November 2, 2014

Prosperity: October 31, 2014




A successful, flourishing, or thriving condition; economic well-being.


Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. III John 2.


After Jesus ascended back to His Father in heaven, He left His disciples the task of tending His sheep (the followers of Jesus). The disciples were faithful to encourage the believers and to uphold them in prayer. John III is the apostle John’s personal letter of encouragement to Gaius, a fellow believer and faithful worker in the early church for the Lord. John wrote Gaius to commend him for his faithfulness and to let him know he was praying for him. John noted that Gaius spiritual state was so excellent that he was praying that his physical health would match his spiritual vigor.

It was a common practice for one to be asked when being met how his health was. Our physical condition is not something that is always apparent. Our spiritual condition, however, should be very apparent. Our Christian walk and the way we conduct ourselves should give evidence to our spiritual condition. John wrote Gaius that others had testified to him that Gaius was “walking in truth.” By the way Gaius lived his life it was apparent to others that he had his priorities right.

It is only as we have our priorities right and walk in the truth of God’s Word that we can expect God to prosper us.

The world has its priorities wrong. The priority of the world is making money and gaining power. If that is accomplished one is considered prosperous. On the road to obtaining this prosperity people destroy their physical health with stress, lack of sleep, sexual immorality, alcohol and drugs. People seem to be willing to pay this price for what they consider prosperity.

People that are so called prosperous in the world are fearful that if they come to the Lord they will have to give up their hard fought rewards of prosperity. They do not understand that God wants to bless and prosper those who love Him and honor Him in their lives.

Jeremiah writes in Jeremiah 29:27 a promise that was given to the nation of Israel. “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Throughout the Old Testament God promised prosperity to the people of Israel as long as they honored Him. When they failed God they not only lost their prosperity but eventually the whole nation was lost and scattered.

God’s first desire for us is that our souls will prosper. Our prosperity in life is dependent on what God blesses us with and as we learn in the Old Testament we learn that we will prosper in life depending on how our soul prospers. It must be our priority to walk in truth so that God can prosper us.

Our family is not what the world would call wealthy but we feel we have been very prosperous. God has blessed us far beyond what we deserve but not in riches or wealth. Our prosperity has been in good health, God given enabling strength, sound minds, loving, God fearing children and unusual ministry opportunities that could have only come from God.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Acts 4:12.

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.


Thank You that Your plan for me is to prosper me and keep me from harm. Thank You for guiding me to walk in the truth of Your Word. Give me direction, wisdom, and understanding as I learn to serve You so that You can use me to further the good news of the Gospel.

Run: October 30, 2014




Move swiftly or fast; make haste; rush; flee; race.


Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. I Corinthians 9:24.


The Greeks enjoyed two great athletic events. They were the Olympic Games and the Isthmian games. The Isthmian games were held in Corinth, so the believers in the church at Corinth were quite familiar with this analogy of running to win that Paul spoke to them about. (The verse above)

In athletic competitions there are short races and there are long races. To be a winner requires dedication and discipline. Winning requires hours of diligent training and preparation. It requires sacrifice. The runner must be willing to give up things he or she would rather do, in order to prepare him or her to be a winner. It requires hard work to strengthen the body and to build up stamina. A short jog a day will not prepare a runner to be a winner.

Life is a race that we all must run and, as Paul says, we must all run with the goal of winning. This is what God expects of us. As we run, life is full of triumphs and reversals and as Christians we are not excluded from disappointments. We are to be faithful and run to honor our King who is Jesus.

The race we run as believers is not a short race. It is a marathon! We cannot hope to run this marathon successfully without preparation. To win the prize requires self-denial, dedication and discipline. It is essential that the believer prepare for the race by studying God’s Word, by prayer, and by worship. We must learn to deny ourselves of doing what we desire so that we can do what God wants. An occasional glimpse at the Bible and a quick prayer once in a while and going to church when we feel like going will not be sufficient to win. Believers must prepare themselves to win the race that God has set before them.

If we falter or give into sin because of the difficulties we face in life, we risk losing a rich reward at the end of our race in life. That is why we need to be prepared.

The goal of our race here on earth is to become more like Christ. At the end of our race we do not win a medal but we want to hear the Master say, “WELL DONE.”

