October 25, 2009

Prosper: October 23, 2009



Defined by Webster:
To be successful or fortunate; thrive; flourish; to make successful or fortunate.


“If you do not obey the Lord your God --- you shall not prosper in your ways.” Deuteronomy 28:15&29.

He sought God in the days of Zechariah and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.” II Chronicles 26:5.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122:6

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” III John 2.


We all want to prosper and be successful. Moses was very specific in Deuteronomy chapter 28 in telling the Children of Israel what they must do if they wanted to receive God’s blessings and prosper in life. They must obey the Lord their God and carefully follow all His commandments. (Verse 1) In the following verses he lists the blessings they would receive. In verses 15-68, Moses details the curses that will come on them for disobedience. Moses warned them if they disobeyed God they would not prosper. Are you living in disobedience to God and wondering why everything is going wrong?

In II Chronicles 26, we read of Uzziah who became King of Judah at the age of 16. It is recorded that as a younger child when Uzziah was living under King Zechariah, he continually sought God in all that he did. When he became King, God said that as long as he sought Him, he would prosper. Notice that the verse says “as long as.” For a time Uzziah was obedient to God and did prosper. Unfortunately he became proud which led him to be unfaithful to God. God afflicted him with leprosy until the day he died.

Psalms 22:6 instructs us as Christians to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The Psalmist here says if we do God will prosper us. Do you pray for this each day? God expects us to do this. God’s chosen people turned away from Him but God has never turned away from them.

And finally John in his third book writes to Gaius, who he calls the beloved believer in this first century church. Because of his faithfulness to God and his ability to walk daily in truth, John prays that God will prosper him in all things and give him good health. Likewise, we as Christians are to pray for our fellow believers and ask God to bless them in their faithfulness to the Lord.

Our prayer for you today is that God will prosper you in all that you do. But remember it will only happen if you obey God’s commands, continually seek God, pray for the peace of Israel and be faithful and truthful in all you do for the Lord.


Thank You for giving me these illustrations from the past that challenge me to honor You in all that I do so I may prosper. Help me to understand that prospering means that I will receive Your blessings on my life. As I prosper may my family and my friends see Christ in me and may they give up their worldly traits and honor You in all that they do. Help me to pray daily for my family, my friends, my fellow believers and for the peace of Jerusalem.

Sin: Ocrtober 22, 2009



Defined by Webster:
Transgression of divine law; a will for violation of some religious or moral principle; any reprehensible action.


“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” I Corinthians 15:22.


In the Garden of Eden God had created a perfect world and a perfect life for Adam and Eve. In one brief moment of doubt and rebellion, Adam and Eve’s life was changed forever. For the first time Adam and Eve felt guilt, embarrassment, discord in their marriage and fear. The consequences for their sin became our consequences as well.

When Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden, their fellowship and relationship with God was broken. Mankind will continue to reap the wages of sin (above verse) which are physical and spiritual death, until the Lord Jesus Christ returns to this planet to put an end to sin and death forever. Sin separates a sinner (the Bible says we are all sinners) from God’s mercy and death.

In the days of Noah, people turned away from God and the result was the flood. Moses was a genuine man of God and even he sinned against God and had to pay the consequences. The children of Israel were rebelling against Moses because they had no water. God told Moses to speak to the rock, but instead Moses disobeyed God’s instructions and struck the rock twice. Moses not only disobeyed God, but he did not show honor to God in front of his people. The consequence was that God did not allow Moses to go into the Promise land with the Children of Israel. (Numbers Chapter 20).

In some situations consequences come later but in the case of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts chapter 5) the consequence was immediate. First Ananias lied to Peter about a sum of money he was giving to God. Peter replied that he had not lied to man but to God. Ananias immediately fell to the ground and died. Then the scripture says that about three hours later Sapphira, not knowing what had happened to her husband, also lied and dropped to the floor and died.

Sooner or later we will pay the consequences of sin. The Bible leaves no doubt that the wages of sin is death. Now is the time to ask God for forgiveness and accept God’s gift of eternal life through His Son Jesus. Please do not delay! As the scripture says, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!


Thank You for the wonderful gift You have given me of eternal life through Your Son Jesus. Make me aware constantly of the result of sin. Help me to be a testimony to all I meet that they may see Christ in me and through me.

Hell: October 21, 2009



Defined by Webster:
The place of punishment of the wicked after death; the abode of evil and condemned spirits; any place or state of torment or misery.


The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:17.

“Then He will say to those on the left hand, depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Matthew 25:41.


Hell is not fictional. Hell is a real place for real people who reject the only true God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. (John 3:36) The verse above from Psalms says that the wicked shall be sent to Hell.

In Acts 1:25 we are told that hell is the sinner’s own place of torment. After Judas betrayed Jesus and seeing Him die on the cross, he was remorseful. He returned to the chief priests and elders and tried to make restitution. The scripture says that after he threw down the 30 pieces of silver, he received for betraying Jesus, at the feet of the chief Priest, Judas went out and hanged himself. As a result of his own transgression, Judas went to “his own place.”

In the verse above from Matthew we see that hell is an eternal place that God prepared for Satan and his angels. They are anti-God and have no choice but to go to hell. We have a choice. We can choose Satan’s prepared hell or the heaven which God has prepared for those who believe in Him.

