May 5, 2017

Escape: May 5, 2017



Get away or flee as from capture or confinement; evade or avoid; elude.

But Jonah rose up to flee into Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and went down to Joppa. Jonah 1:3.


Alcatraz was a prison in the bay of San Francisco. This prison was reserved for the worst prisoners in America. They would be sent here to serve their time because the judicial system felt that escape would be impossible. Alcatraz is located on an Island in the San Francisco Bay and escape would require a long and difficult swim that most thought was humanly impossible.

Today it is a museum and several of our grandchildren went there on a school trip. Upon their return they told us about their visit and reported that some felt that one or two prisoners may have escaped, but if they did escape from the island they would have surely drowned in their attempt to swim to land.

The scripture above tells us of Jonah’s plan of escape to avoid doing what God asked him to do. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach the Word of God. Jonah did not like the assignment and decided to escape God’s presence by running away to Joppa by getting on a boat headed to Tarshish.

It was foolish for any person in the prison at Alcatraz to think that they could escape by jumping off the Island into a vast sea expanse of water like the San Francisco bay. It was even more foolish for Jonah to think he could run and escape from God, who is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and all omnipresent (present everywhere).

Just as trying to escape from Alcatraz could only lead to disaster so would Jonah’s attempt to escape from God’s presence. Jonah was hurled into a raging sea and as he was about to drown he cried out to God and even in the midst of a stormy sea God was present. God provided a great fish to swallow Jonah and saved him. You know the rest of the story about Jonah and the whale. Because of God’s miracle of deliverance, Jonah repented and yielded to God’s perfect will.

In trying to escape from doing what God wanted him to do just think about what Jonah lost. He lost not only valuable time he could have spent preaching God’s Word, but he lost his peace of mind for a period of time. It certainly must have tormented him to know he was not doing what God wanted him to do. He had lost the blessing of God’s presence, God’s provision and God’s comfort in his life.

Jonah thought he could run from God but his attempt only brought suffering on himself and those on the boat with him. Disobedience brings consequences and often affects not only the offender but those who are with him or her.

God had given Jonah a specific job to do but Jonah did not like the job description. He did not want to go to Nineveh to preach God’s message of love and forgiveness to the wicked Assyrians who he hated and feared. He did not want them to repent and be spared from God’s judgment which they deserved for all their evil ways. As a result, Jonah tried to escape to Joppa, which ultimately was a very bad decision.

Like Jonah, we may be called on by God to do things we don’t like or want to do. We may feel like Jonah and want to turn and run. When we defy God and run from what He wants us to do the result is always the same. It will lead to a disaster and we will lose the presence and comfort of the Lord in our lives.

Also, just like Jonah, we may find ourselves in the midst of a raging sea. The moment we run off to seek our own purposes, without God’s blessing, we are at sea without a life preserver. Then we cry out to God asking Him where has He gone? Remember, God has not left us, we have left Him.

When we run like Jonah did, we are at the same place that Jonah was --- on the run with no peace of mind. Sin destroys a believer’s comfort. Jonah found out, as you will, that it is harder to try to escape from doing what God wants you to do than to yield to His will --- when, where and how He directs you.

When you truly put your trust in God and communicate with Him daily, then you will not flee from what He tells you. It is hard to contend against God when you try to escape doing His will. When you trust Him, He knows what is best and will be with you always giving you His assurance of His faithfulness and the comfort of His presence.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 7:7.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.


Give me the wisdom to know Your will in my life and give me the strength and the courage to obey and not to run from You to try to escape doing Your perfect will in my life. Give my family direction and guidance that only You can give us. Thank You for leading us, protecting us and blessing us.

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May 4, 2017

Defeat: May 4, 2017



Conquer or overcome; overwhelm; overthrow or rout; to destroy; to have victory over.

And He began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and subscribes and be killed, and after three days rise again. Mark 8:31

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels, nor demons, neither the present or the future nor any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39.


Do you find it difficult at times to believe that your situation can ever be better or that something good can come from it? The disciples who walked with Jesus were completely devastated, doubting and defeated after the crucifixion. The Savior had told them, in the verse above from Mark, what was going to happen with Him.

They simply could not see past their human perceptions or expectations of what was happening. Their expectation and hope was that Jesus had come as a conquering Messiah to defeat their enemies and free them from Roman rule. They could not begin to conceive how Jesus, their promised Messiah, could possibly be defeated and worse yet, be killed even when Jesus, Himself, was telling them it was going to happen.

After Jesus death on the cross, the disciples were brokenhearted, despondent and feeling absolutely helpless. Deep within their hearts, they believed it was all over. They had seen Jesus suffer and die on the cross with their own eyes. All of their hopes and dreams had been dashed.

