January 23, 2012

Alone: January 23, 2012




Apart from or the exclusion of others or things; solitary; separate.


I lie awake, and am like a sparrow alone on the housetop. Psalm 102:7

I will both lie down in peace and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8


Almost every day we receive either an email, meet a person, read about someone in the newspapers or see on television a person that is devastated, frustrated or simply feeling helpless all because he or she is alone. Being alone can be devastating for most people because they have literally no support in life.

The Hebrew word for alone is Badad and is used in Leviticus 13:46. In this verse it is recorded that the Lord was speaking to Moses and Aaron about health regulations to deal with leprosy. Down through history people with leprosy have been separated to some location alone (badad). They are isolated from their family and all who do not have leprosy. Being a leper and certainly alone must be one of the loneliest situations that a person could be in.

In Isaiah 1:25 the word alone (badad) is used again in the context of one separating himself from all the impurities of life. The Psalmist uses (above verse) the word badad meaning solitary, being able to lie down in peace when he is alone with the Lord.

Take yourself back to the day Jesus was crucified. When on the cross Jesus took our sins upon Himself and was completely separated from His Father. Just think how alone Jesus was as He hung on that cross, He cried out to God. “Why hast thou forsaken Me?” It is not humanly possible for any of us to understand just how alone Jesus felt on the cross. Just the anticipation of being separated from His Father brought Jesus to His knees in the Garden of Gethsemane and caused Him to pray asking the Father, “If possible let this cup pass from Me.” He asked not once, but three times. God’s great love for all of us made it impossible for the Father to let the cup pass from Jesus. In obedience Jesus went to the cross carrying on His shoulders all the sins of the world. He died, carrying our sins, but the good news is that He rose again and is now in heaven preparing a place for us to spend an eternity with Him.

When one who knows Jesus begins to feel alone he or she has the comfort to know that being a child of God we have Him right by our side to comfort and encourage us. The bad news is that all those who have not received Christ’s great gift of salvation are separated from God our heavenly Father. They are alone unless they come to God through Jesus Christ receiving forgiveness for their sins and they will remain separated from God for all eternity.

Do you lie awake at night feeling like a sparrow all alone on the rooftop? Or do you lie down and sleep in peace because you have put your trust in the Lord? It is the Lord alone who brings peace and makes us dwell in safety.


Our memory verse for this week is found in I Peter 2:2-3.

As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.


Help me to remember that as a child of God that You are with me at all times. Today may I be an encouragement to someone who is alone and living in frustration. May the joy of Jesus shine out through my actions and in my words.

January 22, 2012

Accomplish: January 20, 2012




Bring to pass; do; complete; achieve; gain.


So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

After this, Jesus knowing that all things were accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I THIRST.” John 19:28


In the verse above from Isaiah the phrase, it shall accomplish what I please, shows the power of God’s Word. All of us want to be successful and accomplish things during our lifetime. We are successful in some of the task that we attempt and that gives us the satisfaction of accomplishment. We also fail in some tasks and our feelings are very different. All of us like to successfully accomplish what we start.

The Hebrew word in this verse in Isaiah for accomplishment is ASAH. In Hebrew it makes the point that God is able to bring out of Himself the power, the victory, the solution to problems and the comfort needed anywhere and anytime. In other words, our God can accomplish whatever He desires and no one can prevent God from accomplishing His purposes.

God also accomplishes things from other things, not only out of Himself. He makes the tree yield fruit and He causes the sun to shine. He brings the rain. He gives man the power to create wealth. God can do wonders with His weakest child if His child will let Him work in his or her life.

In the verse above that we have given you from John we need to note that when Jesus was on the cross He did not respond to His need until He knew that all had been accomplished to fulfill what had been prophesized in the scriptures. And at that point he said, “I THIRST.” God will not quit on us until he has accomplished all He needs from us.

The principle we want to share with you today is that you must make sure that you do not limit God if you have the faith to trust Him by your lack of faith. There is nothing God cannot accomplish through your life. We need to wake up, step up and let God perform in and through us what He wants to accomplish.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 11:6.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


It is my prayer today that You might accomplish what You want from me today. Make me willing to step up and act according to Your will. Thank You in advance for the blessings that You have for me today.

Heroes: January 19, 2012




One admired for courage, fortitude or nobility; one known for brave deeds.


