March 20, 2011

Fear Part 5: March 18, 2011



Timid; apprehensive; a reverent awe towards God.


For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 11Timothy 1:7

After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “DO NOT BE AFRAID, ABRAM. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward. Genesis 15:1.

For I the Lord your God will hold your right hand saying unto you; Fear not, I will help you. Isaiah 41:13


We have been looking at the word “fear” this week from several perspectives. Today we want to look at the word fear from a different perspective. God does not want us to live in fear. Many times in the Bible we read the words: FEAR NOT! The angels said this to the shepherds when Jesus was born. In the verse above, God said to Abram, “DO NOT BE AFRAID.”

First, we want to look at the reason Abram was afraid. In Genesis 14 Abram’s nephew Lot had been taken captive. Abram took his 318 servants at night and defeated a much superior army and rescued Lot and all his possessions. Most likely Abram feared reprisal. He had defeated an army of four kings with only 318 servants who had no experience in battle. He was afraid that they would attack him in revenge.

God saw Abram’s need for assurance so He assured Abram that He was his protector and his shield. God told him that he did not have to fear these barbarians who were wicked and ruthless kings. God said to him, I am God almighty; I will shield you; I will keep My promises and make you a great nation. I will give this land to your descendants. God said: ABRAM, DON’T FEAR!
We need to learn from this event. Even though the odds are against us, there is no situation in life that God cannot handle for us if we put our complete trust in Jesus. This is what Abram did. Because Abram put his trust in God, God was there for him when Abram needed Him.

God, Himself, appeared in a vision to Abram to calm his fears. Not only did God tell Abram that He would protect him but He promised Abram a reward. God made a covenant with Abram that very day to give him a son and many descendants and a land for them to dwell in.

God does not want any of us to be afraid. Isaiah 41:13 tells us that, “the Lord your God will hold your right hand saying unto you; Fear not, I will help you.”Each day we can get up and put everything in the hands of God and then watch Him be our shield and protector.

In Psalm 111:10, the Psalmist tells us that, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” In Isaiah 35:4 we are told to, “say to those who are fearful hearted, BE STRONG, DO NOT FEAR.” And in the New Testament Paul says in II Timothy 1:7 that, “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” In I John 4:18 we are told that, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.”

The first mention of fear in the Bible is in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. God was merciful and gracious to Adam and Eve. He provided them a covering of animal skins and gave them a promise of a redeemer who would come and shed His blood and cover their sins. God is with each of us today and we are not to fear because of the “THINGS” of life because He is not only our protector and our shield but He is our provider and most importantly, He is our redeemer.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 33:8.

Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.


Thank You for being the awesome God that You are to me and my family. Help me to learn today to put every situation I face in Your hands so that I might not fear the “things” of life because You are holding my hand. Give me faith to trust in You knowing You are my shield and protector and my provider.

Fear Part 4: March 17, 2011




An emotion of dread or apprehension; profound reverence and awe toward God.


Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 11 Corinthians 7:1.

How joyful are those who fear the Lord. Psalm 128:1


For the last three days we have looked at the word “FEAR” as it relates to our individual lives. We looked at how we face fear as individuals. We looked at some of the “THINGS” that cause us fear. And yesterday we looked at destructive and constructive fear as it relates to our lives.

Today we look at GODLY FEAR! Godly fear is not dread or apprehension nor is it the fear we feel at times of danger. Godly fear is awe and reverence of God because God is Holy and all powerful. Godly fear brings joy to our lives. Proverbs 1:7 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom to those that believe on His name. Godly fear not only brings knowledge and wisdom but it makes us hate evil and helps us to be righteous, holy and reverential. When we have a Godly fear in our lives we know that fearing the Lord is righteous, (Psalm 33:5) holy (the verse above), and reverential (Hebrews 12:28).

Down through the ages there have been men who have changed history because they were God fearing men. In the Old Testament there are wonderful examples of how God worked through those who feared God. These men accomplished great things for the Lord because they feared God.

