June 17, 2016

Discouragement: June 17, 2016



A feeling of being deprived of courage, hope or confidence, feeling disheartened, dismayed, hopeless or downcast.

But God, who comforts those that are downcast, comforts us. II Corinthians 7:6.

Fathers do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. Ephesians 6:4.

Why are you downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:5.


Discouragement does deprive one of courage, hope and confidence. There are many reasons given for being discouraged. A child can be discouraged when he cannot find good friends, was not chosen for some role hoped for at school, or because of a grade on a test. For parents discouragement is a result of a souring relationship, an unhappy job situation, money concerns for the family, just to name a few.

From the moment each of our children was born we were, as parents, committed to teach and train each child to live with a positive attitude. We were committed to provide the love, interest and concern for each child as needed. It was important to us as parents to make sure that our children were involved in church, in school, in sports and with their daily "household jobs" because being involved in activities is an important part of a child's life. It helps them learn, to develop relationships, keeps them active and busy and because of this activity they were very rarely discouraged.

When discouragement comes your way, look to the Bible for strength and answers to your concerns. God told Joshua to always be strong, have courage, do not be afraid and do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9) This verse should be read every time you become discouraged.

No matter how alone we may feel or how far away from God we may feel, God is always there. He knows our every need and hears our every cry for help.

Do something positive when you begin to feel discouraged. Eliminate negative thoughts in your life. Each day give something, like a kind word, to someone whether it is someone you know or someone you do not know. David said to Solomon, his son: "Be strong and of a good courage." As parents we need to remind not only ourselves but also our children to be strong in the Lord and not to become discouraged. Our Lord is a God of comfort and hope. When we are downcast He will comfort us and renew our hope and we will be able to praise Him in spite of our discouragement. One of the best ways to brighten any day is if you are discouraged STOP for a few minutes and think about the blessings, the good things, that you have and then thank God for those blessings. It is hard to be discouraged and praise God at the same time.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 11:24.

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.


Dear God, thank You for a new day and I ask for Your blessing on my life. Help me to not be discouraged today but to face each moment knowing that You are my God and that You are with me every moment of today. Comfort my family, friends and those that need a special touch from You this day because they are discouraged.

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June 16, 2016

Uniqueness: June 16, 2016



Being the only one of its kind; unusual; rare.

The officers answered, No man ever spoke like this man. John 7:46


At the end of the third year of Christ's ministry on this earth, the chief priests and Pharisees sent their soldiers to arrest Jesus, but they came back empty handed. Their testimony (the verse above) showed that they had been emotionally, morally and spiritually stunned. Upon hearing Christ for themselves and being overpowered by His words and His ethical fortitude, such an awe of Him was felt that they could not bring themselves to apprehend Him, either as a common criminal or a false Messiah.

These men recognized the uniqueness of Jesus. He possessed qualities of moral integrity and divine righteousness that marked Him as different then all men. They had no doubt that He was different from the Rabbis and indeed a prophet sent from God. His claims went beyond those made by any Rabbi, His teachings are filled with truth and godliness and His compassion was genuine. He was a man of miracles, His prayer life was quiet and He was meek and not boastful.

Yes, Jesus was unique. He was unique in just who He was. He was God. He was unique in His birth. He was born of a virgin. He was unique in His ministry. His understanding of the law, even at twelve years old, astonished the Rabbi's because He taught as one having authority. He was the greatest teacher that ever lived, performed the mightiest of miracles, and a friend of sinners.

No man whether a prophet, a teacher, a preacher or a leader has been as unique as Jesus and “no man has ever spoke like Jesus”.

He was unique in His death because He died voluntarily for His peoples sins. He was unique in His resurrection just as He had prophesied and as the prophets in the Old Testament had prophesied before him. He was unique at His ascension returning in the air to His father and commanded His disciples to be witnesses of Him to the uttermost parts of the world. And finally He will be unique in His second coming when He returns to this earth and takes His believers to be with Him for an eternity.

We are unique in God's sight. Each one of us was created by God and is unique in our own way. We are all born as sinners because of the sin of Adam and Eve and we have a choice to follow Jesus or to follow our own sinful ways. God has available to each of us that believe on His name a unique place in this world. He has given each of us talents that fit just us. He has offered us a life that is full of joy, just for the asking and a life in heaven for eternity if we become one of His children.

Our uniqueness can be modeled after Jesus. We need to be emotionally, morally and spiritually sound so that we can be the witnesses of Jesus that He expects us to be.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 11:24.

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.


Thank You for giving me the unique opportunity to know You as my Savior and help me to be more like You every day. Give me and my family the emotional, moral and spiritual fortitude to be the witness that You expect of us.

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June 15, 2016

Encouragement: June 15, 2016



To inspire or stimulate by guidance or by approval.

But command Joshua, and encourage him and strengthen him; because he shall go before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you will see. Deuteronomy 3:28.

That I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Romans 1:12.

That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely Christ. Colossians 2:2.


