August 7, 2011

Afflictions: August 5, 2011




A depressed or painful state; misery; a cause of mental or bodily pain as sickness or calamity.


“My heart is in turmoil and cannot rest; days of affliction confront me.” Job 30:27

“This is my comfort in my affliction, for your Word has given me life.” Psalms 119:50

“For our light affliction, which is for about a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” II Corinthians 4:17

“Oh Lord my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction.” Jeremiah 16:19


One of life’s great concerns for us has been to see children, young people and adults who are suffering afflictions in their lives. All of us react when an affliction affects one of our family members, but do we show concern for those in far of areas of our world that may have even greater afflictions? The definition of the word “AFFLICTION” refers to the mental or body pain one may have in a sickness or a calamity.

When sin entered the world through the fall of Adam and Eve, affliction entered as well. Our minds and our bodies are now subject to suffering and pain. Some suffer greater afflictions than others. It is heart wrenching to see children born with physical and mental challenges as well as people suffering with cancer and with other diseases. Just as sad is to see whole families living in poverty and who do not have food to eat. This is affliction as well. No matter if the affliction is large or small it is so easy for the victim to fall into despair and, as Job said, the “heart is in turmoil.”

As believers in Jesus we face affliction with a different attitude than those who do not know Him. As Christians we can look beyond our affliction in this life with the hope of a life without affliction when we are in heaven with our Lord. Our suffering in this life is temporary.

It is usually the case that when we are going through the tough times in life with our greatest afflictions that God does His greatest work through us. Afflictions should increase our reliance on the Lord. This gives us an opportunity to share with others the strength of our faith and allows God to demonstrate His power through us.

Recently we had a dear friend who was afflicted with lung cancer. She used this time of affliction to testify to others of her faith and trust in the Lord. What a blessing and encouragement she was to us and many others. She is now home with her Lord and Savior and free from all suffering and affliction.

In January of this year Dottie’s sister went to be with the Lord. She had been physically and mentally challenged all of her life. We know of no one who was more cheerful, showed more concern for others and was more generous. If she ever had had money she would have given it all away because she got so much joy out of giving. In her limited capacity she was a testimony of her faith in the Lord even through all the affliction she had to endure.

We have witnessed so many situations of affliction that it would be very easy for us to become immune to them as they come our way. But we continue to ask God daily to make us sensitive to those that are going through a time of affliction. Do you have that caring spirit and attitude? Almost daily a situation comes our way and we wish we could do more to help. We are limited, as you are, by our finances and even with enough time to respond. But one thing we can do is pray and be a friend to that person who is hurting.

It may be a relative or friend with cancer, a child without food, a man or woman that lost a job or a family that lost their house and is now homeless. The list can go on and on, but remember, we can pray, we can love, we can encourage and we can care.

When you are facing an affliction in your life, look for opportunities to let others see Christ in you. You will be surprised to see how much God will bless you and ease your affliction because you are thinking of others and not yourself.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 10:27.

“With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”


Help me today to have a heart that shows concern for those facing affliction in their lives. Help me to praise You throughout this day for the many blessings You have given me and my family. Give me strength to live this day looking for the one place where I can make an impact on another person’s life that is hurting and needs Your love.

Accountability: August 4, 2011




Subject to the obligation to report or justify something; responsible; answerable; capable of being explained.


Each of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12.

“Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing evil in his eyes?” You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. Thus says the Lord: Behold I will raise up adversity against you from your own house, for you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel.” II Samuel 12: 9, 11, 12.


Today more than any time in history, we believe people do all they can to avoid responsibility. In the verses above, Adam chose to blame his wife Eve for eating the fruit instead of being accountable for his sin. David tried to get away with the sin of killing Uriah by doing it in a secret way. David was challenged by Nathan to be accountable to God for taking Bathsheba and killing her husband Uriah.

These scriptures give us just two examples as to how easy and natural it is to want to avoid taking the responsibility for our own actions by finding a way to place the blame on someone else. Unfortunately it often works and then an innocent person gets the blame. However there is someone we cannot fool and who does hold us accountable. Hebrews 5:7 tells us, “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.

Both of us remember when we were in school having conversations with our peers about what we called “fessing up” to a situation. “Fessing up” is humbling. No one likes to admit that they were wrong, especially if there are consequences, which is usually the case. Human nature seems to always drive one to accept accountability when the issue is favorable, right or positive. But, since we all are of a sinful nature, when a situation is negative and may have consequences we want to pass the blame.

