May 13, 2016

Role Models: May 13, 2106



A person whose behavior in a particular social setting is imitated by others.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. I John 4:7.


We often hear people refer to another person as a role model. The dictionary defines a role model as one that another person imitates. It might be wise for you to consider all those who are role models to you. When you look at the list then ask yourself the question: “Do you really know each one well enough to feel that you would like to be just like that person?” Many on your list could include movie, television, sports or even Christian personalities. But do you really know them or do you call them a potential role model because you have seen only the good from the distance.

When I (Ken) was a teenager I can remember knowing a then well known Christian leader and nationally known youth evangelist and I considered this man the best of the best. I suppose at that time I considered him a role model. But about three years later I heard of the problems this man had in life. His wife had divorced him, he had an alcohol problem and he forsook his belief in the virgin birth of Jesus.

We have talked about this sad situation many times. It served as a very real warning for us to be sure we really knew those we considered to be role models and to teach our children the same.

Today’s society feels it most important to have role models. The famous know they are role models but do not seem to care if they are good role models or bad ones. They just desire the limelight and notoriety. Teenagers especially are influenced by role models and do not use discretion in choosing their role models. Parents must be aware of who their children are looking to as role models. Just because someone is a big “star” and famous does not make them worthy of being a role model.

Only God and Jesus are worthy to be role models. Jesus is the perfect role model because He lived in our sinful world, was tempted as we are, yet He never sinned. Following Jesus as our role model will lead us to live a God honoring life. We can be sure Jesus is a trust worthy role model and will not fail us because first of all, He loves us, and gave His life for us. Then He lived His life as the perfect example of how to live our life. He serves as an example to us to love one another.

Jesus loves us even when we are unlovable. The righteousness of God and Jesus should be the focus of our choosing our role model. Can you think of any living person better to imitate in life? God has given us His Son to pay the penalty for our sins. God has given us His Holy Spirit to lead us through life each day. God has given us time, talent and treasure to use for Him. God has given us His Word as a guide for living. God only wants what is best for us. What more can we want or hope for in a role model.

As believers in Christ we can still look to people as role models so we can learn from their knowledge of God’s Word and how they live their Christian lives. We need to do this with caution and wisdom. We can learn from the positives we see in their lives but we should always be alert to the possibility of failure in their lives. We must remember that they are human just like us and vulnerable to the devil’s temptations.

God and His Son alone are trust worthy. God never changes. When someone fails us we cannot blame God. God is faithful and He will never fail us.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:21.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Thank You almighty God for the model that You have given me to live a life of happiness, joy, peace and gratitude. Help me to lead my family away from the false hope given to us from those we may consider as role models in life. Help my family to look to You for all we need in life.
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May 12, 2016

Hunger: May 12, 2016



Craving for food; strong desire; urgent need.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Matthew 5:6.


We have often heard it said that the world is hungry for the gospel, but if this was true of everyone the whole world would be saved in a very short time. The truth is that the people of the world hunger and thirst, not for righteousness, but to satisfy their lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. I John 2:16-17 tells us this: Lust and pride can never be satisfied.

The scripture describes two kinds of righteousness which men hunger and thirst after. One is legal or self-righteousness. This is man’s own vain effort to establish his own righteousness by his own works, the works of the law. Titus 3:5 tells us that such “law works” cannot save a person from eternal damnation. These “law works” only produce self-righteousness which, in God’s sight, is like filthy rags, according to Isaiah 64:6.

The second kind of righteousness is the righteousness of God. Righteousness is what is right by God’s standards.

Romans 10:4 says, “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” And in Romans 3:22 (NIV), Paul tells us how we are made righteous. “Righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” Faith in Jesus alone brings righteousness and only believers who have received righteousness will know the blessedness of God’s saving grace which brings peace and joy. In this life there is no greater blessing than this.

When Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount that blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness His meaning was not just a desire for righteousness but a real hunger and starvation of the soul for righteousness. The word that Jesus uses here is translated from the Greek in the accusative case to mean all righteousness.  When the word is used in the genitive case it means that a person sometimes feels a little hunger or thirst for a small bit of something. What Jesus says in this Beatitude (Matthew 5:6), is that blessed are they that hunger and thirst for all righteousness, not for little tidbits.

