March 27, 2011

God: March 25, 2011




The creator and ruler of the universe; Supreme Being; sovereign Lord; redeemer; infinite; Spirit.


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1

I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside me. Isaiah 45:5

“But without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6


Children have a way of coming up with very challenging and thought provoking questions. No doubt you have been asked some of the same questions that we were asked by our children. What or who is God? Where does He live? Why can’t we see Him? What does He look like? And many more! These are challenging questions indeed and not easy to answer especially in child-like terms.

The Bible does not give us a concise definition of “God”, but all of God’s attributes can be seen on every page of the Bible. Perhaps the best man-given definition of God is found in the Westminster Catechism. This definition consists of what the Bible declares about God. The definition is:

“God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His being,
wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth.”

When we speak of God we are speaking of the living God of the Bible. The Bible tells us that God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, yet He is not three deities but one God-head. This is a hard concept for our infinite minds to understand. Jesus said in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.”

As believers we believe that God the Father is our creator, God the Son came to this earth and died to pay the penalty for our sins, so He is our redemption, and God the Holy Spirit is our comforter and is with us every moment of every day. Thus God is not three deities but three distinct persons in one God-head. John says in 1 John 1:7, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost: and these three agree as one.”

The only way that one can come to God is by faith and through His Son Jesus and one must believe that He is God. No one has honestly sought God by faith and failed to find Him.

It needs to be noted that none of the writers of the scriptures or the patriarchs or prophets ever attempted to prove or argue the existence of God. Although the Holy Spirit did not move the writers of the scriptures to argue the existence of God, He revealed to them clear evidence that there is a living God.

First, there is evidence of the living God in creation: Creation demands a living personal creator. A building must have a builder, an airplane and a car must have a mechanical engineer and a watch must have a watch maker. God is the creator of creation as noted in Psalm 19:1-3: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech nor language where His voice is not heard.” In other words the entire universe speaks to us declaring there is a great creator. God is our creator and the creator of the universe.

Secondly, there is evidence of the existence of God in the written Word: All scripture is given by inspiration of God (II Timothy 3:16) and in II Peter 1:21 it tells us that God’s Word was written by men who spoke from God as they were led by the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is the inerrant Word of God and is evidence that He does exist.

And thirdly, God is the living Word: In the verse found in John (above), we are told that the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word is Jesus Christ the Son of God who was in the beginning with God. God sent Jesus to this earth to be our redeemer and because of this Jesus becomes evidence that God exists. Those that lived on earth during Jesus life time witnessed His life, His miracles, His death and His resurrection from the dead. What greater evidence could we have? Yes, there is a living God who always has been and always will be. He is “the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.” Hebrews 13:8-9.

God is a personal being, He is part of the Trinity, He is light, and He is eternal. What an awesome God we have. He is our salvation, our comforter and our hope for life eternal.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 14:21.

But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.


I stand at awe before You today, humbled by all You are and all You have done for me. Thank You for Your creation, Your Word and Your comfort that is available to me every day. Thank You for my salvation and the blessed hope I have for a life eternal with You in Heaven.

Repentance: March 24, 2011




Deep sorrow; compunction; contrition for a past sin, wrong doing or error.


“He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

“Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.” Acts 17:30

“God exalted Him to His own right hand as Prince and Savior that He might give repentance and forgiveness of sin to Israel.” Acts 5:31


Webster defines repentance as deep sorrow or contrition for a past sin. It is true, repentance requires being sorry. However, true repentance requires more then just feeling sorry, it requires a complete turning away from sin and a determination not to return to or repeat our sinful act or acts.

When we accepted Jesus as our Savior and became believers we needed to repent of our sins. Do you remember doing this? God expects us to repent if we are to become one of His children.

True repentance requires change. Changing the direction of one’s life from sin centerness and self centerness to God centerness. If we are willing to renounce our sin filled way of life and turn to God, he will give us a new direction in life.

Take a moment now and evaluate your life. Is repentance necessary? How have you treated God? How about your spouse, children and family? What about at your workplace? Have you been honest and responsible? Have you honored God in all that you have done? Have you treated your neighbors and friends with respect?

We are all born sinners into this world and cannot have God and un-repented sin in our life at the same time. The only way we can have God in our life is to be willing to turn from sin and repent. Repentance opens the door to God’s free gift of salvation given by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.

True repentance is always coupled with faith. It is impossible to have saving faith and not to be repentant. Faith without repentance is the ultimate of hypocrisy and repentance without faith is futile. When you asked Jesus to come into your heart, by faith, you asked for forgiveness of your past sins. This was repentance.

Repentance is not merely sorrow for something done. It is not penance and it is not a reformation which is a change brought about by our own efforts for self-glorification. Repentance is an intellectual, emotional and spiritual change in ones life. The prodigal son had first a change of mind, then a change of heart and then a change of will. That is when repentance came into his life.

