May 2, 2010
Thanksgiving: April 30, 2010
The act of giving thanks; an expression of thanks especially to God.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His name. Psalm 100:4.
The apostle Paul wrote in I Thessalonians 5:18 that “In everything give thanks.” That does not mean that we have to be thankful for everything. We do not have to be thankful for bad circumstances but we can be thankful in the bad circumstances because the Lord can use the resulting difficulties for good. Our praise and thanksgiving to God should not depend on our circumstances.
In his letter to Philemon the apostle Paul writes about his runaway slave Onesimus. Onesimus had met Paul and found the Lord. When Paul was imprisoned, Onesimus had helped him and Paul was thankful for him. He wanted Philemon who was also a Christian to be thankful for the outcome of this circumstance. Paul writes Philemon, “Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good, no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother.”
Knowing that God can use all things for good is more than enough for us to give thanks in everything. God has not promised to keep us from the storms of life but He will keep us through them.
When the American colonies were being developed, one man said to the pioneers that they were spending way too much time on their problems. He said it was time for them to focus on their blessings thus the first Thanksgiving came to pass. As believers we need to take time every day to focus on our blessings and not on the problems we face. If we do such, God will do miracles for us.
In Deuteronomy 9, we read of God’s reminder to Israel why they would be successful. God wanted to remind them that He was leading them into the Promised Land to fulfill His purpose and promises. He reminded them that they would succeed because of Him and not because of their own righteousness. He knew that they would be tempted not to be grateful after their prosperity.
Ungratefulness is a problem and a temptation for us today. If our endeavors are successful we need to make certain that we are thankful to God for His goodness, help and blessing. We do not need more to be thankful for, we just need to be more thankful.
The scriptures give us many passages that remind us to give thanks to God. In I Corinthians 15:57 it says thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. And in II Corinthians we have two verses. In 2:14 we are to give thanks to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ. And in 9:15 Paul says: Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.
In Hebrews 12:28 we read, “let us be thankful, and so worship God.” We are to worship God with praise and thanksgiving.
Do you show thanksgiving to God everyday of your life? We challenge you to respond by the way you act and talk daily as the words of Psalm 100:4 (above under scripture) tells us. Start each day by entering into His gates with thanksgiving --- your personal time for prayer and reading God’s Word – and then throughout the whole day be thankful for all that God has and is doing for you.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquities of us all.
We have so much to thank You for. We thank You for Your creation, for the stars in the sky and the water in the seas. We thank You for the blessings in life that You give us every day. But most important of all we thank You for sending Your Son to this earth to pay the penalty for my sins. Thank You that He is my mediator between us and that He is preparing a place for me to spend an eternity in heaven.
The act of giving thanks; an expression of thanks especially to God.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His name. Psalm 100:4.
The apostle Paul wrote in I Thessalonians 5:18 that “In everything give thanks.” That does not mean that we have to be thankful for everything. We do not have to be thankful for bad circumstances but we can be thankful in the bad circumstances because the Lord can use the resulting difficulties for good. Our praise and thanksgiving to God should not depend on our circumstances.
In his letter to Philemon the apostle Paul writes about his runaway slave Onesimus. Onesimus had met Paul and found the Lord. When Paul was imprisoned, Onesimus had helped him and Paul was thankful for him. He wanted Philemon who was also a Christian to be thankful for the outcome of this circumstance. Paul writes Philemon, “Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good, no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother.”
Knowing that God can use all things for good is more than enough for us to give thanks in everything. God has not promised to keep us from the storms of life but He will keep us through them.
When the American colonies were being developed, one man said to the pioneers that they were spending way too much time on their problems. He said it was time for them to focus on their blessings thus the first Thanksgiving came to pass. As believers we need to take time every day to focus on our blessings and not on the problems we face. If we do such, God will do miracles for us.
In Deuteronomy 9, we read of God’s reminder to Israel why they would be successful. God wanted to remind them that He was leading them into the Promised Land to fulfill His purpose and promises. He reminded them that they would succeed because of Him and not because of their own righteousness. He knew that they would be tempted not to be grateful after their prosperity.
Ungratefulness is a problem and a temptation for us today. If our endeavors are successful we need to make certain that we are thankful to God for His goodness, help and blessing. We do not need more to be thankful for, we just need to be more thankful.
The scriptures give us many passages that remind us to give thanks to God. In I Corinthians 15:57 it says thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. And in II Corinthians we have two verses. In 2:14 we are to give thanks to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ. And in 9:15 Paul says: Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.