It is important to note that the person who hungers and thirsts to be righteous and to do righteousness shall be blessed. Many just want bits and pieces just enough to make them comfortable. This gives a person false security and leads ultimately to loose living.

You are blessed when you have worked up a good appetite for God. He is the food and drink that satisfies our hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Christ does not say, “Blessed are the righteous,” because no one is righteous. He does say, “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Man is born imperfect and has only one hope and that is to seek God who does not want anyone to perish for their unrighteousness but wants to make everyone righteous. That is just what God does and He does this because He loves us.

Righteousness is the only thing that will fill and satisfy man’s innermost needs. And finally, being filled means to be filled with the spirit. In Ephesians 5:18 it says that the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, and peace.

Are you satisfied because you have received a full measure of God’s righteousness or are you still hungry?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:21.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Help me today to take a new look as to how I should hunger and thirst after righteousness in my life. Help me to spend more time reading Your Word and communicating with You so that I may have the blessing of Your righteousness in my life. Thank you for the gift of Your Son that makes it possible for me to be made righteous in Your sight.
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May 11, 2016

Honesty: May 11, 2016



Uprighteous; integrity; trustworthiness; truthfulness; sincerity; freedom from deceit or fraud.

The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them. Proverbs 11:3.

I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted the Lord; I shall not slip. Psalm 26:1.


The lack of honesty in people today is prevalent world-wide. It is hard to know whom you can trust. The newspapers and television news reports remind us daily of how dishonest people are. Governments cannot trust themselves or even other governments. Businesses give dishonest financial reports and deceive investors. Taxpayers cheat on their taxes. Students cheat to get better grades. Spouses cheat on one another. Children lie to get out of trouble.

We are given the godly advice in Proverbs 11:3 that we should let honesty guide us. Honesty keeps us on the path of uprighteousness. Dishonesty leads us to destruction.

In the book of Acts, chapter 5, we read about the dishonesty of Ananias and Sapphire. Yes, dishonesty can be found even in church members. Satan had planted in their hearts a very deceitful plan. Church members are not immune to Satan’s temptation. They sold a piece of property and brought a portion of the profit to the apostles as their gift to God. The problem was that they inferred or pretended to be giving all the profit to the Lord. Their sin was that they were not honest. They lied to the apostles to make themselves seem more generous than they were. The truth was that they were not what they appeared to be.

The problem that they had was multiple. They were not honest to themselves, to the apostles and most important to God. It reads in Acts 5:4: “Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to man but to God.” For this they paid a terrible price --- death.

Ananias and Sapphire knew that what they were doing was dishonest but they felt that no one would know what the property sold for. Nothing is hidden from God. God knows our every dishonest thought, every lie we tell, and every dishonest thing we do. This is a most important principal that children need to be taught early in life.

Parents have the responsibility to set standards of honesty for their children. Children must see these standards of honesty upheld in the lives of their parents. And as parents we need to be well aware that we teach our children not only by our words but by example. We need to show honesty and consistency in our daily walk and talk because what we do and say is watched carefully by our children.

If a child is raised in a home where their parents and siblings are not honest and upright, then dishonesty becomes a way of life. Someone once said that being honest means that you will never have to look back over your shoulder. This is true because when one is dishonest one almost always will soon get caught with a conflicting story. It seems that there is always someone that surfaces that knows the truth. We can be certain that our heavenly Father knows the truth and we will have to sooner or later answer to Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:21.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Thank You Lord for giving us Your Word to teach us Your standard of honesty that we can use as our guide in life. I pray that You will give me the motivation and the strength to be honest and consistent in doing what is right in Your sight. May my actions glorify Your name and be a godly example that my family needs to follow.

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May 10, 2016

Covetousness: May 10, 2106



Long for; desire enviously; wrongfully desire what belongs to another; a desire for an unjust gain.

And Jesus said to them, Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses. Luke 12: 15.


On many occasions we have watched our children and other children play and often one of them seem to want the toy another child is playing with. It doesn't seem to matter that there may be a dozen other toys or that they could have chosen that toy long before the toy was taken by the other child. The child wants that one and wants it now and many times they just take the toy.

As parents we know that it is not right so we have to intervene. Unfortunately, one of the problems with families today is that a parent does not intervene at times like this and children develop bad traits that stay with them for a lifetime. Adults are covetous just like children. We never think of wanting something, in many cases, until we see someone else has it. When we covet what someone else has we are breaking God's Tenth Commandment.