• Noah and his family were saved from the flood because they obeyed God.
• Abraham became the father of a great nation because he feared God and responded to His call.
• Joseph became a leader in a foreign nation and saved his family from starvation.
• Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage from Egypt.
• Joshua led two million Israelites to the Promised Land.
• David conquered nations and was the greatest King of Israel.

To fear the Lord is to stand in awe of Him and to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) and to serve God acceptably and with reverence. This is what the great men of the Bible learned and lived by daily in their lives. Is there Godly fear (awe and reverence) in your heart? These statements from scripture will help you evaluate if you live with a Godly fear.

• If we who say that we are believers say that we have fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ and walk in darkness (un-confessed sin), we lie and do not practice the truth.
• If we walk in the light as He is in the light and have fellowship with other believers and God we are in His righteousness. Godly fear that makes us righteous can only be known by those who have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
• If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us of our sins and will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Godly fear will cause you to search your heart every time you read the Bible and go to Him in prayer. If you find sin in your life then judge it, confess it and forsake it.
• Godly fear can also help you to resist temptation in your life. This is why the Psalmist has said “Let all the earth fear the Lord.”

Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 33:8:

Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.


Thank You that the scripture reminds us that Godly fear brings joy to one’s life because it is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge that keeps me from sin. Help me to live as the Psalmist tells us when he wrote: “Rejoice in the Lord. O you righteous.” Keep me close to You with a Godly fear so that I can serve You with all of my body, soul and heart.

Fear Part 3: March 16, 2011




The feeling of being afraid, having a concern or great anxiety.


“Fear the Lord and depart from evil.” Proverbs 3:7

“Fear God and keep His commandments.” Ecclesiastes 12:13

“That you may fear the Lord your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, all of the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged.” Deuteronomy 6:2


It is recorded in the book of Deuteronomy beginning in the fourth chapter the instruction that Moses gave the Children of Israel concerning God’s commandments and their need to obey God. He reminded them when they were in Horeb at Mt. Sinai (Deuteronomy 4:10) where the Lord spoke to them and said, “Gather the people to Me, and I will let them hear My words, that they MAY LEARN TO FEAR ME all the days that they live on this earth, and that they may teach their children as well.”

And in the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy (above) Moses continues to tell the children of Israel the importance of fearing the Lord. When we fear the Lord, He will guide us, control us, protect us and care for us. In Psalm 27:1 it reads, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

As believers in Christ we must realize that there are constructive and destructive fears and understand how they affect our lives. In Matthew 10, Jesus said to His disciples who were very fearful about what would happen to Jesus: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Fear of what man can do to us is a destructive fear.

Jesus did warn the disciples and the apostles that they would be persecuted for preaching the gospel and that they would have no physical defense. The Apostles did suffer severe persecution and nearly all were put to death. While the disciples had reason to fear what man could do to their physical bodies, Jesus wanted them to be assured their soul was safe because man cannot take away what God has given. God had given them, as well as us, eternal life.

There are two elements that will deliver you from destructive fear, whether it is fear of life or death, fear of failure or loss, fear of people or position or rank or power. They are FAITH IN GOD and GOD’S LOVE.

Isaiah tells us in Isaiah 43:1 to fear not because God has redeemed us. Faith and trust in God dispels fear. When speaking of God’s love, John says (I John 4:18) that “perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment.” Believers need not fear God’s judgment because God’s perfect love guarantees our salvation.

Fear of the Lord is a constructive fear. Fear of the Lord is to honor and respect God, to bow in awe at His majesty and power and to be obedient to His commandments. Fear of the Lord keeps us from doing evil as written above in Proverbs 3:7. When we fear the Lord we recognize that God ultimately has the power and right to cast both our body and soul into hell. Satan does not have that kind of power.