It begins early in a child’s life. We can remember when we could just look into the eyes of one of our children and see guilt. It was very easy to then see the child do all he or she could do to make someone else accountable for what he or she had done. How often when children are caught having a fight have we heard: “but he [or she] started it. Then the other one responds by saying: “did not.”

God wants us to be accountable for our actions. As one gets older you realize that accepting accountability is what demonstrates that you are a person of integrity. Once a person loses their integrity in the eyes of others it is very hard to gain it back. Integrity equips you to be a vessel that God can use. Being accountable allows God to bless you in everyday situations.


Our scripture verse for this week is found in Mark 10: 27.

“With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”


Dear God, just as You faced Adam in the garden and David through Nathan many years ago, we ask You today to keep us accountable to what You have taught us from Your Word. May we take total responsibility for all of the issues that involve us, both positive and negative, that we may face.

Abundance: August 3, 2011




An extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply; affluence; wealth; overflowing fullness.


“And let your soul delight in abundance.” Isaiah 55:2

“For out of the abundance of the heart, brings forth good things.”
Matthew 12: 34-35.

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against all kind of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’” Luke 12:15

“When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work --- this is the gift of God.” Ecclesiastics 5:19


Abundance means different things to different people across our world. The definition is affected by our cultures and our living standards. But looking at the word abundance from a spiritual perspective we must view our possessions, whether large or small, as a gift from God.

In the book of Ecclesiastics, Solomon reflects back on his life. Solomon had it all. He had wealth, power and fame. He knew what it was like to have abundance. Solomon had asked God for wisdom. Through his wisdom he recognized that the abundance of “things” is not the source of joy. We are to rejoice and be happy because every good “thing” comes from God. Solomon reminds us that it is God who enables us to enjoy what we have and “accept our lot” and be happy.

In Luke 12:15, Jesus tells us that our life does not consist of the abundance of our possessions. The worth of anyone’s life has nothing to do with being wealthy, powerful or wise. Jesus warns us to “WATCH OUT” against getting greedy. Often the more we have the more we want. If God blesses us with abundance, that is a good thing and we should be thankful to Him for the blessings. Our perspective in regard to the abundance that God has blessed us with is important. If our perspective is to accumulate abundance for ourselves with no concern for helping others it will be a shallow happiness and we are not truly rich and will not be happy in the Lord.

A truly rich life comes in living a life with gratitude to the giver of our abundance, sharing what has been given to us and then living a life of faith and obedience to Him

Most people think of abundance based on the “things” they have in life such as possessions and money. The standard of abundance is different to the family living in the mountains of Appalachia compared to the family living in Beverly Hills.

The secret of abundance is not in what we have but what we enjoy and are thankful for every day. Abundance does not mean happiness. Some of the unhappy people in the world today have by worldly standards everything. But we have seen so many times that the very opposite is true. People with very little are overflowing with joy because of all that God has given them. This is true with families we have seen living in the slums of east Africa, the families living on the top of garbage dumps in the Philippines and even many families that live in the inner cities of America.

When God blesses you with abundance, whether it is considered large or small, thank Him for His blessing to you. When we were raising our children we lived on a very tight budget. But Dottie was a master in making dinners on a low budget that each one of us really enjoyed. She probably had a dozen ways to make casseroles and everyone loved them. For our family we had abundance and really never had a complaint from any of our six children. God always provided just enough for all that we needed. When God blesses you with an abundance of wealth, an abundance of talent or an abundance of time, you have a greater responsibility to use your abundance for the glory of God.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 10:27.

“With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”


Thank You for Your promise that says that out of the abundance of the heart springs forth good things. Enlarge my heart today so that I can make an impact for You on the lives of others today. Thank You for the abundance that You have given our family. Help us to use all that You have given us as You would have it done. Bless us this day and may Christ be glorified through all that we do.

Abide: August 2, 2011




To endure or withstand without yielding; to accept without opposition; to comply with/submit to; to remain steadfast or faithful.


Then Jesus said, “If you ABIDE in my WORD, you are my disciples and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:31- 32.


Family’s today need to be committed to Judeo/Christian principles similar to what America was founded on years ago. Parents need to teach these principles to their children by using the Bible as their guide book. Reading the Bible together daily as a family will allow each family member to make proper and positive choices for their daily walk. Unfortunately, sitting down as a family and reading the Bible together and then discussing what was read is no longer prevalent in our homes.