On the internet there is a web page called, "The Law of Attraction." Evidently this is a popular idea floating around about how to get whatever you want. One must just think and feel what you want to attract.

This positive thinking philosophy teaches that the energy of your dominant thoughts "attracts" your circumstances. The theory is the more desire you have for a thing, the greater will be the attractive force exerted toward its attainment, both within yourself and outside of yourself. To us this sounds like coveting. It seems that this so called law basically offers one the "things" in life that you "want" but do not have. This is certainly not what we learn from the Bible. The Bible has nothing to say about such a law.

WARNING: Do not get caught up in "Laws" like this because they will distract you, at the least, from your Christian walk with the Lord. Look to the Bible for all the right theories. Right theories are based in truth, and God’s Word is truth.

The scripture teaches us that we are to use our God-given abilities and work to provide for ourselves. As believers, we have good reason to be positive thinkers because our heavenly Father understands our needs and has promised to meet them. Because He cares for us, we do not have to be anxious (Luke 12: 22-30). In the verse, Luke 12:15, that we have written above we are warned that life does not consist in the abundance of things that we possess. A wealth of possessions has no eternal value. What does have eternal value is to be rich in God" (verse 21). As believers we store up riches in heaven by obeying God and faithfully serving Him.

In this verse above Jesus tells us to "Take heed and beware of covetousness" because one day, like the rich fool in the parable found in Luke 12:16-21, we will leave our earthly riches all behind. When that day comes for us to go to our Heavenly Father we will have more than we ever dreamed. We will share in God’s kingdom. In the meantime, God promises to care of all our needs. We do not need to follow foolish ideas like "the law of attraction" when we are a child of God. He has promised to supply all our needs, not all of our wants. Our deepest desire should be to be "rich toward God" (Luke 12:21).


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:21.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Thank You for the assurance that we have that You will provide all of our needs. Help us not to covet the things of this world but to covet the riches of God. Help my family to continue to seek You daily and make You Lord and King of our lives.

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May 9, 2016

Gentleness: May 9, 2016



Mildness combined with tenderness; kind; mild-mannered; meek.

What do you want? Shall I come to you with a rod, or in love and a spirit of gentleness?
I Corinthians 4:21.

But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. I Timothy 6:11.


One of the characteristics of Jesus was that when He was on this earth He was gentle. In Matthew we read about His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and it reads that He came as a gentle king.

In Matthew 11:29 Jesus told us to "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Jesus lived His life while on this earth in such a way as to be an example of how He wants us to live.

In Isaiah 40:11 the prophet tells of the coming of the Lord and describes Jesus by saying that "He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather His lambs with His arms and gently lead those that have young."

Jesus is often pictured as a shepherd who gently cares for his sheep. Sheep are defenseless and helpless. They need to be led to water and pastures and protected from animals that would prey on them. They can stray and get lost and must be rescued and be brought back to safety.

The gentleness that is depicted in Jesus is a characteristic that Jesus wants us to emulate in our lives.

Gentleness is a characteristic missing from lifestyles today. Very rarely will you meet a person that you will characterize as gentle. People are not gentle by nature. The apostle Paul exhorts us in II Timothy 2:24, "And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach and be patient."

As believers we are faced with living in a world of evil and conflict and must choose how to respond. The temptation we face is to become angry and fight back. We must consciously work on responding as the scriptures tell us by being gentle, mild and tender in our response and at times this is very hard to do.

Sometimes the best option is to run. In the verse above from I Corinthians Paul tells Timothy to flee from the things that bring ruin and destruction and pursue the Godly traits of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness.

Jesus wants us to be gentle as He was gentle. When we choose to follow Him in obedience the Holy Spirit will develop in us such characteristics as gentleness and kindness. It will be an outflow of His love at work in our lives.

In Proverbs 15:1 it reads that a gentle and kind answer turns away wrath, but a harsh answer stirs up anger. How do you respond to people and situations? Consider responding today to every situation that comes your way with gentleness and see how God will use you to influence others.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:21.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Help me to seek the trait of being gentle. May the example of gentleness that Jesus set for us that I read about in Your Word be evident in my life. May gentleness, kindness, godliness and meekness always be the character traits that I pursue.

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