June 1, 2014

Meditation: May 29, 2014




To engage in deep thought or contemplation; continued or extended thought about God’s Word.


When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Nehemiah 1:4


At the time Nehemiah wrote these words (verse above) Nehemiah was living in exile. Nehemiah remained faithful to God in spite of his captivity. God had allowed Babylon to conquer Israel and Judah because they had turned away from God. The Babylonians sacked and destroyed and nearly depopulated Jerusalem, the Jews’ Holy city. It was this distressing news that brought Nehemiah to his knees in prayer and meditation for days.

There are not many believers today that spend much time in prayer and meditation, let alone days. Sometimes it takes great distress to bring us to our knees and back to spending time in prayer and meditating on God’s Word.

Our time that we spend with the Lord has a dramatic impact on our daily life. When we set aside periods to meditate upon His Word and listen to what He is telling us, we will start to notice both subtle and dramatic changes taking place in our life. Three things come to mind as to what we can expect from God.

We will begin to gain a godly perspective on where we are and where we are going in life. In Ephesians chapter 1, Paul shows that he was mindful of this. He actively prayed for himself and others to have the Lord’s outlook. When we start to see with enlightened eyes, the world, along with its joy and pain, becomes much clearer, as does our understanding of how God would have us deal with circumstances we face in life.

Secondly, when we spend time with God it will cause the pressures of life to dissipate. Jesus warned His disciples that they would face trouble in this world, just as each of us will, but He assured them that they had no reason to be afraid. Why fear a foe that Christ has already conquered --- the temptations of Satan.

Finally, meditation brings peace to one’s heart. In this troubled world, we frequently find ourselves in need of a quiet heart that can only be attained through Jesus (John 14:27). Paul tells us in Philippians 4:7 that the world is not even capable of understanding God’s peace.

There are also rewards that God has promised us when we take time to meditate. Meditation brings to us a genuine personal closeness to God. This closeness comes from us spending quality time with Him.

Our meditation enables us to develop a pure heart. Spending time with the Lord through prayer and reading his Word will bring to the surface those things in our heart that do not belong there. When we allow our relationship with the Lord to permeate the darkest places of our heart, we will yield to the convicting work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and accept our father’s amazing love and forgiveness.

When God commissioned Joshua to be Israel’s leader after the death of Moses, God gave Joshua this command and promise in Joshua 1:8:

“Do not let the Book of the Law depart from your mouth, meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:13.

I can do all things through Him whom strengthens me.


Teach me to establish time daily to meditate in Your presence. May this be a time for me to grow in my love to You and a time for You to equip me to be Your servant to this sinful and cruel world.

Gems of Encouragement: May 31, 2014



A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
Proverbs 12:26


You are My friends if you do what I command. I know longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his father’s business. Instead I have called you friends, for everything I learned from My Father I have made known to you. You did not choose Me but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit.
John 15:14-16a


My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to You, I, whom You have redeemed. My tongue will tell of Your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion.
Psalm 71:23-24.

Heaven: May 30, 2014




The abode of God; the place of existence of the blessed, after mortal life.


Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. Isaiah 65:17


Do you get as excited as we do thinking about heaven? What kind of place is it? Are the streets really paved with gold? But more important, who is going to be there? Will we know our family and friends? These are just some of the questions that you may be asking today.

But the most important question you must ask yourself is, am I certain I will be in heaven? We know people that are certain they will be in heaven just because they are good people and do a lot to help the poor and needy. Others say that God is a just God and would never want any of His creations not to be in heaven.

But the Bible is very clear. There is only one way to heaven and that is through God’s Son Jesus Christ. We were all born in sin because of the actions of Adam and Eve. We then must all pay the penalty for our sins. But Christ paid that penalty by dying on the cross for us, thus paying our penalty. He then rose again, appeared on this earth and then went to heaven to prepare for us a home. All we need to do is accept Jesus as our Savior and build our relationship with Him. We then become an adopted child of God and ready to join Him at His home.

Yes, heaven is home. The Bible takes the word “home” with all its tender associations and with all its sacred memories and tells us that Heaven is our home.

Heaven is a permanent home. We have the promise in God’s Word that heaven, our home, is where Christ’s followers will remain forever.

The Bible teaches that Heaven is a home which is beautiful beyond every imagination. Heaven could not help but be so, because God is a God of beauty.

The Bible teaches that Heaven is a home that will be happy, because there will be nothing to make it sad. In heaven, we are told, that family and friends will be reunited.

God’s house will be a happy home because Christ will be there. He will be the center of Heaven. To Him all hearts will turn, and upon Him all eyes will be focused and rested.


Our memory verse for this week will be found in Philippians 4:13.

I can do all things through Him whom strengthened me.


I rejoice, O Lord, when I think of an eternal home with You. May I show a new commitment to help my friends, family and associates to understand that there is only one way to heaven and that one way is through Jesus! Thank You for Your words in John 14:6 that reminds us that You are the way, the truth, and the life. And that no one comes to the Father (God) except through You.

Image:May 28, 2014




A physical likeness or representation of a person; a likeness or reflection; an idea or conception; created in God’s image.


So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created him. Genesis 1:27

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I John 1:3

If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by truth. I John 1:6.


God made you! You were fashioned in His own image. You were made in the fashion and likeness of the Creator. God created every living creature in this world but when He created man He made us a unique creation. We are different from all other creatures because He made us in His image.

It is plain that God did not make us exactly like Himself because God has no physical body. We will never be like God. We are just a reflection of God’s image. He has created us with intellect, with the ability to reason and feel emotions, and with a will. God is without sin and created Adam and Eve without sin so they could fellowship with God. When Adam and Eve chose to use their free will and sinned against God, their sin separated them from God.

