May 22, 2015

Self-Rejection: May 22, 2015




The feeling of not being wanted as imperfect or unwanted; a low self-esteem.

Therefore accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God. Romans 15:7.

Having watched on television and hearing on the radio as well as reading in newspapers of the mistreatment of children in the world today, we realized that many children, youth and adults are facing self-rejection. With that thought in mind we want to share a few thoughts with you today from God’s Word.

It is a known fact that children wounded by abuse when a child can be scarred for life. Even mild hurts can fester and affect relationships and one’s self-image. Self-rejection can usually be traced to being felt unaccepted by someone close.

There are several evidences to look for in a person who is suffering from self-rejection. When a person has difficulty accepting himself as important they have a tendency to criticize others. Innocent comments are considered personal attacks on the person feeling self-rejected. Feelings of inferiority often lead to fear of failure and criticism which can lead to procrastination.

Another outcome of self-rejection is unpredictable anger. People who are hurt or feel rejected find themselves easily frustrated. They become loners and are constantly overly concerned about others’ opinions.

One may ask how to conquer the feeling of self-rejection. The scriptures give us several solutions for us to consider. First we need to develop a sense of belonging as is written in Romans 8:15-17. Christians are members of our heavenly Father’s family. Since we are a member of God’s family we are told that God will never desert us nor will ever leave us (Hebrews 13:5).

We must develop a sense of worth. God created us and what God creates is never worthless. Not only did God create us, but He loves each one of us so much that He gave His only Son to die to pay the penalty for our sins. Our value does not change with circumstances. Our value is based on God’s infinite and unchanging love.

And finally we must have a sense of competence. Romans 8:11 teaches us that the Holy Spirit is dwelling in us. We cannot live a successful Christian life on our own. But when we are obedient to God’s Word the Holy Spirit guides us and enables us to be victorious in all things. We can trust Him to give us the victory over all feelings of self-rejection.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:4.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Help me to overcome all my feelings of self-rejection in my life. Help me to develop a sense of belonging to Your family, a sense of worth based on Your unchanging love and a sense of competence by the assurance the Holy Spirit is guiding my every step.
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May 21, 2015

Call: May 21, 2015




To summon or invite to come; to communicate or to try to communicate; to summon by or as if by demand command; a divine summons.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellences of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. I Peter 2:9.

God’s top priority for everyone is the call He gives us to salvation. He wants us to open the door of our heart so that He can cleanse us and do a transforming work in our lives.

Do you think of God being distant and unapproachable? But do you realize that the creator of this universe has constantly sought to come near to us. He sent His Son to this earth to identify with us by living on this earth and then dying on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.

He sent also His Holy Spirit to indwell in us as our counsellor and guide.

Your eternal destiny depends on your decision as to how you answer His call. You will respond either by opening your heart to Him or shutting Him out and living your life as you desire.

The most important call in your life is from God, your creator and your Savior. Have you responded to His incredible call to you?

God’s call in our lives goes beyond the call of salvation. He wants us to develop Christ-like character in us through the Holy Spirit’s presence and power in our lives. This is a call to sanctification, being set apart from our old patterns of action before we answered the call of salvation to giving ourselves exclusively to our Lord.

The Lord also calls us to service. This requires total surrender to our Lord. Look at the examples that have been given us. Isaiah, the prophet offered himself completely to God (Isaiah 6:8). Paul submitted his whole self to Christ on the Damascus road (Acts 9:15-19). Jesus, Himself, our ultimate example surrendered to His Fathers will (John 5:19). A life of surrender says: “God, whatever, whenever, wherever, and however.

God also calls the believer to accountability. Every person will experience a day of judgment. This will be a day that we will respond to how we responded to God’s call on our life. Psalm 127:1-2 tells us that only the things done at His direction and in His way will matter when that day of judgment comes our way. Everything else will count for nothing.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:4.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Help me today to be certain that I have answered Your call in my life to Salvation; Sanctification and Service. May my life serve as an example of Your love to my family, neighbors and friends.
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May 20, 2015

Foundation: May 20, 2015




The basis or groundwork of anything; the base on which a structure rests; an underlying principle; a basis on which something is built.

And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food, for unto now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still worldly.
I Corinthians 3:1-3

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 3: 10-11.


The foundation of our faith as believers is Jesus Christ. We must continue to build our faith using high quality materials that meet God’s standards. In the above verses from I Corinthians, Paul is writing to the church he founded in Corinth. Paul says he laid the foundation but they, the people in the church, had not been building their faith on sound doctrine. The new believers in the church were being undermined by the immorality that prevailed in Corinth.

