August 23, 2009

Oaths: August 21, 2009



Defined by Webster:

A solemn statement with God as the witness.


“Keep the king’s commandment for the sake of your oath to God.” Ecclesiastics 8:2

“You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.” Matthew 5:33.


An oath is not to be made lightly. As Webster defines an oath, it is a solemn statement with God as the witness. It is a sad commentary on our times that oaths are so often broken. It does not seem important to most people that God is the witness when one makes an oath.

We see this happening with marriage vows today, more than at any time in history. In America the oath of marriage is broken more than 50% of the time. The marriage oath is two people making their vows to one another. This is a sacred promise to be honored for a lifetime. We read in Matthew 5:33 (above) that God condemns taking oaths and then breaking them.

Even though oaths are meant to be kept, every day oaths are made with no expectation by one or both parties to keep the oath. People break their oaths because they have a change of heart or something better comes along. Most often that “something better’ never becomes a reality. There is an old adage that says: “The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.”

Oaths are promises made that are considered unchangeable. Probably one of the saddest oaths recorded in the scripture was when Peter was asked if he knew Jesus when Jesus was arrested and taken to trial. In Matthew 26:72 it reads: “But again he denied with an oath, ‘I do not know the man.” And in the following verses, Peter denied that he knew Jesus three times and then Peter remembered the words that Jesus said to him (verse 75), “Before the rooster crows, (in other words before morning), you will deny Me three times.” Earlier that night Peter had promised Jesus that he would never disown Him even if he had to die for Him. Peter broke this oath and swore with another oath that he did not know Jesus. Not only did he break his first oath but he lied in his second oath. Peter then went and wept bitterly because he was truly repentant for what he had done. We know Peter’s repentance was genuine because he went on to do great things for the Lord.

In Matthew 23 when Jesus was talking to the Scribes and Pharisees, He said “Woe to you” several times because of their hypocrisy in their swearing of oaths along with other “things” they were doing that were against God’s teachings. In Hebrews 7:21, the author quotes from Psalm 110:4: “The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind.” Unlike us, when God makes an oath He keeps His word.

Oaths are to be made with a commitment to keep them. God is a witness to our oaths and God will honor those that keep their oaths.


Thank You God for the promises You have made to me. For the Salvation that I have because I have accepted into my heart the promise of eternal life given me through Your Son, Jesus. Help me to honor the oaths/promises that I have made. Bless my family and give us all the stamina to serve You to the best of our ability.

Bless: August 20, 2009



Defined by Webster:

Consecrate by a religious rite; invoke God’s favor upon; make happy; fortunate or prosperous; praise.


“Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His only name!” Psalm 103:1.

“Bless those that curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” Luke 6:28

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1.


When we think of the word bless, we think of probably one of the most significant verses in the Old Testament. Let us explain. In Genesis Chapter 12, God made this promise to Abraham. “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.” God fulfilled His promise to Abraham. Abraham fathered a great nation and God did make his name great. There are not many who do not know about Abraham.

And God goes on to promise: “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you.” This nation today is Israel and God is promising us as individuals that He will bless each one of us that bless Israel. In Acts 3:25 Peter preaches to the people, quoting Moses, “And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Have you thought about how all the world has been blessed through Abraham? First of all God chose him and his descendants to represent God to the world. God’s Word, the Bible was given through Abraham to the children of Israel. And the greatest blessing the world has ever received is Jesus Christ who was given to us through the lineage of Abraham. The first chapter of Matthew lists the ancestors of Jesus. The list starts with Abraham.

In Psalm 115:13, the Psalmist says that God will bless those who fear the Lord. Our daily strength comes from God and we can expect His blessing upon our lives when we fear the Lord. God does not give us a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7), but expects us to be obedient to His Word. When God promised to bless Abraham, He put a requirement on receiving the blessing. Abraham had to leave his homeland. He obeyed God and therefore was blessed by God.

The instruction in Luke 6:28 is to bless those who treat you badly and this is very tough to do. Jesus wants us to follow His example and love our enemies. It takes a conscious effort on our part to want to bless those who spitefully use us and to pray for them. A kind word softens anger and prayer does change things. If we can bring ourselves to pray for an enemy our attitude toward them will change. Prayer works because it brings God into the situation and God can change the hardest of hearts.

