January 17, 2010

Confidence: January 15, 2010




Sure of oneself and one’s abilities, correctness or likelihood of success.


“For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.” Proverbs 4:26


After God had enabled Israel to easily overcome the city of Jericho, Joshua set about to conquer the city of Ai. Ai was strategically located to provide a foothold in the central highlands for Israel and was the logical next step for Joshua to proceed to conquer the land that God had promised for them.

Joshua sent spies to Ai to check out the military strength of the city. The spies returned confident that the city of Ai could easily be taken by Israel. They advised Joshua that it would be so easy that they would not need their whole army. They said to Joshua, “Send two or three thousand men to take it and do not weary all the people, for only a few men are there.”

Joshua took their advice and sent three thousand men against Ai. To their surprise they were driven out by the men of Ai and thirty six of their men were killed.

Joshua and the elders of Israel had become too self-confident. How quickly they had forgotten that it was God who had given them the victory over Jericho. That was their first mistake. Secondly, they did not consult God about taking the city of Ai. They rushed head long into battle relying on their own strength. The third mistake was that they did not prepare themselves spiritually. They had already forgotten that before they undertook the battle of Jericho, God had required that they prepare themselves spiritually.

Joshua and the elders could not understand why they were so easily brought down by the men at Ai. They were so grieved over the loss that they tore their clothes in mourning and fell down on their faces and cried out to God asking what went wrong.

Most of us go about our daily routines confident in our own abilities to accomplish whatever we have to do. We seldom seek God’s help. We turn to God only when, like Israel, we have been defeated and our problems are overwhelming. Every day we need to begin that day getting ourselves prepared spiritually for that day. Remember when you read the Bible; this is the way God speaks to you. When you pray; this is the way you speak to God. God wants us to put our confidence in Him and consult Him in all that we do, not only in our down and out times, but in our good times. Consulting God when everything is running along smoothly will keep us from bringing on problems for ourselves.

When was the last time you consulted God on anything? Now might be a good time to start. A little time spent consulting God can save us from mistakes that will be very costly to us.

There was a three year difference in age between two of our sons. Whatever the oldest did the youngest was confident he could do as well. The older one had been driving for a while. It looked easy enough so the younger son decided he wanted to try to drive a car. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of hitting the gas pedal when he wanted the brake. He sideswiped a tree putting a dent in the side of the car. It not only made an impression on the car but a deep impression on him. He was not as confident in his abilities and learned that preparation was important in gaining confidence in all that he did. In life we all learn by mistakes because we are over confident in ourselves.


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.


Lord help me put my confidence in You and learn to consult You for the direction and guidance I need in my life in both the good times and the bad times. Forgive me for my mistakes and help me to learn from them. Help my children to see by the way I live my life that they should not rely on themselves but seek God’s help in all that they do.

Comply: January 14, 2010




To act or be in accordance with requests, demands, requirements or conditions.


“The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the people to ‘SHOUT’ for the Lord has given you the city.” Joshua 6:16.

“… when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in, and they took the city.” Joshua 6:20.


Israel had set up camp at Gilgal which was about two miles to the north of the city of Jericho. Jericho was so well fortified that the Canaanites were sure that their city was invincible. It was situated on a hill and surrounded by a double ring of walls. The outer wall was six feet thick and the inner wall was twelve feet thick. Nevertheless God had determined that Jericho would fall.

God sent a messenger to Joshua to tell him that God would deliver Jericho completely into Joshua’s hands. God gave very specific instructions that Joshua must order the Israelites to comply with if they were to have the victory. Joshua and his army were to march once around the city for six straight days. They were to be led by seven priests blowing trumpets made of ram’s horns who were then followed by the Ark of the Covenant. On the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times and when Joshua gave the command all the people were to shout.

Joshua did everything just as God had instructed him and when all the people complied with the command to shout, the walls of the city collapsed and the Israelites were able to charge right into the city and take it.

The instructions given by God to Joshua were very unusual for a military conquest. When God directed that the Ark of the Covenant lead the soldiers, He wanted the Israelites to understand that He was in command and the outcome of the battle was dependent upon Him and not upon their military strength. By complying with God’s instruction the Israelites demonstrated their faith and trust in the Lord and their willingness to obey Him. In response to their faith and obedience God gave them the victory.

