May 3, 2009

Discouragement: May 1, 2009




Defined by Webster: an act or instance of discouraging;
the state of being discouraged; to deprive of courage,
hope or confidence.


“But God who comforts those that are downcast, comforts us." II Corinthians 7:6.

“Fathers do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged” Ephesians 6:4.

“Why are you downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and My God” Psalm 42:5.


Discouragement does deprive one of courage, hope and confidence. There are many reasons given for being discouraged. A child can be discouraged when he cannot find good friends, was not chosen for some role hoped for at school, or because of a grade on a test. For parents discouragement is a result of a souring relationship, an unhappy job situation, money concerns for the family, just to name a few.

From the moment each of our children was born we were, as parents, committed to teach and train each child to live with a positive attitude. We were committed to provide the love, interest and concern for each child as needed. It was important to us as parents to make sure that our children were involved in Church, in school, in sports and with their daily “household jobs” because being involved in activities is an important part of a child’s life. It helps them learn, to develop relationships, keeps them active and busy and they were very rarely discouraged.

When discouragement comes your way, look to the Bible for strength and answers to your concerns. God told Joshua to always be strong, have courage, do not be afraid and do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. [Joshua 1:9] This verse should be read every time you become discouraged.

Do something positive when you begin to feel discouraged. Eliminate negative thoughts in your life. Each day give something, like a kind word, to someone you do not know. David said to Solomon, his son: “Be strong and of a good courage.” As parents we need to remind not only ourselves but also our children to be strong in the Lord and if we do this we can face life knowing that discouragement will be minimized. One of the best ways to brighten any day, if you are discouraged, is to STOP for a few minutes and think about the blessings, the good things, that you have and then thank God for those blessings.


Dear God, thank you for a new day and I ask for your blessing on my life. Help me to not be discouraged today but to face each moment knowing that you are my God and that you are with me every moment of today. Bless my family, friends and those that need a special touch from you this day.

Anger: April 30, 2009




Defined by Webster: A strong feeling of displeasure aroused by a real or supposed wrong; wrath; a sudden violent displeasure accompanied by an impulse to retaliate; insults that provoke a burst of anger.


“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy” Psalm 103:8. “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you.” Ephesians 4:31.


It takes an unusual temperament for a person not to show ANGER at some point in his or her life. One of the concepts we attempted to teach our children, using verses from the Bible, was that when one was angry he or she never came out a winner. Families constantly face moments that can bring on anger. Parents get upset at children over an issue. Children get upset with parents over set boundaries. Children get upset at their siblings over “things”. And husbands and wives get upset at each other over small and large concerns.

The scripture gives us clear guidelines as to how we should handle those “ANGRY MOMENTS.” In Proverbs 17:27 it reads: “He who has knowledge spares his word”. This means that we need to keep to ourselves opinions that we know could ignite anger on others. Certain personalities have trouble with this concept because just by their nature they want to stir up conflict. It is human nature to want to “have the last word.” We must learn to think before we speak and remember God’s Admonition from Proverbs [above] to SPARE OUR WORDS.

In Proverbs 17:27 the Lord gives us another concept. “A man of understanding is of a calm spirit”. This verse gives us counsel concerning the emotional side of anger. A mature person, one that lives by God’s Word, always exhibits understanding by keeping cool in a time of conflict. Problem solving is always enhanced by an even tempered approach. The key to controlling anger is to STOP when a conflict begins and ask God for a calm spirit and a cool heart. The best time to stop an argument is before it starts. Remember “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” Proverbs 15:1.