After Paul left, the believers had grown indifferent to immorality. They found it hard to separate themselves from their old pagan ways. Sexual immorality had become a serious problem in the church and the church had fallen into divisiveness and disorder.

Paul addresses them as babes in Christ because they had not matured in their faith and were still worldly. Paul had carefully laid the right foundation but the believers were not using the right building blocks of sound doctrine that Paul had taught them.

Many sincere professing Christians are spiritually starving, or spiritually ill, because they never have thought seriously about the quality of their Bible study. The study of the Bible is the key building block to build the believer’s faith.

If our physical diet is not in proper balance or if our digestive system is not functioning properly then our bodies will decline in health. Similarly, if we do not or cannot take full advantage of the spiritual food offered us in the Bible, we will become spiritually disabled.

Someone who is starving spiritually and not growing in their Christian way of life must regularly eat nourishing spiritual food, which is the Word of God. All those who accept Jesus as their Savior have the one and only foundation for their faith. As Paul tells us in verse 11 above, that Jesus Christ is the foundation of saving faith -- there is no other foundation. As you study God’s Word we recommend these important basics for your spiritual growth.

First, we must know what the Bible says about itself. Psalm 19:7 says that the law of the Lord is perfect. The Bible declares itself to be the Word of God.

Secondly, we must know what God intended the Bible to do for us. The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 -- “In the beginning God” -- and the Bible is the only book from God but also the only book about God. The Bible is given to us from God as our guidebook for living.

Thirdly, the Bible stands above all human opinions. In John 10:4-5 we read about Jesus being our true Shepherd. Jesus cares for us and protects us like the shepherd cares for his sheep. The shepherd will bring out his own sheep and He goes before them to lead them to pasture and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice. We must let the Word of God shape our opinions and then we will follow our Lord because we will know His voice.

We should know that the Bible deals in facts. In Colossians 2:8 we read to beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men or according to the basic principles of the world and not according to the laws of Christ. We need to have common sense, a serious respect for all the facts of the Bible, a proper interpretation of the Bible and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as He leads us.

We need, as true believers, to build our faith on the sure and solid foundation of God’s Word. We need to learn instructive methods of Bible study and know how to use Bible helps and commentaries.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:4.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Thank You Lord for the gift of Your Son Jesus Christ who is the one and only foundation for my life. Help me to learn to not only just read the Bible but help me to learn to study and apply what I learn to my every day walk and talk.

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May 19, 2015

False Teachers: May 19, 2015




Persons who misrepresent themselves as speaking for God; persons who speak not according to the fact; persons who teach what is not true.

Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers. Philippians 3:2.

False teachers were a constant threat to the churches Paul had established in the pagan countries of the Roman Empire. Paul had to write letters to the churches to defend the gospel and refute the false teaching of the false teachers.

Paul continues to warn the believers in the church at Philippi, just as he is warning us, to guard ourselves against false teachers by reading the scriptures daily and living by them. Paul was constantly facing false teachers who were savage in their attacks on him.

First, he tells us to be aware of false teachers who act like dogs. Both Jews and Gentiles of his day called each other dogs as a term of contempt. The word dog was the lowest title possible to convey contempt and ridicule. Dog refers to wild dogs of that day that roamed the streets day and night. They were scavengers and filthy that could be vicious and dangerous.

Paul refers to false teachers as wild dogs because they were evil. They seek out all who will listen and consume them with their false teachings. When one responds to them to defend their true belief in God they will snarl and become vicious and do all they can to destroy one’s belief in the truth. In Matthew 7:15, Jesus tells us to beware of false teachers that come to us in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ferocious wolves.

These false teachers are not what they seem to be. They teach a false message using words that sound religious and claim their message is from God. They may sound and look good but they are evil.

Secondly, Paul tells us to beware of false teachers who are evil workers. There were some in the churches at that time that were teaching that the Gentiles had to be circumcised and keep the Jewish laws as part of salvation. These are people who hold to and teach high standards of righteousness, morality and religion. They are absolutely sure that their righteousness and good deeds are what makes them acceptable to God. They think that there is no way God would reject them.

Paul called them evil workers because they taught that it was by what we do through our own works that we come to God instead of by God’s saving grace. There are those who teach that today. Jesus died on the cross to offer His free gift of salvation. Any teaching that adds to God’s plan of salvation by grace through faith is false teaching.

Paul in this verse also is referring to those who live and teach evil by the way they live and talk about morality, righteousness and religion. These types live immoral, indulgent and extravagant lives and do all they can to mix both a religious and indulgent lifestyle.