Our Lord is a God of love and He loves to bless us. In Mark 10: 13 to 16 is the account when Jesus took the children into His arms, laid His hands on them and blessed them. The disciples had tried to keep the children away from Jesus and when Jesus saw it He invited the children to come to Him. When He blessed the children He demonstrated that His blessings are freely given and all are invited to come to Him and He will bless them freely.

A group of doctors, dentists and nurses donated their time and paid their own expenses to go for two weeks into the jungles of the Amazon to operate a medical/dental clinic for one of my ministry clients. They were promised difficulty, hardship and discomfort and they were told it would not be a vacation experience.

Upon her return, one of the nurses said that she had never known that life was anything more than what one could get out of it. She went on to say: “Now I know that the real blessing in life lies in seeing how much I can put into someone else’s life. Never have I experienced such a blessing.”

Our friend, Dr. Vernon Grounds said: “Put yourself into the lives of others for Jesus sake. You will then experience a fulfillment and a blessing from God beyond compare.”


Help me to bless people today. Thank you for the abundant blessings You give to me and my family every moment of every day. May my life be an instrument that You can use to give a special blessing to someone in need today.

Doubt: August 19, 2009



Defined by Webster:

An unsettled state of opinion; indecision; matter of uncertainty; an objection; feel doubt; question the accuracy.


“Your life will hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night and have no assurance of life.” Deuteronomy 28:66.

“O you of little faith, why did you doubt.” Matthew 14:31.


In the verse above, Matthew 14:31, Peter and some of his fellow disciples were in their boat fishing. A storm came up and they were in trouble. Soon the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water and Jesus tried to comfort them by saying he was there and with them. Jesus told Peter to come to Him and Peter did. Then a wind came up and Peter took his eyes off Jesus. Peter began to sink because he turned his focus on his circumstances. He focused on the wind and the waves and his own inadequacy and his faith in Jesus wavered.

He knew where to turn for help. He did not call on the other disciples with him in the boat to come and save him. He cried out to the Lord, “SAVE ME.” Jesus responded instantly and reached out His hand and caught Peter.

When we find ourselves sinking in a sea of despair and realize that we cannot “save ourselves,” we can turn our eyes on Jesus. He is always there offering His outstretched hand to catch us and to lift us up. Jesus said to Peter, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When our faith is small it does not take much to make us doubt. What a great message for us today.

How many times a day do we doubt? Do you doubt your salvation? If you do then what brings on your doubt. For the most part it will be that you have neglected your communication with God. You must read God’s book daily. This is His communication to you. Then you must pray every day. This is your communication to God. When communication breaks down between you and God, doubt will always come your way.

This is also true in your relationships with your spouse, your children, your family and your friends. To live a life without doubt one must have daily communication, an ability to listen and a commitment to live a Christ-like life. In order for a family to be a cohesive unit they must be able to have faith in one another. They must be able to trust one another without doubt about each other’s trustworthiness.

Before Peter was released from prison by an angel (Acts 12:11), he had doubt if God was with him. And the scripture says that when Peter came to himself he said: “Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel and delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people.”

We have no reason to doubt if we are in tune with our Lord. In James 1:6 it reads: “But let him ask in faith, WITH NO DOUBTING, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” One of the last things Jesus told His disciples before He was crucified was: “Assuredly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done. And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21: 18-22. Strong faith is the key to eliminating doubt in your life.


Help me today not to be a doubter like Thomas was when he saw Jesus after His resurrection. Give me the faith to make every moment of today a positive experience that honors and glorifies Your name.

Belong: August 17, 2009



Defined by Webster:

To be a property or a concern of; have a place.


“For who ever gives you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” Mark 9:41.

“To the Lord our God belongs mercy and forgiveness.” Daniel 9:9.


As Christians we belong to the Lord. In Isaiah chapter 44 we read about God’s blessing upon Israel and He clearly states that they belong to Him. In Romans 14:8 it reads that “We are the Lord’s” thus we belong to Him. And in Galatians 3:29 it reads: “And if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” So the scripture makes it very clear that if we know Christ as our Savior, we belong to Him.