We have many examples given us in the scriptures where repentance was preached. John the Baptist preached repentance. Jesus preached repentance. Peter and Paul preached repentance.

Repentance is so important to God that He commands “all men every where to repent.”(Acts 17:30) Jesus said the lost were to repent. Paul said that the back sliders were to repent. In Revelation the local churches are told to repent. Jesus said in Luke 13:3: “But unless you repent you too will perish.” There are severe consequences for those unwilling to repent.

The proof of repentance in your life is threefold: Turning from sin; turning to God and then seeking to do what the Lord leads you to do.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 14:21.

But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.


Speak to my heart today that I may repent from my sinful ways. Help me to bring about a change in my life that those that know me and walk and talk with me may see that Christ has made a difference in my life. Help me to repent of those things that are in my life that come between me and You, my God. Give me leadership with my family as together we live a God honoring life in all that we do.

Reverence: March 23, 2011




A feeling or attitude of deep respect; profound adoration; tinged with awe; the state of being revered.


“God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him.” Psalm 89:7

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” Hebrews 12:28

“Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him.” Psalm 33:8


All across our world today there is a lack of reverence seen or felt when one talks about God. Most people have lost their deep respect for God and do not sit back in awe when they think about God. The problem is simply they have their own god. It is a “ME” generation and their god is “ME.”

On any given day you can hear the word “GOD” spoken. Unfortunately, it is most often spoken irrevently rather then with reverence. The third commandment of the Ten Commandments is: “Do not misuse the name of the Lord for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name.” This commandment is broken on a regular basis by many people and when broken they show irreverence to God.

When we understand who God really is then we will not misuse the name of the Lord. But until that change comes in our lives we cannot be in awe of Him and have reverence for Him. Even though we cannot see God, we can know Him and when we get to know Him we will stand in awe of Him.

Moses spoke to God and God spoke to Moses face to face but Moses never saw God. Moses asked God to show him His glory (Exodus 33:18) but God told him no man could see His face and live. It is God’s glory that demands reverence. God’s glory is His majestic splendor.

There are many words referring to God in the scriptures and these words characterize Him: God is Holy, Majestic, Pure, Just, Almighty, Merciful, All-knowing, All-powerful, Ever-present, Eternal and our Creator. When we stop and think about these attributes of God we can begin to comprehend who He is and we cannot help but revere Him with awe and Godly fear. The most fundamental description of God is “HOLY.” God’s holiness is more than just an attribute; it is the essence of who He is. Our response to God’s holiness can only be reverential awe.

Our sin nature keeps us from seeing God as He really is. The scripture tells us that Adam and Eve communicated directly with God before they sinned against Him. Because they sinned, we all are sinners and God sent His Son Jesus, into the world to be the one who would pay the penalty for our sins. In Jesus, God showed us His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness, His justice and His power. Unless we know Jesus we cannot comprehend or know God.

As believers in Jesus we should desire to worship Him with reverence and in awe, and serve Him with Godly fear and respect. Many believers today get caught up in the “things” of life and forget to daily revere and serve God with fear and respect as the scripture tells us. With reverence for God comes obedience. We must let nothing in life interfere with our relationship with Jesus and being obedient to His commands.

Reverence for God will compel us to live our life with caution, carefully, with discretion and circumspection so that our life honors God. God is to be held in awe because He is Lord. We must serve Him in an acceptable way --- bearing fruit of the Spirit (love, gentleness, joy, faith, goodness, peace, meekness and self control). We also must be active in seeing others find Christ.

These thoughts that we have just mentioned --- reverence, obedience, honor, service, bearing fruit and telling others about Jesus is a list that all of us must work at daily with diligence. But evidently most believers do not think this way. Do they think it is too hard or will cost too much? What is your response?

We live in a generation where individuals are concerned only about their own activities. They have no belief system of any kind so the act of “REVERENCE” is irrelevant. As Christians we must worship God with REVERENCE! We must serve God with GODLY FEAR! Reverence for God solidifies our relationship with God and controls our actions and keeps us from disobeying God.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 14:21.

But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.


Thank You Lord that You are a HOLY and awesome God. Thank You that You love me in spite of my sin and unfaithfulness. Give me the desire and the firmness of conviction to serve You with reverence and Godly fear. Help me to lead my family to revere God through every issue that we face each day.

Revival: March 22, 2011




Restoration to life, consciousness, vigor or strength; reawakening of interest in and care for religion; a meeting to promote religious awakening.


“Will you not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” Psalm 85:6

Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us that we may be saved. Psalm 80:19

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14


Many professing Christians today have never experienced a revival and probably never even heard of one let alone really know what a revival is. If someone asked you what we meant by a “revival,” how would you respond?