In Hebrews 12:28 we read, “let us be thankful, and so worship God.” We are to worship God with praise and thanksgiving.
Do you show thanksgiving to God everyday of your life? We challenge you to respond by the way you act and talk daily as the words of Psalm 100:4 (above under scripture) tells us. Start each day by entering into His gates with thanksgiving --- your personal time for prayer and reading God’s Word – and then throughout the whole day be thankful for all that God has and is doing for you.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquities of us all.
We have so much to thank You for. We thank You for Your creation, for the stars in the sky and the water in the seas. We thank You for the blessings in life that You give us every day. But most important of all we thank You for sending Your Son to this earth to pay the penalty for my sins. Thank You that He is my mediator between us and that He is preparing a place for me to spend an eternity in heaven.
Gratitude: April 29, 2010
The quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.
Because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1: 21.
Here in America we are not certain that many people understand what the word “GRATITUDE” really means. We say this because most of the people we meet and talk to do not seem to be grateful for much in their lives. Possibly we are spoiled and expect much more than we have and possibly it is because of the so called “ME” generation that we live in. We have taken our prosperity for granted. Not only do we really appreciate how blessed we are, we think we are entitled to it.
In the above verse found in Romans 1, we read that the apostle Paul was saying that those that lived before them, the unrighteous, even though they knew God were not thankful and showed no gratitude toward Him for all that he had done for them. They did not glorify God and thus their foolish hearts were darkened. God expects us to be grateful for what He has given us and to at all times glorify His name.
Let us take you to several places of this world where we have visited and spent time with the people that live there. These are just examples how situations in life change ones attitude about gratitude. Remember here in America we have had so much given to us and for the most part we have accepted what God has blessed us with and have not done so with gratitude.
Come with us to Manila Philippians and to a large garbage dump where over 100,000 people live. Each day these dear people search through garbage scraps dumped by the garbage trucks for food and anything that can be salvaged and sold for money just for survival. The people live in lean-to shacks that look like they will collapse with any kind of wind.
We were walking on this dump being led by a missionary that we worked with. We had for over ten years sent Christian literature, Sunday school booklets, medicines and hospital supplies to this country. We came upon this lean-to shack with an open front and saw a little 10 year old girl sitting by a box, the only thing in the room, and on that box was a Sunday school daily vacation Bible school picture booklet.
We were introduced to the little girl and soon we asked about the book. Her eyes lit up and she said that someone a year before had given her that book and she read through the pictures every day. She said that she had never had a gift before and this was the best thing she ever had. HER GRATITUDE MOVED US TO TEARS. This was one of the books we had sent several years prior and this little girl was still showing her gratitude for what God had given her.
We could give you scores of similar illustrations of children, youth and adults in other parts of our world that showed such love and gratitude to God for what they had. Just like the mother in a children’s ward in a hospital in Honduras who was crying and even sobbing because we gave her some cancer medicine that could save her child’s life. Her sobbing was expressing her gratitude to God for supplying the need of her child just in time.
And we will never forget being in the church in Kenya when the offering was taken and we saw the box being passed around full of fruit, vegetables and even a chicken. These people were showing their gratitude to God for all they had by giving a portion of what they did have back to Him. That is real gratitude that most of us do not experience.
How do you express your gratitude first to God for all that He has given you. Do you express gratitude to your spouse, your children, your parents, your family or your friends for who they are? God expects us to show gratitude to Him for His blessings to us. How do you respond?
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord laid on Him the iniquities of us all.
Help me to learn the true meaning of gratitude. Just as many people in our world do today, I take for granted what You have done for me. Thank You Lord for the many blessings that You do give each of us daily.
The quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.
Because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1: 21.
Here in America we are not certain that many people understand what the word “GRATITUDE” really means. We say this because most of the people we meet and talk to do not seem to be grateful for much in their lives. Possibly we are spoiled and expect much more than we have and possibly it is because of the so called “ME” generation that we live in. We have taken our prosperity for granted. Not only do we really appreciate how blessed we are, we think we are entitled to it.
In the above verse found in Romans 1, we read that the apostle Paul was saying that those that lived before them, the unrighteous, even though they knew God were not thankful and showed no gratitude toward Him for all that he had done for them. They did not glorify God and thus their foolish hearts were darkened. God expects us to be grateful for what He has given us and to at all times glorify His name.
