September 9, 2016

Reward: September 9, 2016



A prize for merit, accomplishment or good conduct; to compensate for one’s conduct good or evil.

Your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Matthew 6:4.


It seems that here in America that everything we do somehow involves us getting rewards in return. You go to some stores and they either give you cash back or points that you can combine with points you already have to get something free, but in reality you paid something for the item.

When you fly on airlines today they ask if you are going to use points. This is because every time you fly with that airline or use their credit card you get points. All of these “gimmicks” are put in place to encourage business. These are all better known as reward programs.

God has a rewards program far better than offered to us here on earth, but most believers seem to show very little interest in His program. Jesus often spoke of His Father’s promise to reward us for faithfully serving Him. For example, when we are persecuted for His sake, in other words for taking our stand for our Lord, Jesus tells us to rejoice for great is our reward in heaven (Matthew 5:12).

God wants us to give, pray and fast, not as the Pharisees’ did -- in public for all to see. He wants us to do these things in private, because “Your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly in heaven (Matthew 6:4, 6, 18). The hope of reward has greatly motivated people to work hard and do well, but those whose desire is to serve the Lord are to do what they do from the heart unto the Lord and not for the praise of men.

We do not serve Jesus for the rewards that we may get for serving Him. When He died on the cross, He did far more for us than we deserve. Loyalty to Him and our service to Him are to be done as an act of worship that expresses our loving gratitude for His love toward us. In return, He delights to encourage us with the assurance that ultimately His rewards will outweigh whatever we have given up for Him.

So do not be discouraged if your faithful service to the Lord gets no recognition here on earth. Be assured God sees all we do and what is done for Him on earth will be rewarded openly in heaven. Just before Jesus ascended into heaven He said, “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.” Revelation 22:12.

We should want to commit to live for Jesus every moment of every day regardless of the cost just because we love Him and because of what He has done for us. Have you thanked Him lately for the blessed hope of eternal life that has been promised to all those who love Him and acknowledge Him as their Savior and their Lord? There is no greater reward!


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 16:11.

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


Help me to serve You today without any expectation of good words or rewards from the world we live in. Give me the tasks that You want me to accomplish that will grow Your kingdom and glorify Your name.

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September 8, 2016

Weakness: September 8, 2016



Lacking physical strength or endurance; lacking moral or mental strength or firmness; shortcoming.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. II Corinthians 12:9-10.


All of us go through times in our lives when we feel weakness. We may feel weak physically so that we feel that we cannot carry on. At other times we may feel weak spiritually and vulnerable to temptation and know that we desperately need a special touch from God. We can look at the lives of Samson, Joseph and Paul and see that they had weaknesses that they had to face and what happened to them.

In Judges 16 we read about Samson, who was so strong that he could kill a lion with his bare hands. He possessed physical strength that was unequalled by any human being. But all of his physical strength could not compensate for his inner weakness. Samson’s problem was totally uncontrolled lust and because of this weakness he lost his sight, his strength, his honor and his life.

In Judges 14 we read about Joseph, who was in a great place of power. He faced similar temptations as Samson but responded very differently. He proved that it is possible to deal with your weaknesses so they will not destroy you. Joseph rejected the temptations he faced and put his trust in God, relying on God’s strength to overcome his weakness.

In the verses we have written above from II Corinthians the apostle Paul had been struggling with some painful aspects of life, including some physical afflictions, and he kept praying daily for God to remove them from his life. Verse nine was God’s answer to Paul and verse ten was God’s response.

In our weakness God’s power is made perfect and God’s grace is sufficient to meet our every need. This is the secret of true Christian strength. It is by God’s grace and through His enabling power. Paul was glad for having to deal with his weaknesses because he learned to rely on God’s power so that he was able to say, “When I am weak, then I am strong.”

Ray Stedman gave us some wonderful thoughts in his book “Adventuring through the Bible.” He wrote that spiritual power never lies in human pride and might. Neither does it lie in a brilliant personality or in the ability to speak with eloquent oratory. Spiritual power is found in the heart of the humble human being who fully recognizes his or her dependence on the living Lord who dwells within all who receive Jesus as their Savior. The weaker you are, the stronger Christ can be.

May we remind you that “Out of weakness comes strength.” In II Corinthians 3:5 Paul says it this way – none of us are sufficient of ourselves; our sufficiency comes from God. We are weak but God is strong and if we are willing to turn to God in our weakness He will strengthen us. Examine yourselves to see whether you are allowing the strength of your faith to overcome your weaknesses. Test yourselves.

