February 28, 2010
Complaining: February 26, 2010
Express pain or resentment; find fault; make a formal charge.
“Do all things without complaining and disputing.” Philippians 2:14.
It seems to us that there are people in our world that seem to have been born to complain. We have known people, down through the years that have complained about something almost every time we met them. Some people complain so much that they must wake up every morning thinking of things to complain about.
Just take a moment now and think back to the most recent times when you have complained about something. What was your mind set like at the time you were complaining? Most complaining stems from dissatisfaction with things as they are.
When the weather is hot people will complain about the heat and when it gets cold they will complain of the cold. And the person that is the recipient of your complaint most likely did not cause the issue nor can do anything to solve your complaint. We become discontent when we focus on what we do not have instead of being thankful for what we have.
Moses had to endure much complaining from the Israelites as he was leading them to the Promised Land. The Israelites had suffered terribly during the years they were slaves in Egypt. Just three days after Moses led them from the Red sea on their journey to the Promised Land they complained about the hardship of traveling in the desert.
They complained to Moses that they had no water. Moses prayed to God and God provided a source of water. A month and a half later they complained about a lack of food and longed to be back in Egypt. God provided manna from heaven for them. Then they complained that they had only manna and longed for the meat they had in Egypt.
At this point Moses was completely discouraged by all the complaining. Moses complained to God asking God why He had put the burden of all the Israelites on him. (Numbers 11:11) God answered by providing quail for them to eat.
The Israelites had short memories. They quickly forgot all that the Lord had done for them. All they thought about was what they did not have.
Jesus and His disciples often visited the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. On one visit Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to what He had to say. Martha was busy with the preparations of the food and began to feel sorry for herself so she complained to Jesus and asked Him to tell Mary to get up and help. Jesus responded, “Martha, Martha, you are troubled about many things. But one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” What Jesus was telling Martha was that she worried more about doing things for Jesus than spending time with Him.
Did you notice that in Jesus’ response He said Martha was troubled about many things? Martha was sincere in her desire to serve but sincerely wrong in her attitude. She had a difficult time doing “all things without complaining.”
We all have times in our lives when we feel that others are not doing their part and our reaction is to complain. Paul encourages us in Philippians to ---
--- because we are God’s representatives to the world. Our conduct and attitude must reflect that we have Christ in our life. When you react this way you will accomplish two things. Personally you will reduce dramatically the times you complain. Secondly your family and friends will see a new person in you.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
Help me not to complain about the “things” I do not have. Help me to thank You for all that I do have. Touch my heart today and help me to realize that all I need is You. Give me a spirit of thankfulness and love and contentment.
Express pain or resentment; find fault; make a formal charge.
“Do all things without complaining and disputing.” Philippians 2:14.
It seems to us that there are people in our world that seem to have been born to complain. We have known people, down through the years that have complained about something almost every time we met them. Some people complain so much that they must wake up every morning thinking of things to complain about.
Just take a moment now and think back to the most recent times when you have complained about something. What was your mind set like at the time you were complaining? Most complaining stems from dissatisfaction with things as they are.
When the weather is hot people will complain about the heat and when it gets cold they will complain of the cold. And the person that is the recipient of your complaint most likely did not cause the issue nor can do anything to solve your complaint. We become discontent when we focus on what we do not have instead of being thankful for what we have.
Moses had to endure much complaining from the Israelites as he was leading them to the Promised Land. The Israelites had suffered terribly during the years they were slaves in Egypt. Just three days after Moses led them from the Red sea on their journey to the Promised Land they complained about the hardship of traveling in the desert.
They complained to Moses that they had no water. Moses prayed to God and God provided a source of water. A month and a half later they complained about a lack of food and longed to be back in Egypt. God provided manna from heaven for them. Then they complained that they had only manna and longed for the meat they had in Egypt.
At this point Moses was completely discouraged by all the complaining. Moses complained to God asking God why He had put the burden of all the Israelites on him. (Numbers 11:11) God answered by providing quail for them to eat.
