October 18, 2009
Priorities: October 16, 2009
Defined by Webster:
The state or quality of being earlier in time or occurrence; the right to take precedence in obtaining supplies or services as during a shortage; the right to proceed others in order; something given special attention.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:35.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 2:6
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39.
These words, above, from the scripture gives us the most important priorities we need in our lives. Do you set priorities for your life? Most people today do not. The average person, even the Christian, will have a daily routine and they are stuck in a rut. They get up, maybe pray, grab a bite, go to work or school, come home, eat, watch TV, maybe talk to the family for a few minutes and then off to bed. And then people wonder why their life has no meaning. This routine is far more prevalent then one may want to believe.
We encourage you today to set goals and priorities in your life. God leaves no doubt as to what our first priority is to be. He states it very clear in Matthew 22:37-38: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the FIRST and GREATEST commandment."
Thus your first priority must be your relationship with God. Every day you need to set aside time to read and study the Bible and to pray. Along with this you need study tools to help you grow spiritually.
Your second priority is to your family. Parents have the responsibility of providing not only for their children’s physical needs but also for their spiritual needs. This includes involving them, with you, in reading the Bible, praying and going to a church. To do this requires a commitment of your time and unless you make it a priority, it will not happen. Countless things will come up and become excuses for not having time to read the Bible, for not praying and for not going to church together as a family.
Your third priority is to set standards to live your daily life by. We need to live by example because our children watch and listen and follow in our footsteps. Children need positive role models in their lives beginning with their parents. Parents have a responsibility to help their children do their school work and guide them in their school activities and other responsibilities. Those times of sitting with our children at the kitchen table, helping them with school work were wonderful times of bonding.
Is there an act of kindness or encouragement that God has urged you to do for some time and you just have not done it? If so, this should be a priority for today. Never get too busy to put off what God leads you to do. Priorities are dreams with a deadline and remember you cannot dream a dream too big for God. You need to set your priorities each day. Every morning I write down my priorities for the day and it keeps me on track. Try it and you will be amazed at how much you will accomplish. When you are setting your priorities ask yourself the question: "What is the center of attention for me today?" Then I ask, "Does it control me?" If it is not Christ centered, then change it.
The reason many people do not go very far in life is because they side step opportunity and shake hands with procrastination. Think about this statement.
Help me to keep my priority with You by loving You with all my heart, my soul and my mind. Give me wisdom to set priorities that honor You. Let my talk and my walk set a positive example for others. Help me to step outside of my normal activities to touch the life of someone who needs a special touch from You. Bless our family and help each one of us to be a role model for others.
Defined by Webster:
The state or quality of being earlier in time or occurrence; the right to take precedence in obtaining supplies or services as during a shortage; the right to proceed others in order; something given special attention.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:35.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 2:6
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39.
These words, above, from the scripture gives us the most important priorities we need in our lives. Do you set priorities for your life? Most people today do not. The average person, even the Christian, will have a daily routine and they are stuck in a rut. They get up, maybe pray, grab a bite, go to work or school, come home, eat, watch TV, maybe talk to the family for a few minutes and then off to bed. And then people wonder why their life has no meaning. This routine is far more prevalent then one may want to believe.
We encourage you today to set goals and priorities in your life. God leaves no doubt as to what our first priority is to be. He states it very clear in Matthew 22:37-38: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the FIRST and GREATEST commandment."
Thus your first priority must be your relationship with God. Every day you need to set aside time to read and study the Bible and to pray. Along with this you need study tools to help you grow spiritually.
Your second priority is to your family. Parents have the responsibility of providing not only for their children’s physical needs but also for their spiritual needs. This includes involving them, with you, in reading the Bible, praying and going to a church. To do this requires a commitment of your time and unless you make it a priority, it will not happen. Countless things will come up and become excuses for not having time to read the Bible, for not praying and for not going to church together as a family.
Your third priority is to set standards to live your daily life by. We need to live by example because our children watch and listen and follow in our footsteps. Children need positive role models in their lives beginning with their parents. Parents have a responsibility to help their children do their school work and guide them in their school activities and other responsibilities. Those times of sitting with our children at the kitchen table, helping them with school work were wonderful times of bonding.
