October 9, 2011

Obey: October 7, 2011




To comply with the wishes; instruction or commands; to follow; to respond readily; to submit or conform to; to be obedient.


“Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.” James 1:22.

“If you obey my commandments you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed My Father’s commandments and remain in His love.” John 15:9

“But if anyone obeys His Word, God’s love is truly made complete in Him.” I John 2:5-6.

“What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

“This is love that we walk according to His commandments.” II John 1:6.


Obedience is the result of love and loyalty and they cannot be separated. Obedience to God is a demonstration of our love for Him. Obedience is doing what Christ has commanded us to do and living as He wants us to live. Jesus set the example for us. He was obedient to His father and obeyed His commands. By experience we know that obedience brings reward and disobedience has consequences.

We read in Numbers 20:7-12 that Moses struck the rock to get water rather then to just speak to the rock as God commanded him to do. Moses did not obey God and therefore forfeited his privilege of entering the promised land with the children of Israel, whom he had led for years. Think how painful it must have been for Moses after leading the Israelites out of Egypt and all through the wilderness for forty years and then not to be able to enter the promised land with them.

When we obey God, He uses ordinary people to do extra ordinary things. The disciples obeyed when Jesus said: “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Mark 1:17. Jesus chose ordinary men to be His disciples and because of their obedience to Jesus they were enabled to do miraculous things.

Trusting and obeying the Lord brings to one’s life true happiness. The noted author Philip Yancey wrote: “Obedience to God and only obedience offers the way out of futility.” The way of obedience is the way of blessing. We must learn to obey.

Have you noticed that children never need to be taught to disobey? Disobedience is a result of our sinful nature and each one of us --- parents, teenagers, adults and children --- need to learn to obey.

We learned as we were raising our children that the best way to teach obedience was to first set clearly the standards. Then when these standards were not honored and when we had given fair reminders, we would give an appropriate punishment such as taking away a privilege that was important to the child, for not obeying. The punishment had to have significance in the child’s mind, so it had to be painful. We also learned that it did not help to yell or threaten; this only built up resentment and never had good results. When giving out punishment for not obeying it is very important to be consistent as well.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 5:17.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.


Help me this day to obey Your Word and to be faithful in studying Your Word so that I may do a better job of obeying Your commands. Enable me to first personally understand and then to help my children to understand the importance of being obedient to God’s Word. Protect my children from being led astray by the temptations of Satan.

Success: October 6, 2011




The favorable determination of endeavors; attainment of wealth; position; honors; a successful achievement.


“If the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but wisdom brings success. Ecclesiastics 10:10.

“Please give me success this day and show kindness to my master Abraham.”
Genesis 24:12.

“God gives strength and success in proportion to the strain. He gives power to the weak.” Isaiah 40:29.


The key to success lies in the exchange of our limited resources for God’s limitless strength. You cannot store up treasures in heaven (this is success from God’s point of view), if you are holding on to the treasures of earth. No level of success is safe or has real value without the presence of God’s hand on your life.

The best starting point for one to achieve success is to pray and ask God for success. In Genesis 24:12 it is Abraham’s most trusted servant who is asking God for success. He was sent by Abraham back to the land of his family to find a suitable wife among his relatives for his son Isaac. The servant prayed that he would know which girl God had chosen. God answered his prayer and gave him success.

Solomon advises us to commit our plans to the Lord if we want success. “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3. When we commit our plans to the Lord, we are putting our trust in God for His guidance and giving Him control. We must work as if everything depends on us, but pray as if everything depends on God.

Solomon also advises those who would be successful that they need the right tools and must learn the necessary skills. It is difficult to chop wood with a dull ax. You must recognize the areas of your life that are lacking and then you must sharpen those skills. It will require hard work. But if you are diligent and put your trust in God, success will follow. If you desire to be effective in doing God’s work it is imperative to “sharpen your ax” by daily studying God’s Word. David recognized the importance of knowing God’s Word, gave this instruction to his son Solomon in I Chronicles 22:13 “Then you will prosper, if you take care to fulfill the statutes and judgments with which the Lord charged Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be dismayed.”

God told David that his son Solomon would build the Temple and David wanted Solomon to be successful. David gathered the material and the workmen and then instructed Solomon, “Now begin the work and the Lord be with you.” As parents we realize we have to instruct our children and prepare them if they are to be successful.

In raising our family we have always strived for success in all that we have done. Our number one goal was to be successful in leading our children to having a personal relationship with Jesus. We can be successful in every other section of life but if we do not have this spiritual success it is all worthless. Like Solomon, we say to our children; “Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.” Like Solomon we encouraged them to be strong and courageous, and not to be afraid or discouraged, even when the going got tough.