The Israelites had short memories. They quickly forgot all that the Lord had done for them. All they thought about was what they did not have.
Jesus and His disciples often visited the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. On one visit Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to what He had to say. Martha was busy with the preparations of the food and began to feel sorry for herself so she complained to Jesus and asked Him to tell Mary to get up and help. Jesus responded, “Martha, Martha, you are troubled about many things. But one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” What Jesus was telling Martha was that she worried more about doing things for Jesus than spending time with Him.
Did you notice that in Jesus’ response He said Martha was troubled about many things? Martha was sincere in her desire to serve but sincerely wrong in her attitude. She had a difficult time doing “all things without complaining.”
We all have times in our lives when we feel that others are not doing their part and our reaction is to complain. Paul encourages us in Philippians to ---
--- because we are God’s representatives to the world. Our conduct and attitude must reflect that we have Christ in our life. When you react this way you will accomplish two things. Personally you will reduce dramatically the times you complain. Secondly your family and friends will see a new person in you.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
Help me not to complain about the “things” I do not have. Help me to thank You for all that I do have. Touch my heart today and help me to realize that all I need is You. Give me a spirit of thankfulness and love and contentment.
Influence: February 25, 2010
Power to control or affect others by authority; persuasive; example; a person or thing that exerts power.
“I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.” Romans 1:8
As Solomon grew older, his wives turned his heart after other gods. I Kings 11:4.
Think of all of the influences that affect your life today. The peer pressure on adults as well as on children is enormous. This peer pressure is normally negative influences. The world we live in today is basically evil and most people do what they think is best for themselves with no concern about anyone else and least of all whether it is the right thing.
There are also the influences of television commercials and television programs, the newspapers and magazines, the internet and even talk radio and television news programs. Most of the influence is negative but there are some influences that are positive. As believers we need to be alert to see the difference between the good and the bad.
Do you succumb to these negative influences in your life? If you do you are a follower and not a leader. If you are a follower you will react favorably to almost every influence that comes to you in life without thinking. If someone says to you jump, you will respond by asking how far?
In the Old Testament we have the recorded history of Israel from its beginning, when God promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation, right through to its destruction. The decline of Israel was caused by evil influences of those who did not love God and the Israelites never learned.
God planned that Israel would be a nation led by God through the guidance and God-given authority of the priests, the judges and the prophets. The decline of Israel began with the death of the high-priest Eli. Then Eli’s sons, the new priests, turned evil, choosing not to follow Eli’s Godly example. With the decline of the influence of the priesthood, the nation of Israel became susceptible to the influence of the pagan nations surrounding them.
The Israelites rejected God’s leadership and decided they wanted a king to lead them. They went to Samuel and asked him to “appoint a king to lead them such as all the other nations around them have.” Samuel warned them that they were rejecting God and would come to regret it. And the day would come when they would cry out for relief from the rule of their king.
Saul was a good and successful king in the beginning but later he disobeyed God. After Saul came David who was Israel’s most Godly king. Then Came Solomon and he started out well until he made the mistake of marrying women from foreign nations. In I Kings 11 we are told that he had 700 wives and 300 concubines and that his wives led him astray. In verse 4 we read that his wives turned his heart after other gods.
Solomon allowed pagan influences to corrupt him and it accelerated the decline of Israel. Then after Solomon died, Israel was divided into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah. Both kingdoms fell more and more under the influence of the ungodly nations and eventually were conquered and were taken as exiles to foreign nations.
There are also many positive influences on people’s lives today. It is our responsibility as believers to take advantage of these positive influences and build on them.
The apostle Paul was a positive influence on the lives of those who became believers in the first century. From Paul’s letters to the churches in Philippi, Thessalonica and Corinth, we find that they were being influenced by others teaching false doctrine. In his letters, Paul confronted these issues and corrected them and then exhorted them not to allow false teachings to influence them.
