March 10, 2013
Tears: March 8, 2013
A drop of liquid flowing from the eye; sorrow; grief.
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. Revelation 21:4.
History reminds us that during the winter of 1838 thousands of Cherokee Native American Indians were driven out of their ancestral lands and forced to embark on a brutal 1,000 mile march westward known as THE TRAIL OF TEARS. These Native Americans earlier in the 19th century had struck treasures with and fought alongside of the burgeoning white population. Now they were treated in this cruel manner.
This injustice resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, many of whom had little or no clothing, shoes, or supplies for such a journey. This is just one example of situations that result in groups of people and even just individuals being treated so cruelly for no fault of their own.
Our world today is filled with injustice, pain, and heartache. Many people feel that they are leaving a trail of tears behind them. They feel that their tears go unnoticed and the grief they experience is not comforted by anyone.
The scriptures tell us that our Lord sees our tears and comforts our weary hearts. In II Corinthians 1:3-5 we read: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all of our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.”
The verse above from Revelation, declares the hope we have as believers of a future time not marked by the stains of sin or injustice. In that day and place, “God will wipe away every tear from our eyes; there will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
The God who offers freedom from tears in the future is the only One who can fully comfort our tears now. It is our challenge to you today to bring your tears of sorrow to Jesus and He will take them from you and bless you with an abundant life in Him.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:17.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Thank You dear Lord for the assurance You give me that when You permit me to face a trial You always provide for me comfort. Thank You for the hurts and pains that I face in life so that I will know your comfort. Thank You that my hurts and pains matter to You and that I am assured You will bring comfort to me as I face these. Thank You for the hope of spending an eternity with You without tears.
A drop of liquid flowing from the eye; sorrow; grief.
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. Revelation 21:4.
History reminds us that during the winter of 1838 thousands of Cherokee Native American Indians were driven out of their ancestral lands and forced to embark on a brutal 1,000 mile march westward known as THE TRAIL OF TEARS. These Native Americans earlier in the 19th century had struck treasures with and fought alongside of the burgeoning white population. Now they were treated in this cruel manner.
This injustice resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, many of whom had little or no clothing, shoes, or supplies for such a journey. This is just one example of situations that result in groups of people and even just individuals being treated so cruelly for no fault of their own.
Our world today is filled with injustice, pain, and heartache. Many people feel that they are leaving a trail of tears behind them. They feel that their tears go unnoticed and the grief they experience is not comforted by anyone.
The scriptures tell us that our Lord sees our tears and comforts our weary hearts. In II Corinthians 1:3-5 we read: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all of our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.”
The verse above from Revelation, declares the hope we have as believers of a future time not marked by the stains of sin or injustice. In that day and place, “God will wipe away every tear from our eyes; there will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
The God who offers freedom from tears in the future is the only One who can fully comfort our tears now. It is our challenge to you today to bring your tears of sorrow to Jesus and He will take them from you and bless you with an abundant life in Him.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:17.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Thank You dear Lord for the assurance You give me that when You permit me to face a trial You always provide for me comfort. Thank You for the hurts and pains that I face in life so that I will know your comfort. Thank You that my hurts and pains matter to You and that I am assured You will bring comfort to me as I face these. Thank You for the hope of spending an eternity with You without tears.
Encouragement: March 7, 2013
The act of inspiring with courage or confidence; to cheer; support.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they then gold, sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward. Psalm 19:7-11.
It can be hard not to get discouraged these days. Like many others are you looking for encouragement today? You may be one that is possibly fighting discouragement, frustration or a taste of depression in your life? Possibly you feel that nothing is going right and you do not know where to turn. Take time now and listen to the news on the radio, television or the internet. How much good news do you hear? It seems to us that most of the news we read about or hear is discouraging and in most cases evil. We need to remember that what is happening in our world is controlled by the evil one, the devil.
The scripture verses we have written above by the psalmist David can lift your spirits in an unexpected way through some words that we normally would think are negative. Our thoughts on these verses could be considered UNLIKELY ENCOURAGEMENT.