We always wanted our children to be balanced in their approach to their everyday lives. Thus we encouraged success in their school responsibilities, church activities, sport activities, leadership roles, and general life responsibilities and they all have worked hard to be successful. When the right approach is taught and learned it will reach down to the next generation. This has been true with us as we rejoice in seeing our grandchildren being encouraged by their parents to live by God’s Word and to do their best to be successful in all areas of their lives.

But if you would talk to each of our children today they would tell you that the most rewarding success is seeing their children accept the Lord as their Savior.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 5:17.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.


Help me today to look at success in terms of what I have done for You. Make my life speak loudly to all that I meet today, and may each person see that God is my strength and the source of my success. In my weak moments I look to You for my strength. Thank You for answering my prayers.

Authority: October 5, 2011




The power to determine or settle issues; the right to control; authorization; adjudicate; a power or right delegated as given; an expert on a subject.


“For there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” Romans 13:1.

“All authority has been given to me in heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18.

“When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” Proverbs 29:2.

“For He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” Matthew 7:29


As Christians we need to look at the word “AUTHORITY” from several
perspectives. First the authority that God has over us as Christians. And second what God says about the authority we have in the individual roles that we have been given or assumed in life.

The Bible declares God to be the supreme authority and the source of all authority. The scripture is clear that there is absolutely no authority given to man other than by God.

By the time that the Children of Israel had left Egypt, they were a large nation and needed a provision of authority to unify them, to give leadership to them and to keep order. God exercised His authority with them and delegated authority to the priests and the prophets to guide their spiritual needs. Later, when Israel demanded to have a “King,” God gave authority to a king to govern and establish civil law.

When we are in a position of authority in this life, we must recognize that all of our authority comes from God and we should exercise our power according to God’s rules and remember that God will judge us on our performance. Concerning the authority of our leaders in government and at our work place, unfortunately we live in a corrupt and sinful world so we have corrupt leaders.

We must be wise in choosing those who are in authority over us. The words of Proverbs 29:2 are true. We will groan when we are under the authority of wicked rulers. We must choose rulers who are God-fearing and righteous. Believers must pray for those in authority to make righteous decisions. Nevertheless, we as Christians must accept the authority of those in positions of authority over us as long as it does not conflict with God’s laws and moral standards. And remember, when we rebel against those in authority over us we are rebelling against God.

Concerning authority in the home, the scripture gives us in Ephesians chapter 5 specific instructions on how family members should relate to one another. As the head of the wife, husbands are to love their wives and wives are to submit to their husbands. This does not mean that the husband is the ruler nor is the wife inferior. But it does mean that the husband is the spiritual leader always thinking of his wife’s best interests and his wife should acknowledge his leadership.

A husband that loves the Lord and is wise will not take advantage of his leadership role and a wife who loves the Lord will wisely not seek to undermine her husband’s leadership. Unfortunately, this line of authority is not popular today and is not being practiced in most homes. Consequently we have seen family values eroding and more than 50% of all marriages fail.

Men no longer know how to lead their families properly under God’s direction. They have abused their role. Wives want to be equal today and do not want to be subject in any way to their husband as is God’s plan for marriage.

It is very important that parents establish with their children, at a very young age that they (the parents) are in charge. They must understand early in life that it is God’s plan for, “children to obey their parents.”

School teachers must make this same declaration but unfortunately cultural changes in our school system are making respect (authority) very difficult and a lot of this is because of bad parenting. Also in the work place today there is a lack of authority demanded or even expected. A respected, clearly stated line of authority brings success to the work place.

But most important, we need to recognize and respect God’s authority in all that we do as individuals, as a family, with our neighbors and in our work place. For Christians --- all authority is with God.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 5:17.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.


Prepare my heart to live a life that respects Your authority in all situations. Give me a new respect for You, my family and all those that I make contact with today. Continue to teach me daily to trust You more.

Jealousy: October 4, 2011




A state or mood; resentful and envious; inclined to suspicious fears or envious resentment; watchful in guarding something.


“For love is as strong as death, jealousy is as cruel as the grave.” Song of Solomon 8:6.

“They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy (jealousy), murder, strife, deceit and malice.” Romans 1:29.


In the above verse from Romans, Paul is describing the sinful condition of fallen mankind. Right at the top of his list is envy or jealousy. Jealousy is often the root of deceit, malice, strife and even murder.