Fear of the Lord is constructive because it teaches wisdom (Proverbs 15:33), it keeps us from evil (Proverbs 16:6) and it keeps us obedient to God’s commandments. When we have reverential fear for God we will want to honor and obey Him and will want to commit our lives to Him. This is constructive fear that transforms our lives.

You cannot have faith in God, trust God and be fearful at the same time. God is love and because of this immeasurable and perfect love for us, He has made it possible for us to spend eternity with Him. For those who love Him as their Lord and Savior there is nothing that can happen to us in this world that can change that fact. In I John 4:18 it reads: “There is no fear in love, because perfect love drives out fear.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 33:8:

Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.


Give me the strength today to fear You so that I can bow in awe at Your majesty and power. Help me today to be obedient to Your commandments. Teach me wisdom, keep me from evil and open my eyes anew to the blessings You are giving to me and my family each day.

Fear Part 2: March 15, 2011




Apprehensive; worry; concern; reverent awe as of God.


“Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” II Kings 6:16

“Let all the earth fear the Lord.” Psalm 33:8


Fear is a natural reaction to anything that threatens our well being. We do not have to be taught to be afraid when we are in danger. Fear is a powerful emotion. As we said yesterday, we can become momentarily paralyzed by fear and we can become physically ill as a result of fear.

Fear is ever present in this world. People fear many things. Since the disaster of 9/11, there has been a continuing fear of another terrorist attack here in America. Many people in America and in other countries live with the fear of potential natural disasters such as hurricanes, fires, tornados and earthquakes.

We have heard from many believers that have shared their fears concerning civil unrest in their country. Many people are going through religious wars where Christians are being persecuted because of their faith.

Recently, we communicated with a dear pastor’s widow that told us of terrorists coming into their church during a Sunday morning service and killing half of the congregation and her husband who was preaching on the subject of loving ones enemies. They then set the church on fire destroying it totally. The goal of these terrorists is to eliminate all the Christians in their community.

Even though these dear Christians feared for their very life, they did not let fear paralyze them and prevent them from serving the Lord. They continued to put their trust in their Lord no matter what came their way. The easy way out might have been to just deny their faith in Jesus and stop going to church. Instead they kept their witness and went to church. What a testimony this is as to how genuine their faith was.

Many Christians have died as martyrs for their faith in Jesus. Every Christian should daily remember in prayer those who live in countries that do not enjoy the freedom to worship the Lord and who live in fear because of their faith. By comparison, for those who live in a country with freedom, the things that cause fear might be said to be very minor. For the person experiencing fear the fear is always very real.

God wants us to know that he understands our fears and that is why there are nearly 700 references of fear or being afraid in His Word. God tells us not to fear “things” in life because He wants us to put our trust in Him. He wants to be our protector and wants us to give our fears to Him. God really wants us to trade our fears for trust in Him. He did not promise us a life free of danger, but He does promise to be with us in time of danger.

In Psalms 46:1-2 we are told that: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we should not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” What this verse really says is that we should not fear even if the world comes to an end. Many people today are consumed with fear with this concern that everything is falling apart. The Bible is clear in stating that God is our refuge even in a time of total destruction.

All who believe and put their trust in the Lord has an eternal refuge with God in heaven. You can have that eternal refuge if you accept the “SALVATION” that God has offered us.

In II Kings 6:16 we are told not to fear because God is on the side of those who serve Him. These words were spoken by Elisha who was a prophet with great faith, to his servant who was in great fear when he saw that their city was surrounded by the army of their enemy, the King of Aram, Ben-Hadad. The servant had reason to fear because Elisha’s life was in danger. God had revealed King Ben-Hadad’s military plans to Elisha and Elisha then gave these plans to the King of Israel. When King Ben-Hadad found out what Elisha had done he sent his army to capture Elisha.