Obedience to God and compliance to His laws always bring blessings. In Deuteronomy 28:2 it reads: “All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.” May we remind you that when you spend time reading the Bible and praying daily, God will make it clear to you His direction. You will probably not hear His voice but the still small voice within you will direct you.

All of our children were given assigned household chores which were to be completed before the end of the week. One of our children loved to put his chores off until the deadline was very close. Therefore he often had a hard time complying with the rules and meeting the deadline. One weekend he was invited to a friend’s house for dinner. Even though we had reminded him of his chores several times and that they were to be completed before he left, he took off without doing them.

Both of us were somewhat aggravated and we really had “had it” so to speak. We called the house where he was going and asked them to have him call us when he arrived. In no uncertain terms he was told to come home immediately to finish his chores. We told him on the telephone that once they were done he could return to his friend’s house. The embarrassment of having to return home accomplished what constant reminders had not. From that day on, he decided it was best for him to do the work early in the week and comply with the rules.

In life today we need to, as individuals and as parents with our families, learn to set rules and boundaries for ourselves daily based on the scriptures and then to force ourselves to comply with them. This will lead to a happy and united family.


Our memory verse for this week is:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.


Help me to read Your Word daily so I can know Your commandments. Help me to obey and comply with Your laws so that You can bless me. Give me wisdom and direction in leading my children to want to trust You and obey You.

Prepare: January 13, 2010




To put in proper condition or readiness


“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed.” 11 Timothy 2:15

“He will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 1Timothy 2:21


After God had miraculously parted the Jordan River so the Children of Israel could enter Canaan, the Israelites were anxious to conquer the surrounding nations so that they could occupy the land God had promised them. God however said “Time out --- not so fast!” God did not want them to rush into Canaan without being prepared.

The first thing God had them do in preparation was to set up the memorial of twelve stones. God had them do this to remind them that it was God who was leading them and they were serving a God of might and power.

The second thing that God asked the Israelites to do was to circumcise every male. When God made His covenant (promise) with Abraham that He would make him the father of a great nation, God established that circumcision would be a symbol of cutting off the old life and beginning a new life with God. This was a sign of belonging to God.

The third thing that God required them to do was to celebrate the Passover which was a celebration of the night in Egypt that the angel of death passed over the Israelites homes sparing the lives of their first born. God wanted them to remember the mighty miracles of God that He had done in bringing them out of Egypt to the Promised Land.

There was special significance to these three steps of preparation that God asked the Children of Israel to do. He wanted to establish the importance of worshipping Him. They were to trust God and in Him alone!

They were to serve God and no other gods because they were His chosen people. They were set apart from the rest of the world and belonged to God.

They were to recognize that God is faithful and fulfills His promises thus He is the one that should receive the glory.

Just as God wanted the Israelites to take time out and prepare for the challenges that were before them, God wants us to take time out to prepare each day for the challenges we will face in life. Taking time for God each day is just as important today as it was in the days of Joshua.

We coached the soccer and baseball teams that several of our children were playing on. In order to be adept in the game we required the team to practice on a regular basis each week so that they as a team would be prepared for the game on Saturday. Our teams always did well and that was because they came to each game ready and prepared. Each one knew their role and the importance of team work. They knew what to do and how to do it before the start of the game.

Take a moment right now and make sure you have taken time with God today to be prepared for what you will face this day. When you do, God will be with you through every moment of your day.


Our memory verse for this week is:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.


Lord keep me faithful each day so that I take “time out” to spend time reading Your Word and in prayer. Encourage me so that I will know that this will prepare me for the challenges I will face each day. Guide me as I teach and prepare my children so that they may stand strong in these times of great temptation. Help me to get them ready for the “game of life” so that they may be victorious.

Influence: January 12, 2010




The awareness of facts, truths or principles. What is known, a body of accumulated facts.


“Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” Philippians 2:14-15.


As the scripture says, we are living in a crooked and perverse generation. This is why our Christ-like influence on people is more vital than ever. In the verse above, Paul is telling the church at Philippi that they must shine as lights in the world.

As parents we must train our children daily in the ways of the Lord. We need to start training them at an early age telling and showing them that as Christians they will stand alone many times in life because of their faith. The training they receive when they are young will go a long way in helping them to stay true to their faith in later years.