In these verses from Psalm 19, written by David, we discover a short listing of ways that the Lord clearly defines for us standards (laws) for living. When we think of standards or laws we often think of something that keeps us from enjoying life. These are standards that can bring us positive encouragement enabling us to overcome the negative feelings that overwhelm us in life. These are unlikely encouragement thoughts because some see God’s standards as restrictive and robbing them from happiness. As we study this passage we find the opposite is true. God’s standards serve to revive us.
Look at some of the words the psalmist uses to share with us God’s standards: “law of the Lord,” “testimony,” “statutes,” “commandments,” “fear of the Lord,” and “judgments.” These words have an ominous sound to them that causes many people to want to avoid them or reject them, even believers in Jesus.
We want you to notice that these standards bring to the believers an obedient heart: conversion of the soul, wisdom, rejoicing of the heart, purity of life, enlightenment of the eyes, endurance, truth, and righteousness. Isn’t that great encouragement? No wonder David said about God’s law that He’s given to us, “more to be desired are they then gold, sweeter than honey.”
Be encouraged today. We serve an awesome God who loves you and wants to turn your focus away from the discouragements of life to the positive things of the Lord your God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:7.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Help me Lord, to love You and Your Word. Give me delight in my heart as I read it, learn about You, and follow what You teach me. Thank You for all the blessings that come my way daily overcoming the discouragements in life that I seem to face. You are an awesome God and I praise Your name.
The act of inspiring with courage or confidence; to cheer; support.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they then gold, sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward. Psalm 19:7-11.
It can be hard not to get discouraged these days. Like many others are you looking for encouragement today? You may be one that is possibly fighting discouragement, frustration or a taste of depression in your life? Possibly you feel that nothing is going right and you do not know where to turn. Take time now and listen to the news on the radio, television or the internet. How much good news do you hear? It seems to us that most of the news we read about or hear is discouraging and in most cases evil. We need to remember that what is happening in our world is controlled by the evil one, the devil.
The scripture verses we have written above by the psalmist David can lift your spirits in an unexpected way through some words that we normally would think are negative. Our thoughts on these verses could be considered UNLIKELY ENCOURAGEMENT.
In these verses from Psalm 19, written by David, we discover a short listing of ways that the Lord clearly defines for us standards (laws) for living. When we think of standards or laws we often think of something that keeps us from enjoying life. These are standards that can bring us positive encouragement enabling us to overcome the negative feelings that overwhelm us in life. These are unlikely encouragement thoughts because some see God’s standards as restrictive and robbing them from happiness. As we study this passage we find the opposite is true. God’s standards serve to revive us.
Look at some of the words the psalmist uses to share with us God’s standards: “law of the Lord,” “testimony,” “statutes,” “commandments,” “fear of the Lord,” and “judgments.” These words have an ominous sound to them that causes many people to want to avoid them or reject them, even believers in Jesus.
We want you to notice that these standards bring to the believers an obedient heart: conversion of the soul, wisdom, rejoicing of the heart, purity of life, enlightenment of the eyes, endurance, truth, and righteousness. Isn’t that great encouragement? No wonder David said about God’s law that He’s given to us, “more to be desired are they then gold, sweeter than honey.”
Be encouraged today. We serve an awesome God who loves you and wants to turn your focus away from the discouragements of life to the positive things of the Lord your God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:7.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Help me Lord, to love You and Your Word. Give me delight in my heart as I read it, learn about You, and follow what You teach me. Thank You for all the blessings that come my way daily overcoming the discouragements in life that I seem to face. You are an awesome God and I praise Your name.
Promises: March 6, 2013
Ones pledge to another; grounds for hope; give ones word to.
For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us. II Corinthians 1:20.
How many promises have you made in your lifetime? Do you really understand what a promise is or signifies? Do you make promises without considering what it will require of you to keep it? Are you a person who is known to keep your promises or do family and friends think differently? These are important considerations to carefully think about because a person that keeps his or her promises is known as a person of integrity, but the person who breaks promises will be considered untrustworthy.
