March 7, 2010

Example: March 2, 2010




A sample; a model; a pattern; something to be imitated; an instant of punishment serving as a warning to others.


Brothers, all of you should try to follow my example and to copy those who live the way we showed you. Philippians 3:17.


In his letters to the churches the apostle Paul reminded the early Christians to follow the example of his daily walk with God. To the Corinthian church Paul wrote, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” Paul’s example was trustworthy because he patterned his life after the example of Jesus life. In II Thessalonians 3:9, Paul was warning the church at Thessalonica against idleness and challenged them to make themselves an example to others as he has done.

In John 13:1-17 we read about the time before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus sat down with His disciples and washed their feet. Peter was especially vocal and objected telling Jesus that he would never allow Jesus to wash his feet. But Jesus responded that they did not understand the meaning now but would someday.

Peter refused because he did not understand the example Jesus was giving the disciples. Jesus was washing the disciple’s feet signifying that it is Jesus who has the power to cleanse. Peter would come to understand this after Jesus shed His blood on the cross to cleanse us from all our sins.

When Jesus said to Peter that unless he allowed Jesus to wash his feet he could not continue to be part of Me His inner circle, then the light finally dawned on Peter. Peter finally asked the Lord to cleanse his feet, his hands and his head. Jesus went on to say in verse 15, “For I have given you this as an example that you should do as I have done.”

Peter tells us in I Peter 2:21 that Christ suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow His steps. By His example Jesus wanted His disciples to see that they must have a servant’s heart and a servant’s attitude. He also told them that they needed to be willing to serve one another. Jesus demonstrated this by washing His disciple’s feet. Jesus set the example for all of us to be servants of Jesus and that we must be willing to do the most menial of tasks to bring honor and glory to Him.

When Jesus came to earth, He primarily came to save us, but He also came to show us by example how to live for Him. Jesus knew that as Christians we all would face injustices and could suffer for our faith just as He did while on earth. Throughout the New Testament we read many examples that Jesus has left us that are examples for us to use in our daily walk with the Lord.

Jesus commanded us, as recorded in John 13:34, to love each other and we must love each other as Jesus loved us. And in 1 John 3:16 it reads that this is how we know what real love is: Jesus gave His life for us. There is no greater way to show love than to give ourselves for others and then let our love be an example to them.

We are examples daily to those who are near us. When people know that we are believers in Jesus they watch us carefully to see how we act. Some watch us in order to see if we are consistent in our faith. An example of this is when we start our meals in a restaurant with a prayer; people see this and then watch to see if we are consistent in our faith.

As we were growing up our parents constantly reminded us to be consistent in our Christian walk. We were told that as a Christian we were unique and when we failed in some way that it would hurt the cause of Christ. Our actions reflected on what we professed to believe and claimed to be.

Children today, as always follow the examples they see at home, at school and at church. Some of these examples that they follow are not good and that is why parents need to communicate daily with their children and in addition they need to watch, listen and talk so that they may be aware of whose example their children are following. First and foremost Christian parents must follow Christ and be Christ-like examples to their children.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:33.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”


Help me to understand the importance of being an example of Christ by my words and deeds. Give me direction as to how I can not only be an example to my family but to teach them how to honor You and be an example of You in all that they do.

Mediator: March 5, 2010




One who reconciles disagreements between two or more estranged people; one who settles an issue.


“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” I TIMOTHY 2:5


Mediation is not without a price. Just ask someone who has hired a lawyer. Literally millions of dollars are spent on mediation by two parties when they face some sort of disagreement.

Has it ever occurred to you that you have a most important case pending? It is YOU versus GOD. Romans 3:23 tells us that “all have sinned.” God is perfect and without sin and our sin separates us from God. In Isaiah 59:2 it reads that “your iniquities have separated you from your God.” We are in disagreement with God and our relationship with Him is broken. Therefore we need a mediator.

God sent His Son to die on the cross to cover our sins in order that we could be reconciled to God. As we said, mediation comes with a price and Jesus paid dearly by dying on the cross to cover our sins. In 1Timothy 2:5, Paul not only instructs Timothy but reminds us that the man Christ Jesus is the one and only mediator between us and God.

We cannot come to God except through Jesus. Jesus said this to us as recorded in John 4:6: “No man comes to the Father except through Me.” We ask you the question, “Have you met with your mediator today?”

