December 16, 2016

Obey: December 16, 2016



To comply with the wishes, instructions or commands of; to follow orders; to submit to authority.

The people said to Joshua, “We will serve the Lord our God and we will obey His voice.” Joshua 24:24.


When did you last hear a sermon on obedience?  It is not often that a minister will speak on this subject because it does not draw large crowds because it sounds too much like following orders or submitting to laws or commandments. People in today’s culture do not want to hear this. Many feel today that Jesus came to set us free from all this obedience stuff.

In Romans 8:2-4 we are told that Jesus came to set us free from the law of sin and death so that the requirement of the law might be met in us.

The law exposes our sin but it cannot set us free from the penalty that we must pay for our sins which is death. Th requirement of the law of sin and death can only be met by living a righteous life, but no one lives a life without sin. Only Jesus has lived a sinless righteous life.

Romans 8:3-4 says that God did what the law could not do. God sent His own son to fulfill the righteous requirement of the law. God sacrificed His own Son who is without sin to pay the penalty for our sin. What the written law could not do, the Holy Spirit does. The Holy Spirit writes the law of God in our hearts and gives us the power to obey it.

Oswald Chambers in his book Still Higher for His Highest, says “true liberty is the ability earned by practice to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is obedience.”

The Israelites heard time after time in a thundering way about obedience and they responded so often by rebellion and suffered severe consequences. Through Moses God instructed the Israelites that if they would obey Him, He would bless them.

We read in Deuteronomy 28:1-3 Moses instruction concerning obedience: “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands that I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.”

In verses 4-12 Moses tells of the ways God will bless them. Two things are important to take note of in verse one: The instruction is to fully obey and carefully follow. Obedience that brings blessing takes more than a half-hearted commitment. Israel’s downfall was that they never fully learned that lesson. It is a lesson for every believer today. OBEDIENCE BRINGS GOD’S BLESSINGS!

Jesus had a great deal to say about obedience and His words were powerful because they came from an obedient and sinless life. In John 6:38 He tells us that He came down from heaven to do the will of God, the Father. Jesus admonishes us to be like Him. “Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter (Matthew 7:21).

When we obey our Lord, doors of blessing will open in front of us, and we will have an abundant life as never before.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Colossians 2:6.

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.


Help me to fully obey You and carefully follow Your laws so that I can have all the blessings You have for me. May my life through my words and deeds exemplify the importance of obedience in one’s life.

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December 15, 2016

Burnout: December 15, 2016



Fatigue, frustration, or apathy resulting from prolonged stress, over work or intense activity.

My soul finds rest in God lone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2


Many people today can recall times when their bodies and minds have felt tired from manual labor and mental strain. If these conditions become constant or extreme, consciously or unconsciously, it is very easy for one to feel they have become burned out.

But the good news is that the scripture provides us with specific encouraging words for such things including just plain exhaustion.

Isaiah 40:27-31 reveals for us three reassuring truths about God and His faithfulness in our times of exhaustion and feeling burned out.

In verse 28 we are told that the Lord “does not become weary or tired.” Therefore we can call upon Him who will never run out of power to share with us. His strength has never decreased and will not decrease in the future. In Hebrews 13:8 we are told that, “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

In verse 29 of Isaiah chapter 40, we find that “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Our loving heavenly Father does not frown upon us when we feel we are weak. Instead, He embraces us and lifts us up when we feel we are unable to help ourselves.

In verse 31 we are given an incredible promise. It reads, “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, and they will walk and not become weary.”

The next time you start to feel that a burnout is coming, read these verses. God has put us here on this earth for a reason as believers. Nowhere in scripture can we find that a burnout is acceptable because our God is bigger than any burnout that may come our way.

When we feel burnt out and exhausted we must take the time to be still before the Lord and to rest in Him. In Mark 6:31, Jesus told His disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” Resting in God for even a short time renews our souls and quiets our racing minds, enabling us to partake of His strength.

When you feel that you have too much on your plate to accomplish you should ask yourself, “Are the activities in my life all necessary and chosen by the Lord?” In Psalm 46:10 we are told to, “Cease striving and know that I am God.” There are times in our lives that God wants us to slow down and realize that our lives are in His hands. This is the way we can replace striving with resting and trusting.

Remember our God is faithful to provide for each of us a supply of endless divine strength to carry on what he has called us to do. God is faithful to His promises and He wants us to trust in Him and call upon Him to fulfill His promise to renew our strength. God is never too weary or too busy to help us when we call upon Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Colossians 2:6.

