September 23, 2016

Godliness: September 23, 2016



State of being divine; devotion to God; holiness.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. Psalm 32:8.


There is a misconception by some that believers should be perfect. Many of us wear happy faces and speak words that are acceptable but are ashamed to admit that we have shortcomings and are not perfect. Salvation through Jesus does not change the fact that there is sin in our lives. When we were born again, through accepting Jesus into our hearts, God forgave us of our sins and sees our righteousness but we still battle sin and will battle sin in our lives until we arrive in heaven.

Striving for perfection can be a trap that pulls us away from living a Godly life. Functioning with this attitude can easily drive us to rely on our own capabilities and forgetting our weaknesses. When we realize our inadequacy we can then recognize our need for God in our life. Jesus wants us as believers to be aware of our own brokenness because this is the foundation for Godliness.

In order to live a Godly life we need to accept the fact that we are needy, seek God passionately and yield our will to God’s will. It is in our brokenness that we develop a hunger for God’s Word, develop a new desire for faithful service to God, deepen our trust in Him, and see the necessity to make decisions based on Biblical principles rather than personal preferences.

God patiently and mercifully will mature us and make us more Godly. It does not happen overnight. It is a slow and sometimes painful process, and ongoing until the day we die and enter our heavenly home.

It is important that we do not attempt to cover up our sinful nature in order to look like a good Christian to our family, friends and neighbors. Without recognition of our sinful nature and the confession of our sinful acts and deeds God cannot do His perfect work in us. It is only with this awareness and action that we can passionately seek Jesus and have Him in total control of our life. This is Godliness in action.

One key to Godliness in our lives is praying to God daily so we can share with Him our needs and concerns and then listen to Him for His answers. It is also a time we should take to praise His name and give Him all the glory for what He is doing in our lives.

Another necessity is reading the Word of God daily. God communicates to us through His Word. The Word of God is a compass that keeps us headed in the right direction, even in the midst of confusing messages we hear all around us. By reading His Word we will consistently be filled with truth that only God can give.

Even though the Bible is our guidebook for living we will still face difficulty with temptation because we live in an imperfect world and are born with a sinful nature. But the Word of God will always enable us to overcome the temptations to do evil and sin if we are faithful in reading it and obeying it. In Psalm 32:8 David tells us that God will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go and He will counsel you and watch over you. God desires to lead us to live lives of Godliness. Remember, He created us in His image.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 4:7

You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.

Help me to be yielded to You in all areas of my life so You can do Your perfect work in my life. Give me the patience to wait on You to reveal what You have for me to learn. Give me a humble attitude that glorifies Your name through my words and deeds.

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September 22, 2016

Counsel: September 22, 2016



An interchange of opinion; consultation; advice.

So Moses heeded the voice (counsel) of his father-in-law and did all that he said.
Exodus 18:24.


Because of the busy lives that many of us have it is not hard to recognize ourselves in an over-extended situation such as Moses was in as recorded in Exodus 18. As God’s chosen leader of the Israelites, Moses had a huge responsibility. He had to teach the Children of Israel God’s laws and show them how to live lives that were pleasing to God. Moses was also the sole judge for all of the Children of Israel (about 2 million) and he was surrounded, “from morning until evening” (verse 13) by people who needed his help and counsel.

When Jethro came to visit Moses, his son-in-law, he saw that he had more work than he could handle alone (verse 17). He counseled Moses to appoint trustworthy men to handle simple cases and to bring only the difficult cases to Moses. This would give Moses more time to do what was more important which was teaching God’s decrees and laws to the people.

We must be willing to let go of things in life of lesser importance and do what is the most important not from our perspective but from God’s perspective. When we take council about what we should or should not do it is important to consider the source of that council. Moses was willing to take Jethro’s counseling because Jethro was trustworthy and wise. Moses knew Jethro to be a man who was God-fearing and honored God in all things.

We have talked to many people over the years, particularly parents that identify with Moses. They are overburdened and stressed out because they have too much on their plate. It seems that we need to learn two life skills for survival in today’s world.

First, we need to have an eagerness to listen to wise counsel as Moses did to his father-in-law in the verse we wrote above and then act on it. People often ask for advice but do not always accept the advice.