When we were raising our family, we learned the importance that it was to our children and those we associated with, to keep promises that we made. Nothing can discourage a child more than to anticipate a pending promise and then to have that promise broken. We endeavored to always keep a promise, not just only to maintain our integrity but to set an example for our children. God blesses you when you learn to keep promises.
It blesses us to see our children staying true to their word. We know they keep their promises and we know we can count on them to keep their word. God has made literally hundreds of promises for us in His Word. And the good news is that not one of His promises has ever been proven to be broken. Our Christian faith rests on a foundation that God has laid for us for today and for the future.
We can trust every word that our Heavenly Father has spoken because He has proven to be:
• Truthful: The Lord knows what is true and speaks honestly to us through His Word in all matters of life. God cannot lie. We can be assured of this because He is Holy; there is no sin in Him. He is also omniscient and understands everything. His promises are based on His infinite knowledge and truthfulness.
• Faithful: Scripture compares our Lord to a shepherd who gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart. He does the same for us and has planned a life for eternity with him. Our heavenly Father does not waver in His intentions or will. He is truly faithful.
• Loving: God’s love for us was demonstrated to the world at the cross. He sent His only Son to die by crucifixion and thereby take the punishment for our sins. Jesus experienced God’s wrath against iniquity so we might know only His love. This is the ultimate proof of His love for us.
• All-powerful: Divine power created the world and the same power raised our Savior back to life, so we know God has the ability to carry out all His plans for us. Yes our omnipotent Father will keep every promise He has given us.
A promise can be believed only if the one making it has trustworthy character and the ability to carry through on the promise. We can be certain that God is trustworthy to keep His promises and His power to fulfill His promises is without limit. God does not change His mind. What He says He will do He will do.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:17.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Help me to realize completely that God will do exactly as He has promised for me. Help me to fulfill Your conditions to the promises You give such as being obedient and faithful to You.
Ones pledge to another; grounds for hope; give ones word to.
For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us. II Corinthians 1:20.
How many promises have you made in your lifetime? Do you really understand what a promise is or signifies? Do you make promises without considering what it will require of you to keep it? Are you a person who is known to keep your promises or do family and friends think differently? These are important considerations to carefully think about because a person that keeps his or her promises is known as a person of integrity, but the person who breaks promises will be considered untrustworthy.
When we were raising our family, we learned the importance that it was to our children and those we associated with, to keep promises that we made. Nothing can discourage a child more than to anticipate a pending promise and then to have that promise broken. We endeavored to always keep a promise, not just only to maintain our integrity but to set an example for our children. God blesses you when you learn to keep promises.
It blesses us to see our children staying true to their word. We know they keep their promises and we know we can count on them to keep their word. God has made literally hundreds of promises for us in His Word. And the good news is that not one of His promises has ever been proven to be broken. Our Christian faith rests on a foundation that God has laid for us for today and for the future.
We can trust every word that our Heavenly Father has spoken because He has proven to be:
• Truthful: The Lord knows what is true and speaks honestly to us through His Word in all matters of life. God cannot lie. We can be assured of this because He is Holy; there is no sin in Him. He is also omniscient and understands everything. His promises are based on His infinite knowledge and truthfulness.
• Faithful: Scripture compares our Lord to a shepherd who gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart. He does the same for us and has planned a life for eternity with him. Our heavenly Father does not waver in His intentions or will. He is truly faithful.
• Loving: God’s love for us was demonstrated to the world at the cross. He sent His only Son to die by crucifixion and thereby take the punishment for our sins. Jesus experienced God’s wrath against iniquity so we might know only His love. This is the ultimate proof of His love for us.
• All-powerful: Divine power created the world and the same power raised our Savior back to life, so we know God has the ability to carry out all His plans for us. Yes our omnipotent Father will keep every promise He has given us.
A promise can be believed only if the one making it has trustworthy character and the ability to carry through on the promise. We can be certain that God is trustworthy to keep His promises and His power to fulfill His promises is without limit. God does not change His mind. What He says He will do He will do.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:17.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Help me to realize completely that God will do exactly as He has promised for me. Help me to fulfill Your conditions to the promises You give such as being obedient and faithful to You.