How often do you get caught up in this same attitude of defeat? It is because you are overwhelmed by your circumstances because you are focused on your limited comprehension instead of God's awesome purposes for our lives. You need to see past your imperfect understanding of what is happening in your life and fix your eyes on our extraordinary Lord and Redeemer. He has a perfect plan for you. His plans may not be your plans but He knows better than you do, what is best for you.

Let us look at the disciples after the resurrection of Jesus to see what they discovered.

For the first time, they could now understand the purpose of Jesus’ coming to earth. They now realized that God always succeeds in carrying out His plans. Jesus did come as the conquering Messiah but not to conquer the Romans, but to conquer death.  Jesus promised to pay the penalty for our sins and deliver us from the penalty of death and He did. (Luke 24:45-48)

The disciples saw Jesus’ death as the end of Jesus’ plan and as a great defeat. It wasn’t until after Jesus’ resurrection that they saw a great victory. Jesus defeated death on the cross and fulfilled God’s plan of Salvation for us. In verse 45 it says that “then He opened their eyes so that they could understand.” The same will happen in your life when you accept God’s plan of salvation and ask Jesus to save you. No matter how great your sin, be assured He has defeated death and conquered every sin.

Secondly, the disciples learned that nothing can separate us from God. Paul assures us in Romans 8:31-39 (this verse is above for you to read) that no matter what hardship or defeat we may suffer it is impossible for those who trust in the Lord to be separated from God. God's love will reach us no matter where we are or what circumstances we are in or even how defeated we think we are.

As Christians, we will face hardships in this life but not one thing can separate us from the love of God. The disciples thought they had lost Jesus through the crucifixion but the resurrection assured them that they would never be without Him again. We have the same assurance.

Thirdly, the disciples discovered that any adversity we experience is temporary because Jesus has given us eternal life. You may feel that you are facing defeat because your situation is so grave. You may be weary and disheartened, but do not give up hope. Cling to the promise that God acts on behalf of those of us who wait upon Him. Keep seeking Him and you will overcome your feeling of defeat.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 7:7.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.


Thank You heavenly Father, for fulfilling Your promised plan of salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You that I do not have to feel defeated because You are a mighty God who will make me victorious over every evil situation that Satan will use to defeat me. Thank You that nothing can separate me from Your love.

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May 3, 2017

Troubled: May 3, 2017



To be disturbed mentally or physically; afflicted; distressed; being annoyed, agitated or bothered.

May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble. Psalm 20:1

How many believers in Jesus really understand that when you are in troubled times, the Lord is with you. It really boils down to the question, “What is your relationship with your Lord?”

When you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you can be certain that in times of trouble, suffering, concerns, hardships, difficulties, pain or tragedy, the Lord is with you. Many times, in His Word He reminds us of His presence in our lives.

In II Chronicles 15:2 we are reminded that the Lord is forever present with us when we are obedient to Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us. And if you seek Him, he will let you find Him.

In II Chronicles 20:17, we read to stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, we are not to fear or be dismayed.

Every day we will deal with the troubles of this dark world, but if we seek God’s will and not our own selfish interests, God will fight our battles and give us victory over our troubles. Over and over we are assured in the Bible that in time of trouble God will be with those who love and obey Him.

In Jeremiah 42:11 God gives Jeremiah these words of assurance, “For I am with you, to save you and to deliver you.”

In Haggai 2:4 Haggai gave a message to the people: All you people of the land take courage and work for I am with you. Jesus said the same thing to His disciples in Matthew 28:20, “I am with you always!”

When rough times come your way, it is time for you to immerse yourself in God’s Word. Read His promises to you. Read about His power, His strength, His wisdom and His love for you. The more you read and study God’s Word, the stronger your faith will grow.

The more you trust God, the more you will grow in your understanding that He is trustworthy in all things and at all times.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 7:7.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.


Help me, dear Lord, to seek You daily and to study Your Word so that I can be more like You and be able to help those that face trouble in their lives. Thank You for the assurance we have, as believers, in Your Word that You are with us always in good times and especially in times of trouble.

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May 2, 2017

Father: May 2, 2017



A male parent; an originator; a protector and provider; the first person in the trinity; the creator, founder and author of this world.

Do not call anyone on earth father; for you have one father and He is in heaven. Matthew 23:9.


If you are an adult, what memories do you have of your father, good and bad? We need to ask the same question to you if you are a child or a young person living at home. What kind of memories are you developing concerning your father?

Does or did your father give you love, wisdom and support? Does the word father give you negative memories of a person who treated you badly?