Secondly, we need to develop a willingness to accept the help of quality people as Moses did. In verse 25 we read that Moses chose able men to assist him and made them heads over people. Moses took Jethro’s counsel and proceeded to act on it.

Many are not willing to listen to others and they do not want to accept help. This is mostly because of pride. But sometimes it is only because life is moving so swiftly for us and making so many demands on us that we barely have time to react, let alone to contemplate or go to someone for advice.

Many people would rather do something themselves to make sure it is done the way they want it to be done. Others say that it is easier to do it themselves rather than take the time to train someone else. But the scripture is very clear when it tells us to surround ourselves with trustworthy counselors who will offer their wisdom and experience even when we are too busy to ask for it.

Moses recognized that wise counsel comes from God and includes God. His father-in-law Jethro, told Moses that if he followed his advice he must do it only if God commanded him to do it (Exodus 18:23). Jethro also advised Moses that those men that Moses chose to help him must be men who feared God and are trustworthy.

We can all learn from Moses and his father-in-law. Do not put yourself in the position of being overwhelmed. Instead, seek Godly counsel and then follow through on what you are told. God will go before you and lead you in His steps. Also remember that he who will not be counseled will not be helped.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 4:7

You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.

Lord, give me the ears to hear advice from not only You but loved ones, friends and family who obey You and are wise and humble. When I face challenges in my life that are overwhelming don’t let my pride keep me from accepting help from others who are trustworthy and love you.

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September 21, 2016

Conviction: September 21, 2016



A firm belief; the state of being convinced; a principle; an opinion.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. Jeremiah 17:7.

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. James 1:6.


An acorn needs nutrients and time to grow into a tall, sturdy tree. Likewise believers need to nourish and grow their Christian belief system through a commitment to sincere Bible study and prayer. The result will be men and women with deep conviction concerning Godly truths and a firm belief system.

One may need to consider on what basis they have formed their convictions. Here are a few questions that may get you started. Do you consider the Bible to be true and trustworthy? Do you think that believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved?

What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the lives of the believers and the unbelievers? Are we to forgive others in every situation? How should Christians approach their finances? What is your purpose in life? How should you think and act regarding social issues like abortion, same sex marriages and racism.

These all are very key questions that one must answer in order to develop a true Biblical based personal philosophy and a firm belief (convictions) system. If you struggle to answer any of these questions you need to study the Bible and make God’s Word the foundation of your thinking.

Each one of us needs to reevaluate our personal beliefs. We need to evaluate what the Bible says about each issue rather than looking at an issue through the lens of personal preference. Ask yourself on each question: “What does God say?” rather than, “What does this mean to me?”

Once you know what God says, you have a choice to make. You can believe Him and make a commitment to live according to His Word, or continue being tossed by waves of doubt and indecision, as James wrote in the verse we put above. Root your conviction in the Word of God and you will be able to stand tall like a mighty Oak tree before the world.

In Jeremiah 17:7 Jeremiah says that the “man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord” is blessed. In the following verse he describes him “as being like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by a stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” What a wonderful promise this is for all who stand firm in their conviction that God is the one true God and He alone is worthy of their trust.

When we make the Lord the center of our life and stand on the truth of His Word nothing can “separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 4:7

You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.

Help me to reevaluate my belief system by answering carefully the questions above as they relate to me and my family. Keep me faithful to my convictions and take away any doubts I might have concerning my faith. Thank You that You are a Holy and just God worthy of my trust. Thank You for Your promise to bless those who trust in You.

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September 20, 2016

Interruptions: September 20, 2016



To cause or make a break in the continuity or uniformity of a course; process or condition; bring to a pause or stop; intrude upon the action or speech of.

The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the people of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations. Psalm 33:10-11.


If your life is anything like ours, it is pretty well planned out. We have a calendar we keep that reminds us of appointments, meetings and even “to do” items. But often interruptions change our planned activities for the day. We respond to interruptions most of the time with attitudes like frustration, irritation, fear and doubt. It is hard not to find interruptions annoying.