Sleep: March 5, 2013
The natural state of bodily rest; to cease to be awake
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late; for so He gives to His beloved even in his sleep. Psalm 127:2
Sleep is essential for good health. Scientists do not know exactly why we need sleep but they do know what happens when we do not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep puts one at risk of premature aging, weight gain, and diseases ranging from colds, flu to cancer.
When we relax and drift off into our dreamland (sleep) it is amazing what God accomplishes in our bodies. While we do nothing, God replenishes our energy, rebuilds and restores our cells, and reorganizes information in our brain. It is also a time when one will make better decisions after a good sleep.
There are many reasons that one may give as to why they do not get enough sleep. Some are justified but most are not. In the verse above God makes it clear that sleep is a gift from God and we should receive it with gratitude. Solomon tells us in this verse that overwork should not be something that keeps us from sleep. God blesses us, provides for us, protects us and leads us in our sleep when we have put our trust in Him.
If you are not getting enough sleep you need to find out why. Are you stressed out with anxiety and worry? Are you staying up late and rising early to make money for things that you really do not need? Are you involved in ministry efforts that you think no one else is capable of doing? Or are you spending time socializing, going to functions, reading excess books or just working?
Have you ever felt that the work you do when you are awake is more important than the work God does while you sleep? Maybe you just have not thought of it that way. If not you need to think about the gift of sleep that God has for you. Sleep is a gift from God and refusing to sleep in order to work is like telling God that your work is more important than His.
Most of us have never read this verse in Psalms, above, or at least understood what the psalmist is saying. This psalm was written as one of the “pilgrim psalms’ for worshipers to sing as they moved uphill walking up the steps leading to the temple. God is reminding us through the psalmist that He wants us to take time to rest so that He can work through us.
God does not want anyone to be a slave to work to the extent of forgetting or ignoring Him. He wants us to enjoy sleep and rest to calm our hearts and minds so we will be renewed physically, mentally, and spiritually and be ready and able to serve Him. If we do not take the time to come apart from the business of life and rest a while we may just plain come apart.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:17.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Help me and my family to rest our hearts and minds in the comfort of Your presence. Keep us calm as we sleep so that we will be refreshed by Your presence and Your love and awake each morning refreshed and renewed to serve You.
The natural state of bodily rest; to cease to be awake
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late; for so He gives to His beloved even in his sleep. Psalm 127:2
Sleep is essential for good health. Scientists do not know exactly why we need sleep but they do know what happens when we do not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep puts one at risk of premature aging, weight gain, and diseases ranging from colds, flu to cancer.
When we relax and drift off into our dreamland (sleep) it is amazing what God accomplishes in our bodies. While we do nothing, God replenishes our energy, rebuilds and restores our cells, and reorganizes information in our brain. It is also a time when one will make better decisions after a good sleep.
There are many reasons that one may give as to why they do not get enough sleep. Some are justified but most are not. In the verse above God makes it clear that sleep is a gift from God and we should receive it with gratitude. Solomon tells us in this verse that overwork should not be something that keeps us from sleep. God blesses us, provides for us, protects us and leads us in our sleep when we have put our trust in Him.
If you are not getting enough sleep you need to find out why. Are you stressed out with anxiety and worry? Are you staying up late and rising early to make money for things that you really do not need? Are you involved in ministry efforts that you think no one else is capable of doing? Or are you spending time socializing, going to functions, reading excess books or just working?
Have you ever felt that the work you do when you are awake is more important than the work God does while you sleep? Maybe you just have not thought of it that way. If not you need to think about the gift of sleep that God has for you. Sleep is a gift from God and refusing to sleep in order to work is like telling God that your work is more important than His.
Most of us have never read this verse in Psalms, above, or at least understood what the psalmist is saying. This psalm was written as one of the “pilgrim psalms’ for worshipers to sing as they moved uphill walking up the steps leading to the temple. God is reminding us through the psalmist that He wants us to take time to rest so that He can work through us.