All of us have areas of weaknesses. God wants these character flaws to make us aware of how totally dependent we are on Him. Weaknesses drive us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him, but uncontrolled weaknesses wreak havoc in a person’s life.

Given the slightest chance, sin will infiltrate your life and affect every aspect, including your faith, your integrity, your moral values, and your relationship with your family and friends. Nothing is off limits for sin. If you think differently and feel you are in control personally, Satan has already blinded you to spiritual truth that is in front of you now.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 16:11.

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


Make me aware of my weaknesses and allow them to make me more dependent on You. It is my prayer that Your Holy Spirit would work in my life today giving me strength, guidance and protection. Enable me to guide my family to be obedient to our Lord and may You help all of us to walk in Your ways.

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September 7, 2016

Walls Part Two: September 7, 2016

Part Two


Structures to enclose, to separate, support or protect; something causing separation.

And I went out by night through the Valley Gate to the Serpent Well and the Refuse Gate, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and its gates which were burned by fire. Nehemiah 2:13.


Yesterday we talked about the walls of Jericho, Berlin, China, Babylon and Jerusalem. Today we want to look at Nehemiah and how he reacted to God’s calling for him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

In the New Testament, we see that God’s ultimate dwelling place is in us, His people. If we have allowed the walls of our spiritual life to become broken down now is the time to rebuild our wall of faith and surround ourselves with God’s protection and strength.

There were 5 steps that Nehemiah shares with us that he took in the process of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. We need to adhere to these same steps as we rebuild the walls of our lives.

First, Nehemiah had a CONCERN about the ruins. We will never rebuild the walls of our lives unless we have a concern and mourn the ruins of our lives, just as Nehemiah mourned the ruins of the wall at Jerusalem.

Secondly, Nehemiah wept and prayed for days over his concern for the way that the nation of Israel had forsaken God. He prayed and CONFESSED the sins of his people and asked God for forgiveness. We need to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness if we are to rebuild the walls of our spiritual lives.

Thirdly, Nehemiah was COMMITTED. He didn’t just pray. He got to work and took immediate steps to fulfill his commitment. When we take the time to pray God will empower us to overcome “impossible” situations. Rebuilding the wall would have not been possible without God’s enabling power.

Fourthly, Nehemiah needed COURAGE to rebuild these walls. Nehemiah was mocked and threatened but he did not give up because he knew God was directing him. Whenever one says that they will arise and rebuild, Satan always responds by saying that he will arise and destroy. We can be sure that Satan will put roadblocks and obstructions in our way when we start to return to God by building up our faith as a wall of protection against Satan’s temptations. We must be courageous and not give up.

Finally, Nehemiah approached the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem with CONFIDENCE. He did not just rush out and start laying bricks or recruiting people to help. He went out at night and secretly surveyed the damage to the wall to determine exactly what needed to be done. When he was ridiculed Nehemiah confidently replied, “The God of heaven will give us success.” Nehemiah 2:20. We will be ridiculed by those who do not believe, but we can have confidence that the almighty God of heaven will give us success just as He did Nehemiah if we put our trust in Him.

In spite of the enormity of the task he inspired the Jews to be confident they could rebuild the walls because the “hand of God was upon them.”

We can look at Nehemiah as an example as we work to rebuild the walls around our lives. We must recognize the condition of our spiritual life and be concerned enough to rebuild it. Start by reading the Bible and then communicating to God through prayer. You will be amazed at what God will do through you if you just trust and obey.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 16:11.

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


Give me the courage of Nehemiah as I work to rebuild the walls of my faith. Help me to be willing to follow Your leading in all that I do as I work diligently to serve You in this evil world that we live in.

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September 6, 2016

Walls: September 6, 2016



Structures to enclose, to separate, support or protect; something causing separation.

Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls. Proverbs 25:28.


A wall is a very symbolic structure. Down through the ages walls were built to protect the people and things inside the walls. But walls are more than just a barrier of stone and mortar. The walls of the city of Jericho symbolized the pride and arrogance of the godless city and that is one reason why God chose to pull them down with nothing but the faith of the Children of Israel and Joshua, their leader. The arrogance of Jericho was no match for the humility of God’s people when it was aligned with the limitless power of God.

The Berlin wall not only symbolized the division between east and west, but also the misery and despair of the people living under communism on the east side of the wall.