Our children, like all children, did not always see eye to eye on issues all the time so they would get into verbal fights with each other. Each one thought that they were right and the other child was wrong. Once in a while it usually ended up that they would have to come to one or both of us to plead their cases. There sometimes was such a serious disagreement between them that the usual loving relationship between them was broken. They needed us to be a mediator to reconcile them.

Children are not the only ones who need a mediator to reconcile broken relationships in life. Most of the problems in our world are related to broken relationships over issues. Mediators are necessary to solve the issues of these broken relationships.

We could not get along it seems, without a legal system of lawyers and judges who serve as mediators in settling disagreements between two parties. Even in churches today, pastors become mediators for those who come for counseling to settle their disagreements. Governments and political leaders have disagreements which are usually solved when a third party mediator comes on the scene.

Our lives constantly are in a position where mediation of some sort is necessary. But the most important mediator for those of us who are believers is the mediator that God has provided us through His Son Jesus Christ.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:33.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”


Thank You God for sending Your Son to be the mediator that I need to communicate with You. Give me the courage each day to talk to You through Your Son and for me to listen to Your voice as I read Your Word. Help me to exalt Your name in all that I do.

Excuse: March 4, 2010




Pardon; forgive; apologize for; justify; to remove the blame.


“If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.” John 15:22.


How many times have you heard someone give an excuse for something not completed or not done? It does not seem to make a difference if one is young or old, excuses for our actions seem to be the normal way to act. Most excuses are given to justify laziness. We do not know how many times we have heard the excuse from those that are honest about it, that they just did not feel like doing what they should have done.

We use excuses to justify our inaction. You have often heard, “I was just so busy that I could not get around to doing it?”Most excuses are what we would call “lame.” They are a lot like the child that tells his teacher that he cannot turn in his homework because “the dog ate it.”

In John 15, Jesus was teaching His disciples the gospel message and what to expect when they would be the ones teaching others. Just as Jesus and His message were rejected by many, He told them that they also would have their message rejected. This is still true today. As believers we must continue to tell all those we can, through our words and deeds, of Jesus love and plan of redemption knowing that at times our message will be rejected. Those who accept Jesus will be saved, but those who reject Him will “have no excuse for their sin” when they meet God.

In Luke 14:15-24 Jesus shares what is called the parable of the great supper. The master, the parable says, invited most of his friends and neighbors to a great feast. They all gave excuses as to why they could not come, because they had more pressing and important matters to attend to. Jesus likened there excuses to all the excuses that are given when people are invited to know Jesus as their Savior.

Again, so many people give excuses as to why they cannot accept Jesus. Many just do not want to change their ways. Others say they do not have to worry about it now but want to wait till later in their lives. These are all excuses that are not acceptable to our Lord. Excuses for rejecting Jesus leaves the person who makes them with no excuse in God’s sight.

In Romans 1:18-20 the writer talks about the end-time judgment of men when the wrath of God that will come against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. At that time it will be too late for excuses. He goes on to tell us that since the creation of the world God’s invisible attributes are clearly seen, even His eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse.

God has revealed Himself in His creation. In this universe we see His Intelligence, His beauty, His power, and His provisions. Those who reject God have no excuse. Salvation is available to all just for the asking and excuses such as not knowing or waiting until later are not acceptable.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:33.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”


Lord, I accept You today as my creator, my God, and my Savior. Help me to get rid of the excuses that seem to control my life and keep me from serving You. May my family learn to trust and serve You without excuses.

Boldness: March 3, 2010




Courageous; brave; exhibiting courage; self-assured.


Great is my boldness of speech toward you; great is my boasting on your behalf. I am filled with comfort. I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation. 11 Corinthians 7:4.


In the world we live in today it is becoming increasingly difficult to speak out with boldness about our spiritual convictions. One of the reasons for this excuse is that one may feel that it would offend someone or possibly be “politically incorrect.” Most Christians are timid about talking about their faith because they are more concerned about what the world thinks than they are about obeying God’s commands to us to be witnesses to a lost and sinful world. This should be a deep concern and a wake-up call for all believers.

One of the most powerful passages of scripture in the Bible concerns the last journeys of Paul and his imprisonment. Paul’s words are powerful because he wrote with conviction about what he personally had experienced. During this time Paul wrote to the church at Philippi that he was not ashamed to have been serving Jesus. Paul also wrote that it was a privilege to suffer for Jesus. Paul looked for every opportunity to speak with boldness about Jesus and sharing with others God’s plan of salvation. He was not ashamed to speak boldly of his faith.

