May 23, 2010

Care: May 19, 2010

Today's Word for Wednesday May 19, 2010


A cause or object of worry or concern; to be concerned; have thought or regard; to make provision.


"Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." I Peter 5:7


The best and only lasting way we as parents, grandparents, children, teenagers and young people can sooth our sorrows, whether large or small, is to cast our sorrow or sorrows upon Jesus. And when you do this have the confidence and assurance that "He cares for you" and will take your sorrow from you."

Too many Christians today dishonor their faith and belief in Jesus by always wearing a frown of care on their face. Friends that know someone like this must feel sad for that person. When you carry that frown on your face you are staggering with a weight which your Father in heaven can handle and all you have to do is to give it to Him. But you will not give it up. What seems to you to be a crushing burden seems to God to be a little dust.

You need to take up the arms of faith in your life against what you consider a sea of trouble and by doing this your burdens (cares) will be washed away into the sea. We are reminded in the scripture that God cares enough about the sparrows that fly in the air that He feeds them. If He does this how much more does He care for you and me? His eye is fixed on you every moment of every day watching and caring just for you. His heart beats with pity for the woe you carry. He can bind up your wounds and heal your broken heart if you will only cast your care upon Him.

It is time for you to replace the "things" in your life that really do not count by placing them in the hands of the Lord. Then replace those "things" with the "things" that will count for eternity. This will happen when you place all of your cares with the Lord.

We read in the scripture how Elijah out lived the famine of his day. (I Kings 17:2-6) He did this because he put all of his cares and concerns in the hands of God. First God led him to a brook where God sent ravens carrying meat and bread for him. When the brook dried up, God sent Elijah to a widow who had only a little oil and a handful of flour. From this meager supply God provided enough oil and flour for them until the famine was over. It never ran out and He can do the same for you and me. Even when the circumstances seem impossible, if we turn all of our cares over to the Lord, He can do the impossible.

Whatever family concerns that are weighing on you today, God wants you to cast those cares on Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 16:3.

"Commit your work to the Lord and your thoughts will be established."


Help me to learn today to cast my cares into your hands. Help me to be able to release the "things" in my life that bog me down daily. Give me blessings in areas of my life that today are troubling me. And most important, as You take my cares, give me a new drive to commit everything I do to You so that my thoughts will be established in You.

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