January 16, 2011
Tares: January 14, 2011
A weed; vetch
“But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.” Matthew 13:26.
Jesus came into this world to begin His Kingdom on earth in the hearts of those who would believe in Him. The disciples would have the responsibility of growing His Kingdom after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Today we are talking about the TARES in a parable told by Jesus. The purpose of the parables in Matthew 13 was to teach the disciples about the Kingdom of heaven.
Jesus used the parable of the tares as written in Matthew 13: 24-30, when He was sitting in a boat on the sea of Galilee preaching and teaching the multitudes sitting on the shore line. Jesus, in this parable, was talking about the kingdom of heaven on earth and compared it to a man who sowed good seed in his field. He went on to say that while the man slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. When the grain sprouted the tares also appeared. The servants of the owner came to him and said he planted good seed so where did the tares come from? The owner told the servants that an enemy had sown the tares.
The servants then asked the owner if he wanted them to pull up the tares? The owner told them to let them both grow and at the harvest they would collect and burn the tares and harvest the wheat and put the wheat into his barn.
Later, when Jesus was alone with the disciples (verses 36-43) He explained the message of this parable. The Lord is the sower of the good seed and the field is the world. The good seeds are the children of God but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy that sowed the tares is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are the angels.
Just as the tares are gathered and burned, so it will be at the end of this age. Judgment will come and God will be the judge.
In this world believers live among non-believers just as the wheat exists among the tares. When the wheat and tares are immature and growing mingled together, it is hard to distinguish between the wheat and the tares. When wheat becomes mature it becomes apparent that it is wheat and not a tare. At the time of harvest the wheat can be separated from the tares.
As believers we will be living with unbelievers in situations like school, church, our neighborhood, in our workplace and even in our own family. As a believer in Jesus Christ it is important that we grow into mature believers so that we are distinguishable from non-believers. It is not the believer’s role to separate the wheat (believers) from the tares (non-believers). We are not the judge. God is. However as believers we must use good judgment in all we do.
We are told that each one of us make about 300 situation decisions a day and about 10% affect our future. Therefore we need to make wise judgments on our own situations. God will be the judge and take care of those that are evil in our world.
It is very important today for parents to teach their children how to make judgments that honor God. Children learn best by watching their parents, siblings and peers. They are influenced by what they see. Parents have the responsibility to guide their children to become mature believers.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 27:1.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Give me the wisdom and strength to plant good seeds with my family and friends so that they may see Christ through me. Help me to teach my children to become mature believers and to use good judgment in the decisions they make.
A weed; vetch
“But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.” Matthew 13:26.
Jesus came into this world to begin His Kingdom on earth in the hearts of those who would believe in Him. The disciples would have the responsibility of growing His Kingdom after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Today we are talking about the TARES in a parable told by Jesus. The purpose of the parables in Matthew 13 was to teach the disciples about the Kingdom of heaven.
Jesus used the parable of the tares as written in Matthew 13: 24-30, when He was sitting in a boat on the sea of Galilee preaching and teaching the multitudes sitting on the shore line. Jesus, in this parable, was talking about the kingdom of heaven on earth and compared it to a man who sowed good seed in his field. He went on to say that while the man slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. When the grain sprouted the tares also appeared. The servants of the owner came to him and said he planted good seed so where did the tares come from? The owner told the servants that an enemy had sown the tares.
The servants then asked the owner if he wanted them to pull up the tares? The owner told them to let them both grow and at the harvest they would collect and burn the tares and harvest the wheat and put the wheat into his barn.
Later, when Jesus was alone with the disciples (verses 36-43) He explained the message of this parable. The Lord is the sower of the good seed and the field is the world. The good seeds are the children of God but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy that sowed the tares is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are the angels.
Just as the tares are gathered and burned, so it will be at the end of this age. Judgment will come and God will be the judge.
In this world believers live among non-believers just as the wheat exists among the tares. When the wheat and tares are immature and growing mingled together, it is hard to distinguish between the wheat and the tares. When wheat becomes mature it becomes apparent that it is wheat and not a tare. At the time of harvest the wheat can be separated from the tares.