Does this make you feel any different about your relationship with God? Many people you talk to today either don’t understand what you are saying or they believe that they just came through evolution.

God had a purpose in making you in His own image. His primary purpose is that you could and would have fellowship with Him. If a man does not have fellowship with God, he is lost, confused, and in darkness.

Just as darkness cannot exist in the presence of light, sin cannot exist in the presence of God. If we want to have a relationship with God we must put aside our sinful ways of living. If one chooses to live in darkness he cannot find his place in life without ultimate confusion and unhappiness. He soon will have a sense of not fitting in.

There are literally thousands of people today who will admit and confess that they are unhappy and do not know the reason why. Economic security, recreation, pleasure, and a good community in which to live have not brought about the peace and happiness that they expected and want.

The reason for this is simple: Man was created in the image of God and cannot find complete rest, happiness, joy, and peace until he comes back to God and puts his trust and hope in the God that created him in His image.

Take the time now to stop and evaluate your relationship with God. This relationship begins with your acceptance of Jesus as your Savior. Remember He died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins. Your acceptance of Jesus as your Savior will assure your relationship with God.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:13.

I can do all things through Him whom strengthens me.


Thank You that You have created me in Your image so that I can have fellowship with You. Help me this day to tell others of the fellowship that can be theirs when they have a relationship with God, their creator. 

God: May 27, 2014




The creator and ruler of the universe; the Supreme Being.


If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. Psalm 139:8 


Have you wondered what God is like? You could go out on the street and ask everyone that comes by and you would get every answer imaginable. Most people just do not know God and really have no interest to know what He is like. They form their own conception of what God is like and where He is.

But we believe it is possible to know what God is like through His Word, the Bible. We recently were reading a devotional that Dr. Billy Graham had written about God and knowing Him. He wrote that the Bible declares several magnificent things about God. God is a Spirit that is not limited to body. He is not limited to shape; He is not limited to force; He is not limited to boundaries or bonds. He is absolutely immeasurable.

He went on to write that most people try to limit in their minds God to certain spheres, and relegate Him to certain categories that are the product of their own speculation.  What is your concept of God?

We know that there is no limit to God, no limit to His power, no limit to His wisdom, no limit to His love and no limit to His mercy. These are the things we like to think about God.

God is also a righteous judge, “He will judge the world in righteousness.” Psalm 96:13. People do not like to include this in their concept of God. In Acts 17:31 Luke tells us, “He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by a Man whom He has appointed.”

God has set a day of coming judgment and everyone in the world will be judged for everything he or she has done. We do not like to be held accountable but God does hold us accountable for everything we have done. We don’t like to think of God in this way because it is frightening.

As believers we do not have to fear. God loved us enough to send Jesus to die for our sins and Jesus loved us enough to give His life to pay the penalty for our sins. For all those who believe and accept Jesus as their Savior their sins are forgiven and there is no condemnation. All of those who are not saved have great reason to fear God as the “righteous judge.”

Men (and women) change, fashions change, conditions and circumstances change, but God never changes and we can know Him as our God and the Lord of our life.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:13.

I can do all things through Him whom strengthens me.


Thank You, Lord, for the assurance that You are with me wherever I am because You are not limited but ever present. Help me, Lord, not to limit You as I so often do. Forgive my finite mind and fill me with Your wisdom, power and mercy so that I will serve You with confidence and boldness.

Handicap: May 26, 2014




Any disadvantage that makes success more difficult; a physical or mental disability which may make ordinary activities of daily living more difficult.


For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21.


Most of us do not know what it is to deal with a debilitating handicap. A handicap makes ordinary activities more difficult and often puts limits on what one can do. Most of us can only imagine just how frustrating it must be to deal with any physical or mental handicap. We can understand somewhat because we have had two members of our family with handicaps.

How does one handle handicaps? There are some well-known people who have achieved great success in spite of their handicap. Let us share several of these with you.

Albert Einstein became a brilliant mathematician and physicists in spite of a learning disability. Alexander Graham Bell also had a learning disability but had some 1000 patents for his inventions.

Marla Runyan competed as a runner in the Olympics although she was blind from birth. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President of the United States for four terms in spite of being crippled by polio and being confined to a wheelchair.

But none of these had as great a handicap as Helen Keller. She was blind, deaf and mute, yet she achieved success that would seem impossible for anyone so handicapped. She became an author, lecturer and a crusader for the handicapped.

Just think how much Helen must have desired to be healed of her afflictions. Yet she was able to say, “I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work and my God.”

Some people respond to their handicaps with self-pity. They limit their usefulness and service to God and man because they put their concern for themselves first. Helen Keller let the Lord work in her life and in spite of her limitations she made herself useful. She became a respected and well-known as an advocate for those living with handicaps.

The Apostle Paul knew the pangs of suffering. He used his infirmities (handicaps) to honor God rather than allowing his infirmities to use him and he used them for the glory of God.

Paul said in II Corinthians 12:7, “There was given me a thorn in the flesh.” Paul doesn’t say what it was but apparently it was a debilitating and chronic problem that was a hindrance to him. It is recorded that Paul pleaded three times with the Lord to take it away but God did not. Instead God said, “My grace is sufficient for you, My power is made perfect in weakness.” The weaker we are the more God’s grace shines through. Paul was able to testify to God’s grace. Paul said, “For when I am weak, than I am strong.”

Many of our email friends (now over 25,000 daily) write us about infirmities and handicaps that concern them. Our prayer is that these few thoughts today on HANDICAPS might be a blessing to you and that you will find God’s grace sufficient for you and that His power will be made perfect in your weakness. 


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:13.

I can do all things through Him whom strengthens me.


Help me to work through any handicaps that I face in my life and allow me to rejoice in what blessings God gives me. Give me a sensitive heart for those that I meet with handicaps that I may be a blessing to them.

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