May 23, 2010

Perfect: May 24, 2010

Today's Word for Monday May 24, 2010



Complete in every detail, without defect, flawless, exact and precise.


"Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." Colossians 1:28


We are all born in sin and therefore we are imperfect. Our daily experiences teach us that we are imperfect. Every tear that comes from your eye, every negative word from your mouth, and every bad step taken by your feet reminds you of the imperfection in your life.

Today a person who has any drive seems to be doing all he or she can do to obtain perfection in whatever they are doing. But unfortunately most people today, young or old, do not have that drive. Most people basically do only what will get them by. Everybody seems to want something for nothing. The world has developed an entitlement mentality. We see it across the world in our travels, with people wanting their government to take care of them.

But amid this sad conscious imperfection that we all face here on this earth, there is some comfort for you as a believer in the Lord. The reason is simple, you are "PERFECT IN CHRIST JESUS." When you are a child of God, than in His sight you are perfect - complete in Him right now, here in this world. Hebrews 10:14 tells us that not only are we made perfect by Jesus' sacrifice for us on the cross but we are made perfect forever.

As believers in Jesus, we need to do all we can to be perfect in Jesus every moment of the day. Jesus lived His life on this earth according to Gods plan. He alone lived a perfect life and He wants us to follow His perfect example. The way we live, the words we say, the actions we take, the emphasis that we put on the things of this world all reflect how we can and will serve the Lord. YES, we are made perfect in Jesus, but we must work every moment of every day to solidify our perfection in Jesus and become more like Him. Throughout the Bible we are instructed to seek perfection.

Moses was speaking to the children of Israel as recorded in Deuteronomy 32:3-4 and was reminding them of the greatness and perfection of their God. He said, "For I proclaim to you the name of the Lord: ascribe greatness to our God. He is our rock, his work is perfect." Moses wanted the Israelites to acknowledge that God was perfect and that they should live godly lives striving to be perfect as God was.

In Matthew 19:21, Jesus was talking to a rich young ruler who asked Jesus what he must do to obtain eternal life. Jesus said, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will then have your treasure in heaven." Through this illustration Jesus made it clear to him and to us today the high cost of perfection.

As believers we must aim for perfection in all we do. The apostle Paul closed his letters to the church at Corinth by saying to them (II Corinthians 13:11) "Finally brethren, farewell. Become complete (perfect), be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you." These are the attributes we all must strive to live by to be perfect in Jesus.

There is a second perfection yet to be realized and that is when every stain of sin shall be removed from us without spot or wrinkle. Than as a child of God who loves and walks with the Lord you will be pure, holy and glorious as you sit at the feet of Jesus in heaven.

At that time we will truly know what it means to be complete and perfect in Christ. Not until then shall we fully comprehend the depth and height of our salvation and then our hearts will leap for joy.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 3:9.

"Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase."


Help me first to understand what it means to be perfect in You. Then give me the discipline to strive daily for this perfection in my life. Help me to lead by example my family to put their total trust in You and to work toward serving You in perfection.

Crown: May 21, 2010

Today's Word for Friday May 21, 2010


Any of various types of headgear worn by a king or monarch as a symbol of sovereignty, an award for a great achievement.


"There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness." II Timothy 4:8

"He will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” James 1:12


James tells us that all who love the Lord will receive the crown of life and Timothy tells that we have a crown of righteousness waiting for us. In ancient Greece crown-like wreaths were awarded to the victors in athletic events. The crown of life, which James refers to, is eternal life that will be the ultimate award for all believers. The crown of righteousness represents the eternal righteousness we receive through Jesus Christ when we get to heaven. What a glorious day that will be!

How many times have you either wondered or silently said to yourself "I fear I shall never enter heaven?" Are you one that doubts? Fear not because every person in our world who put his or her trust in the Lord shall enter heaven and has no reason to fear.

Recently we read of the remarks made by a man who was dying. He said that he had no fear about going to heaven and in addition he had sent before him all the things of importance. God, he said, had forgiven his sins and he had accepted Jesus as his Savior so he was on his way to heaven. He also said that God had His finger on the latch of his hearts door and he was ready for Him to enter and take him home.

Then someone said to this elderly man, "Aren't you concerned about losing your inheritance?" NO, NO, NO, NO he responded. He went on to respond further by saying that he sent his inheritance ahead of him and there is one crown in heaven that God has made for me and it will only fit my head and even the apostle Paul cannot wear it because it fits only me

In Revelation 3:11 we read to, "Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown." This little story, which is a true story, serves as a reminder to us that as children of God, we cannot lose our inheritance and crown that God has for us in heaven. If you have repented of your sins, believe in the Lord Jesus, and have asked Him into your heart, there is not only a place reserved for you in heaven but a crown and some say even a special harp just for you.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 16:3.