As believers we will be living with unbelievers in situations like school, church, our neighborhood, in our workplace and even in our own family. As a believer in Jesus Christ it is important that we grow into mature believers so that we are distinguishable from non-believers. It is not the believer’s role to separate the wheat (believers) from the tares (non-believers). We are not the judge. God is. However as believers we must use good judgment in all we do.
We are told that each one of us make about 300 situation decisions a day and about 10% affect our future. Therefore we need to make wise judgments on our own situations. God will be the judge and take care of those that are evil in our world.
It is very important today for parents to teach their children how to make judgments that honor God. Children learn best by watching their parents, siblings and peers. They are influenced by what they see. Parents have the responsibility to guide their children to become mature believers.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 27:1.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Give me the wisdom and strength to plant good seeds with my family and friends so that they may see Christ through me. Help me to teach my children to become mature believers and to use good judgment in the decisions they make.
Signs: January 13, 2011
A token; indication; a motion or gesture; to make a sign or signal; to indicate one’s approval; something indicating the presence or existence of something else; something material or external that stands for or signifies something spiritual.
“And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” John 20:30-31.
Recently we have received many e-mails asking us if there are signs or miracles in the scriptures that would help them know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is God. We have many wonderful new friends that we have heard from in third world countries that are besieged with false teachings and they especially need this devotional to encourage them in their faith.
In the book of John, the author John records seven signs or miracles that prove the deity of Jesus Christ. The word “SIGNS” in the gospel of John is the key that unlocks the door to our understanding of the good news of the gospel. In this gospel of John there are signs in the form of miracles, powers, wonders, and of words. John’s purpose was twofold: First, that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God. Secondly, that by believing we may have life in His name.
Following are the seven signs or miracles that John has given us to prove the deity of Jesus Christ:
• Jesus turned water into wine to prove His power to create. (John 2:1-11)
• Jesus healed the Nobleman’s son to prove His power to prolong life. (John 4:46-54)
• Jesus healed a sick man at the pool of Bethesda to prove His power to give life. (John 5:1-18)
• Jesus fed the five thousand with a lad’s lunch to prove His power to supply the necessities of life. (John 6:1-14)
• Jesus walked on the water to prove His power to protect life. (John 6:15-21)
• Jesus gave sight to a blind beggar to prove His power to illuminate life. (John 9:1-4)
• Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to prove His power to re-create life. (John 11:38-44)
In John 20:28 we read probably the most heartfelt confession of faith ever uttered or written. When Thomas saw Jesus after His death and Resurrection he said: “MY LORD AND MY GOD.”
The words “MY LORD” indicate his full commitment to Jesus. The words “MY GOD” indicate his intellectual conviction that Jesus is God. Saving faith demands total commitment to Christ as Lord and Master and intellectual conviction that He is the God-Man.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 27:1:
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
I praise You dear Lord that You are my Savior, my God and my Redeemer. Thank You for the many illustrations that are given in Your Word that assures me that my faith is real. Thank You for the signs that You send my way that keeps me close to You in all that I do.
A token; indication; a motion or gesture; to make a sign or signal; to indicate one’s approval; something indicating the presence or existence of something else; something material or external that stands for or signifies something spiritual.
“And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” John 20:30-31.
Recently we have received many e-mails asking us if there are signs or miracles in the scriptures that would help them know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is God. We have many wonderful new friends that we have heard from in third world countries that are besieged with false teachings and they especially need this devotional to encourage them in their faith.
In the book of John, the author John records seven signs or miracles that prove the deity of Jesus Christ. The word “SIGNS” in the gospel of John is the key that unlocks the door to our understanding of the good news of the gospel. In this gospel of John there are signs in the form of miracles, powers, wonders, and of words. John’s purpose was twofold: First, that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God. Secondly, that by believing we may have life in His name.