The 1500 mile long wall of China symbolized the vast power of the Chinese Dynasty and was built to defend China from the warring tribes of the north. It was so long and tall that it made a clear statement, “Do not even think of invading our land.”

In ancient cities, massive walls were the first, last and only line of defense. The walls of the city of Babylon, according to Daniel, were not as long as the Great Wall of China but were much higher and more massive.

For the Jewish people Jerusalem represented God’s dwelling place and the center of life in the Old Testament. It was in Jerusalem that Solomon built a temple and God blessed it with His presence. From the time of Abraham, Jewish history centered in and around Jerusalem.

Like the other nations of the world the Jewish nation saw the necessity of surrounding Jerusalem with a wall to protect themselves from invasion from their enemies. The Jewish people were God’s chosen people and God purposed that they be set apart from the pagan people of the world. In conquering Canaan God ordered the Israelites to destroy their enemies. It was not only God’s judgement on these nations for their idolatry but a safety measure for the Israelites to protect His people from the sin, idolatry and immorality of their enemies. The walls of Jerusalem were symbolic for the Jewish people of God’s protection and power and a reminder that they were set apart from the pagan world to be God’s people.

As Christians we are God’s representatives to the pagan world we live in. We must fortify ourselves so that we do not yield to the sinful temptations of this world. We must surround ourselves with strong spiritual walls by knowing and obeying God’s laws. We can only know God’s laws if we are reading and studying His Word daily.

Start today by building your wall for keeping out from your life the evils of this world. Begin by reading the Bible every day. Then take time to talk to God in prayer about what you read. You will be excited to see God surrounding you with His walls to protect you from the evils of this world.

Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 16:11.

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


Help me to build a wall around my life to keep me from the evils of this world I live in. Thank You that I can learn from the wall that Nehemiah built around Jerusalem that it was symbolic of Your protection and power in my life. Thank You that in times that I feel my walls are broken that You can build around me a wall to protect me.

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September 5, 2016

Purge: September 5, 2016



To rid of impurities; to cleanse or purify.

As for our transgressions, thou shall purge them away. Psalm 65:3

Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover was sacrificed for us. I Corinthians 5:7.


Many Chinese families several days before their New Year celebration give their home a thorough cleaning. They practice this tradition because they believe the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and will make their homes ready for good luck for the New Year.

In the verse above from I Corinthians the Apostle Paul was writing to the church at Corinth asking them to give their lives a thorough cleansing, not for good luck but to please God. He told them to purge out the old leaven. Paul was using the Jewish feasts of Passover and Unleavened bread that everyone understood, as a backdrop for his teaching (Exodus 12). Leaven (yeast) was a symbol of sin and corruption and was to be removed from the Jewish homes in preparation for celebrating these festivals.

When Paul was saying to be a new lump he was saying for us to start acting like we truly are a new creation in Jesus. As a new creation we have a new standing with God and we can have victory over all sin because of the cross and our relationship with Christ.

Jesus is our Passover Lamb who cleanses us from sin and corruption which is what separates us from God. The blood of the Passover Lamb saved the Israelites from the plague of death sent by God to cause the Egyptians to free the Israelites from slavery. Jesus became our Passover Lamb when He shed His blood on the cross to free us from slavery to sin and save us from death which is the penalty for sin.

The Corinthian church had acknowledged that Jesus was their Passover Lamb, but they had not gotten rid of their old sinful ways. Paul wrote them and admonished them that they must purge out (get rid of) the old leaven (sin).

The Corinthian’s were told by Paul to scour their hearts and remove all evil and sexual immorality, malice, and wickedness from their lives in order to separate from their old life. Out of gratitude to Jesus for His sacrifice, let us separate from our old life and purge out the sin in our lives and celebrate the Holiness that comes from God when we accept Jesus as our Passover Lamb.

David wrote in Psalms 65:3 (NIV), “When we were overwhelmed by sins, You forgave our transgressions.” David was acknowledging that he was a sinner and knew where to go when sin overwhelmed him. He knew that no matter how great our sin, there is no sin God will not forgive and will not help enable us to purge from our life.

Our faith now looks to Calvary where we were purged of our sin and our iniquities. Our salvation is made possible by Jesus’ death on the cross of Calvary and guaranteed by His resurrection from the dead. When we go home to meet our Savior face to face in heaven what a glorious time that will be for all of us who believe in Him as our Savior and Lord.

Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 16:11.

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


I pray that You will give me a heart that is pure from within, purged from sin and evil. Help me to understand that sin’s contamination in my life requires Your cleansing.

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