August 23, 2009

Victory: August 18, 2009



Defined by Webster:

The winning of a contest or a battle; any successful performance.


“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57.

“And this is the victory that has overcome the world --- our faith.” 1 John 5:4.


All six of our children played several sports while in school. They always strived for victory in their games. In real life, as it is in sports, it is easy to win and celebrate victory, but when one loses and victory does not come, it is difficult to lose.

Early on we were parents sitting on the sidelines watching the kids play. As we watched we saw attitudes and conduct of some of the coaches and parents that disturbed us. We then saw coaching as an opportunity to instill some valuable life lessons in the lives of the children. So for 10 years we coached and our philosophy was what you have heard often: “It isn’t whether you win or lose but it is how you play the game.” Playing sports should be fun for children but at the same time they can learn from the experience.

They need to see the importance of learning the skills required, team work and good sportsmanship. Most importantly they need to know how to respect their peers and coaches and how to be a good loser. No one ever likes to lose, including us. But in real life, as we taught the players, just as in sports there are winners and losers. A victory in a sports contest is not nearly as important as a victory in life. And if one cannot learn to lose as well as how to win at a young age they will never be able to handle the disappointments and failures they will face in life. No one ever wins all the time.

God spoke of victory first in Genesis 4:6-7, when He was talking to Cain. Cain was very angry at his brother Abel for doing the right thing and bringing an acceptable offering to God. God said to Cain: “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it (have victory over it).”

But Cain did not celebrate victory because he could not handle failure. He allowed anger to rule in his heart which led him to kill his brother Abel. Cain lost the victory. Like Cain, sin lies at our door. Every day we face the challenge of being victorious over sin or losing the battle to Satan. When we sin, Satan wins and he then has victory over us.

There are many illustrations in the Bible where the Lord gave victory to His own. In Judges the 12th chapter we have the account of Jephthah’s conflict and victory over Ephraim and 42,000 men because God’s hand was on Jephthah as he led Israel.

In II Samuel chapter 8 we read how the Lord gave victory after victory to David because he trusted God. And in Psalm 44:7, we are told that just as the Lord gave victories to David and Jephthah, He will give us victories over our enemies. When the Lord is not with us in our battles in life, we will most likely lose.

These victories include all the enemies that we face daily in our lives such as negative attitudes, bad habits, hatred, gossip, unkindness and the list goes on and on. These negative situations we face in our lives can result in victory and can all be conquered when we put our trust and faith in the Lord. Our problem is that we just do not want to change. God is ready for us if we will just ask. It is all up to us.


Thank you Lord for the victories You continue to give me in my life. My prayer today is that You will give courage and foresight to both me and my family to claim victory over sin and our evil actions and thoughts. May Christ be victorious over Satan in our lives.

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