Paul encourages them to be strong in their commitment to Christ so that they would be a positive influence in a corrupt world. Paul in I Corinthians tells that church to “IMITATE ME, JUST AS I IMITATE CHRIST.” When we imitate Christ in our lives we will have a positive influence on each person that our lives touch daily.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them he gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
Help me today to be an influence for good on someone’s life. May people who are with me today see You through me. Help me to glorify Your name and be a shining light to a world that is living in darkness.
Power to control or affect others by authority; persuasive; example; a person or thing that exerts power.
“I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.” Romans 1:8
As Solomon grew older, his wives turned his heart after other gods. I Kings 11:4.
Think of all of the influences that affect your life today. The peer pressure on adults as well as on children is enormous. This peer pressure is normally negative influences. The world we live in today is basically evil and most people do what they think is best for themselves with no concern about anyone else and least of all whether it is the right thing.
There are also the influences of television commercials and television programs, the newspapers and magazines, the internet and even talk radio and television news programs. Most of the influence is negative but there are some influences that are positive. As believers we need to be alert to see the difference between the good and the bad.
Do you succumb to these negative influences in your life? If you do you are a follower and not a leader. If you are a follower you will react favorably to almost every influence that comes to you in life without thinking. If someone says to you jump, you will respond by asking how far?
In the Old Testament we have the recorded history of Israel from its beginning, when God promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation, right through to its destruction. The decline of Israel was caused by evil influences of those who did not love God and the Israelites never learned.
God planned that Israel would be a nation led by God through the guidance and God-given authority of the priests, the judges and the prophets. The decline of Israel began with the death of the high-priest Eli. Then Eli’s sons, the new priests, turned evil, choosing not to follow Eli’s Godly example. With the decline of the influence of the priesthood, the nation of Israel became susceptible to the influence of the pagan nations surrounding them.
The Israelites rejected God’s leadership and decided they wanted a king to lead them. They went to Samuel and asked him to “appoint a king to lead them such as all the other nations around them have.” Samuel warned them that they were rejecting God and would come to regret it. And the day would come when they would cry out for relief from the rule of their king.
Saul was a good and successful king in the beginning but later he disobeyed God. After Saul came David who was Israel’s most Godly king. Then Came Solomon and he started out well until he made the mistake of marrying women from foreign nations. In I Kings 11 we are told that he had 700 wives and 300 concubines and that his wives led him astray. In verse 4 we read that his wives turned his heart after other gods.
Solomon allowed pagan influences to corrupt him and it accelerated the decline of Israel. Then after Solomon died, Israel was divided into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah. Both kingdoms fell more and more under the influence of the ungodly nations and eventually were conquered and were taken as exiles to foreign nations.
There are also many positive influences on people’s lives today. It is our responsibility as believers to take advantage of these positive influences and build on them.
The apostle Paul was a positive influence on the lives of those who became believers in the first century. From Paul’s letters to the churches in Philippi, Thessalonica and Corinth, we find that they were being influenced by others teaching false doctrine. In his letters, Paul confronted these issues and corrected them and then exhorted them not to allow false teachings to influence them.
Paul encourages them to be strong in their commitment to Christ so that they would be a positive influence in a corrupt world. Paul in I Corinthians tells that church to “IMITATE ME, JUST AS I IMITATE CHRIST.” When we imitate Christ in our lives we will have a positive influence on each person that our lives touch daily.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them he gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
Help me today to be an influence for good on someone’s life. May people who are with me today see You through me. Help me to glorify Your name and be a shining light to a world that is living in darkness.
Blessed: February 24, 2010
Praiseworthy; Consecrated by a religious rite; invoke God’s favor upon; make happy; fortunate or prosperous.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3.
Most everyone that has read the Bible realizes that Old Testament people lived under the age of law based on the Ten Commandments. However after Christ’s earthly ministry, He gave us the “BLESSED HOPE” of His return for those of us that have put our trust in Him.