All of us need encouragement from time to time to spur us on not only when we are facing what we feel to be a new challenge in our life but also in our daily challenges. We recently read an article about an accountant for a large corporation. For thirty years he had been faithful to his work and seemed to always be in control of what he was doing. He committed suicide and a note was found. The words tell us as Christians something that should drive us to action. It said that for thirty years no one had ever given him one word of encouragement, even at the church where he attended. His note closed by saying: “I AM FED UP!”

Parents understand how important it is to encourage their children. Any time a child experiences something that is new to them they are naturally wary. How children handle those firsts such as the first day of school, the first visit to the doctor’s office, or the first dental appointment often depends on the assurance and encouragement they receive from their parents. Children need encouragement to make them confident. We saw this constantly with our own children.

Encouragement is vital in the developing of positive and productive attitudes in facing life’s challenges. When a child, and an adult as well, is constantly discouraged they lose hope and despair sets in. When hope is gone life does not seem worthwhile.

The Apostle Paul was probably the most effective encourager mentioned in the Bible. Paul saw that faith in Christ gives believers a common bond and a mutual purpose in life, which enables them to encourage each other by their faith.

Paul wrote in his letter to the church at Rome that he was praying for God’s will that the way would be opened for him to come to see them. He longed to see them as he says in Romans 1:12 (above) so that they could mutually encourage each other by their faith.

Paul had heard that the church at Colosse and the church at Laodicea were struggling because there were false teachings going on in their churches. He wrote the letter to Colossians so that both churches could come together to encourage each other in their faith. In Colossians 2:2 (above) Paul says his purpose in writing to them was that they would be encouraged and knit together by their love for the Lord and by their knowledge of the mystery of God which is salvation through Jesus Christ.

Paul on his second missionary journey established a church in Thessalonica and later when he heard they needed guidance he encouraged that church by sending Timothy to them. And when he was in custody waiting for trial because of his preaching, he wrote the church at Philippi that he would also send Timothy to them. Truly Paul was an encourager always looking out for his fellow believers need for encouragement. He always would respond by going himself or sending a fellow worker.

The Bible has given us so many examples of leaders that needed encouragement and asked God for the encouragement they needed. For example, when Joshua took over the leadership of the Children of Israel from Moses, he needed some encouragement because of the battles that he would face against godless enemies in conquering the Promised Land. So God told Moses to encourage Joshua. How would you feel if you had to step into the shoes of Moses and God said to you “GO AND LEAD?”

Through Moses God gave a clear outline as to how Joshua should proceed. Joshua had been trained for this day but he still needed encouragement. God told Joshua several things. First, to rise up and go, second, that no man would stand before him, and thirdly assured him that He (God) would be with him just like He was with Moses.

Then fourthly God told Joshua to be strong and courageous, and fifthly to lead like Moses did and teach from the law (the Bible). And finally God told Joshua to meditate day and night on His Word.

That is the encouragement that Joshua needed and today if we will apply these same principles to our lives as God commanded Joshua we will be encouraged every day of our life and we will be encouragers to others. We all need encouragement and like Paul and Timothy and Moses, we all have the responsibility to show God’s love by encouraging others. You cannot speak a kind word too soon. A word of encouragement can make a difference between giving up or going on.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 11:24.

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.


Help me to make the time I have each day be productive in serving You. Keep me diligent in reading Your Word so that I can find the encouragement I need every day. Help me to be faithful in following You. Help me to always be an encourager to those who are discouraged.

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June 14, 2016

Example: June 14, 2016



A model or a pattern of something to be imitated or avoided; an instance used as an illustration; an instance serving as a warning to others.

Brothers, all of you should try to follow my example and to copy those who live the way we showed you. Philippians 3:17.


In his letters to the churches the apostle Paul reminded the early Christians to follow the example of his daily walk with God. To the Corinthian church Paul wrote, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” Paul’s example was trustworthy because he patterned his life after the example of Jesus life. In II Thessalonians 3:9, Paul was warning the church at Thessalonica against idleness and challenged them to work so they would not be a burden to anyone and be a model example to others just as he had always worked so that he was never a burden to anyone.

In John 13:1-17 we read about the time before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus sat down with His disciples and washed their feet. Peter was especially vocal and objected telling Jesus that he would never allow Jesus to wash his feet. But Jesus responded that he did not understand the meaning now but would someday.

Peter refused because he did not understand the example Jesus was giving the disciples. Jesus was washing the disciple’s feet signifying that it is Jesus who has the power to cleanse. Peter would come to understand this after Jesus shed His blood on the cross to cleanse us from all our sins.

When Jesus said to Peter that unless he allowed Jesus to wash his feet he could not continue to be part of Me, His inner circle, then the light finally dawned on Peter. Peter finally asked the Lord to cleanse his feet, his hands and his head. Jesus went on to say in verse 15, “For I have given you this as an example that you should do as I have done.”

Peter tells us in I Peter 2:21 that Christ suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow His steps. By His example Jesus wanted His disciples to see that they must have a servant’s heart and a servant’s attitude. He also told them that they needed to be willing to serve one another. Jesus demonstrated this by washing His disciple’s feet. Jesus set the example for all of us to be servants of Jesus and that we must be willing to do the most menial of tasks to bring honor and glory to Him.

