October 16, 2011

Revenge: October 14, 2011




To exact punishment for a wrong; a vindictive spirit; to inflict pain or harm; an opportunity to retaliate.


“Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘it is mine to avenge: I will repay, ‘” says the Lord. Romans 12:19

“Be sure that no one pays back wrong for wrong. But always try to do what is good for each other.” I Thessalonians 5:15

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil.” Romans 12:17


All parents discover early on that children have a natural instinct to get revenge. When our children got into a disagreement it was often hard to know which one was the bigger offender. One would say that the other one hit him or her. The other would say that their sibling had hit him or her first. The reply to that accusation was that it all was the other ones fault because of some unkind thing the sibling had done. Their justification for the fight or disagreement was that they were just getting even --- revenge.

The desire for revenge is not limited to children. Basic human nature drives most people to want to retaliate when someone does them wrong. This attitude of revenge is not acceptable to God. Every day we have situations that brings out our desire to show some revenge. A fellow worker blames you for an incident at work. A friend betrays you. A spouse causes hurt feelings to the other spouse. For all of these issues, and many more, your natural response is to retaliate even if it is just verbal.

When people try to even the score and get revenge it starts a vicious cycle. Every act done to retaliate and get revenge on someone who has wronged us only results in another act of retaliation. Usually, each act or revenge is more severe than the previous one.

People in deteriorating relationships have a strong tendency to bring up “ancient history.” They feel they have to get payback or revenge. The result is that they can never truly forgive and resolve their anger. They end up suffering even more as the bitterness eats away at them like a cancer. Paul tells us in Romans to let the Lord be our avenger. He will punish with justness and fairness.

We have talked to people who have evidently been wronged years ago by a person and the relationship between the two people progressively gets worse every year. This is not acceptable in God’s sight because He wants us to live a life honoring Him in all we do. When such an incident happens God expects you to respond with love and not repay evil for evil. (Romans 12:17). This is hard because it goes against our sinful nature. If we want to live a life honoring God by our words and deeds, we need to take the initiative and make things right.

As Paul advises us in I Thessalonians 5:15, “Always try to do what is good for each other.” Paul also advises us that it is not our role to retaliate, to punish or to seek revenge but God’s. When you respond with love and an understanding attitude it will make a lasting impression on the one that wronged you. It is a well known fact that it takes two to fight and when your response is done in love and showing care it takes “all the air out of the balloon” of the one that wronged you. One day God will right every wrong.

Next time you have a desire to retaliate do something good and see what happens. You may have to, as the saying goes “bite your tongue.” It is hard to continue a fight when there is only one in the fight.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 5:22-23.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.


Help me today to be responsive to wrongs done to me with a spirit of love. Keep me from returning evil for evil. My great desire is to be more like You. May others see Christ in all my words and deeds. Give me an attitude of forgiveness with my family, friends and neighbors.

Eternity: October 13, 2011




Infinite time; duration without beginning or end; endless period of time.


“That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:15.

“For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23.


Have you ever tried to imagine what eternity is like? It is very difficult for our finite minds to grasp the concept of our life going on and on with no end. On earth, things have a beginning and an ending. Sometimes when we have to stand in a line we say it seems like an eternity. It may seem long but really it is relatively short and it has an ending. Our life on this earth has a beginning and an ending, but when we leave this earth we have an eternity ahead of us with absolutely no ending.

So the question we must ask you is: “Where will you spend your eternity?” This is a question we all have to answer and it is the most important decision you will have to make during your entire lifetime. We both personally answered that question before we were ten years old.

These two verses, written above, really give us all we need to know about eternity. Each one of us has a choice to make. The one choice you have is to accept Jesus as your personal Savior and receive God’s gift of eternal life. God freely offers this choice to you because Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins and now He is in heaven preparing a place for you for eternity.

The second choice you have is to do nothing about Jesus and ignore the issue. Ignoring the issue does not make the issue go away. A non decision about Jesus is still a decision. You then have made your choice to spend an eternity in Hell. We hear it said over and over again --- “I will make that decision later” --- but later may be too late.

And the third choice is to reject Jesus and God. This choice comes with a price, as the verse above says --- “the wages of sin is death” --- so without that personal relationship with God you will spend an eternity in Hell. It is that simple and clear, so the decision is yours.