Let us take you to several places of this world where we have visited and spent time with the people that live there. These are just examples how situations in life change ones attitude about gratitude. Remember here in America we have had so much given to us and for the most part we have accepted what God has blessed us with and have not done so with gratitude.
Come with us to Manila Philippians and to a large garbage dump where over 100,000 people live. Each day these dear people search through garbage scraps dumped by the garbage trucks for food and anything that can be salvaged and sold for money just for survival. The people live in lean-to shacks that look like they will collapse with any kind of wind.
We were walking on this dump being led by a missionary that we worked with. We had for over ten years sent Christian literature, Sunday school booklets, medicines and hospital supplies to this country. We came upon this lean-to shack with an open front and saw a little 10 year old girl sitting by a box, the only thing in the room, and on that box was a Sunday school daily vacation Bible school picture booklet.
We were introduced to the little girl and soon we asked about the book. Her eyes lit up and she said that someone a year before had given her that book and she read through the pictures every day. She said that she had never had a gift before and this was the best thing she ever had. HER GRATITUDE MOVED US TO TEARS. This was one of the books we had sent several years prior and this little girl was still showing her gratitude for what God had given her.
We could give you scores of similar illustrations of children, youth and adults in other parts of our world that showed such love and gratitude to God for what they had. Just like the mother in a children’s ward in a hospital in Honduras who was crying and even sobbing because we gave her some cancer medicine that could save her child’s life. Her sobbing was expressing her gratitude to God for supplying the need of her child just in time.
And we will never forget being in the church in Kenya when the offering was taken and we saw the box being passed around full of fruit, vegetables and even a chicken. These people were showing their gratitude to God for all they had by giving a portion of what they did have back to Him. That is real gratitude that most of us do not experience.
How do you express your gratitude first to God for all that He has given you. Do you express gratitude to your spouse, your children, your parents, your family or your friends for who they are? God expects us to show gratitude to Him for His blessings to us. How do you respond?
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord laid on Him the iniquities of us all.
Help me to learn the true meaning of gratitude. Just as many people in our world do today, I take for granted what You have done for me. Thank You Lord for the many blessings that You do give each of us daily.
Role Models: April 28, 2010
A person whose behavior in a particular social setting is imitated by others.
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. I John 4:7.
We often hear people refer to another person as a role model. Webster tells us above that a role model is one that another person imitates. Stop now for a moment and think of all the people you know and write down the names of the ones that are role models to you. When you look at the list then ask yourself the question --- “Do you really know each one?” Many on your list could include movie, television, sports or even Christian personalities. But do you really know them or do you call them a potential role model because you have seen only the good from the distance.
When I (Ken) was a teenager I can remember knowing a then well known Christian leader and nationally known youth evangelist and I considered this man the best of the best. I suppose at that time I considered him a role model. But about three years later I heard of the problems this man had in life. His wife had divorced him, he had an alcohol problem and he forsook his belief in the virgin birth of Jesus.
We have talked about this sad situation in our married life many times. It became a very real warning for us to watch who we considered to be role models in our lives and to teach our children the same.
Today’s society feels it most important to have role models. The famous talk about being role models but do not seem to care if they have bad traits or fail. They still feel they are role models. Teenagers especially are influenced by role models and do not use discretion in choosing their role models. Parents must be aware of who their children are looking to as role models. Just because someone is a big “star” and famous does not make them worthy of being a role model.
Only God and Jesus are worthy to be role models. Jesus is the perfect role model because He lived in our sinful world, was tempted as we are, yet He never sinned. Look at all He has given us to build on. First of all, He loves us, and gave His life for us. Then He lived His life as the perfect example of how to live our life.
He serves as an example to us to love one another. When you love it is impossible to hate at the same time. The righteousness of God and Jesus should be the focus of our choosing our role model. Can you think of any living person better to imitate in life? God has given us His Son to pay the penalty for our sins. God has given us His Holy Spirit to lead us through life each day. God has given us time, talent and treasure to use for Him. God has given us His Word as a guide for living. What else can we want or hope for in a role model.
As believers in Christ we can still look to people as role models so we can learn from their knowledge of God’s Word and how they live their Christian lives. We need to do this with caution and wisdom. We can learn from the positives we see in their lives but we should always be alert to the possibility of failure in their lives.