Following are the seven signs or miracles that John has given us to prove the deity of Jesus Christ:
• Jesus turned water into wine to prove His power to create. (John 2:1-11)
• Jesus healed the Nobleman’s son to prove His power to prolong life. (John 4:46-54)
• Jesus healed a sick man at the pool of Bethesda to prove His power to give life. (John 5:1-18)
• Jesus fed the five thousand with a lad’s lunch to prove His power to supply the necessities of life. (John 6:1-14)
• Jesus walked on the water to prove His power to protect life. (John 6:15-21)
• Jesus gave sight to a blind beggar to prove His power to illuminate life. (John 9:1-4)
• Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to prove His power to re-create life. (John 11:38-44)
In John 20:28 we read probably the most heartfelt confession of faith ever uttered or written. When Thomas saw Jesus after His death and Resurrection he said: “MY LORD AND MY GOD.”
The words “MY LORD” indicate his full commitment to Jesus. The words “MY GOD” indicate his intellectual conviction that Jesus is God. Saving faith demands total commitment to Christ as Lord and Master and intellectual conviction that He is the God-Man.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 27:1:
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
I praise You dear Lord that You are my Savior, my God and my Redeemer. Thank You for the many illustrations that are given in Your Word that assures me that my faith is real. Thank You for the signs that You send my way that keeps me close to You in all that I do.
Rejection: January 12, 2011
To refuse to accept or admit; something or someone that is rejected as unwanted or imperfect.
“He came unto His own and His own did not receive Him.” John 1:11
“My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?” Psalm 22:1 and Mark 15:34
Feeling rejected is a terrible feeling. Several times our children have come home from school, a sporting event or from some other occasion with a long sad face that says rejection all over it. It is at times like this that a child needs love, the only kind of love that a parent can give. A child needs to be reminded that God loves them and He never will reject them.
It is one thing to be rejected by friends and associates, but quite different to be rejected by family. Any type of rejection hurts. Unfortunately, some rejection is brought on by one’s own actions. For others it may be because of their beliefs and the standards they set to honor their belief. When a family rejects one of their own it is usually based on a major conflict between right and wrong.
These verses from Gods Word let’s us know a little about the rejection Jesus faced while he was on this earth. He truly knew the meaning of rejection. First, even his own people, the scripture says, rejected Him. Secondly it was the rejection and abandonment of His Father that He knew He must experience when He took our sins upon Himself that brought Him to His knees in the garden of Gethsemane beseeching His Father to take that cup from Him. It is because Jesus went through that suffering of rejection by His Father that we do not have to endure the rejection of our heavenly Father for our sins.
“Why does nobody care?” was the question that rings so clear in my mind from a young girl living in a home that our organization sponsored for children with cancer in Honduras. There was no medicine or equipment in the whole country to help cancer victims. This young girl and her mother sitting by her side felt so rejected. They did not think anyone cared even though we were trying to assure them that help was on the way.
Our organization did respond. Soon there was medicine and even state of the art equipment to help assist children put their cancer into remission, the first such equipment in the whole country of Honduras. The equipment and medicine did not arrive in time to save this young girls life but thousands of children since have been helped because this one girl moved us to action. Her feeling of rejection helped many other children in her country get the help they needed
All of us have days and times that we feel rejected. It may be because of a spouse, a parent, a child or a friend. When these moments of rejection come our way we must look to the Lord for special strength that only He can give. When we are feeling down cast, the only way to look is up. God understands how you feel because He knew rejection. We must learn to be positive in those moments of feeling unwanted. You must remember that at the lowest times of your life when you feel rejected know that God loves you and there is nothing more important.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Dear Lord, help me today to understand the rejection You felt when your own rejected You and the rejection You felt on that cross paying the debt for my sins. Help me to look beyond the low moments I may face today to the glory that shall be mine when I am with You in heaven and receive my crown of life. Bless my family today and make them a blessing to those they meet who need an encouraging word. And Lord, give me a new excitement and desire to serve You.
To refuse to accept or admit; something or someone that is rejected as unwanted or imperfect.
“He came unto His own and His own did not receive Him.” John 1:11
“My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?” Psalm 22:1 and Mark 15:34
Feeling rejected is a terrible feeling. Several times our children have come home from school, a sporting event or from some other occasion with a long sad face that says rejection all over it. It is at times like this that a child needs love, the only kind of love that a parent can give. A child needs to be reminded that God loves them and He never will reject them.