False teachers always oppose the Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation by grace alone. It is evident by their actions they do not accept God’s Son, Jesus as Lord and Savior. They accept what they choose of His teaching but deny or ignore salvation by His blood. False teachers are referred to by Paul as evil workers because they minimize Jesus and exalt themselves and seek to gain money, fame and power.

We want to give you this warning: In many churches today there are false teachers. On Television and radio there are false teachers. Be careful what books you read as well. BEWARE and follow God’s Word daily and He will direct your path.

In addition to our churches, radio and television the Congress here in America has taken God out of the public schools. Children are not being taught about God but they are being taught to be anti-God. Immorality, violence, sex, drugs, you name it, is prevalent on school campuses today. Every parent must make it a priority to know what their children are being taught. You must teach your children to beware of false teachings and the evil doers on the school campuses. Parents must make it their business to know who their children are spending time with and what they are doing.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:4.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Thank You for the apostle Paul’s God given message for us to beware of evil and false teachers affecting our lives. We ask You to give our family wisdom and direction how we can put You first place in our lives. Keep us alert to guarding our faith and to take a stand against false teachers that try to lead us astray. Keep us reading Your Word and communicating daily with You through prayer.

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May 18, 2015

Suffering: May 18, 2015




Feeling pain or hardship; experiencing loss; undergoing something painful or unpleasant whether physical or emotional

For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. Philippians 1:29.

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing Psalms. James 5:13.

We receive emails from across our world, as well as from here in America, telling us about the suffering that people are facing today. Many are suffering because they are Christians who are standing firm in their faith.

We receive reports of churches being bombed, pastors being martyred, families being tortured, individuals, even children, being beheaded all because of their stand for their Lord. Only a few of these disasters make the news. We are living in a world filled with evil people and evil ideas. Satan is really at work and we as Christians must stand firm in our faith.

We also hear from families who are suffering for their faith in God right here in America. They are being ridiculed at their workplace because of their faith. Some even are losing jobs because they live by Godly standards and will not compromise their Christian values in order to keep their job. Some are being sued for discrimination and political incorrectness.

Children are being mocked and made fun of for their faith at their schools. It is heart breaking that a child going to a school has to suffer because he or she has biblical standards to live by and is told they cannot share their faith. Praying and reading the Bible is forbidden today in primary schools. Teaching in our colleges and universities is anti-God.

There is much suffering around our world and the scripture has much to say to help us understand and to cope with suffering.

The author of the book of Hebrews tells us in Hebrews 2:10 that, “For it was fitting for Him (God), for whom are all things and by whom all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain (Jesus) of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” Jesus was mocked, spit upon, beaten and killed (Mark 10:34). Jesus suffered so that we can have eternal life. He suffered an excruciating death on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus, in His suffering, set an example for us to live by when we are faced with suffering for Him while we are on this earth preparing to spend an eternity with Him.

When we as Christians suffer for our faith in Jesus we become partners with Christ in His suffering. What we suffer does not compare with the suffering Jesus went through for us. Jesus can comfort us in our suffering because He experienced all the same suffering we have. Jesus comforts us by giving us strength, encouragement and the hope of eternal life which enables us to endure.

Having to suffer is not easy. The author of Hebrews understands this. He is writing to believers whom he knew had endured suffering and would most likely have to continue to endure suffering for their faith. He encourages these believers in Hebrews 10:32 to persevere by telling them to think about how their faith had enabled them to endure in times of suffering in the past.

The author of Hebrews says in Hebrews 10:32 to those that had suffered for Jesus: “But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated (accepted Jesus as Savior), you endured a great struggle with sufferings”. For centuries some have faced a great struggle as they suffered for the cause of Christ and Christians will continue to suffer until Christ returns. We must persevere for the cause of Christ in spite of suffering.

In the verse from Philippians we have printed above under SCRIPTURE, Paul reminds us that as believers in Christ we will share in Christ’s sufferings. James tells us how we should respond when we are suffering -- we are to pray. When we pray, God will give us the strength to get through each and every trial and He will comfort and encourage our hearts. No matter what our suffering there is joy in the Lord that brings cheer to our lives. The response to the joy of the Lord we feel in our hearts is to sing praises to God.

In every situation that we face today, God wants us to be cheerful and sing unto Him. He will give us the strength to get through what we are facing. He cares for you, He loves you and He will be with you in your times of suffering.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:4.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

It is my prayer today that You would lead me through any suffering I may face because of my faith in You. Also give me a new burden and a tender heart to pray for those who are suffering for Your sake. Put a song of praise in my heart for all that You have done for me.

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