July 4, 2010
Ruin: July 2, 2010
Today's Word for Friday July 2, 2010
A moral or physical collapse; downfall, decay or destruction;
"You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."
John 8:44
Jesus pulls no punches in this verse we have written above as He speaks of the devil as it relates to the ruin of man. Man today would have to be spiritually blind, deaf and mute not to know that the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. The verse in 1 John 5:19 reads, "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the control of the wicked one."
In this verse from I John God reveals two classes of people. First there are those who are no longer spiritually blind, deaf or mute to God's message. They are saved by the grace of God and know it.
Secondly there is a whole world of unsaved souls that lie in the hands of the evil one, Satan. Satan is the father of the wicked and the one that has ruined mankind. Every nation, every tribe, every family, the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated, all participate in the ruin of man because we all have a common origin in Adam. We all share a common heritage, a common legacy and that is the ruin of man.
The Bible clearly tells us that because of the sin of Adam and Eve, "The wages of that sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." (Romans 6:23) Death is universal because the ruin is universal. But thanks be to God, the gift He gave to us for the asking is eternal life through Jesus Christ His Son and our Lord.
Yes, because of the sin of Adam and Eve, mankind was ruined but in Jesus we have complete redemption. Peter reassures us of this in 1 Peter 1:18-19 where it reads, "Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot."
As one who believes in Jesus you can rest assured that your ruined life is no longer ruined? Now you need to do all you can to become more Christ-like every day and love and serve God as you never have before.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Thank You dear God that You have provided for me salvation for my ruined life. Help me to love and serve You this day to the best of my ability. Take me out of the habit of trying to serve You on my own. Help me to surrender to Your will so You can lead me to accomplish what You want from me today
A moral or physical collapse; downfall, decay or destruction;
"You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."
John 8:44
Jesus pulls no punches in this verse we have written above as He speaks of the devil as it relates to the ruin of man. Man today would have to be spiritually blind, deaf and mute not to know that the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. The verse in 1 John 5:19 reads, "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the control of the wicked one."
In this verse from I John God reveals two classes of people. First there are those who are no longer spiritually blind, deaf or mute to God's message. They are saved by the grace of God and know it.
Secondly there is a whole world of unsaved souls that lie in the hands of the evil one, Satan. Satan is the father of the wicked and the one that has ruined mankind. Every nation, every tribe, every family, the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated, all participate in the ruin of man because we all have a common origin in Adam. We all share a common heritage, a common legacy and that is the ruin of man.
The Bible clearly tells us that because of the sin of Adam and Eve, "The wages of that sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." (Romans 6:23) Death is universal because the ruin is universal. But thanks be to God, the gift He gave to us for the asking is eternal life through Jesus Christ His Son and our Lord.
Yes, because of the sin of Adam and Eve, mankind was ruined but in Jesus we have complete redemption. Peter reassures us of this in 1 Peter 1:18-19 where it reads, "Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot."
As one who believes in Jesus you can rest assured that your ruined life is no longer ruined? Now you need to do all you can to become more Christ-like every day and love and serve God as you never have before.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Thank You dear God that You have provided for me salvation for my ruined life. Help me to love and serve You this day to the best of my ability. Take me out of the habit of trying to serve You on my own. Help me to surrender to Your will so You can lead me to accomplish what You want from me today
Man: July 1, 2010
Today's Word for Thursday July 1, 2010
A person, a human being.
"What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?" Psalm 8:4
Through the ages philosophers and historians have attempted to understand the nature of our race and the purpose of man. They have wondered why man cannot live in peace and what will man's final destination be? The Bible alone supplies all of the answers for these questions. Even David asked this question (the verse above).
When David reflected on the heavens, the moon and the stars and all that God had created, he felt very insignificant. He asked the question: why would he be of any importance to God that God would even care that he existed? God is merciful to each one of us, and to mankind as a whole, because he chooses to be. From the beginning He had a plan and a purpose for us.
Man perceives himself higher than the animals but below God because of our limited control over events and our life span. Man was created by God on the sixth day of creation and God placed him on a planet that was specifically designed for him and prepared to sustain him. Man was also given a body and a soul that made him fit for dominion over the planet He created for us. God gave man the responsibility to tend to it and to care for it.
God gave the first human couple freedom of will and commanded them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They also were given by God the gift of spoken language. Eve was lured by Satan through his half truths and misquotation of God's Word. Both Adam and Eve chose to disobey by doing exactly what God commanded them not to do and therefore they sinned against God. Thus they brought down the future of the human race with them.