It is one thing to be rejected by friends and associates, but quite different to be rejected by family. Any type of rejection hurts. Unfortunately, some rejection is brought on by one’s own actions. For others it may be because of their beliefs and the standards they set to honor their belief. When a family rejects one of their own it is usually based on a major conflict between right and wrong.
These verses from Gods Word let’s us know a little about the rejection Jesus faced while he was on this earth. He truly knew the meaning of rejection. First, even his own people, the scripture says, rejected Him. Secondly it was the rejection and abandonment of His Father that He knew He must experience when He took our sins upon Himself that brought Him to His knees in the garden of Gethsemane beseeching His Father to take that cup from Him. It is because Jesus went through that suffering of rejection by His Father that we do not have to endure the rejection of our heavenly Father for our sins.
“Why does nobody care?” was the question that rings so clear in my mind from a young girl living in a home that our organization sponsored for children with cancer in Honduras. There was no medicine or equipment in the whole country to help cancer victims. This young girl and her mother sitting by her side felt so rejected. They did not think anyone cared even though we were trying to assure them that help was on the way.
Our organization did respond. Soon there was medicine and even state of the art equipment to help assist children put their cancer into remission, the first such equipment in the whole country of Honduras. The equipment and medicine did not arrive in time to save this young girls life but thousands of children since have been helped because this one girl moved us to action. Her feeling of rejection helped many other children in her country get the help they needed
All of us have days and times that we feel rejected. It may be because of a spouse, a parent, a child or a friend. When these moments of rejection come our way we must look to the Lord for special strength that only He can give. When we are feeling down cast, the only way to look is up. God understands how you feel because He knew rejection. We must learn to be positive in those moments of feeling unwanted. You must remember that at the lowest times of your life when you feel rejected know that God loves you and there is nothing more important.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Dear Lord, help me today to understand the rejection You felt when your own rejected You and the rejection You felt on that cross paying the debt for my sins. Help me to look beyond the low moments I may face today to the glory that shall be mine when I am with You in heaven and receive my crown of life. Bless my family today and make them a blessing to those they meet who need an encouraging word. And Lord, give me a new excitement and desire to serve You.
Mourn: January 11, 2011
Feel or express sorrow or grief; regret the loss of.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:4.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
All of us at some point in our lives have had the experience of mourning. For some it may have been the death of a family member or good friend. For others mourning may have come at the time of a loss of a job or a home. Our family has had times of mourning just as many other families experience. These moments of mourning for those that know the Lord are also moments of rejoicing because we know that those who we have lost are in heaven with our Lord.
These two verses above have special messages for us. First, Solomon told us that there will be times in our lives when we will mourn, just as there will be times to laugh, weep and dance. And Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount as He presented His beatitudes told us that those who mourn will be blessed and comforted.
In Genesis 50:11 we read about the Egyptians mourning at the death and burial of Jacob. The scripture tells us that when the Canaanites saw the depth of the mourning they erected a memorial and called it Abel Mizraim, which is beyond the Jordan River even today. Jacob had told his sons to take him to this location and bury him in the cave. So Joseph and his brothers did what Jacob knew that God wanted his burial at this location.
James in the New Testament also talks about mourning. He tells us in James 4:7-10 that humility cures worldliness. He tells us that we are to submit to God, resist the devil, draw near to God, cleanse our hands, purify our hearts and lament, mourn and weep. In order to be humble in the Lord’s sight we are to let our laughter turn to mourning and joy to gloom. If we humble ourselves in this way before the Lord, James tells us that He (God) will lift us up.
We have experienced in our family times of mourning. We have both lost our parents and a daughter-in-law, plus many other family members and dear friends. We experienced a time of mourning, but we trusted Jesus and He gave us the assurance that we should rejoice because they were now with Him in Heaven where we would join them someday in His perfect timing.
Paul wrote in his letter to the Thessalonians (4:11-13) words of comfort to Christians who were mourning for those who had died. Those of us who believe that Jesus died and rose again (verse 18) to save them from their sins should not grieve as men who have no hope (verse 13) because, according to His Word, (verse 15) those who believe in Him will be with the Lord forever. (verse17)
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 27:1.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Thank You that You do give me time in my life to mourn, to laugh, to cry and to dance. Help me to be a comfort to those who mourn today.
