January 5, 2014

Gems of Encouragement: January 4, 2014



He who pursues righteousness and love find life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs 21:21


For the power of the wicked will be broken. But the Lord upholds the righteous. Psalm 37:17


Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in Him; let all the upright in heart praise Him. Psalm 64:10

Brokenness: January 3, 2014




Fragmented; overwhelmed; disappointment; weakened


A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. Proverbs 15:13.


Have you ever thought that God’s requirement for maximum usefulness for Him is brokenness? So often, Christians struggle to get to whatever they perceive as the top. But what most Christians do not understand is that God is not looking for a long list of accomplishments when you arrive in heaven.

What God is looking for in us is a broken spirit and a contrite heart. If attitude of our heart isn’t right, we can never please God no matter how great our accomplishments or how good we try to be. A broken spirit and a contrite heart is the result of recognizing we are lost sinners and being truly sorry for those sins. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despair.” Psalm 51:17

God never accepts us on the basis of what we have done but He receives us because of what Christ has done for us on the cross. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to stop depending on what we can accomplish and instead rely on Him. This is not only for our salvation but for every aspect of our life. He wants our heart broken.

When our children were corrected for doing wrong and were truly sorry they usually shed some tears and they would draw near looking for a hug and reassurance that they were still loved. Their tears showed their brokenness and their contrite heart. They desired to get back into our good graces. This is what a broken spirit and contrite heart does. It makes us want to run back to the one who will love us and comfort us and reassure us.

God wants us to repent for our sinful habits, self-reliance, and prideful desires until we can say, “All that I am and all that I have is God’s. He is in me and I am in Him, and that is all that matters.” When one arrives at this position, this is the brokenness that God requires of us for maximum usefulness to Him.

With the above comments in mind, what or who do you trust in more than the Lord? Do you fully believe that God will break your dependence upon anything other than Himself no matter how long it takes or how difficult the process may be? It is our brokenness that draws us to come to Christ on bended knee.

God wants us to know that brokenness is His requirement for maximum usefulness to Him. Next Monday we want to look at brokenness from a different perspective. Many friends like you are facing a time of brokenness in their life due to issues and situations or perhaps you are dealing with disappointments. We will discuss this next Monday. Have a blessed weekend.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 9:8.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good work.


It is my prayer today that You would break my spirit to the point that I will come to You with a contrite heart so that I can be used by You. Help me to walk daily close to You listening to Your Holy Spirit guide and direct me through life’s valleys and over life’s mountains.

Peace: January 2, 2014




State of calm; freedom from strife or discord.


I will both lie down in peace and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8


How do you maintain a sense of peace and spiritual balance when trials come your way? You may not now be experiencing a difficult time in your life so you feel comfortable in the way life is going for you. We warned our children often that they may be living with a sense of peace in their hearts but watch out, you will face a conflict soon --- not maybe but for sure. We can assure you storms will come, often without warning, and they can roll into your life with bounding blows.

As grandparents today we pray daily for our children, their spouses and each grandchild that our Lord will protect them from the evils of the world. We know that we live in an evil world and it is only through prayer and the protection of the Holy Spirit that we can expect our family to be protected. But be certain the storms of life will still come to each one.

There is only one way to face a conflict in your life and that is found in a close and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. We are reminded about our needed relationship with Jesus when we think of the words found in the old song we used to sing in church, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.” This is a vital and exciting truth: An unshakeable peace is available to you when you turn the eyes of your heart toward Jesus.

When adversity strikes one of your first reactions is, “Why?” Then you will consider what impact it will have on your life. These reactions are normal. The “why” we may never know and the impact is unavoidable. In Jesus we have the one who holds all comfort and security firmly within His grasp.

Many of us try to respond to adversity first with our own ideas of victory. But we cannot rely on ourselves; we need the comfort and peace in our hearts that we can only get from Jesus, when we decide to put it all in His hands, to get us through our times of adversity.

No one outside of God is equipped to handle our problems. He never meant for us to be strong on our own and we cannot manufacture peace in our lives on our own. He wants us to find courage, hope, strength and peace in Him and in His Word.

How many times have you wondered how you can change the feeling of anxiety that you get when under pressure? You first have to understand that anxiety is really the opposite of peace. Anxiety is the fan that flames the fires of doubt and confusion. Anxiety also has the ability to leave us helplessly bundled up in worry and fear and we then lose our spiritual focus and mindset. The key thus for overcoming anxiety and focusing on peace in your heart is to be in the presence of God.

Your family, children, grandchildren and spouse, need to be reminded daily to experience the peace of God in their lives one must be willing to lay down the anger that haunts them when someone has done something to wound them. Most children face a wounding situation daily. God knows the hurt received and wants to give His peace as He does His thing to heal your wound.