This “BLESSED HOPE” is the most important aspect of our knowing Jesus as our Savior. Every believer that has accepted Jesus as Savior is looking for that Blessed hope of His coming again to take us with Him. This “BLESSED HOPE” is prophesied many times. In fact for every prophecy recorded in the Bible concerning the first coming of Jesus, there are eight prophecies on His second coming --- which is our” BLESSED HOPE.” In fact to make sure that we understood that Jesus was coming again, the second time, there are 2,163 references in the scriptures. Let us all as believers look forward to that day.
In Matthew chapter five we read the words of Jesus, as He preached the Sermon on the Mount, about what we call the Beatitudes. Jesus told the multitudes that were listening, the words that have been mentioned often down through the centuries. Jesus said, blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those that mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are the hungry, blessed are the merciful, blessed are the pure in heart, blessed are the peacemakers, and blessed are the persecuted.
Through this Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was clarifying whom He blessed. He set a standard in this sermon that He honored thereafter and expects believers today to do the same. Today Jesus blesses us when we honor Him.
When the building of the Temple was complete and the Ark of the Covenant was put in place, Solomon (I Kings 8:56-61) first prayed and praised God for His blessing on the building of the Temple. And then the scripture says that Solomon rose from his knees, as he was kneeling in front of the Ark praying to God, and spread his hands to the heavens and blessed all the assembly of Israel with a loud voice saying: “Blessed be the Lord.”
Solomon recognized that Israel had been blessed and their blessings come from God and he praised God for those blessings.
Daily God blesses us as it is written in James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” Just as Solomon gave his praise to God, we should give praise to God for all the ways he has blessed us.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
Help me to count my blessings each day. Thank You for the way You have blessed my life and the lives of my family. Help me to be a blessing to others today.
Praiseworthy; Consecrated by a religious rite; invoke God’s favor upon; make happy; fortunate or prosperous.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3.
Most everyone that has read the Bible realizes that Old Testament people lived under the age of law based on the Ten Commandments. However after Christ’s earthly ministry, He gave us the “BLESSED HOPE” of His return for those of us that have put our trust in Him.
This “BLESSED HOPE” is the most important aspect of our knowing Jesus as our Savior. Every believer that has accepted Jesus as Savior is looking for that Blessed hope of His coming again to take us with Him. This “BLESSED HOPE” is prophesied many times. In fact for every prophecy recorded in the Bible concerning the first coming of Jesus, there are eight prophecies on His second coming --- which is our” BLESSED HOPE.” In fact to make sure that we understood that Jesus was coming again, the second time, there are 2,163 references in the scriptures. Let us all as believers look forward to that day.
In Matthew chapter five we read the words of Jesus, as He preached the Sermon on the Mount, about what we call the Beatitudes. Jesus told the multitudes that were listening, the words that have been mentioned often down through the centuries. Jesus said, blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those that mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are the hungry, blessed are the merciful, blessed are the pure in heart, blessed are the peacemakers, and blessed are the persecuted.
Through this Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was clarifying whom He blessed. He set a standard in this sermon that He honored thereafter and expects believers today to do the same. Today Jesus blesses us when we honor Him.
When the building of the Temple was complete and the Ark of the Covenant was put in place, Solomon (I Kings 8:56-61) first prayed and praised God for His blessing on the building of the Temple. And then the scripture says that Solomon rose from his knees, as he was kneeling in front of the Ark praying to God, and spread his hands to the heavens and blessed all the assembly of Israel with a loud voice saying: “Blessed be the Lord.”
Solomon recognized that Israel had been blessed and their blessings come from God and he praised God for those blessings.
Daily God blesses us as it is written in James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” Just as Solomon gave his praise to God, we should give praise to God for all the ways he has blessed us.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
Help me to count my blessings each day. Thank You for the way You have blessed my life and the lives of my family. Help me to be a blessing to others today.