Feel or express sorrow or grief; regret the loss of.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:4.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
All of us at some point in our lives have had the experience of mourning. For some it may have been the death of a family member or good friend. For others mourning may have come at the time of a loss of a job or a home. Our family has had times of mourning just as many other families experience. These moments of mourning for those that know the Lord are also moments of rejoicing because we know that those who we have lost are in heaven with our Lord.
These two verses above have special messages for us. First, Solomon told us that there will be times in our lives when we will mourn, just as there will be times to laugh, weep and dance. And Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount as He presented His beatitudes told us that those who mourn will be blessed and comforted.
In Genesis 50:11 we read about the Egyptians mourning at the death and burial of Jacob. The scripture tells us that when the Canaanites saw the depth of the mourning they erected a memorial and called it Abel Mizraim, which is beyond the Jordan River even today. Jacob had told his sons to take him to this location and bury him in the cave. So Joseph and his brothers did what Jacob knew that God wanted his burial at this location.
James in the New Testament also talks about mourning. He tells us in James 4:7-10 that humility cures worldliness. He tells us that we are to submit to God, resist the devil, draw near to God, cleanse our hands, purify our hearts and lament, mourn and weep. In order to be humble in the Lord’s sight we are to let our laughter turn to mourning and joy to gloom. If we humble ourselves in this way before the Lord, James tells us that He (God) will lift us up.
We have experienced in our family times of mourning. We have both lost our parents and a daughter-in-law, plus many other family members and dear friends. We experienced a time of mourning, but we trusted Jesus and He gave us the assurance that we should rejoice because they were now with Him in Heaven where we would join them someday in His perfect timing.
Paul wrote in his letter to the Thessalonians (4:11-13) words of comfort to Christians who were mourning for those who had died. Those of us who believe that Jesus died and rose again (verse 18) to save them from their sins should not grieve as men who have no hope (verse 13) because, according to His Word, (verse 15) those who believe in Him will be with the Lord forever. (verse17)
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 27:1.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Thank You that You do give me time in my life to mourn, to laugh, to cry and to dance. Help me to be a comfort to those who mourn today.
Supply: January 10, 2011
To furnish or provide to a person; what is lacking or is needed.
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
“Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” Galatians 3: 5
We have taught our children that everything that we have is because God has supplied these to us. We also have taught our children that in specific times of need when we call upon Him, He will and has supplied our need. Our children learned as we taught them what the Bible assures us but more important they have learned by our example.
We have had situations when each person in our family knew there was a need. So together we prayed when we met together as a family at dinner every night and then we all were able to see how and when God answered our specific need and supplied just what we needed --- no more or no less.
We are reminded of the time when Jesus went to the marriage feast with His mother [John 2:1-5], in Cana of Galilee. Jesus mother told Jesus that the wine “had run out.” She knew that Jesus could SUPPLY all that was needed, and He did.
Weddings in those days were celebrated with a week-long feast. To run out of provisions for the guests was a great social offense and very embarrassing for the host. It is unlikely that Mary would ask Jesus to perform a miracle, but she had faith that Jesus would be able to provide in a time of need. She didn’t tell Jesus what to do, she just presented the need because she knew that Jesus was able to supply in a time of need. Jesus responded by turning the water into wine. Today we need to have faith, just as Mary had, in our time of need and turn to Jesus.
History has made it very clear to us that when times are tough, that is the time when many people seem to complain about “things.” When our children whined and complained, Dottie would tell the children that “complaining will get you nowhere.” God does not want us, His children, complaining any more than we want to hear our children complaining. What God does want is for us to present our needs to Him and He has promised to supply all of our needs.
Yes, God always honors abundantly those that give Him honor and praise in tough times and He supplies all his or her needs. We know that when we are facing tough times we spend more time praying and asking God to help because we recognize that we need help. When times are good, unfortunately, many Christians become complacent about asking God for His blessing because they feel self-sufficient. Feeling self-sufficient and not thanking God for His blessings in our lives leads to pride. We are warned in Proverbs 16:18 that pride comes before a fall.