Is there an act of kindness or encouragement that God has urged you to do for some time and you just have not done it? If so, this should be a priority for today. Never get too busy to put off what God leads you to do. Priorities are dreams with a deadline and remember you cannot dream a dream too big for God. You need to set your priorities each day. Every morning I write down my priorities for the day and it keeps me on track. Try it and you will be amazed at how much you will accomplish. When you are setting your priorities ask yourself the question: "What is the center of attention for me today?" Then I ask, "Does it control me?" If it is not Christ centered, then change it.
The reason many people do not go very far in life is because they side step opportunity and shake hands with procrastination. Think about this statement.
Help me to keep my priority with You by loving You with all my heart, my soul and my mind. Give me wisdom to set priorities that honor You. Let my talk and my walk set a positive example for others. Help me to step outside of my normal activities to touch the life of someone who needs a special touch from You. Bless our family and help each one of us to be a role model for others.
Trials: October 15, 2009
Defined by Webster:
Being tried or tested; subjected to suffering or grief; distress; affliction or trouble; a troublesome, wearing or annoying thing or person.
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2.
“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you." I Peter 4:12.
God did not promise us a "rose garden” when we became Christians. In this life we will have trials. Everyone does, but Christians have God's promise that He will go with us through the trials.
Paul suffered many trials on his missionary journeys. He was beaten. He was thrown in prison. While preaching in Macedonia and testifying to the Jews, the Jews became so abusive to him that Paul just gave up on them. It was then that the Lord appeared to him and said: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking; do not be silent, for I am with you." [Acts 18:9-10]. As a result Paul stayed there for a year and a half continuing to preach the word of God.
Life for most people today is a series of trials. We do not know how stormy today will be but we do know that we will face trials. Peter warns us not to be surprised when we are faced with trials as if it were strange. Trials are a fact of life. (I Peter 4:12 above)
James also teaches us that it isn’t a question of “if” we will face trials but “when.” He also tells us to have a positive attitude in the midst of our trials and turn our suffering into a time of learning. It is through the tough times that we learn perseverance and patience.
One thing we are certain of is, that if we have Jesus in our lives, our day will be victorious and our future is secure. Jesus has not failed us in the past and He will not fail us today or in the tomorrows.
Perhaps your world has collapsed. It may be a deep personal loss, a tragedy in your family, a loss of a job, a financial setback or even a family spat. Jesus is bigger then any crisis you might face today. He can rebuild your life. God can turn any trial into an opportunity. All you have to do is let God do His thing through your life. Reading God's Word and praying are the keys to conquering trails.
No trial is too large for God to intervene and no person is too small for God not to give His attention to for any trial. We are reminded that during trials in our lives, when we leave it all for Him, God prepares to do something wonderful through our lives He always begins it with a trial or difficulty.
Happiness keeps you sweet, TRIALS KEEP YOU STRONG, sorrows keep you human, failures keep you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only God keeps you going.
Thank You dear Lord that thy Word assures us that You are with us through every trial that we may face today. Help us not to be fearful when a trial comes our way. Give us the courage we need today to stand tall in honoring You in all we do. Protect our family in all of the activities we have and help us to live a life that honors and glorifies your Son.
Defined by Webster:
Being tried or tested; subjected to suffering or grief; distress; affliction or trouble; a troublesome, wearing or annoying thing or person.
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2.
“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you." I Peter 4:12.
God did not promise us a "rose garden” when we became Christians. In this life we will have trials. Everyone does, but Christians have God's promise that He will go with us through the trials.
Paul suffered many trials on his missionary journeys. He was beaten. He was thrown in prison. While preaching in Macedonia and testifying to the Jews, the Jews became so abusive to him that Paul just gave up on them. It was then that the Lord appeared to him and said: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking; do not be silent, for I am with you." [Acts 18:9-10]. As a result Paul stayed there for a year and a half continuing to preach the word of God.
