October 6, 2013
Gems of Encouragement: October 5, 2013
Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course. Proverbs 15:21
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord God is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26: 3-4.
I love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18: 1-2.
Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course. Proverbs 15:21
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord God is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26: 3-4.
I love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18: 1-2.
Gentleness: October 4, 2013
Mildness combined with tenderness; kind; mild-mannered; meek.
Let your gentleness be evident unto all. Philippians 4:5
But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. I Timothy 6:11.
One of the characteristics of Jesus was that when He was on this earth He was gentle. In Matthew we read about His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and it reads that He came as a gentle king.
In Matthew 11:29 Jesus told us to "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
In Isaiah 40:11 the prophet tells of the coming of the Lord and describes Jesus by saying that "He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather His lambs with His arms and gently lead those that are young."
Gentleness is a characteristic missing from lifestyles today. Very rarely will you meet a person that you would characterize as gentle. People are not gentle by nature. The trait of gentleness is demonstrated in our actions and mannerisms. Gentleness is graciousness with humility; being merciful and kind; tenderhearted and forgiving. Gentleness is shown by showing leniency to the faults and failures of others and enduring mistreatment from others without retaliation. By nature we are more likely to be hard-hearted and cruel and ready to fight back.
The apostle Paul exhorts us in II Timothy 2:24, "And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach and be patient."
At times in our everyday lives there seems to be a conflict as to how we are to respond to situations. We must consciously work on responding as the scriptures tell us by being gentle, mild and tender in our response.
Paul tells Timothy (also in the verse above) to flee from the things that bring ruin and destruction and pursue a life that constantly shows righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness.
The believer’s goal is to become like Jesus and live a righteous life. If we desire to be righteous we will be loving, patient, kind and gentle as Jesus was. James instructs us to be “slow to become angry, for a man’s anger does not bring about a righteous life that God desires.” James 1: 19-20.
We have a choice. We can follow the Lord and be gentle or we can be harsh and antagonistic but we cannot be both. When we choose to follow Him the Holy Spirit will bring into our lives such things as gentleness and kindness and lead us in the path of righteousness.
In Proverbs 15:1 it reads that a gentle and kind answer turns away wrath, but a harsh answer stirs up anger. How do you respond to people and situations? Consider responding today to every situation that comes your way with gentleness and see what God does for you in your relationship with others.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
Help me to learn the secret of being gentle. May the gentleness that I read about in Your Word be transferred to my life. May gentleness, kindness, godliness and meekness become part of my life.
Mildness combined with tenderness; kind; mild-mannered; meek.
Let your gentleness be evident unto all. Philippians 4:5
But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. I Timothy 6:11.
One of the characteristics of Jesus was that when He was on this earth He was gentle. In Matthew we read about His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and it reads that He came as a gentle king.
In Matthew 11:29 Jesus told us to "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
In Isaiah 40:11 the prophet tells of the coming of the Lord and describes Jesus by saying that "He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather His lambs with His arms and gently lead those that are young."
Gentleness is a characteristic missing from lifestyles today. Very rarely will you meet a person that you would characterize as gentle. People are not gentle by nature. The trait of gentleness is demonstrated in our actions and mannerisms. Gentleness is graciousness with humility; being merciful and kind; tenderhearted and forgiving. Gentleness is shown by showing leniency to the faults and failures of others and enduring mistreatment from others without retaliation. By nature we are more likely to be hard-hearted and cruel and ready to fight back.
The apostle Paul exhorts us in II Timothy 2:24, "And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach and be patient."
At times in our everyday lives there seems to be a conflict as to how we are to respond to situations. We must consciously work on responding as the scriptures tell us by being gentle, mild and tender in our response.
Paul tells Timothy (also in the verse above) to flee from the things that bring ruin and destruction and pursue a life that constantly shows righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness.
The believer’s goal is to become like Jesus and live a righteous life. If we desire to be righteous we will be loving, patient, kind and gentle as Jesus was. James instructs us to be “slow to become angry, for a man’s anger does not bring about a righteous life that God desires.” James 1: 19-20.
We have a choice. We can follow the Lord and be gentle or we can be harsh and antagonistic but we cannot be both. When we choose to follow Him the Holy Spirit will bring into our lives such things as gentleness and kindness and lead us in the path of righteousness.