God then sent His Son as His redemptive plan for man to be saved from his sins. To those that believe, God gave His biblically commanded duties. They are to love God and to love one another. We are also to have joy, glorify God, worship Him in holiness and honor the Son just as we are to honor the Father.
The Bible is very clear as to the final destiny of man. Man has a choice. If he chooses death, he will spend an eternity in Hell. If he chooses life, he chooses God's way and will spend an eternity with God in heaven. Those who believe in Jesus and accepts Him into their heart according to the scripture will spend an eternity on the new earth and in the new Jerusalem and in a world of sinless happiness in the constant presence of God and the Lamb of God which is Christ.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Thank You for being mindful of me and caring for me. Help me to be an example to my family and to those people I meet today of Your love and salvation. Thank You for your creation and the provision You have given man for salvation through Your Son Jesus.
A person, a human being.
"What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?" Psalm 8:4
Through the ages philosophers and historians have attempted to understand the nature of our race and the purpose of man. They have wondered why man cannot live in peace and what will man's final destination be? The Bible alone supplies all of the answers for these questions. Even David asked this question (the verse above).
When David reflected on the heavens, the moon and the stars and all that God had created, he felt very insignificant. He asked the question: why would he be of any importance to God that God would even care that he existed? God is merciful to each one of us, and to mankind as a whole, because he chooses to be. From the beginning He had a plan and a purpose for us.
Man perceives himself higher than the animals but below God because of our limited control over events and our life span. Man was created by God on the sixth day of creation and God placed him on a planet that was specifically designed for him and prepared to sustain him. Man was also given a body and a soul that made him fit for dominion over the planet He created for us. God gave man the responsibility to tend to it and to care for it.
God gave the first human couple freedom of will and commanded them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They also were given by God the gift of spoken language. Eve was lured by Satan through his half truths and misquotation of God's Word. Both Adam and Eve chose to disobey by doing exactly what God commanded them not to do and therefore they sinned against God. Thus they brought down the future of the human race with them.
God then sent His Son as His redemptive plan for man to be saved from his sins. To those that believe, God gave His biblically commanded duties. They are to love God and to love one another. We are also to have joy, glorify God, worship Him in holiness and honor the Son just as we are to honor the Father.
The Bible is very clear as to the final destiny of man. Man has a choice. If he chooses death, he will spend an eternity in Hell. If he chooses life, he chooses God's way and will spend an eternity with God in heaven. Those who believe in Jesus and accepts Him into their heart according to the scripture will spend an eternity on the new earth and in the new Jerusalem and in a world of sinless happiness in the constant presence of God and the Lamb of God which is Christ.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Thank You for being mindful of me and caring for me. Help me to be an example to my family and to those people I meet today of Your love and salvation. Thank You for your creation and the provision You have given man for salvation through Your Son Jesus.
Uniqueness: June 30, 2010
Today's Word for Wednesday June 30, 2010
Being the only one of its kind; unusual; rare.
"The officers answered, 'No man ever spoke like this man.' " John 7:46
At the end of the third year of Christ's ministry on this earth, the chief priests and Pharisees sent their soldiers to arrest Jesus, but they came back empty handed. Their testimony showed that they had been emotionally, morally and spiritually stunned. Upon hearing Christ for themselves and being overpowered by His words and His ethical fortitude, such an awe of Him was felt that they could not bring themselves to apprehend Him, either as a common criminal or a false Messiah.
These men recognized the uniqueness of Jesus. He possessed qualities of moral integrity and divine righteousness that marked Him as different then all men. They had no doubt that He was different from the Rabbis and indeed a prophet sent from God. His claims went beyond those made by any Rabbi, His teachings are filled with truth and godliness and His compassion was genuine. He was a man of miracles, His prayer life was quiet and He was meek and not boastful.
Yes, Jesus was unique. He was unique in just who He was. He was God. He was unique in His birth. He was born of a virgin. He was unique in His ministry. His understanding of the law, even at twelve years old, astonished the Rabbi's because He taught as one having authority. He was the greatest teacher that ever lived, performed the mightiest of miracles, and a friend of sinners.
He was unique in His death because He died voluntarily for His peoples sins. He was unique in His resurrection just as He had prophesied and as the prophets in the Old Testament had prophesied before him. He was unique at His ascension returning in the air to His father and commanded His disciples to be witnesses of Him to the uttermost parts of the world. And finally He will be unique in His second coming when He returns to this earth and takes His believers to be with Him for an eternity.
