the verse (above) the writer of Acts says, “Having determined their appointed times and their boundaries of their dwellings.” God’s sovereignty determines when and where we are born and thus who we are. We do not get to choose who we are but we do choose how we act.

We live a life of faith when we are a child of God. Prejudice and faith cannot coexist in the life of a believer. Prejudice destroys faith and faith destroys prejudice. In James 2:1-6 he writes that there must be no partiality, no prejudice in a believer’s life. If a person is prejudiced against another person for any reason he or she is not a true follower of Jesus. As believers we are to love one another.

We cause real sorrow to others when we dishonor and debase others through prejudice or bigotry. Every human being is created in the image of God and worthy of honor. When by our own prejudice we demean someone we will wound another human being at the deepest level. We are all of the same family, the family of God. God expects us, as His children, to be treasured and cherished by one another. He desires us to show respect to all people because everyone was created by God in His very image.

The sad fact about prejudice is that it is usually passed from parent to child. Children learn from their parents. As believers, parents have the responsibility to make sure they do not have prejudice against others. If they do they can be sure their children will pick up on it.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I John 1:9.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


Continue to remind me daily that all of Your creations are rare treasures but none compares to one man’s worth to You. Thank You for creating me in Your image and help me to always show respect and honor to all of my fellow man.

Afraid: October 13, 2014




Feeling fear, alarm, dread, or apprehension; a painful emotional reaction to a threat of danger or harm.


Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid. Matthew 14:27

Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Genesis 26:24.

When I am afraid, I will trust in You. Psalm 56:3


Take a moment sometime and just talk to some people on the street, in a store or even your neighbors. You may be surprised to see how many are frustrated and afraid of today and the future. Their conversation will express frustration, loneliness, and disappointment. Their concerns could be their job, the economy, their relationship with their spouse or children and even their so called friends.

A believer in Jesus should not be afraid because one of the great bonuses of being a Christian is the great hope that extends to them beyond the grave into the glory of God’s tomorrow.

But even a believer in Jesus often feels afraid. If you do you are not alone. In times when we are afraid, God’s message to us is the same message that He gave to Isaac when he feared for his life. God said to Isaac, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you” (above verse).

God does not want us to live in fear. He wants us to have peace in our hearts. We can bring peace into our hearts and mind by focusing on God’s wonderful promise that He is with us and will never leave us or forsake us.

Great men down through history, in their time of fear, needed the assurance from God that they had no reason to fear.

When you read the scriptures you will see that Abraham, Moses, Isaac, David, Jeremiah, the disciples, Peter, Paul and many others were all told by God not to be afraid.

Psalm 56 (above) was written by David at a time in his life when he was afraid because he was being endangered by the Philistines. David’s natural reaction was to panic but in this Psalm he demonstrates that the believer in God can replace anticipated terror with composure of trust.

In verses 1-4 David relates his fear and contrasts it with his trust in God. His trust and faith in God gives him the victory he needs over fear. In verses 5-9, David recognizes that those he fears are his destroyer and that he has a deliverer in the God he trusts. In verse 9, David says, “This I know, that God is for me.” In verses 10-13 David tells us that the result of putting his trust in God gave him victory over his fear and a cause for thanksgiving.

Being afraid is a result of leaving God out of our lives. When fear overwhelms us that is when we need to run to God. There is no situation so fearful that it overwhelms God. God may not necessarily take away what is causing our fear but when we put our trust in Him He can help them appear less frightening and give us strength and courage to face the cause of our fear.

We can remember our young children from time to time waking up in the middle of the night saying that they were afraid. What makes this happen? Most of the time it relates back to a time when they heard about something that was frightening and might do something to hurt them. There reaction, of course, is to run to someone they can trust. There is no place where a child feels safer than to be in the safety of their parent’s protective and loving arms.

When the day comes that you, as a believer in Jesus, feel afraid you need to run to Jesus. You will feel protected when you are in the loving and protective arms of your Father. Being afraid is not uncommon for many people today. We live in such an evil world that just the everyday circumstances of life can give us reason to be afraid.

The story is told of a little girl running toward a cemetery as the darkness of evening began to fall. She passed a friend who stopped her and asked her if she was not afraid to go through the graveyard at night. The little girl answered quickly, OH, No, I am not afraid because my home is just on the other side.

Remember our hope and strength is in the Lord. When fear comes into your life put your trust in God and remember your heavenly home is just on the other side of life and your heavenly Father is waiting for you. When we cast our cares, our worries, and our fears upon Him, He will take care of us.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I John 1:9.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


Take away my thoughts of fear today. Give me confidence that all my concerns are in Your hands and you will not only take care of each one but You will shelter me with Your protective hand. May my family find the same assurance as they walk through life today.

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