In Proverbs 15:1 it reads that a gentle and kind answer turns away wrath, but a harsh answer stirs up anger. How do you respond to people and situations? Consider responding today to every situation that comes your way with gentleness and see what God does for you in your relationship with others.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
Help me to learn the secret of being gentle. May the gentleness that I read about in Your Word be transferred to my life. May gentleness, kindness, godliness and meekness become part of my life.
Influence: October 3, 2013
The capacity or power of persons or things to produce effects on others by intangible or indirect means.
Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. Philippians 2:14-15.
We began training our children when they were very young concerning both good and bad influences that they would run into in life. We often discussed the influence that peers would have on their lives. We encouraged our children when they ran into negative influences to reverse the trait and offer a positive substitute so that they would be a positive influence on their peers.
As they grew older we often discussed the influences that so called "role models" have on lives including theirs. We set up general boundaries for our children when they were young and we could see as they got older how these boundaries helped govern our children's decision making.
It was very important to us to always let our children make choices. We would compliment them on good choices and caution them when we were concerned about a choice.
As the scripture says, we are living in a crooked and perverse generation. This is why our Christ-like influence on people is more vital than ever. In the verse above, Paul is telling the church at Philippi that they must shine as lights in the world. This is what we need to communicate to our children today. The stronger they are spiritually, the brighter their light will shine.
As parents we must train our children daily in the ways of the Lord. We need to start training them at an early age telling and showing them that as Christians they will stand alone many times in life because of their faith. The training they receive when they are young will go a long way in helping them to stay true to their faith in later years.
Children and adults have many influences on their lives today. Some of these are good and some bad. For just one example, it is hard to overestimate the ungodly influence questionable literature has upon an individual. Several murderers have said in prison that reading just one vicious romance book led them into crime.
England's John Angeli, (some have referred to him as being one of England's most honest men) said when he was getting quite old, that he never got over the evil effects of having to read in school a bad book for just fifteen minutes.
Today it is the media that has the greatest impact upon our society. Think about how the myriad of electronic devises available today has brought all sorts of evil influence right into the home. With the use of earphones it is very difficult for parents to really know what their children are listening to. It is horrible to think about, but your children could be viewing pornography on a computer at any time or at any place.
Hour after hour and day after day we are bombarded with objectionable material in the press, on television and radio and on the internet that can scarcely even be described. This kind of influence on our children and their parents undermines their moral values and sense of what is right and what is wrong. Because of this bombardment of negative, satanic influences, it is no wonder we live in an "anything goes society." Is it any wonder that our families are dysfunctional and our world is wracked by insoluble problems?
What kind of evil influences are impacting your family each day? Have you evaluated what both you and your children watch, hear, and see on the television, the radio, computers, I-pods, internet, conversations and even the actions and deeds around your home or from your neighbors? As parents are you setting boundaries for your children and yourself?
What kind of influences is your family facing at school, at the work place or with friends? Are you aware of whom your children spend time with each day and what kind of activities they are involved in? You need to eliminate the evil influences in your life and seek out positive influences. By doing this you will set a standard and example for your family. To begin on a positive note, read the Bible daily alone and with the family. Also then pray daily alone and with the family. Turn off the television if you have any concerns on the content. Watch carefully what your children are doing on the computer and their cell phones and IPods.
The apostle Paul advises us that we should quit arguing and complaining. Arguing and complaining among family members causes dissention and destroys the unity of the family. If your family is serving the Lord, He will be a unifying influence and enable you to live peaceably and in harmony.
Remember, a family that eats dinner together, talks and listens together and reads the Bible and prays together will be putting positive values in their lives that will enable them to overcome the evil influences that they face. As you train your family to live lives that honor God, each of you will shine as bright lights in this dark and corrupt world.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
Help me and my family to look to You for strength daily so we can turn away from evil influences in our lives. Give us the strength to cling to You and Your Word. Help us to live our lives honoring You so that we are a positive influence on those around us.
The capacity or power of persons or things to produce effects on others by intangible or indirect means.
Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. Philippians 2:14-15.
We began training our children when they were very young concerning both good and bad influences that they would run into in life. We often discussed the influence that peers would have on their lives. We encouraged our children when they ran into negative influences to reverse the trait and offer a positive substitute so that they would be a positive influence on their peers.
As they grew older we often discussed the influences that so called "role models" have on lives including theirs. We set up general boundaries for our children when they were young and we could see as they got older how these boundaries helped govern our children's decision making.