We must remember that they are human just like us and vulnerable to the devil’s temptations. God and His Son alone are trust worthy. God never changes. When someone fails us we cannot blame God. God is faithful and He will never fail us.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
Thank You almighty God for the model that You have given me to live a life of happiness, joy, peace and gratitude. Help me to lead my family away from the false hope given to us from those we may consider as role models in life. Help my family to look to You for all we need in life.
A person whose behavior in a particular social setting is imitated by others.
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. I John 4:7.
We often hear people refer to another person as a role model. Webster tells us above that a role model is one that another person imitates. Stop now for a moment and think of all the people you know and write down the names of the ones that are role models to you. When you look at the list then ask yourself the question --- “Do you really know each one?” Many on your list could include movie, television, sports or even Christian personalities. But do you really know them or do you call them a potential role model because you have seen only the good from the distance.
When I (Ken) was a teenager I can remember knowing a then well known Christian leader and nationally known youth evangelist and I considered this man the best of the best. I suppose at that time I considered him a role model. But about three years later I heard of the problems this man had in life. His wife had divorced him, he had an alcohol problem and he forsook his belief in the virgin birth of Jesus.
We have talked about this sad situation in our married life many times. It became a very real warning for us to watch who we considered to be role models in our lives and to teach our children the same.
Today’s society feels it most important to have role models. The famous talk about being role models but do not seem to care if they have bad traits or fail. They still feel they are role models. Teenagers especially are influenced by role models and do not use discretion in choosing their role models. Parents must be aware of who their children are looking to as role models. Just because someone is a big “star” and famous does not make them worthy of being a role model.
Only God and Jesus are worthy to be role models. Jesus is the perfect role model because He lived in our sinful world, was tempted as we are, yet He never sinned. Look at all He has given us to build on. First of all, He loves us, and gave His life for us. Then He lived His life as the perfect example of how to live our life.
He serves as an example to us to love one another. When you love it is impossible to hate at the same time. The righteousness of God and Jesus should be the focus of our choosing our role model. Can you think of any living person better to imitate in life? God has given us His Son to pay the penalty for our sins. God has given us His Holy Spirit to lead us through life each day. God has given us time, talent and treasure to use for Him. God has given us His Word as a guide for living. What else can we want or hope for in a role model.
As believers in Christ we can still look to people as role models so we can learn from their knowledge of God’s Word and how they live their Christian lives. We need to do this with caution and wisdom. We can learn from the positives we see in their lives but we should always be alert to the possibility of failure in their lives.
We must remember that they are human just like us and vulnerable to the devil’s temptations. God and His Son alone are trust worthy. God never changes. When someone fails us we cannot blame God. God is faithful and He will never fail us.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
Thank You almighty God for the model that You have given me to live a life of happiness, joy, peace and gratitude. Help me to lead my family away from the false hope given to us from those we may consider as role models in life. Help my family to look to You for all we need in life.
Relationship: April 27, 2010
A connection or association by blood or marriage; an emotional connection between people.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in his name. John 1:12.
Developing proper relationships in life is very important. We were all born into a home where our first important relationship was with our parents. The verse we have written above points out to us, just as we developed that first relationship with our parents, when we put our trust in Jesus that gave us the right to become a child of God.
At that point we began developing our relationship with God. The relationship with God is one that will last for an eternity and if it is ever broken it will be because of decisions we make and not of God’s.
Relationships we build with our parents, our siblings, our friends and our neighbors are often broken or tested because of situations that arise. Relationships are built on trust and the only relationship we can be certain of is the relationship we have with God through His Son and the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. God alone is trustworthy. He is faithful and true and keeps all of His promises.
We often have said in these devotionals and to those that we talk to that Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a relationship --- a relationship that one builds from the time one decides that he or she is a sinner and then asks God for forgiveness. God began that relationship with us by sending His Son to this earth to die and pay the penalty for our sins, because He loved us and gave His Son to die for us.
In the verse we have written above from John 1:12 we are reminded that when we put our trust in Jesus we will become one of His children. Thus we begin to build our relationship with God as a child of God by praying daily to Him through Jesus our mediator that God gave us and the reading of the Bible, His Word. Daily communication builds our relationship with God
When we talk to some people about their relationship with God, the answers are varied and many. Some will say that they go to church, they live an honest life, they pray when they face a problem and ask God to help plus so much more. Others say they will act later, but later may never come. And some say that there is no way that God would send anyone to hell especially one that lives a good and so called honest life. People can believe what they choose, but the only relationship that gives us eternal life is our personal relationship that we have with Jesus.