The next question is, “What things belong to God?” In Job 12:13 we are told that all wisdom and power belong to God. And Job continues in Job 12:16 to say that all strength and victory belong to God. And in Job 25:2, all glory, dominion and awe belong to God.

In Psalms we are told that “The kings of the earth belong to God.” (Psalm 47:9)
“The mountain peaks belong to God.” (Psalm 95:4) “And the highest Heaven belongs to God.” (Psalm 115:16)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and therefore all things belong to God. God blesses us by “loaning” to us what we have. When we recognize this fact we realize our own insignificance. We do not understand so many things that happen in this world, but since the world belongs to God who are we to question God’s sovereignty, His wisdom or His justice? It blesses us to know that we belong to a God to whom all wisdom, all power, dominion, awe, strength and victory belong.

We can remember a young girl in Guatemala asking how she could know and be sure that she belonged to God. This girl came from a dysfunctional home and her family did not recognize that there was a God let alone even mentioned God in their home. She attended the Christian school that our ministry sponsored and there she heard for the first time about God and His love for her. She heard the plan of salvation and soon understood that she needed to accept Jesus as her Savior. She now belongs to God because she became a child of God.

Do you have questions about who God is? Do you understand that all we have belongs to God? And where do you stand, concerning your relationship with God. If you have questions just communicate with us by using the link below to “Ken and Dottie.” We will respond.


Thank you Lord that all I have belongs to You. Help me to understand more clearly today Your power, Your compassion, the awesomeness of who You are and how all this relates to my life. Make me an instrument today to represent You in all that I do and say. May my actions and words glorify Your name!

Victory: August 18, 2009



Defined by Webster:

The winning of a contest or a battle; any successful performance.


“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57.

“And this is the victory that has overcome the world --- our faith.” 1 John 5:4.


All six of our children played several sports while in school. They always strived for victory in their games. In real life, as it is in sports, it is easy to win and celebrate victory, but when one loses and victory does not come, it is difficult to lose.

Early on we were parents sitting on the sidelines watching the kids play. As we watched we saw attitudes and conduct of some of the coaches and parents that disturbed us. We then saw coaching as an opportunity to instill some valuable life lessons in the lives of the children. So for 10 years we coached and our philosophy was what you have heard often: “It isn’t whether you win or lose but it is how you play the game.” Playing sports should be fun for children but at the same time they can learn from the experience.

They need to see the importance of learning the skills required, team work and good sportsmanship. Most importantly they need to know how to respect their peers and coaches and how to be a good loser. No one ever likes to lose, including us. But in real life, as we taught the players, just as in sports there are winners and losers. A victory in a sports contest is not nearly as important as a victory in life. And if one cannot learn to lose as well as how to win at a young age they will never be able to handle the disappointments and failures they will face in life. No one ever wins all the time.

God spoke of victory first in Genesis 4:6-7, when He was talking to Cain. Cain was very angry at his brother Abel for doing the right thing and bringing an acceptable offering to God. God said to Cain: “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it (have victory over it).”

But Cain did not celebrate victory because he could not handle failure. He allowed anger to rule in his heart which led him to kill his brother Abel. Cain lost the victory. Like Cain, sin lies at our door. Every day we face the challenge of being victorious over sin or losing the battle to Satan. When we sin, Satan wins and he then has victory over us.

There are many illustrations in the Bible where the Lord gave victory to His own. In Judges the 12th chapter we have the account of Jephthah’s conflict and victory over Ephraim and 42,000 men because God’s hand was on Jephthah as he led Israel.

In II Samuel chapter 8 we read how the Lord gave victory after victory to David because he trusted God. And in Psalm 44:7, we are told that just as the Lord gave victories to David and Jephthah, He will give us victories over our enemies. When the Lord is not with us in our battles in life, we will most likely lose.

These victories include all the enemies that we face daily in our lives such as negative attitudes, bad habits, hatred, gossip, unkindness and the list goes on and on. These negative situations we face in our lives can result in victory and can all be conquered when we put our trust and faith in the Lord. Our problem is that we just do not want to change. God is ready for us if we will just ask. It is all up to us.


Thank you Lord for the victories You continue to give me in my life. My prayer today is that You will give courage and foresight to both me and my family to claim victory over sin and our evil actions and thoughts. May Christ be victorious over Satan in our lives.

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