God wants to show you, through His Word, what a godly father should be like. We can learn as earthly fathers how God expects fathers to live. Our God, who is our Father in heaven sets an example for earthly fathers to live by.

The name “father’ is a title of respect that represents one in authority. It is God’s plan that we all have a father. We all have a birth father. Unfortunately, some grow up never knowing their birth father. In Matthew 23:9 Jesus states that no matter who we are we all have one father and that is “God the Father.” He is our creator, our provider, our protector and He is to be honored above all others.

In Isaiah 49: 15-16 and Lamentations 3:57-58 we are told that God desires to have a close and personal relationship with us. As earthly fathers is this true for us? God is not a distant father. He wants to reveal His presence to us and to be close to us.

In Jeremiah 33:3 and Matthew 6:6 we are told that God, as our Father, wants to communicate with us. To communicate with God, our Father we must open up our heart to Him and be honest with Him. Earthly fathers must desire to communicate with their children and teach them to communicate with their heavenly Father. Do you pray with your children?

In Romans 5:8 we are told that God, our Father, loves us unconditionally. God is wise and knows everything about us and loves us. Period! As fathers, we must love our children unconditionally.

In Philippians 4:19 we are reminded that God already knows all of our needs before we talk to Him about them. He is our provider and always gives to us perfectly, not what we think we need but what God knows we need to glorify His name. Even though earthly fathers sometimes fail to provide for their children because of lack of concern or unavoidable circumstances our heavenly Father is always there for us.

In Deuteronomy 31: 6,8 we are reminded that God will always be with us. Wherever we go God goes with us and He will never leave us nor forsake us.

In Hebrews 12:5-10 we are told that God, our heavenly Father disciplines us. Sometimes it will hurt. Other times we will not like it. But because he disciplines us it reminds us that we are His child. He corrects us to protect us from evil and to teach us to be obedient.

Earthly fathers must correct their children and teach them what is right and true to protect them from the evil world they live in.

In Galatians 6:7-8 God tells us that He holds us accountable as to how we live our life. We are accountable to God just as a child is accountable to his or her earthly father. This accountability protects us from many dangerous and destructive things.

In Proverbs 3:5-6 we are reminded that God will always help us do the right thing. He is our best example and will always give us the best counsel.

If you are a father you can learn from these examples given to us by our heavenly Father and strive to be the kind of father God wants you to be.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 7:7.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.


I thank You today for being my God and my Father. Thank You for loving me and forgiving me of all my wrong doings. Thank You for being my provider and my protector and my salvation. I praise You for all that You are, the one and only God and Father of all creation.

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May 1, 2017

Encourager: May 1, 2017



One who inspires with courage; comes along side to help, to strengthen, or to stimulate.

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another just as you also are doing. I Thessalonians 5:11.


How often do we say, “Have a good day.” Not every day is what we would call a “good day.” We will have those bad days when we just feel down and out. Nothing seems to go right. As you reflect on those times would you not have loved to have someone to come along side of you with kind and encouraging support.

And as believers, God wants us to be available to be an encourager to others in their time of need. In the verse above the Greek word for encourager is “parakletos” which means, “one who is called alongside.” And that is exactly what God wants us as believers to be.

The same Greek word is used in John 14:16-18 where Jesus told His disciples that He was leaving to go back to His Father but He would send an encourager, the Holy Spirit, to be with them.

Jesus is our primary example of an encourager. Just look at several of His teachings while on this earth. He taught His disciples to pray and to expect results. He showed His disciples the importance of forgiveness in bringing encouragement to one’s life. He emphasized many times to not let anxiety discourage you.

His actions encouraged people. His provisions, five loaves of bread and two fish encouraged a large crown of hungry people. When His disciples were caught in a great storm on the sea and were in danger of sinking, He calmed the water saying, “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid. Mark 6:47-51).”

Here are a few thoughts on how to be a Christ-like encourager to others:

•    Give a sincere and uplifting comment when the opportunity comes your way.
•    Speak the truth with love and agree when appropriate.
•    Pass on helpful information.
•    Encourage with scripture and a prayer.
•    Give correction when it is appropriate.
•    Give assurance you will love them whether they succeed or fail.
•    Comfort and reassure them when they need it.
•    Thank them for the blessing they are to you.
•    Offer a helping hand, a smile or a gift.
•    Listen and do not interrupt.
•    Hug them, forgive them if appropriate.
•    Compliment them and accept them as they are.
•    Motivate them to do their best.
•    Assure them that you will be there for them.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Matthew 7:7.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.


Help me to be an encourager today. And if I need encouragement send someone my way to encourage me so that I can be my best in honoring You. May I always be ready to share Christ’s love and ready to encourage someone in their time of need.

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