January 19, 2014

Bless: January 17, 2014




To honor in worship; invoke divine favor for; confer happiness upon.


Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits. Psalm 103:2

He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor. Proverbs 22:9.


Blessing is an essential element in our relationship with God. Blessing is a two-way action. We bless God when we honor Him and give Him the praise and the glory for His countless blessings He bestows on us. God blesses us when we yield our life to Him in humble obedience and make Him Lord of our life. God’s greatest blessing that He has given to all who receive Him is eternal life. Why did God choose to bless sinful man?

First, God chose to bless us while we were lost in sin because we are His creation. The sole reason that God sent His Son to this earth to die for our sins was because He loved us. Secondly, God’s purpose for us here on this earth is to bring Him glory. God saved us so that we would serve as examples to others of His love and mercy at work in and through our lives. Finally, we are most like Jesus when we serve others. The number one characteristic of Jesus when He was on this earth was His servant attitude. God blesses believers so that we might bless others when God blesses us. His blessings are intended to overflow to others around us.

In Genesis 22:17-18, God was speaking to Abraham through an angel when Abraham, in obedience to God was prepared to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. God said to Abraham, because he was willing and agreed to offer his son to God, that he would indeed bless him and he would multiply his seed as the stars of the heavens and the sand on the seashore and through Abraham’s descendants all nations on earth will be blessed.

God wants to bless us today but there is a condition. We must put our total trust in God and listen to His voice. Abraham could not figure out why God would have him sacrifice his son but he obediently proceeded because he had his total trust in Him and look at how greatly God blessed Him.

In John 13, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. Washing feet was a servant’s job. If Jesus, the Son of God, is willing to serve others, we must follow His example. In verse 17 Jesus said if we do as He did we will be blessed. He told His disciples that if you know these things (why He washed their feet and why they should do the same to others) you will be blessed if you do them.

God has blessed us with so many promises and many have conditions clearly spelled out for us to understand. We are the ones that limit God’s blessings on our lives.

ONE FINAL THOUGHT: It was 56 years ago today that we were in Seoul Korea establishing orphanages for World Vision. We received a call that my (Ken’s) father had died as a result of a heart attack. Even though he was only 46 years of age God had used him to bless so many thousands of people. Today we remember him by thanking God for the blessing we had of having him as a father and a father-in-law.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 43: 1b

Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are mine.


How grateful we are that You loved us so that we might love others. Make this a special day where we will bless others because You have blessed us. Reveal to us today Your will and plan for us to humbly serve You. 

Gems of Encouragement: January 18, 2014



A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man that talks too much.
Proverbs 20:19


But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken. Matthew 12:36


For I hear the slander of many; there is terror on every side; they conspire against me and plot to take my life. But I trust in You O Lord; I say, “You are my God”! Psalm 31: 13-14.

Disappointments: January 16, 2014




Unfulfilled hopes or expectations.


To You they cried out and were delivered; In You they trusted and were not disappointed. Psalm 22:5.

And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5.


Someone once said that disappointments are inevitable but discouragement is a choice. So the question for today is “How do we handle disappointments in life?”

We cannot count the number of times we had conversations with our children about disappointments in their lives. We learned quickly that a disappointment in a child’s life is serious and must be faced, discussed and worked out. The role of the parent is to take the time needed and help your child overcome the disappointment they have faced. It may seem like the end of the world to the child. The parents can help the child put it in a positive perspective.

Everyone has known the ache of sadness that comes when life moves in an unanticipated, undesired direction. It may come as a result of a negative change in circumstances, a sudden reversal in plans or a frustrating personal issue. Regardless of what has caused your disappointment, the dream you once cherished seems to be in ruins. You feel at a loss to know how to respond because you will find it difficult to sort through your emotions.

When we experience disappointment it can make us feel God has forgotten us. Be assured God does not forget us. He already knows the plans He has for us. He has “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11. If we continue to trust in God in the midst of our disappointments we will find hope that does not disappoint.

We are reminded of the disappointment that Joseph, the Nazarene carpenter, who was engaged to a young woman named Mary. Like any Jewish man of his day he looked forward to taking a wife and beginning a family. Then the news came. Think of all the emotions that entered Joseph’s heart when he heard that Mary was pregnant. Under Jewish law when an engaged girl becomes pregnant because of another man, the penalty was death by stoning (Deuteronomy 22:23-24). The disappointment that Joseph faced must have been overwhelming.

But as we all know, the Lord sent an angel to confirm His extraordinary plan to Joseph. Joseph was assured that the Lord would protect both Mary and Joseph. Joseph did not let his disappointment turn to discouragement but moved forward, accepting God’s will. Joseph obeyed the Lord and brought Mary home with him until the birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:24-25).