It was very important to us to always let our children make choices. We would compliment them on good choices and caution them when we were concerned about a choice.
As the scripture says, we are living in a crooked and perverse generation. This is why our Christ-like influence on people is more vital than ever. In the verse above, Paul is telling the church at Philippi that they must shine as lights in the world. This is what we need to communicate to our children today. The stronger they are spiritually, the brighter their light will shine.
As parents we must train our children daily in the ways of the Lord. We need to start training them at an early age telling and showing them that as Christians they will stand alone many times in life because of their faith. The training they receive when they are young will go a long way in helping them to stay true to their faith in later years.
Children and adults have many influences on their lives today. Some of these are good and some bad. For just one example, it is hard to overestimate the ungodly influence questionable literature has upon an individual. Several murderers have said in prison that reading just one vicious romance book led them into crime.
England's John Angeli, (some have referred to him as being one of England's most honest men) said when he was getting quite old, that he never got over the evil effects of having to read in school a bad book for just fifteen minutes.
Today it is the media that has the greatest impact upon our society. Think about how the myriad of electronic devises available today has brought all sorts of evil influence right into the home. With the use of earphones it is very difficult for parents to really know what their children are listening to. It is horrible to think about, but your children could be viewing pornography on a computer at any time or at any place.
Hour after hour and day after day we are bombarded with objectionable material in the press, on television and radio and on the internet that can scarcely even be described. This kind of influence on our children and their parents undermines their moral values and sense of what is right and what is wrong. Because of this bombardment of negative, satanic influences, it is no wonder we live in an "anything goes society." Is it any wonder that our families are dysfunctional and our world is wracked by insoluble problems?
What kind of evil influences are impacting your family each day? Have you evaluated what both you and your children watch, hear, and see on the television, the radio, computers, I-pods, internet, conversations and even the actions and deeds around your home or from your neighbors? As parents are you setting boundaries for your children and yourself?
What kind of influences is your family facing at school, at the work place or with friends? Are you aware of whom your children spend time with each day and what kind of activities they are involved in? You need to eliminate the evil influences in your life and seek out positive influences. By doing this you will set a standard and example for your family. To begin on a positive note, read the Bible daily alone and with the family. Also then pray daily alone and with the family. Turn off the television if you have any concerns on the content. Watch carefully what your children are doing on the computer and their cell phones and IPods.
The apostle Paul advises us that we should quit arguing and complaining. Arguing and complaining among family members causes dissention and destroys the unity of the family. If your family is serving the Lord, He will be a unifying influence and enable you to live peaceably and in harmony.
Remember, a family that eats dinner together, talks and listens together and reads the Bible and prays together will be putting positive values in their lives that will enable them to overcome the evil influences that they face. As you train your family to live lives that honor God, each of you will shine as bright lights in this dark and corrupt world.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
Help me and my family to look to You for strength daily so we can turn away from evil influences in our lives. Give us the strength to cling to You and Your Word. Help us to live our lives honoring You so that we are a positive influence on those around us.
Deity: October 2, 2013
God; Divine nature.
For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen. Romans 1:20
Jesus said: Fill the water pots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, draw some out now and take it to the master of the feast. John 2:7-8
And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples distributed to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted. John 6:11
In the past we have written several devotionals discussing the Deity of Christ. Many wonderful friends have responded to this “WORD” and some of you are searching as to how to be sure that Jesus is God. Many of you are searching just for peace in your life hoping we can help you find peace. We hear from some of you that you are facing a conflict between what your culture has taught you and what the Bible teaches.
It is important that you understand what we are talking about when we refer to Christ's Deity. As you see above, Webster defines deity as divine nature. The world worships many different gods that are referred to as deity, but there is only one Deity that has divine nature: He is the God of the Bible.
God's divine nature is that He is holy and eternal. God Himself declared Jesus to be His beloved Son. In Matthew 3:17 we read that when John the Baptist baptized Christ Jesus, there came a voice from heaven saying, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." As the Son of God, Christ is deity. If Christ is not deity, He would be powerless to save us. Understanding and acknowledging Jesus' divine nature is the essential foundation for our faith. Please read this last sentence again and make sure you understand its meaning.
Paul gives us one of the best descriptions of Jesus divine nature in Colossians 1:15-16. "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or rulers or authorities, all things were created by Him." He is the exact image of God and not only equal with God, He is God and the creator of all things.