There was a British sprinter who was obsessed to winning. In a preliminary dash leading up to the 1924 Olympics he was soundly beat by his rival at the time. He was in deep despair and when his girl friend tried to encourage him he responded by saying, “I run to win. If I cannot win, I will not run.” His girlfriend responded to him very wisely, “If you do not run, you cannot win.”

Paul says that in a race we all run, but only one receives the prize and that we should run in such a way that we may win it. If we do not run, we cannot win. Our Lord wants us to win, and He will enable us to win if that is our hearts desire.

In II Timothy 2:8, Paul tells us what the prize is. “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge, will award to me on that day.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Acts 4:12.

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.


Help me to run the race in life so that I may obtain from You the words, “Well done.” Give me the stamina and the endurance to live my life exalting You even when the running gets tough. Keep my eyes focused on my goal to become more Christ-like.

Trials: October 28, 2014




Being tried or tested; subject to suffering, grief, distress, affliction or trouble; a test of faith, patience, or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation; adversity.


Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. James 1:2.

Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you. I Peter 4:12.


You will notice in the verse above found in James 1:2 that it does not say “if” you face trials. He says “when” you face trials. Peter warns us in I Peter 4:12 (above) not to be surprised when we suffer trials. Both James and Peter suffered persecution as leaders of the early Christian church. Being a Christian will not exempt us from trials. None of us should be surprised when a trial comes into our life.

James says to consider our trials “pure joy.” How is that possible you may ask? Trials are troubles that disturb our sense of well being and they break our daily pattern of comfort, joy and happiness. James is not telling us that we must be happy about our trials. There is a difference between joy and happiness. When James tells us to consider a trial with real joy he means for us to evaluate our trial with a positive attitude.

God allows trials to come into our life because we can profit and learn from them. The testing of our faith serves to strengthen our faith and draw us into a closer relationship with the Lord. As James says, the testing of our faith as we go through trials develops our perseverance. As Peter tells us, trials are painful and cause suffering.

Those who are walking with the Lord will know that the Lord is right there with them as they go through the testing of a trial. When we successfully persevere through the test we will experience the “pure joy’ of victory in the midst of our trial.

Peter wrote to warn the believers as to what they will be facing after the burning of Rome and the beginning of about 200 years of Christian persecution to come. Peter speaks from experience, as he suffered much persecution and many trials for his faith. In the fourth chapter of I Peter, Peter tells us that there are four attitudes necessary for us to be triumphant in persecution. We are to expect it, rejoice in it, evaluate its cause, and entrust it to God.

Perhaps your world has collapsed. It may be a deep personal loss, a tragedy in your family, a loss of a job, a financial setback or even a family spat. Jesus is bigger than any crisis you may face. He can rebuild your life and at the same time turn any trial into an opportunity. All you have to do is to acknowledge that you cannot conquer the crisis you are facing by yourself. Turn your trials over to God, and humbly allow Him to guide you and then watch Him work in your life.

Possibly you say that you have tried to turn your trial over to God but it just does not work. There is a key. First, make sure you have accepted Jesus as your Savior and asked Him to forgive you of your sins. Then read the Bible each day and study what you have read. God’s Word helps us to recognize what needs to be changed in our life. Then spend time praying to your Lord and tell Him your needs. Make a commitment to put God first place in all you do in life. This may be a radical life changing experience for you but if you want God to be with you in your trials you will need this kind of a relationship with Him.

Yes, trials will come to each of us so as Peter says do “not be surprised.” We have no choice but to face them but we have a choice as to how we deal with them.

No trial is too large for God to intervene and no person is too small or to wicked that God does not care for them. When we put all of our trials in the hands of our Lord, God will work within us to do something wonderful in our lives and we will find joy in the midst of our trials.

Happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong, sorrows keep you human, failures keep you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only God keeps you going.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Acts 4:12

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.


Thank You that Your Word gives me the assurance that You are with me through every trial I face. Help me not to be fearful when a trial comes my way but encourage me to give that trial completely to You.

Supply: October 29, 2014




To furnish or provide what is lacking or is needed.


And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19.


Paul wrote the book of Philippians to the church at Philippi from prison. Paul was often in great need and the church had generously and sacrificially sent support to Paul. In Philippians 4:19 (above) Paul is assuring the church that God will supply all of their material needs. There material means had no doubt been depleted because they had given so heavily to the church.