We also want to remind you that there are other relationships in life that we all need to work on after we have begun our relationship with God. But these other relationships will fail if God is not put first in your life. There is a relationship needed to be developed in marriage. A marriage is a commitment, needs communication and demands that both husband and wife live a Christ-like life.
There is a relationship that needs to be developed with children, families and friends. But again these relationships will fail if we rely on our own strength. Our relationship with God is vital for all that we do in life as we prepare for an eternity with Him.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
Give me the strength today to build a stronger relationship with You. Help me to be a guiding light to my spouse, my children, my family and my friends that they will see through me what a true relationship with You really means.
A connection or association by blood or marriage; an emotional connection between people.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in his name. John 1:12.
Developing proper relationships in life is very important. We were all born into a home where our first important relationship was with our parents. The verse we have written above points out to us, just as we developed that first relationship with our parents, when we put our trust in Jesus that gave us the right to become a child of God.
At that point we began developing our relationship with God. The relationship with God is one that will last for an eternity and if it is ever broken it will be because of decisions we make and not of God’s.
Relationships we build with our parents, our siblings, our friends and our neighbors are often broken or tested because of situations that arise. Relationships are built on trust and the only relationship we can be certain of is the relationship we have with God through His Son and the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. God alone is trustworthy. He is faithful and true and keeps all of His promises.
We often have said in these devotionals and to those that we talk to that Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a relationship --- a relationship that one builds from the time one decides that he or she is a sinner and then asks God for forgiveness. God began that relationship with us by sending His Son to this earth to die and pay the penalty for our sins, because He loved us and gave His Son to die for us.
In the verse we have written above from John 1:12 we are reminded that when we put our trust in Jesus we will become one of His children. Thus we begin to build our relationship with God as a child of God by praying daily to Him through Jesus our mediator that God gave us and the reading of the Bible, His Word. Daily communication builds our relationship with God
When we talk to some people about their relationship with God, the answers are varied and many. Some will say that they go to church, they live an honest life, they pray when they face a problem and ask God to help plus so much more. Others say they will act later, but later may never come. And some say that there is no way that God would send anyone to hell especially one that lives a good and so called honest life. People can believe what they choose, but the only relationship that gives us eternal life is our personal relationship that we have with Jesus.
We also want to remind you that there are other relationships in life that we all need to work on after we have begun our relationship with God. But these other relationships will fail if God is not put first in your life. There is a relationship needed to be developed in marriage. A marriage is a commitment, needs communication and demands that both husband and wife live a Christ-like life.
There is a relationship that needs to be developed with children, families and friends. But again these relationships will fail if we rely on our own strength. Our relationship with God is vital for all that we do in life as we prepare for an eternity with Him.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
Give me the strength today to build a stronger relationship with You. Help me to be a guiding light to my spouse, my children, my family and my friends that they will see through me what a true relationship with You really means.
Boundaries: April 26, 2010
Rules to enforce standards; something that indicates limits.
Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22: 37-39.
Jesus put it right on the line for all believers when He gave us His standard to love the Lord thy God and love our neighbors. This sets up the boundary we need if we are going to honor Him and serve Him. When we love Jesus and our neighbors it puts us in a position of honoring God in all that we do. Webster defines boundaries as rules to enforce standards. The boundaries we have are what God has given us, the Ten Commandments, His Word and our personal experience with Him.
The prophet Nehemiah was governor of Jerusalem after he returned from exile. God had spoken to him and directed him to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. Nehemiah responded because he knew that God knew that the Jewish people living in Jerusalem needed a boundary around them to protect them from their enemies. (Nehemiah chapters 3-4)
Just like those that lived in Jerusalem during Nehemiah’s time needed a boundary in the form of a wall to protect them from invaders, we as believers need a boundary of protection to protect us from the invasion of sin that we face daily.
Take a moment right now and think about the enemies we face as Christians. We live in a culture that basically ignores God and thus we face evil influences everywhere we turn. When we live out our faith we face times when our faith is questioned. We are asked such things as “How can you believe that there is a God when all these bad things are happening?”
We face temptations daily. How many times a day are you tempted to do something that is not honest or at least borders on being dishonest. This is Satan at work in this world and the temptations we face begin with little things and then they get bigger and bigger and soon God is forgotten.
Our children face the evils of drugs, alcohol, sex and plain dishonesty and a philosophy of living for self glorification. Just sit down with a young person and get them to talk to you about the things they face in life and you will be appalled.