God does not want anyone to be a slave to work to the extent of forgetting or ignoring Him. He wants us to enjoy sleep and rest to calm our hearts and minds so we will be renewed physically, mentally, and spiritually and be ready and able to serve Him. If we do not take the time to come apart from the business of life and rest a while we may just plain come apart.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:17.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Help me and my family to rest our hearts and minds in the comfort of Your presence. Keep us calm as we sleep so that we will be refreshed by Your presence and Your love and awake each morning refreshed and renewed to serve You.
Equip:March 4, 2013
To provide with what is needed for use for an undertaking; to furnish with intellectual or emotional resources; fit out with what is needed to execute our understanding; furnish or fit completely.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God --- that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work. II Timothy 3: 16-17.
We come into this world completely unequipped intellectually, physically or emotionally. Our parents begin to equip us while we are mere infants to live in the world as productive people. A loving parent’s greatest desire is to “equip” their children with the finest of training in order for them to excel in life.
For years now, from time to time, we have seen a military knife, known as the Swiss Army knife. The designer, Karl Elsener was a Swiss designer of surgical equipment. He spent years, beginning as a hobby, to design several versions. One model includes knife blades, a saw, scissors, a magnifying glass, a can opener, a screwdriver, a ruler, a toothpick, a writing pen and even more, all in one knife. It was designed as a tool to aid in survival if lost for a time while hiking or camping.
All believers need to be reminded that we need something to “equip” us to survive spiritually in this sinful world. God has given us His Word which is kind of a spiritual survival tool for the soul. The apostle Paul confirms this in what he wrote to Timothy in II Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly EQUIPPED for every good work.”
The word equipped means to “furnish or fit completely” (above under definition). The Bible provides spiritual truth in doctrine. The scripture is God’s Word to us and we can be sure it is true. God’s Word reproves us by pointing out our imperfections and sinful failures. It corrects us by teaching us what is right. God’s Word gives us instruction in living a righteous life. There is not a more valuable tool than God’s Word to make us fully equipped for spiritual survival and personal growth in the things of the Lord.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:17.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Thank You dear Lord, for equipping us through Your inspired Word. Thank You for correcting us in our sinful ways and instructing us in righteous living. Help my family, beginning with me, to take the time to read Your Word and to follow what it tells us.
To provide with what is needed for use for an undertaking; to furnish with intellectual or emotional resources; fit out with what is needed to execute our understanding; furnish or fit completely.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God --- that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work. II Timothy 3: 16-17.
We come into this world completely unequipped intellectually, physically or emotionally. Our parents begin to equip us while we are mere infants to live in the world as productive people. A loving parent’s greatest desire is to “equip” their children with the finest of training in order for them to excel in life.
For years now, from time to time, we have seen a military knife, known as the Swiss Army knife. The designer, Karl Elsener was a Swiss designer of surgical equipment. He spent years, beginning as a hobby, to design several versions. One model includes knife blades, a saw, scissors, a magnifying glass, a can opener, a screwdriver, a ruler, a toothpick, a writing pen and even more, all in one knife. It was designed as a tool to aid in survival if lost for a time while hiking or camping.
All believers need to be reminded that we need something to “equip” us to survive spiritually in this sinful world. God has given us His Word which is kind of a spiritual survival tool for the soul. The apostle Paul confirms this in what he wrote to Timothy in II Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly EQUIPPED for every good work.”
The word equipped means to “furnish or fit completely” (above under definition). The Bible provides spiritual truth in doctrine. The scripture is God’s Word to us and we can be sure it is true. God’s Word reproves us by pointing out our imperfections and sinful failures. It corrects us by teaching us what is right. God’s Word gives us instruction in living a righteous life. There is not a more valuable tool than God’s Word to make us fully equipped for spiritual survival and personal growth in the things of the Lord.
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 3:17.
That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Thank You dear Lord, for equipping us through Your inspired Word. Thank You for correcting us in our sinful ways and instructing us in righteous living. Help my family, beginning with me, to take the time to read Your Word and to follow what it tells us.
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