December 4, 2011

Patience: December 2, 2011




Endurance of pain or provocation without complaint; the ability and willingness to wait calmly; quiet and steady perseverance.


Now we exhort you brethren, be patient with all. I Thessalonians 5:14.

But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God. I Peter 2:20.

Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer. Romans 12:12.

But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.


Many people miss out on blessings in their lives because they are inpatient and unwilling to wait for His timing. The scriptures encourage believers to be patient but most of us want answers today.

A good example in the scripture for patience is David. He chose not to use violence to take the throne that he knew would someday be his. King Saul had become envious of David’s success in battle and his popularity with the people so he planned to murder the young man. Twice, it was recorded in the scriptures, that David was close enough to kill King Saul during the time Saul and his men were pursuing David to kill him.

The first time David cut off a piece of Saul’s robe. On the second occasion David took Saul’s spear and water jug while he was sleeping. Although David had a reason to kill Saul to keep from being killed himself and he had the opportunity he knew it was right to patiently endure and not kill the Lord’s anointed. In both instances he was willing to wait for God’s timing and not take matters into his own hands.

David was patient. His attributes included having a strong faith and he believed that God would gain His victory at the right place, the right time and with the right method. David had values that helped him wait on God. Killing a King would violate his conscience and he did not want to be out of the will of God.

In real life we encounter frustrations and situations such as the slow driver, a mischievous child or an uncooperative co-worker. We may feel like lashing out but God wants us to exercise patience. (I Thessalonians 5:14 above)

As God’s children we are called to live a life worthy of Him characterized by humility, gentleness and patience. (Ephesians 4:1-3) The scripture tells us to be tolerant with one another and to do this we need to be patient. We are to bear one another’s burdens and respond with kindness. In Romans 12:12, above, Paul tells us to be joyful in hope and patient in affliction. When we quietly endure our suffering or frustrations, we find favor with the Lord. (I Peter 2:20)

When you are frustrated with the waiting upon God for a direction or an answer, always seek His wisdom and remember that “those who wait upon the Lord will gain new strength.” (Isaiah 40:31 above)


Our memory verse for this week is found in Revelation 3:20.

“Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”


May Your Holy Spirit conform me to Your image by developing in me patience. Help me to learn to wait upon You and give me the direction I need to share this need with my family. Help us as a family to learn that a calm demeanor in times of frustration and concern can be a powerful witness to the transforming work of God in our lives.

Obstacles: December 1, 2011




An obstruction or hindrance.


Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in. Joshua 6:1


The Lord has a plan for the life of each believer. To thwart God’s purposes, Satan puts obstacles in the path of believers. There are many different kinds of obstacles. They include a difficult boss, contrary family members and financial concerns. Anything that blocks a desired goal can cause anxiety and frustration. And these can derail what God wants from you. But remember that no obstacle can touch you, be a concern to you, without the consent of God.

Read the verse above concerning the Biblical account that we all know about Joshua and the city of Jericho. The strong fortress around the city of Jericho barred Israel’s entrance into the land. This was an obstacle to God’s plan for the Children of Israel and Joshua to conquer Jericho.

Satan will always put up obstacles --- fortresses --- to hinder our spiritual progress just like He did to Joshua and the Children of Israel. The conquest of Jericho seemed impossible to Israel but not so to God. Joshua’s army was no match for Jericho’s military and the wall was an impossible barrier to cross.

But God had promised the Israelites the land and Joshua believed that God would provide a way for them to get into the city of Jericho. Joshua was not deterred by what seemed impossible but instead he acknowledged God’s power and sought His guidance.

Before Joshua even realized that God was at work, God was already preparing the city for destruction by instilling fear into the hearts of the kings in the region and the people in Jericho. God’s direction was a very unlikely battle plan, but Joshua obeyed and God’s people triumphed.

The apostle Paul understood how to handle obstacles in his life. Even when he was in prison he kept his eyes and full trust on Christ. His days in prison were filled with joy. He wrote the book of Philippians from his jail cell and it was full of expressions of joy. (1:18, 2:18 and 3:1) Paul did not let even prison keep him from sharing the message of salvation.

We can overcome obstacles in our lives by focusing on Christ. This is neither a natural reaction nor an easy one. Our instinct is to dwell on the situation that we are facing in life now. We search for our own solutions and meanwhile we stew over pain and difficulty. Our troubles look insurmountable and overwhelming, but fear and defeat cannot last long in the heart of a believer that has his or her trust in the Lord. The choice is yours just as it was the apostle Paul’s, Joshua and the Children of Israel. We must ask ourselves, “Where is our faith and trust?”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Revelation 3:20.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”


Help me to cast away the obstacles that I may face in life today. Keep me away from the obstacles that can cause me great heartache. Help me to put my complete trust in You knowing that You care for me and will lead me through every situation I face.

Hunger: November 30, 2011




A strong desire; a craving for food; a compelling need.

O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1

Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Matthew 5:6.


The Lord has given us physical appetites, which are essential for our physical survival. And in addition He has created within our hearts a hunger that is spiritual. David knew both physical and spiritual hunger. During the time King Saul was seeking to kill David he fled to the desert to hide. He was alone, hungry and thirsty.

David was a man who recognized and felt a yearning for the Lord in his life. There are many verses in the Psalms, like the one we have written above, where we find David meditating, offering praise, or crying out to God. We have no doubt reading about David that his greatest joy was to be with his Heavenly Father in intimate communion. He had many moments in his life where he fell away from God revealing his human weaknesses. He also knew where to find healing and refuge. With a repentant and hungry heart he sought the Lord’s forgiveness and fellowship.