The Lord has a unique plan for our lives today. It is a plan that does not change according to unexpected circumstances. When we confront a disappointment in our lives we need to stop and look to Him for direction and then be obedient to His direction.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 43:1b.

Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are mine.


Thank You for the many blessings You have in store for me. Help me to let go of my disappointments and to always trust in You. Thank You for the assurance that You hold my future in Your hands and that Your plans for me are for good and not for evil.

Anchor: January 15, 2014




Device for mooring a ship or boat; to restrain the motion caused by waves and holds the ship in place. A person or thing that can be relied upon for support, stability, or security.


This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and one which enters within the veil. Hebrews 6:19.


As believers we have an anchor to moor our life on daily. God’s Word is an immovable anchor for us in the times of storms in our life. As believers in Jesus we need to learn how to cling unto our Savior, Jesus, and anchor our hearts to His Word. We also need to learn how to leave room in our time schedule to allow Him to bring everything together for us according to His plan and timing.

In Daniel 6 we have an example in the life of Daniel that we can learn from. Daniel had made that commitment to cling to his faith in God for his daily anchor. Even the king knew of Daniels love for his God. When Daniel was lowered into the lion’s den by King Darius’ servants the words of the King lingered in Daniels mind. “Your God whom you constantly serve will Himself deliver you” Daniel 6:16.

After the servants laid a heavy stone over the opening to the underground chamber, Daniel never did waver in his faith in God. The next morning the King came to the chamber and found Daniel untouched and proclaiming, “O king, live forever! My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths and they have not harmed me” (vv. 21-22).

Daniel’s fate was never in the hands of men. His life belonged to God. God’s Word was his anchor and therein lies the victory. Daniel survived because he had put his total trust in God and his faith in the Lord’s promises. Daniel did not do this just for this crisis but every day of his life he trusted and obeyed God. Even when the King’s evil advisors convinced the King to make it a law that no one could pray to God for thirty days Daniel got down on his knees three times a day and gave thanks before his God as he had done previously.

In the last several weeks we have received Emails from friends like you who read our daily devotionals. Many have shared with us that they are struggling with their faith. The problem is easy to see. The storms of life have overwhelmed them and they are adrift from their faith in God.  They are without a steadfast anchor. When we as believers, struggle with issues that is the time we need to check to see if we are strongly connected to our anchor. That anchor is Jesus.

We want to remind you that when you struggle with issues such as financial concerns, family breakups, job losses, or marital problems it is time to turn over to Jesus every concern and allow Him to be your anchor. Whatever storm you are in the midst of, trust God with it. Ask Him to take away your fear and anxiety. Have faith in the Lord and trust in His care.

God knows when we need encouragement, guidance and hope. This is why He provides for us specific promises in His Word, that we may understand His nature and trust Him. Many of us, many times, wished we had a clear word from God for a situation we faced. The answer is in the anchor that he has given us. His Word is a compass, a guide, and an instruction book for life. To know God’s direction for us demands from us daily reading His Word, studying His Word and praying for God’s answers.

Some of God’s promises are conditional, but we can stand in faith on all of them. Lean on the Lord daily and experience God’s best for your life. Get to know and enjoy His presence in a personal way.

Children look to their parents to be their anchor in the developing years of their young lives. Home is their safe harbor. As they venture further out on the sea of life away from their safe harbor they will encounter storms and need to know that Jesus is their steadfast anchor.

In Daniels day, God spoke through visions, dreams, and sometimes audible. Today God speaks to us through His Word. Are you listening? 


Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 43:1b

Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.


Help me to lean on Your promises today as my spiritual anchor. Help me to learn to follow You so that You are leading me every step that I take this day. Teach me how to depend on You through my meditating on Your Word and listening to Your voice. 

Obedience: January 14, 2014




Do as told or learned; following orders; submissiveness to authority.


Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine. Exodus 19:5


In the verse above, the phrase “My own Possession” is one of three titles that God gave Israel. The other two were, “a kingdom of priests” and “a Holy nation.” All three were contingent on the Children of Israel being a nation that was obedient to God’s laws and keeping the covenants between them and God.

Obeying God does not come naturally and we should not expect it to come easy. It may require us to give up something we desire. Obedience can be a challenge, especially when we feel tempted to believe that we stand to lose more through our obedience than we might gain. Obeying God is essential to pleasing Him.

When God commands us to obey He is giving us a framework around our lives that forms a protection for us against evil. He has given us wonderful guiding principles by which we are to live. When we live by His principles and obey Him the spiritual blessings God bestows upon us far outweigh any and all of our sacrifices.

