May 17, 2009

Trials: May 15, 2009



Defined by Webster:
Being tried or tested; subjected to suffering or grief; distress; affliction or trouble; a troublesome, wearing or annoying thing or person.


“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1.
“Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Mark 6:50.
“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you.” I Peter 4:12.


God did not promise us a “rose garden’ when we became Christians. In this life we will have trials. Everyone does, but Christians have God’s promise that He will go with us through the trials.

Paul suffered many trials on his missionary journeys. He was beaten. He was thrown in prison. While preaching in Macedonia and testifying to the Jews, the Jews became so abusive to him that Paul just gave up on them. It was then that the Lord appeared to him and said: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking; do not be silent, for I am with you.” [Acts 18:9-10]. As a result Paul stayed there for a year and a half continuing to preach the word of God.

Life for most people today is a series of trials. We do not know how stormy today will be but we do know that we will face trials. But one thing we are certain of is that if we have Jesus in our lives, our day will be victorious and our future is secure. Jesus has not failed us in the past and He will not fail us today or the tomorrows.

Perhaps your world has collapsed. It may be a deep personal loss, a tragedy in your family, a loss of a job, a financial setback or even a family spat. Jesus is bigger then any crises you might face today. He can rebuild your life. God can turn any trial into an opportunity. All you have to do is let God do His thing through your life. Reading God’s Word and praying are the keys to conquering trials.

No trial is too large for God not to intervene and no person is too small for God to give His attention to. We are reminded that during trials in our lives when we leave it all for Him we have found that when God prepares to do something wonderful through our lives He always begins it with a trial or difficulty. When God plans to do something very wonderful through us, He begins with impossibility.

Happiness keeps you sweet, TRIALS KEEP YOU STRONG, sorrows keep you human, failures keep you humble, success keeps you glowing, BUT only God keeps you going.


Thank you dear Lord, that thy Word assures us that you are with us through every trial that we may face today. Help us not to be fearful when a trial comes our way. Give us the courage we need today to stand tall in honoring you in all we do. Protect our family in all of the activities we have and help us to live a life that honors and glorifies your Son.

Patience: May 14, 2009



Defined by Webster:
The bearing of provocation; pain without complaint; ability or willingness to suppress restlessness; quiet; steady; even tempered.


“Make haste to help me O Lord.” Psalm 70:1.
“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31.


In the first verse above, David showed his lack of patience but in the second verse Isaiah relates to us that we need to learn to wait upon the Lord. But like David we do not like to wait. We dislike long lines at the super market, traffic jams, waiting to eat at a restaurant and even waiting for a friend or family member.

We live in a day when everyone wants instant gratification. We want everything now. When we pray and ask God for something and if it does not happen right away, we are like David. We say, Hurry up Lord and answer my prayer. Patience requires perseverance. In James 1:2 to 4, James tells us to consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops patience. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Waiting for God to answer a prayer can cause us to doubt. Is God really listening? Does He hear our prayers? We can be assured that God does answer our prayers. His timetable is not the same as ours but His timing is always perfect. Waiting may test our faith, but learning to have patience is part of becoming a mature Christian and being what God wants us to be.

In our family it is a known fact that I [Ken] do not like to wait and basically I am very impatient. It is my nature to want to have things done yesterday. Fortunately my wife, Dottie, is a perfect balance to me because she is always very patient. As I have grown older I have worked hard in trying to be more patient. Through this exercise I have realized the importance of balancing my physical impatience with what God wants me to do spiritually --- wait upon Him.

Several times I have been amused when I think of a statement that the great preacher of years ago said in a sermon on patience. His illustration was completed when he said: By perseverance the snail reached the ark. Now that is patience.

Patience brings on success. Success is largely a matter of holding on after all others have let go. You need patience to make that happen.


Dear Lord, give me patience today and help me to wait upon you to renew my strength. Help me to be patient to those I touch shoulders with today. Help our family to be patient with one another. Give our family today the kind of patience that you will honor by allowing us to run and not be weary and to walk and not be faint.

Caring: May 13, 2009



Defined by Webster:

A troubled state of mind; a cause of worry or concern to devote great care to ones work; protection; charge; to be concerned; to desire to make provision; to watch over.


“If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse then an unbeliever.” I Timothy 5:8.
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27.


These scriptures remind us that as parents we have not only a physical responsibility but also a spiritual responsibility to care for those in our family. There are also many references in God’s Word telling us also of our responsibility to CARE for the orphans, the widows, the hungry, the poor and the needy.

God instructed the children of Israel under Moses, when they were wandering in the desert, that they were to take care of their families, and not only their families but also the widows, the fatherless and their neighbors. One may be concerned by thinking that caring like this is not an easy task --- and it is not. But the closer you are to God, the more you will have a heart for others and God will show His love through you if you will only ask.

Loving and caring for others should be our major life’s work and caring for those of our “own house” is our highest and holiest work of all.

All of our lives we have had what we consider to have been a privilege to work with missions where we have been able to CARE for the poor and needy. It began over 50 years ago when we were in Korea with the assignment to set up over 140 orphanages to take care of the “GI” babies after the Korean War. It continued then for us in later years as we cared for the children living in the slums and in refugee camps in Africa. W will never forget caring for over 10,000 children that we saw living on top of a massive garbage dump in the Philippians.