We are unique in God's sight. Each one of us was created by God and is unique in our own way. We are all born as sinners because of the sin of Adam and Eve and we have a choice to follow Jesus or to follow our own sinful ways. God has available to each of us that believe on His name a unique place in this world. He has given each of us talents that fit just us. He has offered us a life that is full of joy, just for the asking and a life in heaven for eternity if we become one of His children.
Our uniqueness can be modeled after Jesus. We need to be emotionally, morally and spiritually sound so that we can be the witnesses of Jesus that He expects us to be.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Thank You for giving me the unique opportunity to know You as my Savior and help me to be more like You every day. Give me and my family the emotional, moral and spiritual fortitude to be the witness that You expect of us.
Being the only one of its kind; unusual; rare.
"The officers answered, 'No man ever spoke like this man.' " John 7:46
At the end of the third year of Christ's ministry on this earth, the chief priests and Pharisees sent their soldiers to arrest Jesus, but they came back empty handed. Their testimony showed that they had been emotionally, morally and spiritually stunned. Upon hearing Christ for themselves and being overpowered by His words and His ethical fortitude, such an awe of Him was felt that they could not bring themselves to apprehend Him, either as a common criminal or a false Messiah.
These men recognized the uniqueness of Jesus. He possessed qualities of moral integrity and divine righteousness that marked Him as different then all men. They had no doubt that He was different from the Rabbis and indeed a prophet sent from God. His claims went beyond those made by any Rabbi, His teachings are filled with truth and godliness and His compassion was genuine. He was a man of miracles, His prayer life was quiet and He was meek and not boastful.
Yes, Jesus was unique. He was unique in just who He was. He was God. He was unique in His birth. He was born of a virgin. He was unique in His ministry. His understanding of the law, even at twelve years old, astonished the Rabbi's because He taught as one having authority. He was the greatest teacher that ever lived, performed the mightiest of miracles, and a friend of sinners.
He was unique in His death because He died voluntarily for His peoples sins. He was unique in His resurrection just as He had prophesied and as the prophets in the Old Testament had prophesied before him. He was unique at His ascension returning in the air to His father and commanded His disciples to be witnesses of Him to the uttermost parts of the world. And finally He will be unique in His second coming when He returns to this earth and takes His believers to be with Him for an eternity.
We are unique in God's sight. Each one of us was created by God and is unique in our own way. We are all born as sinners because of the sin of Adam and Eve and we have a choice to follow Jesus or to follow our own sinful ways. God has available to each of us that believe on His name a unique place in this world. He has given each of us talents that fit just us. He has offered us a life that is full of joy, just for the asking and a life in heaven for eternity if we become one of His children.
Our uniqueness can be modeled after Jesus. We need to be emotionally, morally and spiritually sound so that we can be the witnesses of Jesus that He expects us to be.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Thank You for giving me the unique opportunity to know You as my Savior and help me to be more like You every day. Give me and my family the emotional, moral and spiritual fortitude to be the witness that You expect of us.
Foundation: June 29, 2010
Today's Word for Tuesday June 29, 2010
The base on which a building rests; an underlying principle; a basis on which something is built.
"And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food, for unto now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still worldly." I Corinthians 3:1-3
"By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 3: 10-11
The foundation of our faith as believers is Jesus Christ. We must continue to build our faith using high quality materials that meet God's standards. In the above verses from 1 Corinthians, Paul is writing to the church he founded in Corinth. Paul says he laid the foundation but they, the people in the church, had not been building their faith properly. The new believers in the church were being undermined by the immorality that prevailed in Corinth.
Paul addresses them as babes in Christ because they are still worldly. Paul had carefully laid the right foundation but the believers were not using the right building blocks of sound doctrine that Paul had taught them.
Many sincere professing Christians are spiritually starving, or spiritually ill, because they never have thought seriously about the quality of their Bible study. Basically they have not grown spiritually.
If our physical diet is not in proper balance or if our digestive system is not functioning properly then our bodies will decline in health. Similarly, if we do not or cannot take full advantage of the spiritual food offered us in the Bible, we will become spiritually disabled.
Someone who is starving spiritually and not growing in their Christian way of life must regularly eat nourishing spiritual food which is the Word of God. All those who accept Jesus as their Savior have the one and only foundation for their faith. As Paul tells us in verse 11 above, there is no other foundation. As you study God's Word we recommend these important foundations for your spiritual growth.