Life for most people today is a series of trials. We do not know how stormy today will be but we do know that we will face trials. Peter warns us not to be surprised when we are faced with trials as if it were strange. Trials are a fact of life. (I Peter 4:12 above)
James also teaches us that it isn’t a question of “if” we will face trials but “when.” He also tells us to have a positive attitude in the midst of our trials and turn our suffering into a time of learning. It is through the tough times that we learn perseverance and patience.
One thing we are certain of is, that if we have Jesus in our lives, our day will be victorious and our future is secure. Jesus has not failed us in the past and He will not fail us today or in the tomorrows.
Perhaps your world has collapsed. It may be a deep personal loss, a tragedy in your family, a loss of a job, a financial setback or even a family spat. Jesus is bigger then any crisis you might face today. He can rebuild your life. God can turn any trial into an opportunity. All you have to do is let God do His thing through your life. Reading God's Word and praying are the keys to conquering trails.
No trial is too large for God to intervene and no person is too small for God not to give His attention to for any trial. We are reminded that during trials in our lives, when we leave it all for Him, God prepares to do something wonderful through our lives He always begins it with a trial or difficulty.
Happiness keeps you sweet, TRIALS KEEP YOU STRONG, sorrows keep you human, failures keep you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only God keeps you going.
Thank You dear Lord that thy Word assures us that You are with us through every trial that we may face today. Help us not to be fearful when a trial comes our way. Give us the courage we need today to stand tall in honoring You in all we do. Protect our family in all of the activities we have and help us to live a life that honors and glorifies your Son.
Lonely: October 14, 2009
Defined by Webster:
A depressing feeling about being alone; destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship; without company; isolated.
“No one stood with me, but all forsook me. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me." II Timothy 4:16-17.
"Look to my right and see; no one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no one cares for my life. I cry to you O Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of living.” Psalm 142:4.
How many times in life have you felt lonely? We all have at times had moments of loneliness. When David wrote Psalm 142, he was in hiding because Saul, who had been chasing David for years, was seeking to kill him so that he could not become the King of Israel. David was alone and felt no one in the world cared. But he did know that God loved and cared for him and that he could call on Him in his time of need. David kept his faith, knowing God would keep him safe and he prayed asking God to rescue him so that he might be King, as God had promised.
The letter that Paul wrote to Timothy was written when he was all alone in prison and facing death. Like David, Paul knew who he could turn to and knew the Lord was with him. God gave him strength in his time of need.
Many people are lonely today because they have no relationship with God and no hope for tomorrow. We constantly see that the loneliest people in the world are those that do not know the Lord.
There are many situations in life that bring on loneliness such as the separation from a spouse, a family or a friend. Money is not the answer. Rich people are often very lonely. Watching TV, listening to the radio, going to a movie, playing games or visiting with a friend all help time to pass by, but they do not offer a lasting solution to being lonely. These "things" are superficial. They have no substance or lasting value, and cannot provide real satisfaction or sense of fulfillment. This is when loneliness sets in. If you are feeling all alone, now is the time to look to the Lord just as David and Paul did in their time of loneliness. God is waiting to be your friend and to give you comfort and hope for the future.
We have had the opportunity to travel to almost every corner of the world. And in these travels we have noticed the dramatic difference between people that have much and people that have so very little. But even more so we have noticed the difference between people that have a relationship with God [their lives radiate joy] and those who do not [they are mostly lonely, hurting and concerned about their tomorrows]. The contrast is overwhelming. Whether they have many "things" or have nothing really does not make the difference. Without God there is no smile, no hope and nothing but sadness. With God there is a big smile, singing, giving glory to God and excitement just for the opportunity of living. What a contrast to see but a contrast that reminds us that one will always ultimately be lonely without a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ.
We have seen lonely people. We have seen the little boy that has been orphaned because both parents have died. We have seen the lonely mother sobbing because there was no doctor in her village and her child has just died because there was no medicine. We just this year met a young boy who never knew his father and his mother had just died from appendicitis because she could not get to a hospital on time. These people are lonely - but when they have a relationship with God, their loneliness changes to hope and happiness.
Think about the loneliness of Jesus as He was alone in the Garden of Gethsemane just hours before His death on the cross. Just think of His loneliness when He cried out to God on the cross: "My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?" Jesus endured loneliness when He died on the cross. He understood that He alone could pay the penalty of sin committed by all mankind so all of us could have the “blessed hope” of eternal life.