Cares: February 23, 2010
Have an indication of affection; to show due concerns and interest; heed; solicitude; anxiety; a cause of worry; concerned.
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7.
Do you ever have the feeling that nobody cares? We have talked to many children and adults that really feel that nobody cares for them. In many cases we understood why they felt that way.
There was the young girl about nine years old living in a lean-to shanty house on a garbage dump in the Philippians. She sat alone wondering if someone would come and help her family. Did anyone really care?
There was the mother crying for help in a hospital in Honduras. All she wanted was some medicine for her baby son who had cancer. He was so sick and the doctors said that without medicine there was no hope. Did anyone care?
And right here in America we talked to a man about 50 years old who came to accept Jesus as his Savior but said he was not sure why, because he had nothing to live for. He lived on the street and did not have a family or a friend.
We are sure that there have been moments, maybe not quite as dramatic, when you felt nobody cared for you. When you have your lonely moments and wonder if anyone cares, where do you turn to? The scripture that we have written above tells us to put all of our cares in the hands of Jesus, because He cares for us.
Let us remind you of the story you know well from the fifteenth chapter of Luke concerning the father and his prodigal son. The son had left home with all his riches and spent it all. Once his money was gone everyone deserted him. He was hungry and alone and felt no one cared for him.
The son knew his father was a caring man who treated his hired help well. He decided to return to his father and admit he had been wrong and did not deserve to be called a son. He determined he would ask his father to make him one of his hired men. When the father saw his son returning he ran to meet him and welcomed him home. The father prepared a feast to celebrate his son’s return.
Jesus used this parable to illustrate how much our heavenly Father cares about us. There is great celebration in heaven for every sinner who comes to God in repentance.
Jesus cares about every need in our life. He cares when we are hungry, when we are sick and when we are in sorrow. In Matthew 15:32 we see Jesus caring for the hungry when He fed the 4,000. Jesus said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry.”
In Matthew 14:14 we read that Jesus had compassion for the sick and healed them. When Lazarus died, Mary went to find Jesus and tell Him about his death, Jesus saw her weeping in sorrow and He was moved with compassion. John 11:35 tells us that “Jesus wept.”
The Bible is also very clear for us that as Children of God, when God blesses us with time, talent and treasure He expects us to show care to others as we use what He has given us.
In Luke 12:48 Jesus said, “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much, much more has been committed, of him they will ask more.”
And then there are many references in the Bible that reminds us to be available to help and care for the poor. In Luke 14:13-14, Jesus said, “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”
Just as God cares for you in your time of need, He wants all of His children to care for those around them in their time of need.
When you feel that no one cares for you then take a moment to read the verse we put above from I Peter. YES --- if you cast all of your cares to Jesus, He will care for you. We can be assured that Jesus cares for us and that when we come to Him, He will welcome us just as the father welcomed the prodigal son when he returned. Your friends, family and neighbors may let you down but your Lord never will.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
Thank You for the promise that You have given me that if I cast all my cares upon You that You will care for me. May I learn this principle in my life so that I can share with others how much You care for them?
Have an indication of affection; to show due concerns and interest; heed; solicitude; anxiety; a cause of worry; concerned.
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7.
Do you ever have the feeling that nobody cares? We have talked to many children and adults that really feel that nobody cares for them. In many cases we understood why they felt that way.
There was the young girl about nine years old living in a lean-to shanty house on a garbage dump in the Philippians. She sat alone wondering if someone would come and help her family. Did anyone really care?
There was the mother crying for help in a hospital in Honduras. All she wanted was some medicine for her baby son who had cancer. He was so sick and the doctors said that without medicine there was no hope. Did anyone care?
And right here in America we talked to a man about 50 years old who came to accept Jesus as his Savior but said he was not sure why, because he had nothing to live for. He lived on the street and did not have a family or a friend.
We are sure that there have been moments, maybe not quite as dramatic, when you felt nobody cared for you. When you have your lonely moments and wonder if anyone cares, where do you turn to? The scripture that we have written above tells us to put all of our cares in the hands of Jesus, because He cares for us.