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.


Help me to take time today for a quiet moment to sit before You and listen to what You have for me. Provide for me today the strength and rest I need. Give me exactly what I need for the moment at hand.

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December 14, 2016

Choices: December 14, 2016



The act or instance of choosing; carefully selected; decisions; preferences.

I have chosen the way of truth. Psalm 119:30.


Life is about choices. We all make them every day and sometimes they are made unconsciously. One thing is certain; all of our choices have consequences. Choices determine the direction we go with our lives so they should never be made casually.

The most important choice we make in life is to choose or not to choose the “way of truth” (Psalm 119:30 above). We all have the choice to choose between the deceitful ways of Satan or the “way of truth.”  Satan’s way leads to death and destruction. The “way of truth” is the right way, God’s way, and leads to life eternal. (Matthew 7:13-14)

When we choose the “way of truth” we are choosing to be obedient to God and obey His commandments. The best guide line that we know to the “way of truth” is the Ten Commandments. We encourage you to read them and memorize them.

Today we want to look at the Sermon on the Mount again. Jesus took the time to speak to his disciples about the “way of truth” and taught them choices that they needed to make in life. These same choices must be made by us.

Jesus was not only speaking to the masses in His day but to each of us. In Matthew chapters 6 and 7 Jesus lists for us 8 different choices that we need to make and also gives us the right (the way of truth) and wrong way (Satan’s deceitful way) to make these choices.

First, is the right and wrong way to give alms or what we call today “charitable gifts.” In Matthew 6:1-4 we are told to make our gifts in secret and we will receive our heavenly rewards. We are not to give for all to see so that we will get our due recognition. Satan’s way seeks the world’s recognition.

The second choice is found in Matthew 6:15-25 where Jesus gives us the right and wrong way to pray. Jesus reminds us not to be like the hypocrites who stand in the synagogues and on the corner so that they can be seen by all as they pray. He says for us to go to your room or a corner and pray in private.

In Matthew 6:16-18 we have a choice given us as to the right way and wrong way to fast. Do not be sad and disfigure your face to impress others. The right way is to wash your face, anoint your head so you do not appear to be fasting to those who see you. Fasting is between you and God.

In Matthew 6:19-21 we are told not to lay up treasures on this earth but the right choice is to lay up your treasures in heaven where neither rust nor moth will destroy and where thieves will not break in and steal.

Jesus continued His teaching discussing making a choice on vision. In Matthew 6:22-23 Jesus talks about spiritual vision. Our spiritual vision can become clouded with evil thoughts and evil desires. When the eye is evil we will be full of darkness. When the eye is good we will be filled with light.

We have the choice of serving the right or wrong master. In Matthew 6:24 Jesus makes it clear that we cannot serve two masters. You must make a choice. Will you choose God or will you choose mammon (money and material treasure). You cannot serve both.

Jesus then taught that we had the choice of the right way or wrong way to think in Matthew 6:25-34. We are to not worry about everyday life or what tomorrow may bring. We are to choose to trust in God and seek His Kingdom and His righteousness.

And finally He teaches the right and wrong way to judge in Matthew 7:1-6.  Jesus teaches clearly that we are not to judge that we may not be judged.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Colossians 2:6.

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.


Help me to make choices in life that will be pleasing to you and according to Your will. Thank You for the instruction You have given us such as the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount to help us make good choices and lead us to develop a Godly lifestyle.

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December 13, 2016

Cause: December 13, 2016



A person that acts or a thing that occurs so to produce a specific result; the reason or motive for some action.

I planted, Apollo watered, but God was causing the growth. I Corinthians 3:6.


Recently a television interviewer was walking down a street asking the public one person at a time a simple question. The question was, “Do you have a cause in life that is important enough for you to stand for?” The answers were unbelievable to us. They included: a visit to the local bar every night, to irritate the person that works with me, to go to at least one rock concert a week and to talk to people about climate change and control.

The answers showed how confused people are today and how they live for themselves only and care about no one else let alone God and eternity.

In a book called “The Age of Longing” you will read the story about an American girl who married a radical revolutionary in Paris. She had lost her faith at an American University, the little religious faith she had, and all that her parents had taught her concerning their religious faith and Judeo-Christian morals.

She was asked why she married him and she responded by saying that he was the first person she ever knew who believed in something strong enough to die for it. He had a cause to live for. She went on to say that even though she did not believe exactly as he does she was attracted to him because he had found a cause to live for.