A “revival” as we refer to it here is a time when a single person or a group of people (believers in Jesus) decide that they need to restore their faith in the Lord and get back to living by the fundamentals that God expects from us.

Today we need a revival and it needs to begin with individual Christians. We want you to understand that a revival can begin with you, just one person who really is dedicated to live daily for God.

There are at least 12 revivals referred to in the Old Testament and there are four factors preceding each revival that is in common and vital to these Old Testament revivals and are also relevant for us today.

• A moral and Spiritual decline among the people of God.
• Always proceeded by some kind of a righteous judgment from God.
• The raising up of an immensely burdened leader or leaders.
• A common location for a beginning with a common burden.

The Old Testament tells us of revivals under Moses, Samuel, David, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoida, Hezekiah, Joash, Zerubbabel, Ezra and Joel. All of these prophets from God led these revivals by calling the people together and having them pray, fast and confess their sins. In each case God used a leader who was faithful to Him.

God used Moses to bring revival to the Israelites when they rebelled against God. It would seem that after all the miracles the Israelites had witnessed God do to bring them out of Egypt that they would be forever faithful to God. Yet just within months, while Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai, the Israelites turned away from God and made a golden calf to worship. Moses had to call his people to a revival of their relationship with God.

God used Moses to point out to the Israelites that they had rebelled against God and that God’s judgment had come upon them for one reason --- they had sinned against God. Then Moses reminded the Israelites of God’s mercy and the many promises God had fulfilled in the past. Their restoration depended on their willingness to repent, follow the Lord and obey His commandments.

America was founded as a nation under God but today as a people we have rebelled and sinned against God. Thus we have witnessed a moral and spiritual decline not only among the general population but also among the believers in Jesus. Because of this we need a revival to begin with individuals and then have it spread to families and finally to our churches. Perhaps you need a revival in your family. God desires that we who are believers be a leader in our family to call our family members to repentance and bring revival in our home.

Our action should be to call our families together and have each one humble themselves before God, pray, seek God’s face, confess our sins and then repent from our wicked ways. He will forgive our sins and heal our homes and bring our family into a right relationship with Him. When this happens in a home God will give each one the strength to have their actions and deeds be a witness to their friends and neighbors and God will open doors for others to be drawn near to Him.

REVIVAL is needed today. When God moves into our homes and touches individual family members spiritually then a revival will begin. God is just waiting for us to HUMBLE ourselves; PRAY; SEEK HIM; turn from our WICKED WAYS, and then we will hear from heaven and when we repent, God will forgive our sins and heal our homes and our land.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 14:21.

But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.


Help me to put into perspective my need for a personal revival to begin in my heart. Give me the leadership to expand this “revival” need to my family. It is my prayer that You will work Your miracles in my life so that Your name will be honored and glorified.

Prayer: March 21, 2011



Today we share with you the words of our thirteen year old granddaughter.


The act of praying to God through His Son Jesus Christ. Communication and worship with God.


Let us therefore come boldly into the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16


These thoughts come from our thirteen year old granddaughter.
Prayer is very important to me but until a few weeks ago, I didn’t know why. Prayer I found out can change your life.

Last June my friend’s dad fell victim to cancer. My sister and I started to pray for him every night, as did my friend and her sister. Slowly their dad got better. They were so thankful as a family and they started going to church more often.

Last month I got a call from my friend that her dad was much better. We were so thankful. Now my friend and her family make extra sure to spend time with God. And now I realize just how much prayer can do.

We are so thankful that our granddaughter has recognized the power of prayer and that she shows her love for others by praying for them.

One of the great privileges we have as believers is to have the access to the very throne of God through prayer. Jesus has made it possible not only for us to come before God with our prayers for mercy and help but to come boldly and confidentially.

Jesus has made it possible for us to come directly to God to ask for forgiveness of our sins and for help in our time of need. We can pray with confidence knowing that God will hear us. Psalm 34:17 says, “The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them.”

What a blessing we have that we can call on the Lord for help anytime and anywhere. Prayer is the source of God-given power in our lives. God not only wants us to ask for His intervention and help with our needs but He wants us to pray for the needs of others. God has commanded us to love one another and if we love one another we will care about their needs and concerns and will want to pray for them. James in James 5:16 instructs us to: “pray for each other.”

Our family recognized that it was a privilege to be able to commune with God through prayer. We taught our children to pray not only for their needs but for others and especially for those who were sick.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 14:21.

But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.


Thank You for giving us children and grandchildren that love their Lord. Teach us to be examples to them by teaching them how to pray and assuring them that God hears every prayer. Help us as a family to show our love for others by praying for them. Bless our families and make us all shining lights for You.

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