The Bible is God’s instruction book to us. Jesus tells us to abide in His Word. Abide means to obey and hold fast to His teachings. Some translations of the Bible use the word “continue” for “abide.” “Continue” means to habitually abide. Reading God’s Word and obeying His words is to be a continuing habit in our life, not just now and then.

The above scripture says that if we ABIDE in the Bible we will be a disciple of Jesus. Disciples live by the instructions given by their leader. Jesus has given us in His Word principles and standards to live by on a daily basis. Abiding in God’s Word prepares us to endure every situation in life without yielding to opposing views that conflict with the Biblical principles.

It is the abiding in God’s Word that we know the truth. The Bible never changes or is out of date. It is as true today as it was when our parents read it and taught it to us as children. Parents are responsible to teach the truth of God’s Word to their children and lead them by example, setting guidelines and boundaries that honor God. Your child’s future depends on this action on your part. We are to “train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 10:27.

“With men it is impossible, but not with God; For with God all things are possible.”


Help us dear God, to ABIDE in Your Word today knowing that as we do, we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free. Help our family to learn Your Word and to live by the principles so clearly stated in Your Word so that we will live committed lives that remain steadfast and faithful to You. Help us as parents to be diligent in teaching our children to know and understand God’s Word. Give our children listening ears and compliant hearts.

Abandon: August 1, 2011

August 1 2011. TODAYS WORD FOR MONDAY AUGUST 1, 2011



To leave completely; forsake; desert; to give up; to discontinue; to relinquish; to withdraw from; to give up hope.


“My loved ones and my friends stand aloof, and my relatives stand a far off.” Psalm 38:11.

“My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?” Psalm 22:1

“At my first defense no one stood with me, but all forsook me.” II Timothy 4:16.

Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake [abandon] you.” Hebrews 13:5.


Some years ago when we were involved in a large feeding program for inner city families in the greater Los Angeles Area, we met a dear woman, whose name was Mae Raines. She lived in a very poor area of south Los Angeles. Mae was known as “God’s Angel” to her community. She came to our warehouse center two to three times a week and filled her car to the roof with food. She then distributed this food to the neediest people in her community.

I remember the day she came to our warehouse to pick up food and she had in her arms a little 3 day old baby. This baby was what they called a “druggy” and had been abandoned. Mae could not allow this baby to die so she took him in and began the process of making him well. The baby was constantly shaking as his body was going through withdrawal from the drugs his mother had used during her pregnancy.

We watched this boy grow. It was the love of a Christian mother, Mae Raines, over several years that soon brought him to the place where he could live a normal life. Yes, this baby was abandoned but a loving lady, “GOD’S ANGEL,” saw to it that this boy could live and today he is living a normal life.

We can also remember watching TV reports about 20 years ago of all the babies who were abandoned in Romania under the dictatorship of their former leader. When freedom came their way the terrible situation of these orphan children became international news. Soon many of these abandoned children were adopted and began to live a normal life because someone loved them. The lives of hundreds of children were literally saved. Their stories of how love and care changed the course of life for these abandoned babies are heart-warming and inspirational.

We can only imagine how abandoned the disciples and the followers of Jesus felt when they saw Jesus crucified and His body laid in a tomb. They had put all of their trust in Jesus and now their hopes had vanished. In Luke 24:13-19 we read of two followers of Jesus walking and talking on the road to Emmaus. Jesus appeared to them in His resurrected body and they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked them what they were talking about. With saddened faces they explained that they were talking about the crucifixion of Jesus. They said that they had hoped that Jesus was the one who was going to redeem Israel.

Jesus then explained to them from the scripture why He had to suffer and die. He explained also all the references in the scripture beginning with Moses and the prophets concerning Himself. As Jesus was talking to them, the scripture says that soon their eyes were opened and they saw their Messiah, the resurrected Christ. He had not abandoned them. He was right there walking beside them.

When you feel abandoned or feel confused, the Word of God is always the best place to look for comfort and insight. What a wonderful promise we have that Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. Others may abandon us but Jesus never will. He who gives himself to God will never be abandoned by God. We may abandon God but He continues to walk beside us, waiting for us to open our eyes and acknowledge Him as our Savior.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Mark 10:27.

“With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”


I come to you today knowing the promise from Your Word that assures me that You will never leave me nor forsake me. Help me today to reach out to someone that feels abandoned and needs my love. May I share with them the love that You have given me. Bless my family and give each one of us a servant’s attitude as we face life today.

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