The day before Jesus died on the cross He said to His eleven disciples: “Let not your heart be troubled, I go to prepare a place for you.” That place that He is preparing for us is in His “Fathers house,” which is heaven. The choice we have is either Hell, which is prepared for Satan, his angels or those who follow him or Heaven, the place in God’s house that Jesus has prepared for those who follow Him.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14, “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction (death in hell) and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, (heaven) and only a few find it.” Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

You have a choice either to follow the many on the broad way that leads to eternal hell or you can join the few and follow Jesus on the narrow road that leads to eternal life in heaven.

When people are angry with someone we often hear the words “Go to Hell.” People do not think how awful that statement is. Hell is eternal and when one is once there, there is no escape. Hell is a place of eternal fire, a place of darkness and a place of torment. In Matthew 13:50 we are told that those that are in Hell will weep and gnash their teeth.


Thank You for preparing a place in heaven for me. Thank You for sending Your Son to this earth to pay the penalty for my sins. And thank You for taking Jesus back to heaven to prepare a place for me for eternity. Give me a new dedication and drive to reach out to those who I talk to today to tell them that Jesus loves them.

Satan Part Two: October 20, 2009



Defined by Webster:
The chief evil spirit; the devil.


Thus says the Lord God: “You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering --- you were the anointed cherub, I established you, you were the holy mountain of God, you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, til iniquity was found in you.” Ezekiel 28:11-15


Satan is the chief evil spirit in the world. He is known to most people as the devil. The verses above tell us that God created Satan and he was created perfect until iniquity was discovered in him. In talking about the origin of Satan, the scriptures tell us that he was the “seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.” He was God’s appointed cherub, an Angel. He was not just an Angel but was God’s anointed cherub who was assigned by God to cover the throne.

Satan fell from his original exalted position when he decided to put his self-will above God’s perfect will. Five times in Isaiah 14:12-15 Satan said “I WILL.”

• I will ascend into heaven.
• I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
• I will sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest side of the north.
• I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
• I will be like the most high.

Satan had become puffed up with pride and wanted to exalt himself above God. Satan’s prideful self-will became his downfall. When Satan was cast out of heaven he became “prince (ruler) of this world.” Satan fell from what God had given him, all because he wanted his will to be above God’s will.

Satan began his work in the garden of Eden, God’s garden and he will continue “seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8) until he is cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:10) You need to be aware of some of Satan’s work:
• He snares the unbeliever and takes him captive to do his work. (II Timothy 2:26)
• He entices man to commit evil. (I Thessalonians 3:5)
• He has the power of death. (Hebrews 2:14)
• He motivates professing believers to betray Christ. (John 13:2)
• He inspires believers to lie to God. (Acts 5:1-11)
• He enters into people and causes them to do his will. (John 13:21-27)
• He has the power to steal the Word of God from the hearts of those who hear the Word of God, but do not understand it. (Matthew 13:19)
• He blinds the minds of unbelievers to keep them from being saved. (II Corinthians 4:4)
• He will work through the Antichrist in the great tribulation. (II Thessalonians 2:8-12)

Satan is “bad news” but there is “GOOD NEWS”. God is greater than Satan. Satan is powerful but God has limited his power. Jesus’ resurrection, after He died on the cross, destroyed Satan’s power over death. Our faith in God and His Son Jesus, gives us victory over Satan and death. Satan never gives up so we must be wary of his attempts to entice us away from the Lord and we must stand firm in what we believe.


Give me strength today to stand firm against the devil. Help me to rely on You in all that I do and keep me looking up to You for direction and strength to meet every challenge and decision I face. May my life shine brightly for You and may others see Christ radiate through my words and deeds.

Heaven: October 19, 2009



Defined by Webster:
The abode of God; the angels and the spirits of the righteous after death; the place or state of existence of the blessed after the mortal life.


This is what the Lord says: “Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool --- My hands have made both heaven and earth, they and everything in them are mine.” Isaiah 66:1-2.

“For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent Me, not to do My own will.” John 6:38

When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them He was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right side. Mark 16:19


These verses from the Bible that we have listed above cover three major thoughts we would like to share with you. First the verse from Isaiah reminds us that God created the heaven and the earth and the entire universe which are His dwelling places. Secondly, the verse from John reminds us that Jesus came down to earth from heaven to do the will of God. And finally, the verse in Mark reminds us that Jesus ascended back into heaven when His work on earth was done to prepare for us a home in heaven.

Heaven, we know, is a place. In John 14:2 Jesus tells us that “In My Father’s house are many mansions --- I go to prepare a place for you.” Heaven is as real of a place as the place you were born at. It is called a city whose maker and builder is God (Hebrews 11:10). In I Kings 8:23 we are told that heaven is above the earth. In Matthew 5:16 we are told that it is the place where God the Father dwells. So we can be certain that heaven is a place.

Heaven is a place prepared for the “Saints” of God. A “Saint” is one who by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ has been spiritually born into the family of God. As members of the family of God, the apostle Paul reminds us in Colossians 3:2 to “Set your minds on things above (heaven), not on things on earth.” Faith in Jesus as our Savior changes our focus and our priorities away from temporal things on earth to heavenly things that are everlasting.

Heaven is an eternal place. What a glorious place for we as believers in Jesus can look forward too. This is where we will spend eternity. Are you ready? Have you accepted Jesus into your heart? If you have not, be sure to read the next two days devotionals. Possibly they will motivate you to action!


Thank You dear Lord for the “Blessed Hope” that we have to spend an eternity with You in heaven. Help me to communicate to my family and friends that the things we have on this earth are totally worthless when compared to spending an eternity with You. Help my life in words and deeds to communicate Your love to all that I associate with.

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