When something troubles you or a conflict, some sorrow, or situation comes your way it will either escalate into a major crises but if you will turn your eyes upon Jesus the peace of God will invade your heart. Learn to talk to Jesus, tell Him what your concerns are. Peace is not the absence of problems. Peace comes from knowing God is in control. He understands and knows that life can be difficult, but He alone brings comfort. His words to us are: “Peace be with you.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 9:8.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good work.


It is my prayer that Your peace may saturate my life in all that I do. Help me to understand that Your peace is unshakeable. Thank You that I can rest knowing that You are in control. Thank You that Your presence and peace are sure and available to me for the asking. 

Resolutions: January 1, 2014




Decide; determine; make up one’s mind; take a firm stand.


I have resolved what to do, that when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. Luke 16:4


Down through the years it has been a practice for many people to begin a New Year by making some New Year resolutions. History shows us that most of the resolutions are broken in a very short time.

Our Lord in Luke 16:4 tells the parable of the unfaithful steward. This steward was caught squandering the possessions of the rich man he worked for. So, as the scripture tells us the unfaithful steward made a resolution. He went to those that owed his master money and made a deal to give large discounts on what they owed to settle the obligation.

By reducing their indebtedness to his master the steward made them indebted to him so that when the master kicked the steward out the masters debtors would be obligated to help him. The steward’s resolution was not one that honored his master. His resolution was based on greed and deceit and dishonesty.

What kind of New Year’s resolutions are you ready to make today. When you consider making a resolution make sure it honors God and blesses people. This is the kind of resolution that in turn will be a blessing to you. Do not be like the unfaithful steward who considered himself only. Take the time today to encourage your family to consider making some spiritual resolutions that will make you more useful in the Lord’s service. May we suggest several that may be new to you?

Set aside a time every day to read God’s Word. Then take some time after you read the portion of the day to study what you have read by reading a commentary or foot notes.

Set aside time daily to pray. Make it a priority to pray alone and let nothing interfere as you have a heart to heart talk with Jesus. Take time to pray prior to every meal. Make this prayer more than thank You for the food. Take time to praise God for who He is and what He has done for you. Teach your children to pray at meal times as well as in private. Many children are fearful when they are asked to pray in front of family and friends. Help them to understand that praying to God is like talking to a best friend because Jesus is their best friend.

Spend time daily with your family with all electronic devises turned off. We did this with our family when our children were home and still do it today. Take time to pray, talk and get to know the issues each person is facing in life. God will use this time for family members to bond with one another. Do not take “NO” for an answer. Everyone in the family must be there every time.

Yes, New Years is a time to make resolutions. Many will resolve to lose weight, go to the gym, make friends with a neighbor, get involved in church and the list goes on and on. But most of these resolutions will be soon broken. Make your spiritual resolutions and then make them part of your daily life, never to be broken.

Here are several thoughts for you to ponder;

In 2014 say “no” to many good ideas that come your way and say “yes” to the great ones.

Opportunities to serve the Lord will literally drop in your lap if you have your lap ready for dropped opportunities.

Eyes that look are common but eyes that see are rare. Are you looking in 2014 and seeing the opportunities of service that God has for you?


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 9:8.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good work.


Help me to make resolutions that will honor You and bring Your blessings to me and my family. Help my family to decide to do the things which will draw us closer to You and closer to one another. Help us to pray more diligently, serve You more faithfully, and praise You more joyfully.

Energize: December 31, 2013




Strength; might; vigor; intensity; excite; stimulate.


When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the Lord your God is with you, who brought you up from the land of Egypt. Deuteronomy 20:1.


Today is the last day of our old year. Are there lessons and principles that we learned in 2013 that we need to be reminded about today? We need not glory in days past but we need to move ahead into a new year energized anew to serve our Lord. Do you have a game plan or will it be the same old schedule day after day. What do you have planned to do for the Lord in 2014?

Helen Keller once said, “I am only one, but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” Are you prepared to do something new and fresh for the Lord in 2014?

You may have issues you are facing physically or spiritually that you have used as excuses in 2013 but God still expects you to give Him time and to serve Him. He expects you to spend time daily reading His Word and communicating with Him through prayer. But it does not end there. He expects you to serve Him daily with new energy if you are one that believes in Him.

As you begin 2014 tomorrow you need to be energized anew with a strong desire to serve your Lord. How can you get the most out of your time? Here are three suggestions for you to meditate on as you begin a new year.

VIEW YOURSELF AS A SERVANT. In Matthew 25 we read that Jesus came to this earth not to be served, but to serve and He instructed us to adopt the same attitude. You need to be a servant to your spouse, to your family, at your workplace, in your activities and in your church. The best pathway to promotion in real life today is servanthood. If you want to be a leader in your home, workplace, neighborhood or your church the best pathway to promotion is servant hood. Never doubt the impact of your servanthood attitude on everyone around you.