A boundary according to Webster indicates limits. In the Christian life it is like a line dividing right from wrong, what is pleasing to God and what is not. When we cross the line and do what is not pleasing to God, it is wrong and a sin and we have breached the boundary that the Lord has set for us. So often we make excuses like what is wrong if it is only a little white lie, or it will never be missed if I steal it, or if nobody knows about it, how can extramarital sex be bad?
How many drug addicts became addicted because they thought it would never hurt to try an illegal drug just once? How many drunkards started with just one drink? Once the boundary between right and wrong is breached, no matter how small the breach, it is like a tiny crack in a dam. The breach continues to expand until the floodgates are let loose and causes a disaster. We have only to look at the shattered lives all around us and the broken homes with families in total disarray to see the tragic results of crossing God’s boundaries.
This is why we need as believers, for ourselves and our families, to build boundaries that will protect us from the evils of this world. We need support systems. We need family communication daily. We need time praying alone and as a family asking God to give us the protection we need from the enemies we face. We need time alone and as a family to read God’s Word. This is the only way God can communicate with us. His Word is vital for the stabilization of the boundaries built around us as believers.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, everyone, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
It is my prayer today that You will help me build around me boundaries that will protect me from the evils of this world that I live in. I ask the same for my family and my friends. Give each one of us the strength and courage to live a shining life for You today in all that we do. Protect us from the evils of Satan who is in this world and give us a new dedication to live for You.
Rules to enforce standards; something that indicates limits.
Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22: 37-39.
Jesus put it right on the line for all believers when He gave us His standard to love the Lord thy God and love our neighbors. This sets up the boundary we need if we are going to honor Him and serve Him. When we love Jesus and our neighbors it puts us in a position of honoring God in all that we do. Webster defines boundaries as rules to enforce standards. The boundaries we have are what God has given us, the Ten Commandments, His Word and our personal experience with Him.
The prophet Nehemiah was governor of Jerusalem after he returned from exile. God had spoken to him and directed him to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. Nehemiah responded because he knew that God knew that the Jewish people living in Jerusalem needed a boundary around them to protect them from their enemies. (Nehemiah chapters 3-4)
Just like those that lived in Jerusalem during Nehemiah’s time needed a boundary in the form of a wall to protect them from invaders, we as believers need a boundary of protection to protect us from the invasion of sin that we face daily.
Take a moment right now and think about the enemies we face as Christians. We live in a culture that basically ignores God and thus we face evil influences everywhere we turn. When we live out our faith we face times when our faith is questioned. We are asked such things as “How can you believe that there is a God when all these bad things are happening?”
We face temptations daily. How many times a day are you tempted to do something that is not honest or at least borders on being dishonest. This is Satan at work in this world and the temptations we face begin with little things and then they get bigger and bigger and soon God is forgotten.
Our children face the evils of drugs, alcohol, sex and plain dishonesty and a philosophy of living for self glorification. Just sit down with a young person and get them to talk to you about the things they face in life and you will be appalled.
A boundary according to Webster indicates limits. In the Christian life it is like a line dividing right from wrong, what is pleasing to God and what is not. When we cross the line and do what is not pleasing to God, it is wrong and a sin and we have breached the boundary that the Lord has set for us. So often we make excuses like what is wrong if it is only a little white lie, or it will never be missed if I steal it, or if nobody knows about it, how can extramarital sex be bad?
How many drug addicts became addicted because they thought it would never hurt to try an illegal drug just once? How many drunkards started with just one drink? Once the boundary between right and wrong is breached, no matter how small the breach, it is like a tiny crack in a dam. The breach continues to expand until the floodgates are let loose and causes a disaster. We have only to look at the shattered lives all around us and the broken homes with families in total disarray to see the tragic results of crossing God’s boundaries.
This is why we need as believers, for ourselves and our families, to build boundaries that will protect us from the evils of this world. We need support systems. We need family communication daily. We need time praying alone and as a family asking God to give us the protection we need from the enemies we face. We need time alone and as a family to read God’s Word. This is the only way God can communicate with us. His Word is vital for the stabilization of the boundaries built around us as believers.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, everyone, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
It is my prayer today that You will help me build around me boundaries that will protect me from the evils of this world that I live in. I ask the same for my family and my friends. Give each one of us the strength and courage to live a shining life for You today in all that we do. Protect us from the evils of Satan who is in this world and give us a new dedication to live for You.
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