Hungering for the Lord is a desire to know and draw closer to God. Unfortunately this desire is lacking in many believer’s lives. Most believers are sure they are saved but have very little desire for more of God in their lives.

One of the major reasons for this is that our society is filled with all sorts of things that grab and hold our interest and desires in life. These interests compete with God for our attention and they seem to claim our time and effort more than our hunger to know more about our Lord.

Our prayer is that this devotional will awaken you to see the need in your life for a new hunger for God. But for this to happen it will require changing priorities and pursuits. Let us assure you that you will always get more out of a fresh relationship with God then what you put into it. You will find that as your hunger for Him becomes a priority He will open your heart and mind to understand and desire more of Him. Jesus said, “They who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be satisfied.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Revelations 3:20.

“Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to Him and dine with Him, and he with Me.”


Help me to yearn more for You in my life as David did. Give me a fresh hunger for Your righteousness that drives me to change my priorities and pursuits. Thank You for satisfying my family with contentment and a sense of completeness that You alone can give.

Cross: November 29, 2011




Two intersecting bars or lines; a structure consisting of an upright and a transverse piece upon which prisoners were formally put to death such as the cross upon which Jesus died.


If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross. Matthew 27:40.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also the Greek. Romans 1:16.


Have you ever stopped to think that the cross that Jesus Christ died on presents us with a dilemma? If God is good and loving, which He is, why would He allow His only Son to endure the agony of a crucifixion? From our human perspective there is nothing loving or good in seeing Christ on the cross.

But if we look beyond what we see visibly, we will see an awesome view of love. To grasp what we see we first must understand that the Lord is absolutely righteous and good. He always does what is right and never acts contrary to His Word. But on the other hand, man is sinful and deserving of eternal punishment because of our sins.

God had several choices. He could have just forgiven us but then He would cease to be just. Justice requires a penalty to be paid for sin. This is true today in our judicial system so it should be easy for us to understand. Either the Lord has to condemn us to suffer His wrath for our sin, or He needed to devise a plan that would satisfy His justice and allow Him to show mercy.

The scene at the cross at which Jesus died demonstrated the power of God in what appears to be the weakest moment in His Son’s life. With hands and feet nailed to the rough wood of the cross, Jesus looked totally helpless. Adding to this seemingly helpless feeling was that He stayed on the cross while the crowd was jeering. They were yelling at Jesus asking, “If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” (Verse above)

Divine love kept Jesus on that cross. Strength is demonstrated in determined endurance. The power of God held Jesus on that cross. We know that with one spoken word He could have been free but Christ hung on that cross until our salvation was attained.

The power of the cross did not end when Jesus finished His suffering and died. His death opened up the door of salvation to all people who walk through it and by faith ask for forgiveness for their sin. This act then assures a place in heaven for all who believe.

God had this plan for us even before the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:8. Yes, the sinless Son of God came to earth in human flesh to be our sin bearer. Justice punished the sin and mercy rescued the sinner. There is power in the CROSS!


Our memory verse for this week is found in Revelation 3:20.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me.”


Help my family to let the power of the cross do its work in our lives every day. May we be a family that with every step we take and every word we say be motivated by the mighty work of God in our lives.

Trouble: November 28, 2011




A condition or cause of distress and concern; annoy; worry; put to inconvenience.


He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. Psalm 91:15.


In the third chapter of Daniel you can read about the trouble that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had because they refused to bow to the golden image that their King Nebuchadnezzar required all to bow to. The scripture tells us that the King was furious and in a rage and gave the command to bring these three men before him. The King asked them if it was true that they would not serve his gods or worship the gold image that he had set up.

The King told them to bow now or that they would be thrown into a burning furnace. Now it would seem that these men were in more trouble than they could handle. They had to choose the path to righteousness or the path of wickedness. They knew, as believers in God, it would be disobedient to God if they bowed down to false images or gods, however if they did not bow to the image they would be disobedient to the King and it would cost them their lives.

But they now knew they had to make a choice and answer the King. They must either bow down or face death in the fiery furnace. They did not hesitate in giving the King their answer. They would not bow down to the image. They believed God could save them but even if God chose not to save them they could not worship false gods.

The King was now really full of fury and ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than normal. Now these three men really were in trouble. The King had the three men bound and thrown into the furnace. These men knew their only hope was their total trust in God and that God was with them in this time of trouble in their lives.

Then the King was astonished at what he saw. He asked his counselors if they only put three men into the furnace because he could now see four. Then the King said that the fourth man is like the Son of God. He ordered the men taken out of the furnace and then said to the men who came out of the furnace to come to him. Then the King said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego” and the King decreed that no man should speak against the God of these men or if they did that they would be sliced to pieces.

The King acknowledged that their God was the true God with these words: “For no other God can save this way.”

In times of trouble we may feel like we are in the fiery furnace and we wonder why does God allow believers to experience so much trouble. The reality is that God does allow believers to be in the fire for reasons we do not know; however this we do know, that when any of His children are in the fire, He is right there with them.

What a wonderful illustration and example God has given us in this event. If God could help these men in their time of trouble, surely He can be with us in our times of trouble. Remember that it is the troubles of life that helps shape us into what God wants us to be.

LEARNING: Our memory verse for this week is found in Revelation 3: 20.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.


Thank You for this example and illustration that You have given us in Your Word. Help me to learn from this so that my life will become a life that glorifies Your name. When trouble comes our way may we set aside our desires and put our trust in You. As we worship You daily may we worship You in Spirit and in truth.

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