First we must know what the Bible says about itself. Psalm 19:7 says that the law of the Lord is perfect. The Bible declares itself to be the Word of God.
Secondly, we must know what God intended the Bible to do for us. The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God - and the Bible is the only book from God but also the only book about God. The Bible is given to us from God as our guidebook for living.
Thirdly, the Bible stands above all human opinions. In John 10:4-5 we read about Jesus being our true Shepherd. Jesus tells of the shepherd will bring out his own sheep and he goes before them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. We must let the Word of God shape our opinions and then we will follow our Lord because we will know His voice.
We should know that the Bible deals in facts. In Colossians 2:8 we read to beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men or according to the basic principles of the world and not according to the laws of Christ. We need to have common sense, a serious respect for all the facts of the Bible, a proper interpretation of the Bible and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as He leads us.
We need as believers to build our foundation in God's Word. We need to learn workable methods of Bible study and know how to use Bible helps and commentaries.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Give me the courage to develop a firm foundation for my life with You. Help me to learn to not only just read the Bible but help me to learn to study and apply what I learn to my every day walk and talk.
The base on which a building rests; an underlying principle; a basis on which something is built.
"And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food, for unto now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still worldly." I Corinthians 3:1-3
"By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 3: 10-11
The foundation of our faith as believers is Jesus Christ. We must continue to build our faith using high quality materials that meet God's standards. In the above verses from 1 Corinthians, Paul is writing to the church he founded in Corinth. Paul says he laid the foundation but they, the people in the church, had not been building their faith properly. The new believers in the church were being undermined by the immorality that prevailed in Corinth.
Paul addresses them as babes in Christ because they are still worldly. Paul had carefully laid the right foundation but the believers were not using the right building blocks of sound doctrine that Paul had taught them.
Many sincere professing Christians are spiritually starving, or spiritually ill, because they never have thought seriously about the quality of their Bible study. Basically they have not grown spiritually.
If our physical diet is not in proper balance or if our digestive system is not functioning properly then our bodies will decline in health. Similarly, if we do not or cannot take full advantage of the spiritual food offered us in the Bible, we will become spiritually disabled.
Someone who is starving spiritually and not growing in their Christian way of life must regularly eat nourishing spiritual food which is the Word of God. All those who accept Jesus as their Savior have the one and only foundation for their faith. As Paul tells us in verse 11 above, there is no other foundation. As you study God's Word we recommend these important foundations for your spiritual growth.
First we must know what the Bible says about itself. Psalm 19:7 says that the law of the Lord is perfect. The Bible declares itself to be the Word of God.
Secondly, we must know what God intended the Bible to do for us. The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God - and the Bible is the only book from God but also the only book about God. The Bible is given to us from God as our guidebook for living.
Thirdly, the Bible stands above all human opinions. In John 10:4-5 we read about Jesus being our true Shepherd. Jesus tells of the shepherd will bring out his own sheep and he goes before them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. We must let the Word of God shape our opinions and then we will follow our Lord because we will know His voice.
We should know that the Bible deals in facts. In Colossians 2:8 we read to beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men or according to the basic principles of the world and not according to the laws of Christ. We need to have common sense, a serious respect for all the facts of the Bible, a proper interpretation of the Bible and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as He leads us.
We need as believers to build our foundation in God's Word. We need to learn workable methods of Bible study and know how to use Bible helps and commentaries.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Give me the courage to develop a firm foundation for my life with You. Help me to learn to not only just read the Bible but help me to learn to study and apply what I learn to my every day walk and talk.
Restless: June 28, 2010
Today's Word for Monday June 28, 2010
Characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest; uneasy; fearful; discontent: unsettled.
"Attend to me, and hear me; I am restless in my complaint, and moan noisily." Psalm 55:2
People are born with a sense of being lost, feeling incomplete, and unfulfilled. Man was created as a spiritual being and made to have fellowship with God. Without this fellowship the unrighteous person is unsettled and without peace in his walk and in his talk.
Nicodemus was a Jewish ruler and teacher so he was very knowledgeable about the Jewish laws and religion. As a Pharisee he held a respected position and was well established in life but was lacking something and he knew it. His sense of need drove him to come to Jesus as the scripture tells us, by night and in secret. He was seeking answers for his unrestlessness.