In His hours of total aloneness in the Garden of Gethsemane, who did Jesus turn to? His disciples had let Him down by going to sleep. They were not there for Him in His time of need. If you are feeling all alone and feel no one is there for you, then talk to God. He is waiting and He will not let you down.
Thank You Lord for the sacrifice you made for me by dying on the cross to pay for my sins. And thank You Lord for rising again out of the grave so I can serve a risen Savior. Help me this day to be an encouragement to someone who is lonely. Help me to learn to pray for a world that needs to know Jesus. Bless my family today and thank You for providing for us far beyond what we deserve.
Defined by Webster:
A depressing feeling about being alone; destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship; without company; isolated.
“No one stood with me, but all forsook me. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me." II Timothy 4:16-17.
"Look to my right and see; no one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no one cares for my life. I cry to you O Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of living.” Psalm 142:4.
How many times in life have you felt lonely? We all have at times had moments of loneliness. When David wrote Psalm 142, he was in hiding because Saul, who had been chasing David for years, was seeking to kill him so that he could not become the King of Israel. David was alone and felt no one in the world cared. But he did know that God loved and cared for him and that he could call on Him in his time of need. David kept his faith, knowing God would keep him safe and he prayed asking God to rescue him so that he might be King, as God had promised.
The letter that Paul wrote to Timothy was written when he was all alone in prison and facing death. Like David, Paul knew who he could turn to and knew the Lord was with him. God gave him strength in his time of need.
Many people are lonely today because they have no relationship with God and no hope for tomorrow. We constantly see that the loneliest people in the world are those that do not know the Lord.
There are many situations in life that bring on loneliness such as the separation from a spouse, a family or a friend. Money is not the answer. Rich people are often very lonely. Watching TV, listening to the radio, going to a movie, playing games or visiting with a friend all help time to pass by, but they do not offer a lasting solution to being lonely. These "things" are superficial. They have no substance or lasting value, and cannot provide real satisfaction or sense of fulfillment. This is when loneliness sets in. If you are feeling all alone, now is the time to look to the Lord just as David and Paul did in their time of loneliness. God is waiting to be your friend and to give you comfort and hope for the future.
We have had the opportunity to travel to almost every corner of the world. And in these travels we have noticed the dramatic difference between people that have much and people that have so very little. But even more so we have noticed the difference between people that have a relationship with God [their lives radiate joy] and those who do not [they are mostly lonely, hurting and concerned about their tomorrows]. The contrast is overwhelming. Whether they have many "things" or have nothing really does not make the difference. Without God there is no smile, no hope and nothing but sadness. With God there is a big smile, singing, giving glory to God and excitement just for the opportunity of living. What a contrast to see but a contrast that reminds us that one will always ultimately be lonely without a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ.
We have seen lonely people. We have seen the little boy that has been orphaned because both parents have died. We have seen the lonely mother sobbing because there was no doctor in her village and her child has just died because there was no medicine. We just this year met a young boy who never knew his father and his mother had just died from appendicitis because she could not get to a hospital on time. These people are lonely - but when they have a relationship with God, their loneliness changes to hope and happiness.
Think about the loneliness of Jesus as He was alone in the Garden of Gethsemane just hours before His death on the cross. Just think of His loneliness when He cried out to God on the cross: "My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?" Jesus endured loneliness when He died on the cross. He understood that He alone could pay the penalty of sin committed by all mankind so all of us could have the “blessed hope” of eternal life.
In His hours of total aloneness in the Garden of Gethsemane, who did Jesus turn to? His disciples had let Him down by going to sleep. They were not there for Him in His time of need. If you are feeling all alone and feel no one is there for you, then talk to God. He is waiting and He will not let you down.
Thank You Lord for the sacrifice you made for me by dying on the cross to pay for my sins. And thank You Lord for rising again out of the grave so I can serve a risen Savior. Help me this day to be an encouragement to someone who is lonely. Help me to learn to pray for a world that needs to know Jesus. Bless my family today and thank You for providing for us far beyond what we deserve.