You do not hear many sermons in church today about Hell. It is not a popular subject to talk about and pastors are fearful it would turn people away from church. People just do not want to face the fact that their unforgiven sins will bring condemnation to them. It is impossible to preach the gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ and ignore the fact that there is a real hell. But many pastors do preach on Heaven and Hell and their Churches are growing because the message of Heaven or Hell stirs people to make a decision for Jesus and they then stay in the church so they can grow in Christ.

People are searching for real hope and peace in their lives and the only way to have real peace and joy is to know where one will spend eternity. The decision of accepting or rejecting Jesus is the most vital decision one can make today. Nothing is more relevant than eternity. Our question to you today is: “Have you made that choice?” Your eternity is at stake. Will you spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven or with the devil in Hell?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 5:22-23.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law


Dear Lord, thank You that I can be certain that I will spend eternity with You in heaven because I have accepted you as my Savior. May I also be diligent today to share my faith with my family, friends and associates so that they may know that they have a decision to make on where they will spend eternity.

Compassion: October 12, 2011




A feeling of deep sympathy; sorrow for someone struck by misfortune; a desire to alleviate suffering.


“For He who has mercy on them will lead them, even by the springs of water He will guide them.” Isaiah 49:10

“But He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity.” Psalm 78:38.

“But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved to compassion for them.” Matthew 9:36.


We are living in a world today where very few people have compassion for someone in need. It is a “ME” world where the one person that one cares about is himself or herself. You constantly hear of someone leaving the scene of an accident or ignoring the call of a neighbor. Everyone is constantly in a rush and in crowded situations they bump people and never even smile or say I am sorry.

But for Christians it should be different because of the standard our Lord gave to us. When Jesus was on earth He was going from city to city teaching in the synagogues and we are told that when He saw the multitudes of crowds He was moved to compassion. (Matthew 9:36)

True compassion moves us to action. In Mark 2:3 we read that “some men came, bringing Him a paralytic, carried by the four of them.” These men saw their friend’s helpless condition and their compassion moved them to take action. They carried him to Jesus. When Jesus saw the man, He saw more than his physical need. He saw his spiritual need --- for forgiveness of his sins. Jesus took care of the man’s spiritual need first saying: “Son your sins are forgiven.” Then He healed him and told him to get up and walk.

God’s compassion for us surpasses all human understanding. He knew our need for salvation from the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was because of His great compassion for us that He sent His only Son to die on the cross paying the penalty for our sins. Jesus took our sins upon Himself and then gave His life for us. There is no greater compassion than this.

Yes, true compassion leads to action. In Luke chapter 10 we read of the account that we all know as the parable of the Good Samaritan. In verse 33 we read that when the Samaritan came across the man who had been beaten by the thieves and left to die, the Samaritan was moved to compassion and he took action. Unlike the two previous travelers who had come by the beaten man and continued on without helping, the Samaritan acted, came to his aid, and saved his life.

We are reminded that even today there are many people that are in situations that would move anyone to compassion. We have talked to pastors in Kenya who have told us about the poverty of the people in their church and tears filled their eyes. This shows real compassion. Just take a trip someday and go into a children’s hospital and see just a few of the children who are sick and dying. We can assure you that your heart will be broken with compassion.

These illustrations from life today and from the scripture need to be a reminder to us to live each day with a heart that is sensitive to being compassionate. When you see someone in need, help them. When you see someone hurting with grief, give them a word of encouragement. Work today on the concept of what my father (Ken) told me years ago --- Live a life of JOY --- JOY spelled out one letter at a time says Jesus, then others and lastly you.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 5:22-23.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.


Give me today a compassionate heart. May I be alert to others and their needs? Help my family to watch for ways to show compassion to others. Thank You Lord for the wonderful standard of compassion You have set for us to live by. Help me not to merely feel compassion but to be moved to action to show my compassion to others.

Hungry: October 11, 2011




A compelling need or desire for food; the painful sensation or state of weakness caused by the need of food.


“He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry?” Psalm 146:7.

“I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink.” Matthew 25:35.

“And He fills the hungry soul with goodness.” Psalm 107:9.

“A righteous man … gives his food to the hungry and provides clothing for the naked.” Ezekiel 18:7.


Since 1961 we have been involved with ministries that have dealt with physical hunger. And since we were in college we have been involved with ministries that were concerned about spiritual hunger. How do you react when you see or talk to a hungry person who is hungry both spiritually and physically?

Have you talked to a spiritually hungry person who was searching for peace and a relationship with God? Let us assure you that it is one of the great thrills of life, to be used by God to lead that person to a personal relationship with Jesus. Then the spiritual hunger for this person is satisfied for a life time as he has Christ in his heart

Dealing with physical hunger is an entirely different situation. Some one once said that you can feed a person a meal and in a few days he will be hungry again. But you can teach that person to fish and he can provide himself food for a lifetime.