The Psalmist in the above verse reminds us that the Lord can make “the plans of the peoples of no effect.” When our plans do not fit into God’s plan or purpose, God can interrupt them and make them of no effect. God is consistent and does not change nor does He change the plans of His heart for us.

God often uses interruptions in our life for productive change in our lives to accomplish His purpose. The interruptions that come our way may be a surprise from God giving us a new opportunity to serve Him. We need to welcome interruptions as a new “to do” list from Him.

Some of the great advances in God’s plans have come through interruptions to the normal routine of a person. For example look what happened to Mary. An angel interrupted her life with the announcement that she would have a Son named Jesus. Since she was a virgin and engaged to be married this news was shocking and deeply troubling. But God used this interruption to bring His Son into our world so we could have our sins paid for and have an eternity with God.

Look at Saul and the interruption he had in his life. He was a Jewish zealot who persecuted Christians like no other person in his day. He was walking on his way to Damascus to arrest more followers of Christ when he was blinded by Jesus. This life-changing interruption for Saul not only changed his life but had huge implications for the future of Christianity. God changed his name from Saul to Paul when he accepted God as his Savior.

We encourage you to look for God’s purpose in the next interruption you face. You will be amazed what will happen if you just stop and ask God, “What are You saying to me and what do you have for me to do now?” We can be confident that God’s plans are always better than our plans. It may be difficult to see God’s purpose at the time a major eruption occurs. It is when we look back that we see God working out His perfect plan and become aware of His blessings in our life.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 4:7

You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.

Lord, if I am feeling rushed today and trying to honor my schedule, I need Your eyes to help me see and Your leading to help me respond to an interruption as an opportunity from You. Make me pliable so that I will respond to Your plans and purposes for me.

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September 19, 2016

Contentment: September 19, 2016



To be satisfied; to be happy; the feeling of being satisfied with one’s possessions, status or situation.

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. Philippians 4:11

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19.


The more we talk to people we realize that they are not content in today’s society. When we think of contentment we go back many years and remember the contentment we saw on the face of all our children after feeding them and watching them fall asleep. Babies have that look of contentment because they have no concerns about life.

Life is not easy. For many people life is extremely difficult and they face many problems. Many children and adults in our world are not even sure if they will have enough to eat from one day to the next. Life seems hopeless to them. Where there is no hope there is despair. Where there is despair how can there be contentment?

Before his conversion Paul did not really need anything. He had it all, the best of education, prestige, and power and was living in plenty. Paul willingly gave it all up to follow the Lord and preach the gospel. As a result he often lived in need.

In the verse above from Philippians 4:11, Paul tells us that he has learned to be content in any and every situation. Apparently, Paul was not naturally inclined to be content. Being in need was new to him. He continues in verse 12 to tell us that he learned to be content “whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”

In I Corinthians 4:11 Paul describes his state of need: “To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated and homeless.”

When we read about Paul’s life he had plenty of reasons not to be content. He suffered greatly for preaching the gospel. In II Corinthians 11: 25-28 Paul gave specific examples of his sufferings: beatings, stoning, shipwrecks, hunger, thirst, being cold and naked, and imprisonments.

In verse 19 (above) Paul tells us what it was that he learned. Paul said the secret of contentment is to know that “God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

In II Corinthians 1:9-10, Paul gives us a testimony of his faith in God that is the source of his contentment: “Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us. On Him we set our hope that He will continue to deliver us.”

The message for us today is that when we know Jesus as our Savior and put our total trust in Him and rely on His power and strength then we will learn that we can be content in all situations.

Our Lord is our strength, our energizer, the supplier of all our needs, and the one who enables us to keep going and going and going. In truth, we are no different from Paul. The same One who lived in Paul now lives in us. Christ is our life. He is our confidence and our energizer and we can be totally content in Him.

Many people feel empty inside. Often the desire for more possessions is a longing to fill that emptiness. That emptiness is a God-shaped void. It can only be filled by accepting Christ into our life and allowing God to fill that empty place in our life. This is the only way to find contentment.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalms 4:7

You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.

Help me and my family to be content in Christ throughout this day. May we learn from the apostle Paul that whatever situation we are in to trust in God’s promise to supply all our need according to Christ’s glorious riches.

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