Look at all that God has supplied for us. He sent His only Son to pay our penalty for sin. He sent His Holy Spirit to comfort us as we serve Him. He supplies us with health, talents and abilities to serve Him. And He provides us with the certainty of spending eternity with Him in Heaven.
In Luke 6:38 it reads: “Give and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over ---.” And in Matthew 21:22 it reads: “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” And finally in Luke 11:9 it reads: “So I say to you, ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.”
Look at the key words that Jesus gives us in these verses. They are GIVE, ASK IN PRAYER, BELIEVING, SEEK, and KNOCK. Each word demands action on our part and if we act just as He expects us to act just think what God will do in SUPPLYING all our needs.
“Gods work done in Gods way will never lack Gods supplies.” Hudson Taylor
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 27:1.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Thank You for all of the wonderful blessings You have provided to me and my family. Help me to put You first in all that I do not only in the good times but in the times of loneliness I feel. My prayer is that beginning today that You will supply all our needs according to Your riches and Your plan for my life and the lives of my family.
To furnish or provide to a person; what is lacking or is needed.
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
“Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” Galatians 3: 5
We have taught our children that everything that we have is because God has supplied these to us. We also have taught our children that in specific times of need when we call upon Him, He will and has supplied our need. Our children learned as we taught them what the Bible assures us but more important they have learned by our example.
We have had situations when each person in our family knew there was a need. So together we prayed when we met together as a family at dinner every night and then we all were able to see how and when God answered our specific need and supplied just what we needed --- no more or no less.
We are reminded of the time when Jesus went to the marriage feast with His mother [John 2:1-5], in Cana of Galilee. Jesus mother told Jesus that the wine “had run out.” She knew that Jesus could SUPPLY all that was needed, and He did.
Weddings in those days were celebrated with a week-long feast. To run out of provisions for the guests was a great social offense and very embarrassing for the host. It is unlikely that Mary would ask Jesus to perform a miracle, but she had faith that Jesus would be able to provide in a time of need. She didn’t tell Jesus what to do, she just presented the need because she knew that Jesus was able to supply in a time of need. Jesus responded by turning the water into wine. Today we need to have faith, just as Mary had, in our time of need and turn to Jesus.
History has made it very clear to us that when times are tough, that is the time when many people seem to complain about “things.” When our children whined and complained, Dottie would tell the children that “complaining will get you nowhere.” God does not want us, His children, complaining any more than we want to hear our children complaining. What God does want is for us to present our needs to Him and He has promised to supply all of our needs.
Yes, God always honors abundantly those that give Him honor and praise in tough times and He supplies all his or her needs. We know that when we are facing tough times we spend more time praying and asking God to help because we recognize that we need help. When times are good, unfortunately, many Christians become complacent about asking God for His blessing because they feel self-sufficient. Feeling self-sufficient and not thanking God for His blessings in our lives leads to pride. We are warned in Proverbs 16:18 that pride comes before a fall.
Look at all that God has supplied for us. He sent His only Son to pay our penalty for sin. He sent His Holy Spirit to comfort us as we serve Him. He supplies us with health, talents and abilities to serve Him. And He provides us with the certainty of spending eternity with Him in Heaven.
In Luke 6:38 it reads: “Give and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over ---.” And in Matthew 21:22 it reads: “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” And finally in Luke 11:9 it reads: “So I say to you, ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.”
Look at the key words that Jesus gives us in these verses. They are GIVE, ASK IN PRAYER, BELIEVING, SEEK, and KNOCK. Each word demands action on our part and if we act just as He expects us to act just think what God will do in SUPPLYING all our needs.
“Gods work done in Gods way will never lack Gods supplies.” Hudson Taylor
Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 27:1.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Thank You for all of the wonderful blessings You have provided to me and my family. Help me to put You first in all that I do not only in the good times but in the times of loneliness I feel. My prayer is that beginning today that You will supply all our needs according to Your riches and Your plan for my life and the lives of my family.
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