"Commit your work to the Lord and your thoughts will be established."


Help me today to make a priority of doing what God expects of me to receive my crown when I arrive in heaven. Help me and my family to put our priorities in the things and issues that count for eternity.

Gladness: May 20, 2010

Today's Word for Thursday May 20, 2010



The feeling of joy or pleasure.


"Serve the Lord with gladness." Psalm 100:2

"You have put gladness in my heart." Psalm 4:7


Those who serve the Lord with a sad face, because for some reason they are unhappy about something, really are not serving Him at all. These types of people bring to the spiritual table a form of bowing down to God and seemingly worshipping Him, but their words and deeds do not show a love for their Lord in their everyday living with true gladness and service.

Our God is a God of love and He wants no slaves to grace His throne. In God's sight a slave is one that has not given his or her heart to the Lord. Thus there is no true gladness showing from their heart each day. These types of people will continually show sadness on their face because they are carrying the heavy burden of their world on their back. God has His servants dressed in joy and gladness not with sadness. The angels serve Him with joy not with groans. A murmur or a sigh would be a mutiny in the ranks of the angels. The Lord looks at the heart and He can see that obedience that is forced and not voluntary is really disobedience.

Our service to God coupled with gladness and cheerfulness is true heart service and is what God wants from us. Cheerfulness and gladness is the support God gives us for our faith in the Lord. In the joy of the Lord we are strong. The joy of the Lord in our lives acts as a remover of difficulties. It is like what oil is to the wheels of a railroad car. Without oil the axle gets hot and accidents occur. We need the gladness and cheerfulness of the Lord in our lives. These act to oil our wheels. The man who is cheerful in his service to God shows the people of the world, non-believers, that it is a delight and joy to serve the Lord our God.

We encourage you first to take time to make sure you are doing all that God wants you to do by serving Him with gladness. Then take a few moments each day and look at the faces of those around you in the work place, your school, your neighborhood and even your church. You will see so many sad faces of concern. The least you can do is to pause a moment and ask God to give that person a heart of gladness. When you do this you will be surprised at the doors God will open for you to say a word of encouragement to someone.

You will soon find out as people talk to you the heavy burdens they are carrying. And most important your gladness will be increased and God will give you blessings beyond your most hoped for desire.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 16:3.

"Commit your work to the Lord and your thoughts will be established."


Fill my heart today with gladness that You can only give.

Care: May 19, 2010

Today's Word for Wednesday May 19, 2010


A cause or object of worry or concern; to be concerned; have thought or regard; to make provision.


"Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." I Peter 5:7


The best and only lasting way we as parents, grandparents, children, teenagers and young people can sooth our sorrows, whether large or small, is to cast our sorrow or sorrows upon Jesus. And when you do this have the confidence and assurance that "He cares for you" and will take your sorrow from you."

Too many Christians today dishonor their faith and belief in Jesus by always wearing a frown of care on their face. Friends that know someone like this must feel sad for that person. When you carry that frown on your face you are staggering with a weight which your Father in heaven can handle and all you have to do is to give it to Him. But you will not give it up. What seems to you to be a crushing burden seems to God to be a little dust.

You need to take up the arms of faith in your life against what you consider a sea of trouble and by doing this your burdens (cares) will be washed away into the sea. We are reminded in the scripture that God cares enough about the sparrows that fly in the air that He feeds them. If He does this how much more does He care for you and me? His eye is fixed on you every moment of every day watching and caring just for you. His heart beats with pity for the woe you carry. He can bind up your wounds and heal your broken heart if you will only cast your care upon Him.

It is time for you to replace the "things" in your life that really do not count by placing them in the hands of the Lord. Then replace those "things" with the "things" that will count for eternity. This will happen when you place all of your cares with the Lord.

We read in the scripture how Elijah out lived the famine of his day. (I Kings 17:2-6) He did this because he put all of his cares and concerns in the hands of God. First God led him to a brook where God sent ravens carrying meat and bread for him. When the brook dried up, God sent Elijah to a widow who had only a little oil and a handful of flour. From this meager supply God provided enough oil and flour for them until the famine was over. It never ran out and He can do the same for you and me. Even when the circumstances seem impossible, if we turn all of our cares over to the Lord, He can do the impossible.

Whatever family concerns that are weighing on you today, God wants you to cast those cares on Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 16:3.

"Commit your work to the Lord and your thoughts will be established."