Children and adults have many influences on their lives today. Some of these are good and some bad. For just one example, it is hard to overestimate the ungodly influence questionable literature has upon an individual. Several murderers have said in prison that reading just one vicious romance book led them into crime.

England’s John Angeli, (some have referred to him as being one of England’s most honest men) said when he was getting quite old, that he never got over the evil effects of having to read in school a bad book for just fifteen minutes. Today it is the media that has the greatest impact upon our society. Hour after hour and day after day we are bombarded with objectionable material that can scarcely even be described. This kind of influence on our children and their parents undermines their moral values and sense of what is right and what is wrong. Because of this bombardment of negative, satanic influences, it is no wonder we live in an “anything goes society.” Is it any wonder that our families are dysfunctional and our world is wracked by insoluble problems?

What kind of evil influences are impacting your family each day? Have you evaluated what both you and your children watch, hear, and see on the television, computers, conversations and even the actions and deeds around your home or from your neighbors? As parents are you setting boundaries for your children and yourself.

What kind of influences is your family facing at school, at the work place or with friends? Are you aware of who your children spend time with and what kind of activities they are involved in? Again we ask, “Are boundaries being set?” You need to eliminate the evil influences in your life and seek out positive influences. To begin on a positive note, read the Bible daily alone and with the family. Also then pray daily alone and with the family. Turn off the television if you have any concerns on the content. Watch carefully what your children are doing on the computer and their cell phones and IPods.

The apostle Paul advises us that we should quit arguing and complaining. Arguing and complaining among family members causes dissention and destroys the unity of the family. If your family is serving the Lord, He will be a unifying influence and enable you to live peaceably and in harmony.

Remember --- a family that eats dinner together, talks and listens together and reads the Bible and prays together will be putting positive values in their lives that will enable them to overcome the evil influences that they face. As you train your family to live lives that honor God, each of you will shine as bright lights in this dark and corrupt world.


Our memory verse for this week is:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.



Memorial: Monday January 11, 2010




Something designed to preserve the memory of a person or event.


“In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord. When it (the Ark) crossed the Jordan the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.” Joshua 4:6-7.


After crossing the Jordan River the first thing that God instructed Joshua to do was to build a memorial. While the priests who were holding the Ark of the Covenant were still standing in the middle of the Jordan River, Joshua, in obedience to God, instructed one man from each of the twelve tribes to take a stone from the Jordan river at the spot where the priests were standing. These twelve men then carried the stones to the place where they were to camp the first night in the Promised Land.

There at Gilgal, Joshua set up a monument as a memorial to remind future generations of the miracle God had done in parting the Jordan River. Children who were born after the crossing of the river would see the stones and ask what the stones meant? Their parents would have the opportunity to tell them the story and teach them about God and what He had done for them.

The memorial also served as a memorial to all the people of the earth, past, present and future that the God of Israel is powerful and a God of miracles.

We took our children across America to Washington D.C. to see all the memorials and historical places in our nation’s capital. As we visited the Washington memorial, the Lincoln memorial and others, we had the opportunity to teach our children about who these men were, what they believed and what they had done for our country. We were able to point out to them the impact that God had on their lives and in the forming of America.

As parents it is our responsibility to tell our children about who God is and what He has done for us. This trip to our nation’s capitol made a lasting impression on our six children, especially the role that God played in the founding of America. On every memorial we saw there was a scripture verse or a spiritual thought. The words “in God we trust” are imprinted on our coins and they serve as a reminder that America was founded by men who put their trust in God. Faith in God has made our nation strong down through these years since our independence. Now God is rapidly being banned by our government leaders and this could well bring about the fall of our country. Frankly, it is up to us as Christian parents and grandparents today to teach our children and grandchildren to trust in God and work to keep America a nation that puts God in the center of all its activities.

Children love to ask questions and as parents we need to be ready to give an answer. Many parents we talk to are not ready or prepared to answer the questions given by their children because they do not feel they have the time and if it has a spiritual theme they are not in tune with the Lord and therefore are not able to answer. When your children ask you about God, do you take the time to talk to them about who God is and what He has done for you? Do you share with them how God has blessed you, how He has answered your prayers and how He continues to meet your needs? Telling your children about God is one of the keys to having a happy family.


Our memory verse for this week is:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.


Thank You Lord for all that You have done in my life. Help me to always take time to talk to my children about God so that they can know Him and understand all that He has done for me and know that He will do the same for them.

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