When Paul says, “God will supply all your need according to His riches” he is assuring the church that God would give increase to them in proportion to His infinite resources, not just a small amount out of His riches.

We must remember that God’s resources are unlimited. The old song says that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. God will supply not just what we need materially, but what we need physically (strength), emotionally (encouragement) and spiritually (faith).

Everything that we have is because God has supplied these to us. Children must be taught that everything belongs to God. Children often see things they want as something they need. Children find it hard to see the difference between “wants” and “needs.” The fact of the matter is that many adults also do not discern between what is a “need’ and what is merely a “want.”

We have a wise and discerning heavenly Father who knows what is best for us. Jesus said that our Father in heaven knows what we need before we even ask. (Matthew 6:8)

When times are tough, when economies are hurting and when concerns seem to flood people’s minds that is the time when many people start to complain about things. Complaining will get you nowhere. God does not want us to complain but He does want us to present our needs to Him and He has promised to supply all of our needs if we put our complete trust in Him.

That word “IF” is the key word for those of us that believe in Jesus. God will supply our needs but we must honor His commandments and honor Him. That is the “IF” that most people miss.

Look at what God has supplied for us. He sent His only Son to pay the penalty for our sins. He sent His Holy Spirit to comfort us as we serve Him. He supplies us with health, talents and abilities to serve Him. And he provides us with the certainty of spending eternity with Him in heaven.

God has blessed us with several key verses in His Word that relate to God’s promise to supply all of our needs and we need to memorize and apply these verses to our daily lives. In Luke 6:38 it reads, “Give and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.” In Matthew 21:22, “What ever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” In Luke 11:9 it reads, “Ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.”

Look at the key words that Jesus gives us in these verses. Each word demands action on our part and if we act as He suggests just think what God will do in supplying all our needs: GIVE, ASK IN PRAYER, BELIEVING, SEEK and KNOCK.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Acts 4:12.

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.


Our family is so grateful for all of the blessings that You have supplied for us. Help each one of us in our family to have the discernment to see the difference between what we need and what we want.

Unity: October 27, 2014




The state of being together as one; harmony among individuals; agreement; oneness; being undivided.


Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Psalm 133:1.


Psalm 133 is David’s Psalm of praise for brotherly unity. As King of God’s chosen people, the Israelites, David desired that his people live in unity as true children of God. David recognized and praised unity as being good and pleasant. While David may have used the Psalm to call for national unity, that unity must have a foundation of spiritual unity.

In John 10:30 John quotes Jesus in saying, “I and My father are one.” In this verse Jesus is emphasizing that while He was here on earth He had unity with God, the Father. The great desire that Jesus had for His disciples was that they would become one, like the Father and the Son are one, so that through their unity they would be a powerful witness of God’s love. In Jesus’ prayer for His disciples, He prayed for all future believers that, “all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me, that they also may be in us, so the world may believe You sent me.” John 17:21.

The whole world is in turmoil and division. The same is true for the most part in our homes and we need to recognize that this is not of God. He is not the author of turmoil and confusion. This is Satan doing his work in our homes, our communities and our countries. It is God’s desire that we dwell together in unity.

Bringing unity into our homes is a real challenge to parents today because of all of the outside corrupt influences. Parents must stand united and bring an atmosphere of unity in their home. Unity begins with love. This love must be Christ-like so a family must put the Lord first in their individual lives and in the family or unity cannot be attained. No one can fight and win over the evils of the world and Satan without God. Many individuals and families try but without God they fail.

The love that is needed in a home to build unity must be Christ-like so that there is an inward unity of heart. In order to live in harmony with one another there must be a God-given desire to work together for common goals.

There is no room for the selfishness that is evident in what we call this “ME” generation if there is to be a spirit of oneness in the family. The philosophy of one living with a “ME” attitude is that it is all about “ME” and what “ME” wants. This is the exact opposite of Christ’s example and teaching.

The apostle Paul in Philippians chapter 2 challenges those who love Him to be of the same mind, show the same love, be united in spirit and show humility in all they do. This is a formula that works if you are truly seeking to restore unity in your home.  Take time to evaluate your priorities. Do you esteem others better than yourself or do you look out for your own interests first?


Our memory verse for this week is found in Acts 4:12.

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.


Help me to be the leader in my family, my workplace, my community and my church to encourage others to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus and with others.

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