SECONDLY REALIZE THAT YOU WORK FOR THE LORD. Colossians 3:23 tells us, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as to the Lord rather than for man.” But let us warn you, as we warned our children and now our grandchildren, when you have a servant attitude and set out to do things for the Lord you will face a battle with the evil of the world we live in.

Read God’s words of warning that He gave to the Israelites concerning the challenges they would be facing as written in the verse from Deuteronomy above. God was telling the children of Israel that they would be in places where the horses, the chariots (the armor of the day) and people were overwhelming to them.

We, like the Israelites will face overwhelming opposition in life and we need to remember the words that God gave the Israelites because they are for us today. He said do not be afraid because, “Your God is with you.” God spoke these words to be an encouragement to the children of Israel to prepare them and to energize them as they faced the battles ahead of them.

So, remember you will face many battles but when you are in the will of God He will be with you, protect you and lead you to victory. Our battles are won with God’s power, not ours. Your faith is the energy and driving force in serving the Lord.

Do not make the mistake by segmenting your life. You may think that Monday through Friday you go to work or school, Saturday you play and Sunday you worship. God has not designed life in these segments. Serving Jesus with energy demands a life that puts Jesus first and a desire to minister to others wherever you are each and every day.

FINALLY, REALIZE THAT YOUR PAY COMES BOTH NOW AND HEREAFTER. In Colossians 3:24 Paul tells us, “From the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance.” We may not receive an immediate compensation or reward for our energetic efforts and hard work but the Lord ensures us of a just and eternal compensation for our faithful service. Our labors may go unnoticed but God is watching and will award all those who are faithful and enthusiastically serving Him. The scriptures tell us that He is storing up a glorious reward for us in heaven.

Do you see yourself as a servant energized to enter 2014 with excitement and a plan to serve the Lord?


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 9:8.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good work.


As we enter a New Year in a few hours it is my prayer that in this New Year You would give me energy to serve You in a new and fresh way. I pray for your blessing on me and my family as we endeavor to worship You daily and serve You with a renewed energy fueled by a desire to see more people come to find You as their Savor.

Intimacy: December 30, 2013




A close, friendly, familiar, and personal relationship.


Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6

Then God said, ”Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26


From the beginning it was God’s plan for man to have a unique position in His creation and to be uniquely different from all the other creatures He created. The first thing God tells us about ourselves in the very first chapter of Genesis is that He made us in His image and likeness and chose man to be God’s representative in ruling over creation (Genesis 1:26).

The command to rule, in this verse, separates man from the rest of living creation and defined his relationship as being above the rest of creation. He made us in His likeness because He desired to have an intimate relationship with us so He could show us He loves us.

One of the greatest needs we have is to know we are loved. This is how God designed us. He wants us to know that He loves us with a passionate intensity too deep for words. God created man (and woman) with fellowship in mind --- first with Himself, and then with others.  We cannot really love one another until we have experienced the love of God. The key for us to be intimate with God and to properly experience His love, we have to be willing to surrender to His call to be our Savior, Lord and Friend.

It was God’s plan that children come into this world as part of a family and be brought up in an environment of intimacy. It is the close family relationship that assures children that home is a place for acceptance, assurance, protection, understanding and above all unconditional love.

Our children learned this, not so much by our words, but by our actions and demonstrations. Yes, our children often made wrong decisions and had to be reprimanded but they were never unloved. We taught them that we are part of God’s family and like a loving parent He reprimands us but he never breaks His bond of intimacy with us.

As is always in scripture, God gives us a condition for us to experience His love. The condition is surrender.  God seeks our surrender first because He loves us and desires an intimate relationship with us. Secondly, He wants our service for Him to be effective and fruitful. The more we love and know Jesus, the more effective our service will be. Thirdly, He waits for the freedom to bless us. God is omnipotent but He will not violate His own principles. He asks for our willing surrender so He can give us the best blessings He can offer.

With all of this in mind, why do we resist the intimacy that God is ready to give us? Pride is the key reason most people resist surrendering to God. They think they know better than God and that they can handle their lives better than God can.

Others do not surrender to God because they fear what God will do or will not do for them. They think that if they give Him control of their lives He will make them do what will make them most miserable. Other’s fear God’s judgment for all of the mistakes they have made.

We taught our children, all of this is false. God always has our best interest in mind. It only makes sense for us to surrender to God, because when we do, we will desire to have an intimate relationship with Him. 

If you have drifted in your devotion to the Savior and feel that you grow more distant each day in your relationship with the Lord, then pray. He will draw you near. He knows your weaknesses and will come to you in a mighty way if you surrender. If you want intimacy with the Lord, just ask Him and He will never turn a deaf ear. He alone will bring you the comfort, the hope and blessings that you long for.


Our memory verse for this week is found in II Corinthians 9:8.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good work.


It is my prayer today that, as David wrote in Psalm 34:10, they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of every good thing. Give me an intimacy with you as I learn to surrender more to You each day. 

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