It is important that you read and understand what Paul said, but also that you fully accept it and make it part of your everyday life. When you understand the Deity of Christ and accept Him as your Savior, your life will change. To help you we will give you several more examples from the scripture.
The gospel of John gives us numerous signs or miracles that prove the deity and power of Jesus while He was on this earth. Jesus had the power to CREATE!
Jesus chose a wedding in Cana of Galilee to present and to prove His deity and power to create when He created wine from water. Wine is made from grapes, not water. The grapes must be gathered from a vineyard and pressed to extract the juice and then placed into containers and allowed to age and ferment. This is a very lengthy process.
At a marriage feast in Jesus time, it was the custom to serve the best wine at the beginning of the feast and then the poorest of the wine when all the guests were filled. When Jesus turned the water into wine at this marriage feast, the master of the house called the bridegroom and said: "You have kept the good wine until now." The wine that Jesus created was better than the good wine served at the beginning of the feast. Jesus not only created wine but the best and did not take the normal months and years to get the best.
This was Jesus' first miracle and performed at the beginning of His ministry on earth. Jesus never performed a miracle without a purpose. He performed this miracle to show His deity and to show His disciples and you and me that He is God and has power to create. Jesus’ miracles were superhuman events that could only be done by divine power and authority.
The miracle that we call "the feeding of the five thousand" is the only one recorded in all four gospels. This miracle was unique because it was public. Jesus usually performed His miracles just before a few people. It was also unique because the 5000 people not only saw it happening but participated in it.
Jesus did this miracle with what we would call insignificant materials. The fish were small and the bread was barley. Only the poor people ate barley bread. This was also the only recorded time in the scriptures that Jesus asked anyone's advice. He asked Philip where to get the bread. Jesus already knew what Philip would say but He wanted to test his faith. Philip failed the test because he lacked the faith in Jesus' Deity.
As Christians we need to sit back and look with awe at all that God has created. Just look at the beauty of the mountains and valleys. Look at the seashore and even the deserts and you will see the beauty of His handiwork.
In our travels we have seen so much poverty, hunger and despair. But what we have noticed in so many places, God's handiwork can be seen even in the midst of extreme poverty. Whether we are rich or poor, we can enjoy the beauty of His creation. Take time today to thank God for His creations. They bear testimony to His deity and divine nature and His eternal power.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
How grateful I am to see every day the miracles of Your creation all around me. I praise You for the things that we seem to take for granted each day. Thank You for the many miracles that we read about in Your Word that testifies that You are God and the creator and giver of all good things.
God; Divine nature.
For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen. Romans 1:20
Jesus said: Fill the water pots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, draw some out now and take it to the master of the feast. John 2:7-8
And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples distributed to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted. John 6:11
In the past we have written several devotionals discussing the Deity of Christ. Many wonderful friends have responded to this “WORD” and some of you are searching as to how to be sure that Jesus is God. Many of you are searching just for peace in your life hoping we can help you find peace. We hear from some of you that you are facing a conflict between what your culture has taught you and what the Bible teaches.
It is important that you understand what we are talking about when we refer to Christ's Deity. As you see above, Webster defines deity as divine nature. The world worships many different gods that are referred to as deity, but there is only one Deity that has divine nature: He is the God of the Bible.
God's divine nature is that He is holy and eternal. God Himself declared Jesus to be His beloved Son. In Matthew 3:17 we read that when John the Baptist baptized Christ Jesus, there came a voice from heaven saying, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." As the Son of God, Christ is deity. If Christ is not deity, He would be powerless to save us. Understanding and acknowledging Jesus' divine nature is the essential foundation for our faith. Please read this last sentence again and make sure you understand its meaning.
Paul gives us one of the best descriptions of Jesus divine nature in Colossians 1:15-16. "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or rulers or authorities, all things were created by Him." He is the exact image of God and not only equal with God, He is God and the creator of all things.
It is important that you read and understand what Paul said, but also that you fully accept it and make it part of your everyday life. When you understand the Deity of Christ and accept Him as your Savior, your life will change. To help you we will give you several more examples from the scripture.
The gospel of John gives us numerous signs or miracles that prove the deity and power of Jesus while He was on this earth. Jesus had the power to CREATE!
