May 6, 2012

Householder: May 3, 2012




The one in charge of the storage and distribution of the food in a house in Biblical times.


Then He said to them, therefore every scribe which is instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things old and new. Matthew 13:52.


When Jesus concluded sharing these parables that we have discussed these last 8 days, He asked his disciples (verse 51) if they understood His teaching concerning the Kingdom. Jesus wants us to know and understand His Word so that as believers we are equipped and ready to help new believers understand the Word of God.

In this last parable Jesus was comparing his disciples to the Jewish Scribes and told them that they had the same privilege and responsibility as scribes and householders. The Jewish scribe had the privilege of knowing the Old Testament Law of God. They had the responsibility of teaching the Law to others.

Jesus reminded the disciples that they had been unusually blessed. They had been instructed in the old counsel just as the scribes had but now also they had been taught by Christ, the Messiah himself. They possessed not only the “old treasure” but the “new treasure.”

Just as Jesus told His disciples that they needed to be responsible and share the whole counsel of God, both the old and new counsel, we are to be responsible to do the same as believers in Jesus.

The Jewish Scribes were extremely devoted and studied the law so that they were knowledgeable and well versed in it. Jesus expects us to be like the scribes and study the Word of God, both the Old Testament and the New Testaments, with unswerving diligence. Jesus also made it clear that His disciples, and we also, are to be a storehouse of His truth by letting the Word of Christ dwell in us. We are not to be like the scribes who perverted the treasure of God’s Word and therefore missed the truth of God’s Word. 

Jesus also explained this parable further by using the householder as an illustration. The householder had two prime duties, both dealing with the food in the house. He was to store the old food and keep it fresh and he was to add new food to the old, serving both at the appropriate time.

Jesus explained to His disciples that they were to respond as a householder needed to do. He compared them to the head of a house. He charged them with the responsibility of preserving Christ’s teachings and then they were to teach what they had been taught about the Kingdom of heaven, both old and new, to others.

They knew the old truths which were the message of the Old Testament and now, since they had met Jesus they were learning the new truths, the message of the Gospel and the New Testament. Today all believers are householders of the old and new treasures and we are responsible for the spiritual nurturing of those within the Kingdom.  


Our memory verse for this week is the ninth of the Ten Commandments as found in Exodus 20:16.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


Help me to study daily and improve my knowledge of Your Word, both the Old and New Testaments, so that I can share with others the good news of the Gospel as You have taught us to do.

Net: May 2, 2012




A snare; a trap; a course string tied together to catch fish.


Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind. Matthew 13:47.


In this parable Jesus was teaching that the net is the Kingdom of Heaven and the Gospel is the message of the kingdom. The sea is the world in all the depth of darkness and it’s unknown. The fisherman represents Christ and all of His followers.

Jesus continued teaching using this parable as an illustration by saying: When the net was full they came to shore and sat down and gathered the good into vessels and cast the bad away.

We need to note several things that Jesus was saying. First, they worked hard fishing. Jesus compares the hard work of these fishermen to the hard work needed to cast the gospel message of the kingdom into the world of unbelievers.

Second, Jesus reminds us that there is a mixture of good and bad that are drawn into God’s visible kingdom here on earth just as there were good and bad fish caught in the net. There will be some people that will join the kingdom here on earth that are not sincere and have not genuinely accepted Christ as their Savior.

Thirdly, Jesus said in verse 49 that there will be an end to the world. There is a set time in God’s plan when that climatic time will come. The net has a limit as to how many it will hold just as someday heaven will be full. Of course only the Lord knows when He will draw the net.

Fourthly, Jesus makes it clear that the good, those who are true followers of Christ and obey His commandments, and bad, those who are hypocrites and not true believers, will not be separated until the net is full. The Lord alone has the right to execute judgment when He casts away the bad. The sorting will be done at the last judgment.

Jesus ends this parable by reminding all who were listening that the unrepentant wicked, the bad, will be cast into the furnace of fire and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Verse 50)

Yes, judgment day will be a tragic day for all those who come before Jesus still covered in their sins having never accepted Jesus and received His gift of cleansing atonement for their sins. This will include some who were regular in attending church, because just attending church does not get one into heaven.

After this parable Jesus asks the question, “Have you understood all these things?” (Verse 51) Having just warned of the coming judgment you cannot help but notice the urgency in Jesus’ question. It is an urgent question for each of us. Have you understood this parable? Judgment day is coming and none of us know what even tomorrow might bring.

Jesus warned us in Luke 12:40 that we must be ready because He will return at an hour when we will not expect Him. 


Our memory verse for this week is the ninth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:16.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


Thank You for drawing in the net that allowed our family to be drawn to You. May our lives be used by You to draw many into a saving knowledge of You.

Gems of Encouragement: May 5, 2012


Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Proverbs 4:26.

He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Psalm 23:3.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise Him. Psalm 28:7 

Respect: May 4, 2012




Treat with special consideration or high regard; to give honor to; be courteous.


Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him. Psalm 33:8.


We must first and foremost respect God and, unfortunately, most people do not feel that respecting God is important. It is not that they say that they do not respect God, but it is through their words and deeds that they show no respect to God.

Just think about how often you hear God’s name used in a disrespectful way. The way a person uses God’s name reveals how they feel about God. Those who use God’s name disrespectfully have never considered who God is. He is the God who created us and all that is in the world. He is the one and only true God. He is Holy, and He is all powerful. The essence of all that God is should put us in awe of Him. 