Let us remind you of the story you know well from the fifteenth chapter of Luke concerning the father and his prodigal son. The son had left home with all his riches and spent it all. Once his money was gone everyone deserted him. He was hungry and alone and felt no one cared for him.
The son knew his father was a caring man who treated his hired help well. He decided to return to his father and admit he had been wrong and did not deserve to be called a son. He determined he would ask his father to make him one of his hired men. When the father saw his son returning he ran to meet him and welcomed him home. The father prepared a feast to celebrate his son’s return.
Jesus used this parable to illustrate how much our heavenly Father cares about us. There is great celebration in heaven for every sinner who comes to God in repentance.
Jesus cares about every need in our life. He cares when we are hungry, when we are sick and when we are in sorrow. In Matthew 15:32 we see Jesus caring for the hungry when He fed the 4,000. Jesus said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry.”
In Matthew 14:14 we read that Jesus had compassion for the sick and healed them. When Lazarus died, Mary went to find Jesus and tell Him about his death, Jesus saw her weeping in sorrow and He was moved with compassion. John 11:35 tells us that “Jesus wept.”
The Bible is also very clear for us that as Children of God, when God blesses us with time, talent and treasure He expects us to show care to others as we use what He has given us.
In Luke 12:48 Jesus said, “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much, much more has been committed, of him they will ask more.”
And then there are many references in the Bible that reminds us to be available to help and care for the poor. In Luke 14:13-14, Jesus said, “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”
Just as God cares for you in your time of need, He wants all of His children to care for those around them in their time of need.
When you feel that no one cares for you then take a moment to read the verse we put above from I Peter. YES --- if you cast all of your cares to Jesus, He will care for you. We can be assured that Jesus cares for us and that when we come to Him, He will welcome us just as the father welcomed the prodigal son when he returned. Your friends, family and neighbors may let you down but your Lord never will.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
Thank You for the promise that You have given me that if I cast all my cares upon You that You will care for me. May I learn this principle in my life so that I can share with others how much You care for them?
Children: February 22, 2010
A young human off spring; a young person between infancy and youth.
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God. And this is what we are beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” I John 3:1-2.
Let us remind you that as a believer in Jesus Christ, you are part of a family. John reminds us in the verse written above that we are children of God. God is our Father and He sacrificed His Son to die on the cross in order to pay the penalty for our sins.
The Bible has a lot to say about our children and relates those thoughts to our being a child of God. In Ephesians chapter six as well as in Colossians the third chapter we are told that children are to obey their parents. They are also to honor their parents.
In Proverbs 22:6 we are told as parents that we are to train our children in the way they should go and when they grow up they will not turn away from God. In Psalm 127: 3 we are told that children are our heritage. And when we read about John the Baptist as a boy we read about him being a joy and delight to his parents. (Luke 1:14-15).
These same attributes can be related to us as believers in our relationship to God as children of God. We are to obey our Father. We are to honor our Father. We are to read the Bible so that God through His Word can train us so that as we grow as Christians we will mature in our Christian faith. God, our Father considers us as His heritage and wants us to be a joy and delight to Him.
Child rearing today is a tremendous responsibility to parents. Children are being buffeted by so many outside forces that today’s parents never faced as children. Self will is the root of most sin and misery and if checked at an early age it promotes future happiness. Children, who are allowed to do as they please, will most likely live a life that leads to their destruction.
As any parent knows, children do not come with instruction manuals, and no two children are alike. In raising children today, many parents struggle with discipline. Some parents are afraid to discipline their children at all and others are all too harsh to the point of being cruel and abusive.
We are instructed in Proverbs 23:13, “Do not withhold discipline from a child, if you punish him with a rod he will not die.” Just as God disciplines us, we are to discipline our children.