Jealousy led Cain to slay his brother Abel. Jealousy caused Joseph’s older brothers to sell Joseph into slavery in Egypt. Jealousy caused Saul to try to kill David. Jealousy caused the Jewish chief priests to want to have the Romans crucify Jesus.

We cannot be faithful to God and serve Him if we have jealousy in our heart. Jealousy is part of our sinful nature and if we continue to envy and be jealous we are then slaves to our sin. Romans 6:16 says this: “You are slaves to whom you obey, whether you are slaves to sin which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness.” Do not let jealousy lead you in the wrong direction.

Jealousy is a sin that cannot be hidden and cannot be tolerated. We have mentioned so many times in these daily devotionals that these “WORDS” we refer to daily are dramatically affected by choices we make in life. Some of us make choices based on how the world looks at things. Others make choices based on what the Bible teaches us. And some make choices based on advice, both good and bad, given to us by friends and family. You can be sure that choices that come out of jealousy are always bad.

We have seen one family member jealous of another family member because they received something that the other did not. We have also seen success bring on jealousy from others. Jealousy is a mood feeling that one develops when one feels slighted and cannot accept that someone has more of something than they have. Jealousy leads to resentment and bitterness. A bitter person can never be happy and does not feel good about himself or herself.

In the Song of Solomon, it reads: Jealousy is as cruel as the grave. In other words in plain simple words --- Being jealous is cruel because it hurts us and makes us miserable.

The writer of Hebrews tell us to “be content with what you have because God has said, ‘never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Jealously leads to discontent. True contentment is in knowing and trusting in the Lord.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 5:17.

Therefore, If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.


Keep me from being jealous of others who may be more successful or may have more than I do. Make me thankful for all that You have given me so others may see Christ in me. Help me to realize what abilities You have given me and may I rejoice in them. May I be known today as a person that is committed to You in all that I do and in all that I say.

Desperation: October 3, 2011




The state of being desperate; having the recklessness of despair; loss of hope; a source of hopelessness.


“We were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God.” II Corinthians 1:8-9.


Have you ever felt as desperate as the above scripture says? Paul had endured many hardships in his life, and although he does not give us a lot of details, he does indicate that he and his companions felt they were going to die. Paul goes on to say that because they were helpless to help themselves they had to rely on God.

Some times we have to come to the point of desperation before we realize our need to completely trust in God. We have talked to a lot of desperate people in our lifetime. For some it has been facing a desperate situation in their marriage. For others it has been a desperate situation with a child. Possibly you face a desperate health situation or financial crises?

The desperations that have concerned us the most involving family life is twofold. First, we have seen so many times parents who are facing desperation because of the actions of their children. Parenting is very difficult in today’s society. Many times problems with children develop when parents have not developed a lifestyle that honors God in their homes and their lives for their children to see as they were growing up and they have not taught their children from God’s Word how to honor God.

But we also have seen great desperation from what we consider wonderful Christian parents who ask us --- WHY? Their children have made choices in their lives that are the opposite of the way they were raised. We have only one answer for one facing that situation and that is to pray for that child, continue to love that child and continue to live your consistent Christian life. We must then let go and let God do His thing. And He will do it in his perfect timing.

We have witnessed unbelievable desperation in third world countries. We have seen mothers crying because they have no food, milk or medicine for their dying child that they were holding in their arms. We have seen families with no housing, no food and seemingly no one to help because the father has died or left the home. We have seen children orphaned because both parents have died of AIDS. They ask: What should we do? Where do we go? Who really cares for me? This is desperation.

Henry David Thoreau said: “Most people live today lives of great desperation.” The feeling of desperation is often the result of choices one makes in life --- even years earlier. For others desperation comes due to situations that arise because of the location of where they were born and/or the culture they are in, the wars they have to face, poverty, persecution and other serious problems that a child, young person or adult has no control over.

But there is a solution for a person that is facing a desperate situation in life. The scripture says that we are to “cast all of our cares upon the Lord because He cares for you.” You might respond by saying or thinking that is easy for us to say. We do not understand how bad the situation is.

Let us tell you and assure you that no situation is too hard for God to overcome. It is our lack of faith that causes us to doubt what God wants to do for us. When desperate situations get us down, the only way to look is up. God is waiting for you to bring your desperation to Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 5:17.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Dear Lord, thank You for giving me the promise through Your Word that all I have to do is to cast my care (desperation) upon You and You will care for me. Help me today to grasp what You say and give me the faith to accept that You are caring for me even when I am feeling total despair.

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