Jesus chose a wedding in Cana of Galilee to present and to prove His deity and power to create when He created wine from water. Wine is made from grapes, not water. The grapes must be gathered from a vineyard and pressed to extract the juice and then placed into containers and allowed to age and ferment. This is a very lengthy process.
At a marriage feast in Jesus time, it was the custom to serve the best wine at the beginning of the feast and then the poorest of the wine when all the guests were filled. When Jesus turned the water into wine at this marriage feast, the master of the house called the bridegroom and said: "You have kept the good wine until now." The wine that Jesus created was better than the good wine served at the beginning of the feast. Jesus not only created wine but the best and did not take the normal months and years to get the best.
This was Jesus' first miracle and performed at the beginning of His ministry on earth. Jesus never performed a miracle without a purpose. He performed this miracle to show His deity and to show His disciples and you and me that He is God and has power to create. Jesus’ miracles were superhuman events that could only be done by divine power and authority.
The miracle that we call "the feeding of the five thousand" is the only one recorded in all four gospels. This miracle was unique because it was public. Jesus usually performed His miracles just before a few people. It was also unique because the 5000 people not only saw it happening but participated in it.
Jesus did this miracle with what we would call insignificant materials. The fish were small and the bread was barley. Only the poor people ate barley bread. This was also the only recorded time in the scriptures that Jesus asked anyone's advice. He asked Philip where to get the bread. Jesus already knew what Philip would say but He wanted to test his faith. Philip failed the test because he lacked the faith in Jesus' Deity.
As Christians we need to sit back and look with awe at all that God has created. Just look at the beauty of the mountains and valleys. Look at the seashore and even the deserts and you will see the beauty of His handiwork.
In our travels we have seen so much poverty, hunger and despair. But what we have noticed in so many places, God's handiwork can be seen even in the midst of extreme poverty. Whether we are rich or poor, we can enjoy the beauty of His creation. Take time today to thank God for His creations. They bear testimony to His deity and divine nature and His eternal power.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
How grateful I am to see every day the miracles of Your creation all around me. I praise You for the things that we seem to take for granted each day. Thank You for the many miracles that we read about in Your Word that testifies that You are God and the creator and giver of all good things.
Reverence: October 1, 2013
A feeling or attitude of deep respect; profound adoration; tinged with awe; the state of being revered.
God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him. Psalm 89:7
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Hebrews 12:28
Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him. Psalm 33:8
All across our world today there is a lack of reverence seen or felt when one talks about God. Most people have lost their deep respect for God and do not sit back in awe when they think about God. The problem is simply they have their own god. It is a "ME" generation and their god is "ME."
On any given day you can hear the word "GOD" spoken. Unfortunately, it is most often spoken irrevently rather than with reverence. The third commandment of the Ten Commandments is: "Do not misuse the name of the Lord for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name." This commandment is broken on a regular basis by many people and when God’s name is misused it shows irreverence to God. God’s last name is not “darn” or “damn.”
When we understand who God really is then we will not misuse the name of the Lord. But until that change comes in our lives we cannot be in awe of Him and have reverence for Him. Even though we cannot see God, we can know Him and when we get to know Him we will stand in awe of Him.
Moses spoke to God and God spoke to Moses face to face but Moses never saw God. Moses asked God to show him His glory (Exodus 33:18) but God told him no man could see His face and live. It is God's glory that demands reverence. God's glory is His majestic splendor.
There are many words referring to God in the scriptures and these words characterize Him: God is Holy, Majestic, Pure, Just, Almighty, Merciful, All-knowing, All-powerful, Ever-present, Eternal and our Creator. When we stop and think about these attributes of God we can begin to comprehend who He is and we cannot help but revere Him with awe and Godly fear. The most fundamental description of God is "HOLY." God's holiness is more than just an attribute; it is the essence of who He is. Our response to God's holiness can only be reverential awe.
Our sin nature keeps us from seeing God as He really is. The scripture tells us that Adam and Eve communicated directly with God before they sinned against Him. Because they sinned, we all are sinners and God sent His Son Jesus, into the world to be the one who would pay the penalty for our sins. In Jesus, God showed us His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness, His justice and His power. Unless we know Jesus we cannot comprehend or know God.
As believers in Jesus we should desire to worship Him with reverence and in awe, and serve Him with Godly fear and respect. Many believers today get caught up in the "things" of life and forget to daily revere and serve God with fear and respect as the scripture tells us. With reverence for God comes obedience.
