November 6, 2015

Sow: November 6, 2015




To scatter seed over land; to implant, introduce or promulgate.

Those who sow in tears will reap with joyful shouting. Psalm 126:5.

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. Galatians 6:7.


Most people will agree that what we are today is the way we thought and acted in the past. It is a principle of farming that what you reap today is what you sowed in the past and the more you sowed the more you have now.

Those who act wisely today will have wisdom in the future to make wise decisions. The Lord gives us principles in the scriptures as to how we should sow with the talents that God has given us.

In the verse we have put above from Galatians, God has given us an unalterable law that affects everyone in every area of life. What we sow affects our life and our happiness. Every farmer understands the meaning of this principle but many non-farmers have no concept of what this means. Let us look at each part of this principle to make sure we understand its full implications.

This principle is irrevocable and applies to the believer and non-believer. There is no escape. It is a law of life. The root cause of the careless lifestyle of many people today is found in the verse from Galatians we have put above. They are deceived. They either do not believe the truth or they think they will somehow be the exception to God’s law. To mock God is to turn up one’s nose at Him.

This principle stated in Galatians 6:7 that we reap what we sow is God given. The fact that we reap what we sow is good news for those who sow good habits but a frightening thought for those involved in ungodly activities. We cannot sow disobedience to God and expect to reap His blessings. What we reap is the result of what we sow.

This principle also reminds us that we will reap more than we sow. When a farmer plants one seed it can produce dozens and even hundreds of seeds. It is the same for both sin and righteousness. What may seem to be a small decision to do either good or bad can reap a much bigger crop than we may have ever thought it would be.

We need to be also reminded that many times we will reap much later than when we sowed. Some are deceived when it seems that their sown seed does not appear to be producing. So they continue their course believing there will never be a harvest. We need to learn that unlike the farmer’s crops which get harvested about the same time each year there is never a time table for the harvest of our actions in life. Some will be reaped quickly and others take a long time. But do not be deceived, their season will come. Faithfulness to God in all situations will produce a rich harvest to come in the future because our Heavenly Father always keeps His promises to those who love Him and obey Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8:

Hear my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.


Keep me on track to sow only what will bring glory to you. May others see in me the right kind of sowing that yields great spiritual results that will encourage them to draw closer to You.

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November 5, 2015

Generous: November 5, 2015




Liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish; showing kindness to others; showing a readiness to give more of something such as money or time, then is necessary or expected.

Only, they asked that we should remember the poor. Galatians 2:10.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profited me nothing. I Corinthians 13:3

It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35.


Have you ever wondered why believers in Jesus are expected to be generous with the poor? Caring for others and giving to the poor is a repeated theme throughout the scriptures. Jesus demonstrated His love and concern for others and gave us several Biblical directives about being generous to others.

In John 13:34 Jesus said, “A new command I give you, love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another.” To love as Jesus loved requires more than words, it requires action.

God told Moses to communicate to the Children of Israel to give to the poor and the needy. At harvest time the Israelites were to leave the edges of their fields un-harvested to provide food for the needy. When the Apostle Paul was beginning his ministry to the Gentiles, the apostles, James, Peter, and John, instructed him to remember the poor (Galatians 2:10).

And then in Ephesians 4:28 Paul advises that we do something useful with our hands so that we are able to have something to share with others. In Proverbs 25:21 we are told to feed our enemies if they are hungry. In Luke 6:35 Jesus tells us to love our enemies and to do good to them and that is not natural for us to want to do.

As believers we are not only expected but commanded by our Lord to be generous to the poor and needy, to our enemies, and to God’s servants.

The scriptures give us some guidelines on being generous. When we give we are to give in love (I Corinthians 13:3). We are to give cheerfully because God tells us in II Corinthians 9:7 that God loves a cheerful giver. We are to give according to our ability to the poor as recorded in Acts 11:29.

God also tells us that when we give we should give with sacrifice. God will be well pleased. When we are generous to others we will be blessed of God, He will enrich us, and we will be rewarded.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8:

Hear my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.


Thank You for giving me the means and ability to be generous with the poor and needy. May my family be known, in Your sight as a generous family. Thank You for giving so much to us and help us to give even more back to You.

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November 4, 2015

Anchor: November 4, 2015




A heavy device dropped by a chain, cable or rope into the water to hold a boat or floating object fast; a person or thing that can be relied on for support, stability, or security.

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil. Hebrews 6:19.


Our hope is totally anchored by Christ Himself who has entered into God’s presence on our behalf. What a thrill this is to be assured of for all who believe in Him. Every day, we as believers face storms in our life and God’s Word is a steadfast anchor that will get us through those storms.

In the days of Daniel, David and other prophets God spoke through visions, dreams and even sometimes audibly. But today He speaks primarily through His Word.