These all died in faith. Hebrew 11: 13.

For living to me means simply “Christ” and if I die I should merely gain more of Him. Philippians 1:20. (J B PHILLIPS TRANSLATION)


All of us during our lifetime have had heroes in our lives. When we were younger we had many more heroes than now. Part of that was due to our age and lack of maturity. Over the years we have seen some of our heroes fail in some way and burst our so called bubble, because we thought they were the greatest. It is a great disappointment when someone turns out not to be what we thought they were.

In Hebrews chapter 11, we read about heroes of faith from the Old Testament. They include Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Sarah. When you look to the Bible for your heroes in life you will find role models that you can confidently build your life upon.

The key to those that are listed above in Hebrews 11, is that they all lived by faith. If we pick these as our heroes and our role models and want to be like them we need to do all we can to live by faith as they did. In their faith they found their comfort, their daily guide, their motive for living and their support.

They believed the promises that came from God and lived their lives relying on these promises. They were assured that their sins were blotted out through the mercy of God. These heroes were confident of their acceptance by God. They enjoyed living in His love and resting in His faithfulness.

They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth just as we are as believers today. They were looking forward to a country of their own, a better place than where they were or had been. They all were looking for their heavenly home and knew that one day they would arrive their and live an eternity with their maker. Is this the kind of hero you have chosen in your life?

In the verse we have written above from Hebrews 13 we read that they all died in faith. Dying in faith looks to the future. They died as men and women of faith. They knew that faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance for what we cannot see. They died knowing that the Messiah would surely come and one day they would rise from their graves to behold Him in the air.

Faith was the orbit that these heroes moved in while they were here on this earth. If you are looking for heroes in your life, look no further than these heroes we read about in Hebrews. And you can be a hero just like them if you will look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Thank God today for giving you similar faith like He gave those great Bible heroes of faith who are now in glory.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


As my family picks heroes in our lives help us to understand that we need to look up to men and women who lived lives of faith. Help us to live our lives daily with the faith that You give us so that others will look to us as a person of great faith and devotion to You.

Enlarge: January 18, 2012




Make larger; extend; augment; increase in capacity or scope.


“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2.


The prophet Isaiah in this passage (above) is talking about God’s everlasting love for Israel and His covenant promise to Abraham to make of him a great nation. As a growing nation Israel is to make their tent larger. This verse refers not only to Israel but applies prophetically to the future Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the need for the church (all believers) to enlarge its’ tent by spreading the good news of the gospel.

The verse goes on to tell us to “lengthen your cords” so the church can increase its influence in the community throughout the world. Jesus commanded that we, “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

The illustration of a tent is understood by all. When you put up a small tent you tighten the cords and it will house a few people. But when the need arises to hold more people we must enlarge the tent. We do this by lengthening the cords and strengthening the stakes that hold the cords in the ground.

In the Hebrew dictionary the word for “enlarge” is RACHAB. It means to become wide like chambers, like the chambers of a heart. It also has the meaning of increasing the size such as a city’s borders or a church.

To enlarge our tent we must enlarge our heart by filling it with more of God’s love and enlarge our capacity to love others. It is only as each one of us has more love for the Lord that the church “tent” will be enlarged.

We, as believers in Jesus today, need to enlarge our tents. Our tents include our ministry, our vision and our testimony to others. We need to spread out and think big. When a tent is enlarged the cords must be lengthened and stronger stakes are needed to keep it from collapsing. We need to lengthen our cords by looking for new and fresh ways to serve our Lord. We need to strengthen our stakes by reading God’s Word and praying daily for something special that God has for us.

In this chapter of Isaiah the prophet is speaking of the day when Israel accepts Christ as their Messiah and Savior. “With great compassion I will gather you.” (Isaiah 54:7). At that time they will need enlarged spaces where they can sing and be blessed with a rich reward of everlasting joy and peace. We as believers need to enlarge our tents so we to can honor and bless our Savior.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 11:6.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


Strengthen my faith by giving me a better understanding of Your Word as I read it daily. Help me to communicate with You daily through prayer in a new and fresh way. Enlarge our family’s spiritual vision so we can be used anew by You

Heritage: January 17, 2012




Something inherited; to receive as a possession; legacy; anything handed down from an ancestor.