Help me to learn today to cast my cares into your hands. Help me to be able to release the "things" in my life that bog me down daily. Give me blessings in areas of my life that today are troubling me. And most important, as You take my cares, give me a new drive to commit everything I do to You so that my thoughts will be established in You.

Grace: May 18, 2010

Today's Word for Tuesday May 18, 2010



Mercy, clemency, pardon, the influence or spirit of God operating in humans; the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.


"Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18


Grace is the freely given unmerited favor and love of God. It is solely by God's grace that we are saved. Grace is part of God's divine nature along with love, patience, kindness, righteousness and justice that caused God to give His only Son to die for us and save us from our sins. If our faith is real we cannot remain complacent. We will want a closer relationship with our Lord, and this is also what God wants from us.

God wants us as individuals and as families to grow daily in grace. There are many graces that God wants us to grow in. There is the grace of faith, of love and of humility to name a few. He wants us not only to grow in one grace but in all grace.

We need to grow in what we call faith. We need to believe the promises of God that He gives us with more diligence and apply them to our life. Our faith must increase daily with consistency and with simplicity. Frankly we limit God by our lack of faith. All He wants from us is to step out in great faith and then let Him do His thing.

Then we must grow in the grace of love. Our love needs to be extended beyond what and who we love today. Our grace of love needs to be more Christ-like, forgiving, more purposeful and should be reflected through every thought, word and deed that comes from us. We are to love the lovely and the unlovely. We are to love the believer and the unbeliever. At times this is very hard to do, but this is what God wants us to do as we grow in the grace of love.

We need to grow in the grace of humility. We need to live lowly and realize more of our nothingness in God's sight. As we grow downward, increase our humility, we will grow upward in our approach to God. This will happen in our prayer life and as we read the Bible. Our fellowship with Jesus will then become more intimate.

In Genesis 6:8 we read that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. This happened because Noah trusted God and responded to His call. In Psalms 84:11 the psalmist tells us that, "The Lord will give us grace and glory, no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."

The more we grow in grace, the more God can work in our lives. Not only will we walk more uprightly but we will be blessed by God. Then we will have a spiritual influence on our family.

Do you long to know more about Jesus? Do you have a desire to grow in the graces that God can give you? If not, why not? If so, this is the way you can. The key is wanting to love and to know God and walk with Him daily.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 16:3.

"Commit your work to the Lord and your thoughts will be established."


My prayer for today is that my family, with my leadership, might find grace in Your sight just as Noah did so many years ago. Help me to listen to what You say and then give me the conviction and courage to walk with You in the direction You lead me.

Renew: May 17, 2010




To restore or replenish, to revive, to reestablish.


“Let the people renew their strength.” Isaiah 41:1

“And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Isaiah 40:31


All things on earth need to be renewed. We all know that God created all things but no created thing continues by itself. But God provided ways for the things that He created to be renewed. For example consider trees. They must have the water of the rain that falls and must be fed with the nourishment from the soil that God provides for them.

Years ago we were in the country of Lebanon. We had read so many times in the Bible and in other books about the Cedars of Lebanon. We went to the part of Lebanon where many of these beautiful Cedars of Lebanon trees grow. God planted (created) these trees but they only live because God provided for them an environment that met their daily needs for renewal and growth that they could draw from the earth.

Our lives as believers are so similar to these trees. We can only be sustained by receiving a daily renewal from God. For example just as it is necessary for us to replace the waste and liquid from our bodies with frequent food and water daily, we must replace the waste we lose from our soul by feeding daily on reading the Bible.

Just think how depressed we would be if we missed many meals. Even so we will get more depressed spiritually when we miss reading and studying God’s Word. Without constant spiritual renewal in our lives we will not be ready for the constant evil assaults on our lives or the strife we have from within. If we do not renew our strength in the Lord daily, we will grow weaker spiritually and evil will gain a stronghold in our life and soon it will have mastery over all we do and say. We need to not only read the Bible daily but we need to pray daily asking God to renew the spirit within us as the psalmist said in Psalm 51:10. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

The apostle Paul wrote in II Corinthians 4:16 that “even though our outward man is perishing, yet our inward man is being renewed every day.” Yes, every day we get bolder and the aches and pains get stronger, but when we are in a right relationship with God, He will renew us inwardly with spiritual strength through His Holy Spirit who works within us.

We urge you to practice the words of Isaiah (40:31) in your daily life. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” It is our choice!


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 16:3.

Commit your work to the Lord and your thoughts will be established.


Help me to renew my trust in You as I begin this new day. May I grasp anew the growth I will experience when I take the time to read Your Word and then allow myself to wait upon You so that I may have renewed strength to face every issue that comes my way? May I also learn anew today to commit all that I do today, and every day, to You.

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