If we find ourselves involved with someone, some group, or activity that causes us to be irreverent to God we should not keep our involvement there. We must let nothing in life interfere with our relationship with Jesus and being obedient to His commands.
Reverence for God will compel us to live our life with caution, carefully, with discretion and circumspection so that our life honors God. God is to be held in awe because He is Lord. We must serve Him in an acceptable way, bearing fruit of the Spirit (love, gentleness, joy, faith, goodness, peace, meekness and self control). We also must be active in seeing others find Christ.
These thoughts that we have just mentioned, reverence, obedience, honor, service, bearing fruit and telling others about Jesus is a list that all of us must work at daily with diligence. But evidently most believers do not think this way. Do they think it is too hard or will cost too much? What is your response?
We live in a generation where individuals are concerned only about their own activities. They have no belief system of any kind so the demonstrating of reverence is irrelevant to them, but it is not irrelevant to God. God holds us all accountable. As Christians we must worship God with REVERENCE! We must serve God with GODLY FEAR! Reverence for God solidifies our relationship with God and controls our actions and keeps us from disobeying God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
Thank You Lord that You are a HOLY and awesome God. Thank You that You love me in spite of my sin and unfaithfulness. Give me the desire and the firmness of conviction to serve You with reverence and Godly fear. Help me to lead my family to revere God no matter who we are with or what we are involved in.
A feeling or attitude of deep respect; profound adoration; tinged with awe; the state of being revered.
God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him. Psalm 89:7
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Hebrews 12:28
Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him. Psalm 33:8
All across our world today there is a lack of reverence seen or felt when one talks about God. Most people have lost their deep respect for God and do not sit back in awe when they think about God. The problem is simply they have their own god. It is a "ME" generation and their god is "ME."
On any given day you can hear the word "GOD" spoken. Unfortunately, it is most often spoken irrevently rather than with reverence. The third commandment of the Ten Commandments is: "Do not misuse the name of the Lord for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name." This commandment is broken on a regular basis by many people and when God’s name is misused it shows irreverence to God. God’s last name is not “darn” or “damn.”
When we understand who God really is then we will not misuse the name of the Lord. But until that change comes in our lives we cannot be in awe of Him and have reverence for Him. Even though we cannot see God, we can know Him and when we get to know Him we will stand in awe of Him.
Moses spoke to God and God spoke to Moses face to face but Moses never saw God. Moses asked God to show him His glory (Exodus 33:18) but God told him no man could see His face and live. It is God's glory that demands reverence. God's glory is His majestic splendor.
There are many words referring to God in the scriptures and these words characterize Him: God is Holy, Majestic, Pure, Just, Almighty, Merciful, All-knowing, All-powerful, Ever-present, Eternal and our Creator. When we stop and think about these attributes of God we can begin to comprehend who He is and we cannot help but revere Him with awe and Godly fear. The most fundamental description of God is "HOLY." God's holiness is more than just an attribute; it is the essence of who He is. Our response to God's holiness can only be reverential awe.
Our sin nature keeps us from seeing God as He really is. The scripture tells us that Adam and Eve communicated directly with God before they sinned against Him. Because they sinned, we all are sinners and God sent His Son Jesus, into the world to be the one who would pay the penalty for our sins. In Jesus, God showed us His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness, His justice and His power. Unless we know Jesus we cannot comprehend or know God.
As believers in Jesus we should desire to worship Him with reverence and in awe, and serve Him with Godly fear and respect. Many believers today get caught up in the "things" of life and forget to daily revere and serve God with fear and respect as the scripture tells us. With reverence for God comes obedience.
If we find ourselves involved with someone, some group, or activity that causes us to be irreverent to God we should not keep our involvement there. We must let nothing in life interfere with our relationship with Jesus and being obedient to His commands.
Reverence for God will compel us to live our life with caution, carefully, with discretion and circumspection so that our life honors God. God is to be held in awe because He is Lord. We must serve Him in an acceptable way, bearing fruit of the Spirit (love, gentleness, joy, faith, goodness, peace, meekness and self control). We also must be active in seeing others find Christ.
These thoughts that we have just mentioned, reverence, obedience, honor, service, bearing fruit and telling others about Jesus is a list that all of us must work at daily with diligence. But evidently most believers do not think this way. Do they think it is too hard or will cost too much? What is your response?