Many people today are searching for a cause but do not know what they are looking for. A University student in Moscow was talking to an American Christian, as the story goes, about their faith. The Russian student said “You Christians say that you are going to win the world, but the facts are that we have done more in fifty years than you have done in 2000.”

The Russian student went on to say that there was a reason for what he believed and said, it is because you Christians are really not committed to your cause and we are. Therefore, we will win, you’ll see.

As a believer in Jesus, do you have a cause? Are you living every moment of your days for Him? Take the time to evaluate how committed you are to your Lord.

Malcolm Muggeridge, a well-known British author, journalist and media personality wrote, “It is often supposed that when people stop believing in God, they believe in nothing. Alas, it is worse than that. When they stop believing in God they believe in anything.”

It is the Lord alone who can give the faith to the spiritually ignorant that will allow them to be committed to a cause that is worth everything, yes even to die for, as did some of the disciples of Jesus and many others down through the ages. Salvation is God’s work of grace to those who choose to receive it. But how can they receive it if no one has made it their cause to tell them of it?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Colossians 2:6.

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.


Thank You, Father, that You have given me a reason and a purpose in life. Keep me ever strong in my faith and trust in You. Help me to never waver in taking a stand for the cause of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Help me to always live totally committed in love to You.

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December 12, 2016

Sower: December 12, 2016



One who scatters or plants seed.

And as he sowed some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. Matthew 13:4-5.


This parable is easy to understand, because Jesus interpreted it for His disciples. The sower is one who sows the Word of the Kingdom of God in the world. It is either the Lord Himself or a servant of His, like us. The seed is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, the incorruptible seed. The ground onto which the gospel seed is sown is the heart of all those who come into contact with the message of God’s gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

Jesus made it very simple and clear as to what He wants us to do. We cannot say that we do not understand. He wants us to share the good news of the gospel to all the world. Then He warns that not all will receive it nor respond in the same way.

Jesus was teaching in this parable that a sower went forth to sow and a large number that listened did not allow the Word to take permanent root. Only a small number allowed the Word to take permanent root and only a very few allowed the Word to bear 100% fruit.

This is true today. Many unbelievers hear about God daily on television, radio, by communication from believers, and some even in churches. But only a small number respond to the gospel message. Also very few who do accept Jesus as their Savior begin to grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.

There are four responses that we can expect to the gospel message when we present it to unbelievers. In other words, there are four different types of ground upon which the sown seed may fall. Christ did not teach that all the world would be converted even though that was His desire. These four responses to the Gospel are not caused by different qualities of seed that have been sown because the Gospel is the same and never changes and because God does not change. Christ put the responsibility for faith or unbelief on the soil, which is the heart and the mind of the hearer.

The first response comes from a hard heart. The wayside soil is hard and unprepared for seed. The fowls that devour the seed that fell on the hard ground are Satan and his evil demons. The people with hardened hearts are the “wayside” people. When they hear the truth of the Word of God they casually dismiss it and trample on it.

The second response comes from a shallow heart. Such a person has no spiritual depth and no commitment to God’s Word. He holds to his religious decision of honoring God for a while, but when tribulation or persecution comes his way he is offended that God allowed it and falls away from his profession of faith.

They are the ones who blame God when they have problems and life gets difficult for them. They say that they just cannot believe that God really cares about them if God would allow them to suffer. We all know people like this. They are, what we might call fair-weather believers that only want to say they know God when all is going well. They are the “rock” people who believe the message but never get around to do anything about it.

The third response comes from a worldly heart. A heart that loves the world system is a heart alienated from God. The love of money, success, and the pleasures of the world choke out the influence of the Word of God in the life of the professing believer so that he becomes unfruitful. This type of person has a choice problem. They choose fame and fortune over God. These are the “thorn patch” people because their concern for things of the world leaves no room for God.

The fourth response comes from an understanding heart. Only a few people allow the Word of God to take permanent root. They are the ones that have an honest and good heart. They hear the Word of God and understand it and they bear the fruit of God’s Word in their own life.  They will be faithful to God, obey His commandments and be a witness to the lost. These are the “good soil” people. They chose to follow Jesus and serve Him no matter what the cost.

Our prayer is that each person reading this devotional has an honest, understanding and good heart wanting to share the good news of the gospel and desiring to grow daily in the knowledge of the Word.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Colossians 2:6.

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.


It is my prayer today that I can have an understanding heart and be a fruitful believer. May the Word of God have a permanent root in my life and in the lives of my family so that together we can be used according to Your desire.

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