Here are several principles that God has given to us that if we apply them to our lives we will begin to obey God with confidence and joy, knowing He can be fully trusted to not only keep His promises to us but to lead us and guide us through every situation in life that we face. 

TRUST GOD WITH LIFE AND WITH ALL THAT CONCERNS YOU. God created you and He loves you with an eternal love. God loved us enough to give His Son Jesus to die for us. Surely we can trust Him to give us what is best for us. God’s love is bigger than any problem we may face in life.

WAIT ON THE LORD FOR YOUR ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEM OR SITUATION. When you are in doubt about any issue you face, refuse to move ahead until you are certain that God is leading you.

MEDITATE ON GOD’S WORD. By saturating your mind with the Word of God, the Bible, you will be aware of His viewpoint on every issue in life. When a temptation comes your way you will know right from wrong. It is then your decision how you proceed.

LISTEN TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. God speaks to His people today through His Word, through His Holy Spirit, Christian leaders and through trusted God honoring friends. We need to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our time of praying and studying God’s Word.

BE WILLING TO WALK AWAY FROM SITUATIONS WHEN THE WAY SEEMS TO BE UNCLEAR. Always remain firm to your convictions and do not waver. If you have any hesitancy do not move forward. Ask God to confirm His will to you through His Word. He will never contradict His Word so when he speaks to you when reading the Bible with a thought relating to your concern, always listen and react His way.

BE WILLING TO ENDURE CONFLICT. God rarely empties our lives of trouble and conflict. If He did, just think, we would have no reason to depend on Him. God allows us to have enough conflict for us to keep focused on Him. For some it takes more conflict than others but God knows what we need.

LEARN TO LEAVE THE CONSEQUENCES TO GOD. Being obedient to God is not easy. You may face criticism from others or face severe obstacles or opposition but if you remain obedient to God, He will take care of you and all that concerns you. You will learn about God’s ability to provide. Obeying God is necessary to obtaining God’s blessing in our lives.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 43:1b.

Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; Your mine.


Help me to stay on the path to obedience to Your laws and commandments. Help me to put every situation that I face into Your hands and leave the outcome to You. Give me and my family a blessed day because we are striving to be obedient to You.

Resistance: January 13, 2014




Stand one’s ground; hold one’s own; make a stand; stand up against.


But resist him, firm in your faith. I Peter 5:9

Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:7-8


The term RESISTANCE MOVEMENT has become well known in the last 50 or so years. It describes situations in which oppressed people rise up against their oppressors. Resistance fighters take the stance, I am not going to stand idly by and allow this evil to continue. They choose to resist the wrongs whether they live or die. They stand for the principles that they believe.

Resistance through the power of prayer is the biblical approach to confronting and overcoming the devil and evil influences in our lives. Both Peter and James, in the verses we have put above, make it clear we are to actively resist evil through our prayers.

On the surface one might think resistance may appear to be passive. But in practice in everyday life it is anything but passive. It is actively needed. What would you do if a weight pushed against you attempting to push you off a position that is rightfully yours? Would you resist? Most people would. You would lean against the weight and press or push back. The pressure you exert would need to be equal or greater than the pressure exerted against you.

Resistance in our spiritual lives needs to develop the same concept. When evil starts to pressure us we need to push back, through prayer. Resistance is first and foremost a firm decision to join the struggle against evil through prayer. Your option is to ignore the pressure and turn away, backing off and retreating. Our Lord wants us as believers to resist evil. This will take courage, strength, patience, and perseverance.

To resist the devil we must be prepared. We must strengthen our faith with the knowledge of God’s Word. Satan will do all he can to drag us out of fellowship with Jesus. We must prepare for temptation by deciding how we will act before we are faced with Satan’s temptations. The Bible sets clear standards of right or wrong. Anything that violates the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20 is wrong and must be resisted.

Peter and James (verses above) point to two key words at the heart of our ability to resist the devil. The first word is SUBMISSION. God is saying to us, you can’t on your own defeat the devil but with Me you can. The apostle Paul took this position when he said in Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When we are willing to submit to God’s will we develop a closer relationship with our Lord and Jesus Christ will give us strength to resist the devil.

The second key word is FAITH.  Simply said, faith is saying to God I believe You will. We grow in faith by exercising it, by trusting God in situations after situations that we face in life.

It is impossible for one to resist the devil for very long if you do not believe that Christ through you can and will defeat the devil. You can remain firm in your faith only when you completely submit to God in all areas of your life.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Isaiah 43:1b.

Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.


I know in my own strength I cannot resist the devil so I ask You to give me insight to recognize evil and the strength to resist the devil’s evil temptations. Help me to submit to Your will in my life and draw closer to You in my times of weakness.

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