Elisha could tell his servant not to be afraid because he knew that God had a greater army than Ben-Hadad’s. The scripture tells us that Elisha prayed that God would open his young servant’s spiritual eyes, teaching the young man faith and the fear of the Lord. He said that only by faith can we see the invisible host of heaven protecting us and not fear. The Lord opened the young servant’s spiritual eyes and he saw God’s army and could see that it was as Elisha had said, “those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” God is always at work and doing more than we can imagine but our spiritual eyes are blinded by our lack of faith. It is only by faith that we today can see the invisible host of heaven and not fear.

Every servant of God has an edge over the enemies of righteousness. We have these many armaments to fight against fear. They are God’s Word; God’s power; God’s Holy Spirit and God’s protection. Fear not! God is with you.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 33:8:

Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.


Give me the confidence that I need today to release my fears to You. Thank You for Your promise to protect us in our time of danger. Help me to put my trust in You just as Elisha of old did. Help me to remember that you are always with me and protecting me through every fear I may face.

Fear Part 1: March 14, 2011




A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain, whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid; concern or anxiety.


“Do not be afraid, I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Genesis 15:1

“Do not fear, for I am with you, so do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” Isaiah 41:10

“I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4


We have decided to do a series of five devotionals this week on the word FEAR. We are doing this because it seems that most of the e-mails we receive from wonderful friends that are reading our daily devotionals are discussing or asking about fear.

We remember that when we were children we had fears. Many times we were scared of the dark. Sometimes noise would scare us. Children have fears of things that many parents feel are not important enough to deal with. But a fear that affects a child, if not dealt with by parents at the time of the fear can affect a child for a lifetime. A parent should deal with these fears through showing love, giving assurance that all is OK, and comforting a child through each situation.

Our children would come running to us for protection when something frightened them. As adults we often feel we have no one to run to when we are afraid. Unfortunately many people turn to pills, drugs or alcohol to calm their fears. In Psalm 34:4 (above) David tells us that there is someone to turn to when we are all alone in our fear.

At the time he wrote this verse he was on the run from King Saul who wanted to kill him. He fled to King Achish of Goth but found no safety there so he had to flee from Goth. In his time of fear and despair, David tells us, “I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” God is our safe refuge today and He wants us to seek Him as David did when he was fearful.

Fear is one of the most relevant subjects found in God’s Word. Some fears are so powerful that one can become momentarily paralyzed by them. One can become physically ill because of fear. Therefore we must, as believers, give ourselves to the Lord and study the Word of God as it has all of the tools necessary to combat the fears that come upon us.

Many adults have fears. Some begin in childhood and others are the result of situations in life. By definition fear is a distressing emotion and whether the cause is real or imagined it brings on anxiety. God does not want us to live in fear. God wants to be our God, so that we do not have to be dismayed in our times of fear because He is with us. (Isaiah 41:10)

We should not allow fear to keep us from the right relationship with God. Our friend Dr. Porter Barrington gives us three fears that can keep us from knowing the Lord and doing His will:

• The fear that you will fail.
• The fear that you cannot live up to God’s standards.
• The fear that you cannot obey God’s Word.

Fear must have been a great concern to God because over 80 times in God’s Word we read the words “DO NOT FEAR” or “FEAR NOT.” We are living in a world filled with fear. Parents are fearful for their children. Children are fearful of facing what is unknown to them. Adults are fearful about their work, their homes, their families, their finances and their futures.

The scriptures are clear when they tell us that when we seek the Lord, He will hear us. He is our shield and defender and will deliver us from all of our fears. Remember God says “ALL FEARS.” Faith in the Lord overcomes fear.

If you are fearful about “THINGS” in your life or about life in general it is time for you to take time now and evaluate your relationship with Jesus. Seek the Lord; He will hear you and He will deliver you from ALL your fears!


Our memory verse for this week is found in Psalm 33:8.

Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.


Help me today to understand that You are an Almighty God and the One I should turn to in my times of fear. Give me the desire to seek Your name and lay each fear at Your feet so that You can deliver me from these fears. Help me to reach out to others that are facing fears in their lives and allow me to lead them to You so that they can enjoy the same peace in their hearts that You have given me.

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