But the real truth is that in most areas of our world where hunger is a problem it can not be solved by giving fishing lessons. But as Christians we have some lessons to learn about hunger. In the scriptures there are many references to hunger --- both spiritual hunger and physical hunger.

When we talk about spiritual hunger God expects us as Christians to be ready in season and out of season to “preach the gospel.” (II Timothy 4:2) God wants us to walk the walk and talk the talk every moment of every day being an example to all that see us. He also expects us to show others that we love and serve the Lord. By doing this when one who is suffering from spiritual hunger needs help he will come to you. And then you must be ready.

As for physical hunger, we have the responsibility to do all we can to meet the needs of those that are hungry. We are to give food to those who need food, give drink to those who are thirsty, give clothes to those that need cover and to do all that we can to help people who are physically hungry. But you may then ask --- where do I begin because the needs are so many. Yes, the needs are many but we must not use that as our excuse to do nothing. No one person can do it all. What the Lord asks of us is that we do what we can, each one according to the ability and gifts He has given us.

We read in Matthew 15:32 that Jesus called His disciples to Him and said: “I have compassion for these people; because they have already been with me three days and have had nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, as they may collapse on the way.” For three days Jesus had been teaching and healing a multitude of spiritually hungry people, but Jesus not only saw their spiritual hunger, He saw their physical hunger.

The disciples could only come up with seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. Jesus performed a miracle and multiplied the loaves and fish so that 4000 people could eat. And after they had all eaten all they could, there were seven baskets left over.

Jesus cares not only about our spiritual hunger but also our physical hunger. Jesus expects us to care for others the same way.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 5:22-23.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.


Thank You first of all dear Lord for all that You have blessed me with this day. Give me a sensitive heart today for those that are hungry both spiritually and physically. Enable me to be aware of opportunities to feed those who are hungry, whether it is hunger for spiritual food or for physical food.

Thanks: October 10, 2011




To express gratitude or appreciation; a grateful feeling.


“Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercies endure forever.” I Chronicles 16:34.

“Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” Psalm 107: 8-9.

“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.” II Corinthians 9:15.


When the American colonies were first settled one man suggested that as a group they were dwelling too much on their problems. It was time to focus on their blessings. Thus we had the first thanksgiving celebration in America.

As Christians every day should be a day of thanksgiving. Just take a moment and list in your mind all the things that God has given you to be thankful for. Our health, our family, our salvation, our job, our home, our neighbors, our church, our Bible, our automobile and the list goes on and on. Many people in our world, in fact over 85%, do not have any where near the many things that we as Americans have to be thankful for. How much more then should we be thankful to God?

In Psalm 103:2 it reads: “Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” It is easy to forget all the benefits God has given us. How often do we really thank God for all He gives us?

As far back as we can remember we spent time every day praying and thanking God through prayer for His blessings. As a child we prayed before every meal, we prayed every morning and we prayed every evening before we went to bed. Christian parents have the responsibility of teaching their children the benefits they received from the Lord and to be faithful in thanking Him for them. In Psalm 103: 3-5 David reminds us of the benefits we receive. Be sure to read these to your children. We are thankful for the marvelous heritage we received from our Christian parents of being thankful which we in turn passed on to our children.

What about you? If you do not have that heritage now is the time for you to take time every day to thank God for His blessings and establish that heritage with your children. Our God is a loving God and yearns for your gratitude. And He will respond by multiplying His blessings upon your life if you just take the time to thank Him.

Have you thanked God recently for sending His Son to pay the penalty for your sins? Have you thanked God for the assurance that you have that He is in heaven preparing a place for you for eternity? The apostle Paul calls God’s gift of salvation and grace that he gave us by giving His only begotten Son to die on the cross as “GOD’S INDESCRIBABLE GIFT.” We should be so thankful for this gift that Paul says is above all else.

If you pause to think, you will be aware of how many benefits you have from God and that should give you cause to thank God. We need to remember with gratitude God’s many blessings.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 5:22-23.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.


Give me this day a spirit of gratitude to You dear God for all that You have blessed my life with. As a family may we begin today spending more time just to thank You for all the benefits we receive from You. Thank You for Your goodness in forgiving our sins, for redeeming us and giving us eternal life and for Your wonderful blessings to us. Thank You for satisfying my longing soul and for filling my life with your goodness.

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