“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord.” Psalm 127:3


Fifty four years ago today we were having dinner in our house with fellow missionaries in Seoul Korea. The doorbell rang and a telegram was delivered. I (Ken) opened the envelope with the telegram and read it quietly and then announced to all that my father had had a heart attack and not doing well. He was in the hospital in Los Angeles close to the airport, the telegram read, because he was getting on an airplane when the heart attack happened.

It was no more than 15 minutes later and the telephone rang. It was Bob Pierce calling and he said quietly and caringly words such as, “Ken your father is in heaven.” At the young age of 46 God had decided to take him home. Everyone that knew my father would say that he left for us a wonderful heritage.

We are reminded that the Hebrew word for heritage is NACHAL. This Hebrew word has several interesting definitions. One is to receive as a possession or to acquire as used in Proverbs 3:35: “The wise should inherit glory.” NACHAL is also used in Psalm 119:111, “Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever.”

In the verse we have chosen to write above we are reminded that children are a heritage (NACHAL) from God. When Ken’s father died, we were in Korea working on establishing orphanages to house abandoned GI babies and orphans, who were living on the streets. Ken’s father had challenged us both to spend some time on the mission field working to help children because they were, and still are, a wonderful heritage from God.

Today we look back on our heritage. We both had loving and caring parents that trained us in the Word of God leading us to know Jesus as our personal Savior. Both of our parents involved us in church, Sunday school and missions so that are hearts would be sensitive to those in need. We look back on the heritage that our parents left us and we thank God for this wonderful blessing.

Now for 54 years since the death of my (Ken) father we have raised our six children giving them hopefully a portion of the rich heritage we were given. Now our six children are raising our twenty grand-children with the same spiritual emphasis on godly family living as we trained them and our parents trained us.

God told Moses in Exodus 6:8, “I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and I will give it to you as a heritage.” The Psalmist said in Psalm 61:5, “You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your name.” Today we as a family benefit from the heritage that our parents left for us. It is our prayer that we will leave for our grand-children and their children a rich heritage that God can use to bring them into a productive relationship with Him. What kind of heritage are you leaving for those that love you?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 11:6.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


Help me to build daily on my heritage by honoring You in all I do. May I not take lightly the heritage that You have given me. Thank You for my children. Guide me as I lead them and teach them from God’s Word how to love and serve You.

Able: January 16, 2012




Denoting ability; having the means or power to act; talented; competent.


And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people: rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. Exodus 18:25


The word ABLE in the verse above in the original Hebrew is CHAYIL. This word according to the Hebrew dictionary has several shades of meaning. These several meanings have significance for us today because God is looking for ABLE men and women to serve Him.

First, there is strength to enable one to do valiantly. In Psalm 60:12 it reads: “Through God we will do valiantly.” Able men of the Lord should have no fear in doing whatever the Lord asks them to do to advance the Lord’s cause and grow the body of believers.

The second meaning is that there is power, being able means having power. Psalm 110:3 reads: “Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power.” There is power that will stir one to move out on campaigns or projects to bring a certain victory.

The Hebrew word for ABLE is used in Deuteronomy 8:18: “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant.”

The Hebrew word CHAYIL is also used in I Kings 1:52 meaning honesty. Honesty is essential to making a great man. Solomon said: “If he proves himself an honest (CHAYIL) man, not one hair of him shall fall to the earth.

Being ABLE the way God wants us to be means that we need to do what we do valiantly, courageously, with God-given power, with our earthly wealth and with honesty.

We often hear the phrase being said: “GOD IS ABLE.” Even though He is more than able, He is looking for able men and women like us to work for Him. In II Chronicles 25:9 King Amaziah said.”The Lord is able to give you much more.” We serve a God that is able to do the impossible. He is looking for ABLE people to serve Him.

Yes, it is God who equips us to be able to serve Him. Yes, it is His planned purpose for us here on earth to serve Him. So why are there not more who are truly serving the Lord? There is just one possible reason---“US” ---. We are not willing to serve Him.

In Joshua 24:15 Joshua told the Children of Israel, who had turned to serving false gods, that “you must choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” We each one must make our choice as to whom we will serve. It is the Lord who makes us more than able to serve Him but He can only make those who have chosen to serve Him able to serve Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Hebrews 11:6.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


It is my prayer today that You will make me able to serve You the way You want me to serve You. Help me to work valiantly, with power and honestly to further Your kingdom.

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