We live in a generation where individuals are concerned only about their own activities. They have no belief system of any kind so the demonstrating of reverence is irrelevant to them, but it is not irrelevant to God. God holds us all accountable. As Christians we must worship God with REVERENCE! We must serve God with GODLY FEAR! Reverence for God solidifies our relationship with God and controls our actions and keeps us from disobeying God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
Thank You Lord that You are a HOLY and awesome God. Thank You that You love me in spite of my sin and unfaithfulness. Give me the desire and the firmness of conviction to serve You with reverence and Godly fear. Help me to lead my family to revere God no matter who we are with or what we are involved in.
Companion: September 30, 2013
A person who frequently associates with or accompanies another; a comrade; a close friend; a person who has a close personal relationship with another.
I am a companion of all who fear You, and of those who keep Your precepts. Psalm 119:63.
And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel. Philippians 4:3.
What most people are missing in life is a true companion; someone they can count on and feel a close bond with.
The invasion of electronic devices into our lives has done much to weaken personal relationships. First, there was T.V. Families got engrossed in their favorite T.V. programs and conversation with family and friends was secondary to television. Along with television came the arrival of T.V. dinners. Families ate in front of the television set and no longer gathered around the dining table to eat and converse.
Then along came cell phones and the internet followed by texting. People do not have to talk to anyone face to face any longer. Compared to having a one on one conversation texting is very impersonal. At restaurants today it is common to see people sitting at a table together both on their cell phones and paying very little attention to each other.
Sociological studies show that the American experience of relationship is thinner and weaker than a half-century ago. Americans have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends and neighbors. People seldom have real companions today.
More people live alone than ever before. They have isolated themselves from the real world and created their own little world of fantasy with television and the internet.
For the most part we are living in a very lonely world. When we talk to people, here in America, we find out that many do not have friends that they can count on in their time of loneliness or concern.
Most of you that read these daily devotionals have acquaintances, a few friends but very few companions. Acquaintances are those we meet but possibly do not know very well. Friends are those we know well and have a favorable relationship with. Companions are those we have a close relationship with and spend the most time with. Teenagers say today that these are the ones that we "hang" with. Companions have the same interests and values that you have and this gives you a common bond. A true companion will stand by you and can be counted on for support in times of need.
No matter how self sufficient someone feels we all have a need for a companion. This is why God instituted marriage because He said that man needed a companion. Marriages that put Christ first in their relationships are marriages that have spouses that share a common bond and a companionship based on God's love. This provides a solid foundation for their family. When God is in the marriage the spouses will be true companions.
Our choice of companions has a great influence on our life. That is why the writer of Psalms 119:63 said, "I am a companion of all who fear you and of those who keep your precepts (God's law)." The Psalmist desired to be obedient to God and faithful to keep God's commandments. He saw the importance of choosing the right companions who shared his same desires to love and obey the Lord. The danger for believers who choose close companions who are not believers is that they will be drawn away from their fellowship with the Lord and be enticed to disobey God's commandments. The scripture clearly tells us that we cannot serve two masters.
Children today look for companions. Parents have the responsibility to lead their children to choose the right companions. When our children went anywhere without one of us, we made sure that we knew where they were going and with whom they were going. We always encouraged them to go with a trustworthy friend, a companion that would always be there for them. This also gave us assurance as parents that our child would not be alone. The choices of companions can affect one’s lifestyle and standards for a lifetime, so this is a vital challenge for parents with their children, especially in the world we live in today.
Jesus wants to be our companion every day in all of our activities. He does not want us to be alone. With the Lord as our companion He gives us the confidence and boldness to live a life honoring the Lord.
In Philippians 4:3 Paul uses the term "true companion." In another translation it reads "loyal yokefellow." These words describe the close relationship Paul had with the believers in the church at Philippi, and for that reason Paul could call on them. Paul was concerned for the women who had labored with him when he was with them. Now he is hearing that they were having problems so he wanted to alert his true companions in the church to share his concern for these women and help them on Paul's behalf.
Throughout the scriptures we have many illustrations where Jesus and His disciples required believers as true companions to help others in their time of need. This included the widows, the orphans, the homeless, the sick and the needy.