Our hearts were broken when we saw children in Honduras dying with cancer with no medical equipment or medicine in the country to help them. Our only response was to get to them equipment and medicine to show that we cared for them. These few examples, we pray, will be enough to challenge you to care for someone you meet today that has a need, someone that needs your love and a word of encouragement, someone who is waiting for you to CARE for them.


Make this a special day for me today, dear Lord, by leading me to someone that needs to be cared for. Soften my heart and allow me to care as only you cared for this world that we live in. Thank you for the many blessings that you have given and continue to give my family. But for the grace of God, I realize that we could be one of your children living in Africa, Korea or Honduras looking for someone to care for us. Thank you Lord for who you are and I praise you for being my Lord and my Savior.

Accountability: May 12, 2009



Subject to the obligation to report or justify something; responsible; answerable; capable of being explained.


Then the man said: “the woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate.” Genesis 3:12.

“Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing evil in his eyes?” You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. Thus says the Lord: Behold I will raise up adversity against you from your own house, for you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel.” II Samuel 12: 9, 11, 12.


Today more then anytime in history, we believe people do all they can to avoid responsibility. In the verses above, Adam chose to blame his wife Eve for eating the fruit instead of being accountable for his sin. David tried to get away with the sin of killing Uriah by doing it in a secret way. David was challenged by Nathan to be accountable to God for taking Bathsheba and killing her husband Uriah.

These scriptures give us just two examples as to how easy and natural it is to want to avoid taking the responsibility for our own actions by finding a way to place the blame on someone else. Unfortunately it often works and then an innocent person gets the blame. However there is someone we cannot fool and who does hold us accountable. Hebrews 5:7 tells us, “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.

Both of us remember when we were in school having conversations with our peers about what we called “fessing up” to a situation. “Fessing up” is humbling. No one likes to admit that they were wrong, especially if there are consequences, which is usually the case. Human nature seems to always drive one to accept accountability when the issue is favorable, right or positive. But since we all are of a sinful nature when a situation is negative or breaking a rule we want to pass the blame.

It begins early in a child’s life. We can remember when we could just look into the eyes of one of our children and see guilt. It was very easy to then see the child do all he or she could do to make someone else accountable for what he or she had done. How often when children are caught having a fight have we heard: “but he [or she] started it. Then the other one responds by saying: “did not. ”

God wants us to be accountable for our actions. As one gets older you realize that accepting accountability is what demonstrates that you are a person of integrity. Once a person loses their integrity in the eyes of others it is very hard to gain it back. Integrity equips you to be a vessel that God can use. Being accountable allows God to bless you in everyday situations.


Dear God, just as you faced Adam in the garden and David through Nathan many years ago, we ask you today to keep us accountable to what you have taught us from your Word. May we take total responsibility for all of the issues that involve us, both positive and negative, that we may face.

Kindness: May 11, 2009



Defined by Webster:

The state or quality of being kind; a kind act; favor; kind behavior; friendly feeling.


“He who restrains his lips is wise.” Proverbs 10:19

“Hatred stirs up strife, but kindness [love] covers all sins” Proverbs 10:12.

“But if you love those that love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those that love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. So love your enemies, do good, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the most high. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Therefore be merciful [kind], just as your father also is merciful.” Luke 6:32-33, 35-36.


As you read the above scriptures, did you notice that when you show love you show kindness? But you must not only love those that love you but you also must love your enemies as God so loved the world. That makes it much harder, doesn’t it?

Emily Dickinson once said: “Some say that a word is dead when it is said. I say it just begins to live that day.” Nothing can hurt more then a harsh word. The words we say may have long lines of consequences. As Christians we need to constantly ask God to give us words of kindness to all we meet. Kindness can be expressed by our words. We also need to show kindness by our actions even to those who wish us harm.

Our actions and our words need to reflect the heart of the One who paid the ultimate price to come to our rescue when we needed Him the most. Our comments and our complaints may stick with the hearer for decades. Unkind words once spoken can never be taken back. My [Dottie] mother admonished me that if I could not say something nice it would be better to say nothing at all.

Down through the years I [Ken] have numerous times, especially in front of my children, mispronounced words. Our six children, and now even their spouses and our grand children, never forget these mispronounced words and year after year at family functions those words, mispronounced just like I said them, come back to haunt me. My response has always been to laugh with them, but if I chose to be hurt then the family would no doubt react differently. So, as you can see, words do stick with the hearer for decades.

About one year ago I was having lunch with a Christian leader who was President of a ministry. We were talking about the past when he reminded me that we had met close to 45 years ago and we had had a lengthy conversation about the value of investing our lives in Christian ministries. He thanked me several times during our recent visit, for being so kind to listen to him and to respond to his needs. Kindness sometimes is just giving some time and listening. He went on to say that the conversation we had made a lasting impression on his life. I took the time to be kind to him at a time when he was searching for God’s will in his life. Words of kindness and encouragement that are given may not seem much when given, but so many times kind words are never forgotten and certainly harsh words are difficult to forget. As Christians we need to make sure our words are at all times words of kindness and encouragement.


Thank you dear Lord for the opportunity you give us to serve you today. Help our family to show kindness to those whom we meet. Help us to restrain our lips when some word or thought hurts us. Lead us to respond by being kind and loving just as you have told us in your Word. Thank you for teaching us to help the poor, the rich, the sick and the healthy just as you so loved the world. May the joy of the Lord show forth in our words and deeds.

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