Beyond that, as you read in the verse that we have put above you will see that we have no choice but to respect God. It is a Biblical command. If you have any doubt read the Ten Commandments. The first four of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) addresses our relationship to God and what is required of us to show respect to God. The other six deal with our relationship to others and how we are to show respect to them.

Respect for God changes us. Before Paul met Jesus he had no respect for Jesus or anyone who believed in Jesus. After his conversion, Paul’s respect for God changed him completely. Paul came to not only respect Jesus and His believers but to work side by side with those he sought to persecute. 

The apostle Paul practiced showing respect to those that ministered with him. He praised Timothy for his unselfishness and proven character as well as being a true son who served with him in the Gospel. (Philippians 2:20) Paul also commended and showed respect to Epaphroditus when he said, “my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier who risked his life for the work of Christ.” (Philippians 2:25, 30)

Respect for God results in obedience to God. In Genesis we read the story about God telling Abraham to take his son up to the mountain and offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham had respect for God and responded in obedience as God directed him. God wanted to not only test Abraham but also Isaac as to their respect and love for Him. God wanted Abraham and Isaac to witness what He would do when they put their total trust and respect in Him. Because they respected God and honored Him, He provided a ram for the sacrifice.

The root problem causing the lack of respect in our world today is the sin in people’s lives. Many parents and children have either no or very little respect for God, their families, their neighbors or the people they meet daily. The lack of respect in their lives means that their sinful nature is controlling them.

The writer of Hebrews wrote, “Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect.” If children respect their human fathers how much more should we expect them to respect their heavenly Father?

Where do you stand as to showing respect to God and others? Where does your family stand? All of us need to realize that God expects us to show respect first of all to Him and then to those we live with.


Our memory verse for this week is the ninth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:16.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


Help me to learn the real meaning of respect as You want me to know it and to show it. Give me the desire to respect and honor You, by showing respect to my family, friends and neighbors. Help me to teach others the importance of showing respect to You.

Pearl: May 1, 2012




A hard lustrous body found in a shell of a mollusk valued as a gem.


Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46.


When Jesus refers in this parable to the merchant He is no doubt referring to the God-man Jesus Christ. The merchant came seeking beautiful pearls and found one pearl of exquisite beauty. Jesus, our merchant, came into the world to seek and to save those who were lost and His magnificent pearl is the Church.

The Lord has been adding to the church, which is made up of people that have come to find Jesus as their Savior. These believers are all children of God and together are valuable pearls making up His Church.

The beautiful pearl that the merchant found in this parable taught by Jesus represents the body of Christ. It is a beautiful picture of the growth, unity and purity of the Church.

This pure, pearl-like unity of the church may never be visible to us who are on this earth, during this age. It will be realized though, according to the scriptures, when the dead in Christ are raised and those who are alive are caught up to meet Him in the air. Then we will be perfect in mind and body and, as the parable states, “one pearl of great price” paid for by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, the merchant.

Just like in the parable, Jesus came to this earth to accomplish His purpose. He sells all that He has, giving all on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Then He buys the pearl, providing for us life eternal and known to all as His church, a body of believers that will meet Jesus in the air to spend an eternity with Him.


Our memory verse for this week is the ninth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:16.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 


How grateful we are that You commended Your love toward us so that while we were yet sinners You died for us. Thank You for this parable showing us the value of who we are in Your sight. Help our family to be quality pearls that will be of value in serving You and bringing others to know You.

Treasure: April 30, 2012




An accumulation of money or jewels.


Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field. Matthew 13:44.


Jesus spoke this parable to His disciples who were alone with Him. The crowds had dispersed and Jesus wanted His disciples to understand the kingdom of heaven and its great value to them. In Jesus’ day it was common practice for people to hide their treasures and valuables by burying them in the ground to keep them from being stolen. Everyone understood clearly when Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in the ground.

In this parable Jesus referred to a man who found a treasure in the field. The field represents the Word of God and the treasure would be Christ who is “hidden” in the gospel message of God’s Word. A person cannot find the treasure, Christ, by just scratching the surface of the gospel but must dig and dig deep into Gods Word. The treasure of the Kingdom of heaven is hidden to the unbeliever. We as believers today must understand this and apply the lesson of this parable when we are telling others how to find Jesus.

In this parable it says when the man found the treasure, so great was his joy that he sold everything that he had in order to buy the field so that he could possess the treasure. The value of the Kingdom exceeds the value of all earthly treasures and those who find it are willing to give up all they have to obtain it.

When any of us experience the joy of finding Christ, we do five things. First, we seek to protect it by hiding it deep in our heart where it cannot be taken away.

Secondly, we experience the great joy of obtaining the Kingdom of heaven by receiving Christ’s mercy. Thirdly, we sell, that is we repent and get rid of the sinful ways of our former life. Fourthly, we buy, that is we commit all that we have to possess all the riches of salvation we obtain through our Lord and Savior. And finally, we rejoice in the completeness and satisfaction in the treasure we have found in Christ, who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and who reigns in the Kingdom of heaven and is preparing a place for us there for all eternity.

We as believers then experience an abundant life in Christ, a completed life in Christ, and have available to us the fruits of the spirit which includes love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. Have you found the treasure (Christ) hidden in the field (Gospel)?


This week we will memorize the ninth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:16.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


I rejoice today for each one in my family who found You as Lord and Savior. Thank You for the clearness of the gospel message and the wonder of Your coming to this earth to pay the penalty for my sins. Help me to share with others the treasure of the Kingdom of heaven that they can find in the Gospel which will change their lives.

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