Paul knew the reality of persecution for the first century believers. Before his conversion he had been a persecutor of Christians. And then after he became a believer he was beaten, stoned and thrown into prison because of his faith. Paul did not let any of that persecution stop him from preaching with boldness. Even while in prison, Paul spread the good news of the gospel by writing letters to the churches he had helped establish.

As he waited in a lonely place during his last imprisonment, he wrote the church at Philippi asking them to pray for him that as he stood trial he would in no way be less bold than he always had been for Christ. Paul’s desire was to have a bold testimony whether he lived or died. In Paul’s own words (1:20) he wanted Christ always to be magnified in his body, whether by life or by death.

There are not too many Christians today that are bold in declaring their faith in Jesus. Some of the boldest that we have seen are children. We have mentioned before in these devotionals about one of our grandchildren who was in the hospital waiting for an emergency appendectomy. Before they put him to sleep, the doctor walked in and asked if he had any questions. Our seven year old grandson said that he had one question. He asked. “DO YOU KNOW JESUS?’

The Doctor responded by saying that he was a Catholic but believed in Jesus. Our grandson responded by saying that it was then OK for him to proceed as he dozed off to sleep. How many people in your family are bold enough even to ask their friends whether they know Jesus?

It is not easy to be outgoing and bold about our faith. We believe the Lord wants us, when we talk about boldness, to be courageous in living our faith and consistent in showing our moral standards so others will see that we are living a consistent Christ honoring life. Then when someone asks you about seeing something different in your life, you can respond with boldness about your faith.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:33.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”


Thank You for the examples that are in Your Word concerning my need to be bold about my relationship with You. Help me to respond to every opportunity that comes my way to be bold about my relationship with You.

Walk: March 1, 2010




To conduct one’s life in a particular manner; to advance by moving one’s feet; to wander about.


He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

I John 2:6.

Enoch walked with God, and then he was no more, because God took him away.

Genesis 5:24.


How will you live your life today? What will your walk be like? When we refer to your walk we refer to your words and deeds and if what you do and say will honor God.

We read in the Bible about one man, named Enoch and it is said about him that “he walked with God.” The references to Enoch in the Bible are very brief. There are only nine verses but these verses give us a very strong message and an excellent guideline as to how we should walk with God.

Enoch was very unique, even in his day. The Bible says that for 300 years Enoch put God first in his life. The Lord was preeminent in everything he did, in his thinking, in his ways, and in his walk. God was first in who he loved, first in his service and the only ONE that he worshipped. He was one of only two men who the scriptures say “walked with God.” The other man was Noah.

In the nine verses referring to Enoch and in Micah and Amos, we are given four examples as to how we are to walk with God that is relevant for us today.

First of all, we are told that Enoch walked with God consistently and without failing for 365 years and then God took him to heaven without experiencing physical death (Genesis 5:21-22). Elijah was the only other man that God took to heaven without experiencing physical death.

Secondly, we are told that Enoch walked by faith and that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:5-6). When we walk by faith we must believe, by faith, that God is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God rewarded Enoch for his walk by not allowing him to experience death. All those who walk faithfully with God will be rewarded in heaven.

Thirdly, Micah writes about walking humbly with God and we are to do the same (Micah 6:8). Walk humbly before our God should be our daily goal.

And finally, Amos writes that we are to walk in agreement with God. Amos writes asking the question, “Can two walk together, unless they are in agreement?”(Amos 3:3)

So what we have been reminded of in these verses is that as believers we are required to walk with God without failing, by faith, humbly and in agreement. Enoch has given us this standard to live by in the way that he lived. He walked with God daily --- every day of his life.

In our homes today there is very little discussion as to how we should walk with God. Young people, for the most part, have never been taught how to walk with God. Parents have failed and our churches have failed. And of course our schools, businesses, and political leaders will never teach this to our young people.

In order to walk with God one must begin each day by reading the Bible so God can talk with us. And we must spend time praying. This is our communication with Him. By praying and reading the Bible daily God can teach us how to walk with Him and He will give us the faith we need to walk with Him. We all need to stop just living our daily lives on our own and begin walking with God every step that we take.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 6:33.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”


Help me today to learn to walk with You just as Enoch walked with You. Give me wisdom to be an example to my family, friends and neighbors by the way I talk and act that You will be glorified through my life.

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