Therefore, it is very important that we not only read the scriptures but study them so we can learn how to apply the principles and promises from the Word to our lives. Through the promises and guidance in God’s Word we can find strength and faith that enables us to get through the storms of life. God’s Word will show us how to stand firm in our commitment and trust in Christ even when it seems our life has come crashing down on us.

Consider God’s promises in His Word your spiritual anchors. It sometimes takes a storm for God to get our attention so that we see that our need is to depend on Him and to pursue His lead whether in smooth sailing or stormy seas. Learn to patiently wait for God to fulfill everything He has promised you while He is at work to rescue you from the storms of life. Never try putting God on your time schedule. Instead cling to Him, anchor your heart to His Word, and leave room for Him to bring everything together according to His plan and timing.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8:

Hear my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.


Thank You for the anchor that You continually provide for me as I go through the storms of each day. Help me to always read and study Your Word so that You can communicate to me and I will know what You want me to do and how to act through every situation.

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November 3, 2015

Future: November 3, 2015




Yet to come or happen; relating to a later time.

If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that. James 4:15.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11.


Time magazine had an article way back in a 1992 issue titled BEYOND THE YEAR 2000! The writer wrote in the opening paragraph, that the unforeseen keeps making the future unforeseeable.

No one can dispute the fact that we have a very limited vision of the future. We plan for the future as though we had lots of time. None of us knows what the future holds.

In the verse above from Jeremiah we read that God who does know the future called Jeremiah to warn the people of Judah of the coming destruction of Jerusalem unless they repented of their sins of idolatry and rejection of the living and true God. They would not listen. Judah rejected Jeremiah’s warning and Jerusalem was destroyed and the people were taken captive to Babylon. The exiles could see no hope for the future. God does judge those who reject Him, but God never forgets those who love Him.

In Jeremiah 29:14, we read the letter that Jeremiah sent to the captives. It was a word of hope from God assuring them of a future because God controls the future and he has plans to bring them back from captivity.

James says to us in James 4:13-14, “Now listen, you who say, today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow”. We do not know what will happen tomorrow much less in the future.

How many times have you heard someone say, “The Lord willing?” This really is a clear and concise message that God’s ruling hand controls the future. James does tell us in James 5:15 that “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” We can face the future with confidence if we always include God in our plans. And remember that our plans will disappoint us if we leave God out of them.

If you choose to flee God now, let us remind you that you will never escape His hand. His hand will hold the gavel of judgment and you will stand in front of Him someday.

God is alive and all who believe and receive Him as their Savior will spend their future in eternity with Him. Nothing can change this fact. If you have not received Him remember you do not know what will happen tomorrow. Make today your day of salvation and guarantee your future in heaven with your Lord and Savior.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8:

Hear my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.


Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to die on the cross to pay the penalty of my sins so I can spend my future, an eternity in heaven with You. May the words that You have given us in the book of James be words of wisdom to my family so that we can be witnesses for you leading friends and associates to an eternity with You.

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November 2, 2015

Listening: November 2, 2015




To give attention with the ear; to heed or obey.

Paul stood up, and motioning with his hand said; men of Israel and you who fear God, listen to me. Acts 13:16.

This is My Son, whom I love. Listen to Him! Mark 9:7.


One of the most important lessons we can learn is how to listen to God. Listening to God is essential to walking with God. Nothing is more important, more urgent, more necessary, and more rewarding than hearing what God has to say to us and then to obey Him. A real conversation involves both listening and talking. Unfortunately, most believers do a lot of talking to God through prayer but very little listening.

If we fail to learn how to listen to the Lord, we will make some very unwise and costly mistakes. The Bible assures us that God talks to us and we must listen. In Hebrews 1:1-2 the writer says, “God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in man portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son.”

Our God is not silent, He is alive and active. He speaks to us individually and in a way that we can hear Him, and then receive His message, and obey Him. God speaks to you through the scriptures and through others that are in touch with God. You must first be willing to listen and allow the Holy Spirit to open up your heart and then the Holy Spirit will do His work to give you a deeper understanding of scripture.

God is very concerned about His relationship with you and leaves no stone unturned to cultivate it and to strengthen it. A young man who had recently accepted Jesus as His Savior was struggling with an issue that he had learned from his father. When friends got something that he liked, he wanted the same thing. He decided that he would pray about it so he prayed for over a week. Then a friend told him that God could not answer him unless he started to read the Bible. He opened the Bible to Exodus and the first verse he saw was one of the Ten Commandments, THOU SHALL NOT COVET. You see God did give him his answer loud and clear from His Word. But notice God also used a friend to lead the young man to the answer.

Learning to listen to God through the reading of His Word is the most important thing you can do because there is no other way to know God and enjoy the amazing wonderful abundant life that God offers you. Pay close attention to what God is saying to you and He will certainly tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 1:8:

Hear my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.


Help me to learn to listen to Your voice for the instruction that I need daily to serve You. Help me to put my concerns and cares in Your hands and wait for Your answer to each one.

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