As a child, both of us received a few well deserved “spankings” along with some other forms of discipline such as a loss of a privilege. The threat of the spanking was worse than the actuality of it, but it did get the point across when nothing else did. The spankings stung our pride more than our bodies and it made us understand the seriousness of our misbehavior.
Yes, our children did get a spanking when nothing else was working. In this day and age parents here in America are fearful that if they “spank or hit” their child, they would be accused of child abuse so because of this fear they are fearful of using any discipline. This should not be. Children need just and fair discipline to help them become responsible adults.
As Children of God we face today many forces of evil in our lives but the good news is that as Children of God, He will be always there for us. Jesus loves His children. In Matthew 19:14, while He was on this earth, we are told that the disciples tried to shield Jesus from the children. But Jesus responded by saying: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Yes, Jesus loves the little children and as a child of God, we can be assured that He loves us.
Rejoice with us today as we are Children of God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them he gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
I thank You, my Heavenly Father, that You love me so much that I am now a child of God. And as a child help me to learn from You, my Father, great and powerful things. Help me to love You with all my heart and guide me as I train my children to love You and serve You with complete confidence.
A young human off spring; a young person between infancy and youth.
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God. And this is what we are beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” I John 3:1-2.
Let us remind you that as a believer in Jesus Christ, you are part of a family. John reminds us in the verse written above that we are children of God. God is our Father and He sacrificed His Son to die on the cross in order to pay the penalty for our sins.
The Bible has a lot to say about our children and relates those thoughts to our being a child of God. In Ephesians chapter six as well as in Colossians the third chapter we are told that children are to obey their parents. They are also to honor their parents.
In Proverbs 22:6 we are told as parents that we are to train our children in the way they should go and when they grow up they will not turn away from God. In Psalm 127: 3 we are told that children are our heritage. And when we read about John the Baptist as a boy we read about him being a joy and delight to his parents. (Luke 1:14-15).
These same attributes can be related to us as believers in our relationship to God as children of God. We are to obey our Father. We are to honor our Father. We are to read the Bible so that God through His Word can train us so that as we grow as Christians we will mature in our Christian faith. God, our Father considers us as His heritage and wants us to be a joy and delight to Him.
Child rearing today is a tremendous responsibility to parents. Children are being buffeted by so many outside forces that today’s parents never faced as children. Self will is the root of most sin and misery and if checked at an early age it promotes future happiness. Children, who are allowed to do as they please, will most likely live a life that leads to their destruction.
As any parent knows, children do not come with instruction manuals, and no two children are alike. In raising children today, many parents struggle with discipline. Some parents are afraid to discipline their children at all and others are all too harsh to the point of being cruel and abusive.
We are instructed in Proverbs 23:13, “Do not withhold discipline from a child, if you punish him with a rod he will not die.” Just as God disciplines us, we are to discipline our children.
As a child, both of us received a few well deserved “spankings” along with some other forms of discipline such as a loss of a privilege. The threat of the spanking was worse than the actuality of it, but it did get the point across when nothing else did. The spankings stung our pride more than our bodies and it made us understand the seriousness of our misbehavior.
Yes, our children did get a spanking when nothing else was working. In this day and age parents here in America are fearful that if they “spank or hit” their child, they would be accused of child abuse so because of this fear they are fearful of using any discipline. This should not be. Children need just and fair discipline to help them become responsible adults.
As Children of God we face today many forces of evil in our lives but the good news is that as Children of God, He will be always there for us. Jesus loves His children. In Matthew 19:14, while He was on this earth, we are told that the disciples tried to shield Jesus from the children. But Jesus responded by saying: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Yes, Jesus loves the little children and as a child of God, we can be assured that He loves us.
Rejoice with us today as we are Children of God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in John 1:12.
But as many as received Him, to them he gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
I thank You, my Heavenly Father, that You love me so much that I am now a child of God. And as a child help me to learn from You, my Father, great and powerful things. Help me to love You with all my heart and guide me as I train my children to love You and serve You with complete confidence.
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