Being a companion is more than just being a daily friend to another person. It is the giving of yourself to meet their needs. As believers we need to be companions to others to show them through our words and actions that Jesus is our companion and will be their COMPANION who is always available to them if they know Him personally.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
Thank You for being my COMPANION throughout this day. Give me the confidence to walk the walk and talk the talk honoring You every moment of the day. I ask for Your direction as I lead my children today. May they put their total trust in You and rely on Your COMPANIONSHIP to strengthen them. May Your Holy Spirit guide them and direct them to choose companions that love You.
A person who frequently associates with or accompanies another; a comrade; a close friend; a person who has a close personal relationship with another.
I am a companion of all who fear You, and of those who keep Your precepts. Psalm 119:63.
And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel. Philippians 4:3.
What most people are missing in life is a true companion; someone they can count on and feel a close bond with.
The invasion of electronic devices into our lives has done much to weaken personal relationships. First, there was T.V. Families got engrossed in their favorite T.V. programs and conversation with family and friends was secondary to television. Along with television came the arrival of T.V. dinners. Families ate in front of the television set and no longer gathered around the dining table to eat and converse.
Then along came cell phones and the internet followed by texting. People do not have to talk to anyone face to face any longer. Compared to having a one on one conversation texting is very impersonal. At restaurants today it is common to see people sitting at a table together both on their cell phones and paying very little attention to each other.
Sociological studies show that the American experience of relationship is thinner and weaker than a half-century ago. Americans have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends and neighbors. People seldom have real companions today.
More people live alone than ever before. They have isolated themselves from the real world and created their own little world of fantasy with television and the internet.
For the most part we are living in a very lonely world. When we talk to people, here in America, we find out that many do not have friends that they can count on in their time of loneliness or concern.
Most of you that read these daily devotionals have acquaintances, a few friends but very few companions. Acquaintances are those we meet but possibly do not know very well. Friends are those we know well and have a favorable relationship with. Companions are those we have a close relationship with and spend the most time with. Teenagers say today that these are the ones that we "hang" with. Companions have the same interests and values that you have and this gives you a common bond. A true companion will stand by you and can be counted on for support in times of need.
No matter how self sufficient someone feels we all have a need for a companion. This is why God instituted marriage because He said that man needed a companion. Marriages that put Christ first in their relationships are marriages that have spouses that share a common bond and a companionship based on God's love. This provides a solid foundation for their family. When God is in the marriage the spouses will be true companions.
Our choice of companions has a great influence on our life. That is why the writer of Psalms 119:63 said, "I am a companion of all who fear you and of those who keep your precepts (God's law)." The Psalmist desired to be obedient to God and faithful to keep God's commandments. He saw the importance of choosing the right companions who shared his same desires to love and obey the Lord. The danger for believers who choose close companions who are not believers is that they will be drawn away from their fellowship with the Lord and be enticed to disobey God's commandments. The scripture clearly tells us that we cannot serve two masters.
Children today look for companions. Parents have the responsibility to lead their children to choose the right companions. When our children went anywhere without one of us, we made sure that we knew where they were going and with whom they were going. We always encouraged them to go with a trustworthy friend, a companion that would always be there for them. This also gave us assurance as parents that our child would not be alone. The choices of companions can affect one’s lifestyle and standards for a lifetime, so this is a vital challenge for parents with their children, especially in the world we live in today.
Jesus wants to be our companion every day in all of our activities. He does not want us to be alone. With the Lord as our companion He gives us the confidence and boldness to live a life honoring the Lord.
In Philippians 4:3 Paul uses the term "true companion." In another translation it reads "loyal yokefellow." These words describe the close relationship Paul had with the believers in the church at Philippi, and for that reason Paul could call on them. Paul was concerned for the women who had labored with him when he was with them. Now he is hearing that they were having problems so he wanted to alert his true companions in the church to share his concern for these women and help them on Paul's behalf.
Throughout the scriptures we have many illustrations where Jesus and His disciples required believers as true companions to help others in their time of need. This included the widows, the orphans, the homeless, the sick and the needy.
Being a companion is more than just being a daily friend to another person. It is the giving of yourself to meet their needs. As believers we need to be companions to others to show them through our words and actions that Jesus is our companion and will be their COMPANION who is always available to them if they know Him personally.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 21:13.
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.
Thank You for being my COMPANION throughout this day. Give me the confidence to walk the walk and talk the talk honoring You every moment of the day. I ask for Your direction as I lead my children today. May they put their total trust in You and rely on Your COMPANIONSHIP to strengthen them. May Your Holy Spirit guide them and direct them to choose companions that love You.
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