The actions of Nicodemus later in life as recorded in the scriptures tells us that he willingly received Jesus into his heart and indeed was born again. With Joseph of Aramathea, they went publically to Pilate, not secretly as before, to get the body of Jesus for preparation for burial.
Many people today are just like Nicodemus. They are knowledgeable, religious and highly respected yet they are unfulfilled and restless. If you are one of them how do you overcome restlessness in your life? First of all, just as Nicodemus did, you must come to Jesus and ask Him into your life.
Even as believers we experience restlessness in our lives. David experienced restlessness as we have written in the verse from Psalm 55:2 above. David knew where to turn in his times of stress and restlessness. In our times of restlessness we as believers need to turn to God just as David did. In Psalm 37: 1-8 David gives us sound and clear advice to overcome the restlessness in our lives.
He tells us first not to fret because of evil people that we have to put up with in life, nor to be envious of those who do wrong and seem to prosper and suffer no consequences.
Second, we are to trust in the Lord and do good.
Third, we are to delight in the Lord and the result that we can expect is that God shall give us the desires of our heart.
Fourth, we are to commit our ways unto the Lord by trusting in Him.
Fifth, we are to rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him to respond to our cry to Him.
Finally the Psalmist tells us to cease from anger and forsake wrath.
When we are restless it is easy to let ourselves fret and worry about things. When we worry we focus on our problems and get stressed. Stress often leads to anger. If we turn our problems over to the Lord and trust in Him, our thoughts will be on Him and His goodness to us. Then He can give us His peace and we can rest in the Lord.
If you are facing restlessness in your life just remember these thoughts: Do not fret, trust in the Lord, delight in the Lord, commit your ways to the Lord, rest in the Lord and cease from anger and forsake wrath.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Help me to overcome restlessness in my life by not worrying about the "things" in my life and putting my total trust in You. Help me every moment of this day to delight in You, to commit my ways unto You and to rest in You.
Characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest; uneasy; fearful; discontent: unsettled.
"Attend to me, and hear me; I am restless in my complaint, and moan noisily." Psalm 55:2
People are born with a sense of being lost, feeling incomplete, and unfulfilled. Man was created as a spiritual being and made to have fellowship with God. Without this fellowship the unrighteous person is unsettled and without peace in his walk and in his talk.
Nicodemus was a Jewish ruler and teacher so he was very knowledgeable about the Jewish laws and religion. As a Pharisee he held a respected position and was well established in life but was lacking something and he knew it. His sense of need drove him to come to Jesus as the scripture tells us, by night and in secret. He was seeking answers for his unrestlessness.
The actions of Nicodemus later in life as recorded in the scriptures tells us that he willingly received Jesus into his heart and indeed was born again. With Joseph of Aramathea, they went publically to Pilate, not secretly as before, to get the body of Jesus for preparation for burial.
Many people today are just like Nicodemus. They are knowledgeable, religious and highly respected yet they are unfulfilled and restless. If you are one of them how do you overcome restlessness in your life? First of all, just as Nicodemus did, you must come to Jesus and ask Him into your life.
Even as believers we experience restlessness in our lives. David experienced restlessness as we have written in the verse from Psalm 55:2 above. David knew where to turn in his times of stress and restlessness. In our times of restlessness we as believers need to turn to God just as David did. In Psalm 37: 1-8 David gives us sound and clear advice to overcome the restlessness in our lives.
He tells us first not to fret because of evil people that we have to put up with in life, nor to be envious of those who do wrong and seem to prosper and suffer no consequences.
Second, we are to trust in the Lord and do good.
Third, we are to delight in the Lord and the result that we can expect is that God shall give us the desires of our heart.
Fourth, we are to commit our ways unto the Lord by trusting in Him.
Fifth, we are to rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him to respond to our cry to Him.
Finally the Psalmist tells us to cease from anger and forsake wrath.
When we are restless it is easy to let ourselves fret and worry about things. When we worry we focus on our problems and get stressed. Stress often leads to anger. If we turn our problems over to the Lord and trust in Him, our thoughts will be on Him and His goodness to us. Then He can give us His peace and we can rest in the Lord.
If you are facing restlessness in your life just remember these thoughts: Do not fret, trust in the Lord, delight in the Lord, commit your ways to the Lord, rest in the Lord and cease from anger and forsake wrath.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Genesis 1:1.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Help me to overcome restlessness in my life by not worrying about the "things" in my life and putting my total trust in You. Help me every moment of this day to delight in You, to commit my ways unto You and to rest in You.
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