When Jesus came to earth, He primarily came to save us, but He also came to show us by example how to live for Him. Jesus knew that as Christians we all would face injustices and could suffer for our faith just as He did while on earth. Throughout the New Testament we read many examples that Jesus has left us that are examples for us to model in our daily walk with the Lord.

Jesus commanded us, as recorded in John 13:34, to love each other and we must love each other as Jesus loved us. And in 1 John 3:16 it reads that this is how we know what real love is: Jesus gave His life for us. There is no greater way to show love than to give ourselves for others and then let our love be an example to them.

We are examples daily to those who are near us. When people know that we are believers in Jesus they watch us carefully to see how we act. Some watch us in order to see if we are consistent in our faith. An example of this is when we start our meals in a restaurant with a prayer; people see this and then watch to see if we are consistent in our faith.

As we were growing up our parents constantly reminded us to be consistent in our Christian walk. We were told that as a Christian we were unique and when we failed in some way that it would hurt the cause of Christ. Our actions reflected on what we professed to believe and claimed to be.

Children today, as always follow the examples they see at home, at school and at church. Some of these examples that they follow are not good and that is why parents need to communicate daily with their children and in addition they need to watch, listen and talk so that they may be aware of whose example their children are following. First and foremost Christian parents must follow Christ and be Christ-like examples to their children.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 11:24.

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.


Help me to understand the importance of being an example of Christ by my words and deeds. Give me direction as to how I can not only be an example to my family but to teach them how to honor You and be an example of You in all that they do.

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June 13, 2016

Temptation: June 13, 2016



An inducement; usually an enticement to sin or do the wrong thing.

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
James 1:12.


It is so easy today to succumb to temptation. All around us, literally every minute there are temptations that come our way. The good temptations are that you are tempted to pray because some need comes to your attention. Or you may be tempted to talk to someone about Jesus.

But most of us think of the word temptation as a negative thing. And for the most part, temptation is evil and of the devil.

Some years ago a comedian in his skits, used the phrase, “the devil made me do it?” The way he was able to communicate this phrase made it funny but we knew that it was not factual. The devil cannot make us do anything. He can tempt us but we are the ones that make the choice whether to yield to the temptation or to resist it.

We could share with you hundreds of illustrations in our lives where we have been tempted. The times in high school when we were tempted to go out with another crowd -- a crowd that we knew was interested in things that were not what God would have us participate in. The times we were tempted to take advantage of someone or something to make what we were doing easier or more successful.

The times we were tempted to ease up on the discipline we had in line for our children because we were totally frustrated. The times when we were being tempted to reconsider our calling into the ministry. They were the times that the going got tough and difficulties caused us discouragement.

It is evident to us that Satan seizes every opportunity to tempt us. Paul warns in II Corinthians 2:11 that Satan likes to try to outwit us, taking advantage of us in our weakness. He can be very subtle and sly so that we are often unaware of his schemes. He has the ability to make sin appear good as he did when he tempted Eve, way back in the Garden of Eden.

Satan tempts everyone. In Luke 22:31-32 Jesus tells Simon Peter that Satan “had asked to sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail.”  Yes, Satan tempted the disciples.

Even Jesus was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4: 1-11) and Jesus gave us in His words all the ammunition we need when Satan tempts us. He said in verse 7, “It is also written, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’” And in verse 10, He says, “Away with you Satan, for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve.”

Satan tried to tempt Jesus three times and all three times Jesus responded with scripture saying, “It is written.” In resisting Satan and his temptations there is no better weapon than the Word of God. That is why it is so important for believers to arm themselves with the Word of God by reading the Bible daily. Satan cannot argue against God’s Word.

James teaches us in James 1:13-14 that God cannot be tempted by evil nor does He tempt anyone. Then James reminds us by saying that one is tempted when he is drawn away from God by his own desires and enticed. That says it all. We choose to do what we want to do. If you want to avoid the evil temptation of Satan in your life, draw near to God and determine to serve Him only. James tells us in James 4: 7-8, that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us and when we resist the devil he will flee from us.

God tests people but He never tempts us to sin. We learned, for example, when we read the book of Job that sometimes God tests us and allows Satan to tempt us but he does this to strengthen our faith and to further the testimony of His power and greatness through us. He wants us to be strong in Him and be equipped to stand against all evil. And when God feels we need further training to be stronger or to further his will through our testimony of our faith in Him, we will be tested.

As Christians we have been given by our Lord armor to fight off all the temptations that may come our way. In Ephesians 6: 10-17 Paul tells us of the armor that God has given us. He closes in verse 16 by saying that “above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” God has given us the weapons we need to fight off the wiles of the devil.

In times of temptation and testing one of our favorite verses in the Bible is found in I Corinthians 10:13. Here it is for you today as we close out these devotional thoughts:

“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but will with the temptation will also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 11:24.

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.


Thank You for providing for me armor that allows me to fight all temptation that comes my way from the evil one. Thank You for being so faithful by not allowing me to be tempted above what I am able to take if I stay true to You. Make me an example today to my family, friends and neighbors as one who stands true to God in the face of temptation.

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