Thank you, dear Lord, for giving to me this day self control in all of my words and deeds. Help me to rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life today and may others see through me the Fruits of the Spirit controlling my life. Help me to honor God, my family, my neighbors and my friends today in all that I do and say

Love: April 29, 2009

TODAYS WORD #3 for Wednesday April 29, 2009



Defined by Webster: Profoundly tender; affection for another person;
A love affair; the benevolent affection of God


“Love God, your God, with your whole heart; love Him with all that is in you, love Him with all you’ve got” Deuteronomy 6:5 [Message translation]


From the moment each of our six children was born, we were committed to teach them to first LOVE GOD and then their family and neighbors. LOVE is a basic need in our lives and LOVE is what God wants from us. We endeavored each and everyday to be consistent with them showing our love through our words and actions. God honored this commitment by blessing us with children that responded favorably and live today a life driven by their Love for their Lord and Savior.

When the disciples asked Jesus what was the most important commandment, He responded that it was to LOVE GOD! [Mark 12: 29-31]. The second greatest commandment is to LOVE our neighbor. We are compelled as Christian parents and grandparents to set standards for our children and grandchildren that always begin with LOVING GOD. Love is what keeps a family together.


Give each one of us in our family a heart that loves you, a spirit that serves you and standards that honor you. We thank you for your eternal love and your promise that if we love you that you will never leave us nor forsake us.

Abide: April 28, 2009

TODAYS WORD #2 for Tuesday April 28, 2009



Defined by Webster: to endure or withstand without yielding; to accept without opposition; to comply with/submit to; to remain steadfast or faithful.


Then Jesus said, “If you ABIDE in my WORD, you are my disciples” John 8:31


Family’s today need to be committed to Judeo/Christian principles similar to what America was founded on years ago. Parents need to teach these principals to their children by using the Bible as their guide book. Reading the Bible together daily as a family will allow each family member to make proper and positive choices for their daily walk. Unfortunately, sitting down as a family and reading the Bible together and then discussing what was read is no longer prevalent in our homes.

The above scripture says that if we ABIDE in the Bible we will be a disciple of Jesus. Disciples live by the instructions given by their leader. Jesus has given us in His Word principals and standards to live by daily and most of us were taught these when we were young. We must learn to endure every event in life without yielding to opposing views that conflict with the Biblical principals we were taught. Parents are responsible to lead their children by example setting guidelines and boundaries that honor God. Your child’s future depends on this action on your part. We are to “train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6.


Help us dear God, to ABIDE in your WORD today knowing that as we do, we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free. Help our family to learn your Word and to live by the principals so clearly stated in your Word so that we will live committed lives that remain steadfast and faithful to you. Help us as parents to be diligent in teaching our children to know and understand God’s Word. Give our children listening ears and compliant hearts.

Trust: April 27, 2009

TODAYS WORD #1 for Monday April 27, 2009


Defined by Webster: Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability and surety of a person; hope; one upon which a person relies; God is my trust.

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; do not try to figure everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He is the one that will keep you on track. Do not assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Proverbs 3:5-6. [Message translation]

We must learn as families to trust God daily and not to rely on self. This is a difficult concept to teach our children in today’s culture because we are living in a “ME” generation. Children, youth and adults today are being pressured by their peers to live a self reliant life driven by the idea that we should make our life decisions based on what “I” feel best to do. For most families today there is no thought of relying on God or anyone else.

When a family relies on God in all they do, He will direct their paths each day. God is trustworthy and He is true to His Word! Each individual family member must grasp this concept and learn to trust God.

Our children are teaching their children today what we taught them some years ago. Because of this our grandchildren are living solid Christian lives and trust God daily for direction and strength. We have learned that one of the key ingredients in keeping a family together is trust. We must first trust God, then prove ourselves trustworthy. Then parents must trust their children and children must trust their parents and siblings. Remember, this works only if a family learns to first trust God for everything in life.

When trust in God is preeminent in the day to day activities of a family and when a family is guided by the standards outlined in the Bible this family will live together happily. And a unique bond is developed that will hold a family together for a lifetime.

Give us strength, dear Lord to live this day by trusting you in all that we do. May our trust in you keep us on track and may the joy of the Lord radiate through our lives to all we meet today. Help us to trust you for integrity, strength and assurance in whatever circumstances we encounter in our life this day, and help us to show ourselves trustworthy to others by our words and actions.

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