Commitment: October 13, 2009
Defined by Webster:
The act of committing; pledging or engaging oneself; a promise; obligation.
“Commit yourselves to the Lord and serve Him only.” I Samuel 7:3.
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3.
Jesus said: "Whoever commits sin is a slave to sin." John 8:34.
These three scripture verses give us three ways to look at the word COMMITMENT. First, we are to commit OURSELVES to the Lord. Secondly, we are to commit ALL THAT WE DO to the Lord daily. Thirdly, there is a reminder to us that when we commit sin we become a SLAVE TO SIN.
There are numerous times every day when a commitment to or for something is necessary. The most important commitment that one can make in a lifetime is a firm commitment to God. This is the first step in living a life that is pleasing to God. Making a commitment to God is more then going to church, reading the Bible or even praying. A commitment to God is having a relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ. This is what makes Christianity meaningful, unique and different then all other religions. As we develop a closer relationship with God, He will be able to work in and through us and then we can experience God’s blessings.
Other commitments that are important to make in life is a commitment to your spouse, your family, your neighbors, your church, your school and your job. These commitments are vital for one to live a rewarding and fulfilled life. It means more then a promise. A commitment requires action.
We remember when one of our children was in high school and she was very active in sports as well as being her high schools student body president. Frankly, she came to a point in her life when she was "burned out" with sports and she wanted to quit. She had made a commitment to sports and she had an important role to play on the teams. As parents it was our responsibility to remind her that she had made a commitment to her school, her coaches and her teams, and she needed to realize she had an obligation to fulfill that commitment.
She decided to honor her commitments and in return God honored her with success. She never quit and she gave her best to fulfill all of her commitments. This is what commitments are all about. Every day we make commitments. How many do you honor? Commitments are a promise and an obligation.
We come to You today Lord, to renew our commitment to You to live this day honoring Your name. We ask for strength that only You can give for us to meet every commitment we have made for today. We commit our works, our deeds and our thoughts to You. We pray that You will give us opportunities to help others to know You as their Lord. We ask You to bless our family, our friends, our Church and the world we live in with a special blessing from You today.
Defined by Webster:
The act of committing; pledging or engaging oneself; a promise; obligation.
“Commit yourselves to the Lord and serve Him only.” I Samuel 7:3.
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3.
Jesus said: "Whoever commits sin is a slave to sin." John 8:34.
These three scripture verses give us three ways to look at the word COMMITMENT. First, we are to commit OURSELVES to the Lord. Secondly, we are to commit ALL THAT WE DO to the Lord daily. Thirdly, there is a reminder to us that when we commit sin we become a SLAVE TO SIN.
There are numerous times every day when a commitment to or for something is necessary. The most important commitment that one can make in a lifetime is a firm commitment to God. This is the first step in living a life that is pleasing to God. Making a commitment to God is more then going to church, reading the Bible or even praying. A commitment to God is having a relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ. This is what makes Christianity meaningful, unique and different then all other religions. As we develop a closer relationship with God, He will be able to work in and through us and then we can experience God’s blessings.
Other commitments that are important to make in life is a commitment to your spouse, your family, your neighbors, your church, your school and your job. These commitments are vital for one to live a rewarding and fulfilled life. It means more then a promise. A commitment requires action.
We remember when one of our children was in high school and she was very active in sports as well as being her high schools student body president. Frankly, she came to a point in her life when she was "burned out" with sports and she wanted to quit. She had made a commitment to sports and she had an important role to play on the teams. As parents it was our responsibility to remind her that she had made a commitment to her school, her coaches and her teams, and she needed to realize she had an obligation to fulfill that commitment.
She decided to honor her commitments and in return God honored her with success. She never quit and she gave her best to fulfill all of her commitments. This is what commitments are all about. Every day we make commitments. How many do you honor? Commitments are a promise and an obligation.
We come to You today Lord, to renew our commitment to You to live this day honoring Your name. We ask for strength that only You can give for us to meet every commitment we have made for today. We commit our works, our deeds and our thoughts to You. We pray that You will give us opportunities to help others to know You as their Lord. We ask You to bless our family, our friends, our Church and the world we live in with a special blessing from You today.
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