May 4, 2014

Gems of Encouragement: May 3, 2014



He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.
Proverbs 12:11


God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at a proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9


One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that You O God are strong, and that You O Lord, are loving. Surely You will reward each person according to what he has done.
Psalm 62: 11-12.

But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love: for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.
Psalm 59:16

Guidance: May 2, 2014




The process of giving direction; advice or counseling.


Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait on all the day. Psalm 25:4-5.

Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses. Psalm 25:12.

He will guide you into all truth. John 16:13.


When you are facing the need to make a decision, big or small, it is important to wait on God for His guidance, direction and timing. We want to share with you three ways that we can take an active role in the process while we wait on God.

First, we need to examine our heart, asking the Holy Spirit to expose any wrongs in our life. If something comes to your mind that the Holy Spirit brings to you it is important that you take care of that sin immediately.

You accomplish this by confessing, repenting and doing whatever is necessary to correct the situation. At times we often put this aside because the impending decision we need to make is our main concern. We cannot expect God to work in our lives as long as we allow sin to control our life. In order to receive God’s full blessing, we must deal with any sin in our life.

Second, when we seek direction from God we need to learn how to listen patiently and attentively for the Lord to give us the guidance we are praying for. We find it very difficult to wait on the Lord because we want quick answers and a quick fix. Our timing, however, is not the Lord’s timing.

Another reason why we find it hard to wait is that we want the Lord to do it “our way.” We cannot allow ourselves to be tempted by our feelings and our own logic if we want guidance from God. God knows what is best for us and He will give us the guidance we ask for which we can be sure is best for us because it will be in accordance with His perfect will for us.

Third, the answer to our request for guidance sometimes requires our involvement. For example, if you are out of work and trusting God to provide a job for you, God expects you to actively look for a job. Some people just sit back and pray several times a day reminding God of their need. Waiting on God is not an excuse for inaction on your part or to be just lazy.

How can you be sure that you are making the right decision? What do we need to do to hear the voice of God responding to our need for guidance?

We need to clear the pathway. We already mentioned above the need to get rid of the sin in our life but we also must ‘be willing to make our desires secondary to His.

We need to exercise patience. Sometimes it takes a great deal of strength when you feel time is so important in making your decision. But if you rush ahead of God, you may not only miss His will but miss a special blessing that He has for you.

You need to search the scriptures. Many people just take time to pray but how can God communicate to you if you do not read His Word? God gave us His written Word, the Bible, to be our guide in this evil world we live in. The psalmist declared that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).

The Word of God has an answer for every need and the Holy Spirit will speak to us through God’s Word and will always point us to the right direction if we wait on Him.


Our memory verses for this week are the sixth, seventh and eighth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20: 13-15.

You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal.


When I face a critical need in my life and need to make a decision help me to wait on You. Help me to be patient, search the scriptures and not rush to a quick answer that is not according to what You want for my life.

Parenting: May 1, 2014




The rearing of children by parents; being a father or a mother that shows guidance to their child.


Discipline your children while there is hope. Otherwise you will ruin their lives. Proverbs 19:18 (NLT)

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. Galatians 6:7.


There are so many dysfunctional families today that we need to look at what God says about the responsibilities of parents. In Jeremiah 32: 18 we read that God will repay the iniquity of fathers into the bosom of their children. This unfortunately makes the children the victims of the sins of their fathers.

Jeremiah in these verses (17-19) speaks about generational cycles of sin. Unless someone in the family line makes a deliberate choice to change, sin and dysfunctional behavior will be passed from parent to child for many generations. This is just a confirmation of the principle of sowing and reaping.

But the opposite also is true. When parents pass down to their children standards and conduct that honors God and His Ten Commandments their children and children in future generations will be blessed of God if they stay true to what they were taught and learned.

We are seeing today the sad consequence of generations of parents failing to live according to God’s will which is reflected in the high percentage of marriages that end in divorce. Typically, it is the father who moves out of the house. When the father is not in the home it leaves a void of leadership in the lives of the children. It is the role of the father to be the spiritual leader of his family and to shape their perception of God. Depending on the type of role model a father is he can either draw his children to the Lord or drive them away.

Sometimes the easiest way to understand what we are saying is to look at negative examples to make that point.  Here are five very typical examples for you to consider. (Taken from Charles Stanley’s “In Touch” magazine)

•    The angry, unpredictable father instills fear in his children and teaches them by his actions that God is a tyrant who lashes out unexpectedly.

•    A critical, demanding dad makes his kids feel inadequate. They see God as a strict task master who is never pleased.

•    The uninvolved or absent father sends the message that his children are unimportant, and both he and God are too busy for them.

•    A macho dad’s tough, uncaring nature leads his children to feel unloved and they in turn conclude that the Lord doesn’t love them either.

•    A fault-finding or abusive father conveys that his children are worthless and God is full of condemnation.

A man with a Christ-like character provides children with a healthy emotional connection, not only to their earthly father but also to their heavenly Father.


Our memory verses for this week are the sixth, seventh and eighth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:13-15.

You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal.


As a parent help me to be a Godly role model for my children so that by example my children are drawn to You. As I read Your Word open up the truth of Your Word so I can demonstrate the love and compassion of God not only to my children but to others I associate with each day.

Finances: April 30, 2014




Management of monetary affairs.


Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me on this, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will be not room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10.


As we look back to the years before we were married and then these 57 years of marriage, what we were taught about tithing and what we experienced as a result of faithful tithing has been one of the great blessings of our lives. Over the years we have had numerous conversations with our children and most recently with our grand-children about finances. The conversations have basically begun with the question: “How did you make it on the amount of money you received?”

From our perspective, even though we had critical times of concern as to how we were going to make it financially, we always did. And we firmly believe that this happened continually in our lives because we always tithed a minimum of 10% to the Lords work.

We all know that the world is full of disorder and uncertainty, but as believers, we have the wonderful assurance that God is in absolute control of every situation. He created the heavens and the earth. He had a purpose and a plan, which He carried out with precision and order. Knowing this we can be certain that God has a plan for each one of us as believers and every aspect of our lives is not only under His scrutiny but also under His care.

One of those areas is our finances. If we follow God’s plan, He promises to manage our money. Now, that is quite a blessing and most believers do not take God up on His plan. Who do you think would be better at knowing how to handle our money, you or God?

His plan is simple. He promises that if we give Him the first part of all that we receive, a tithe (10%), He will provide for all of our needs. All we can tell you is that this is what we have done consistently without missing a year and God has kept His promise and met our every need. It has truly been amazing to see how God has taken us through many valleys and over many mountains.

When you see the promise that God has made us and the blessing that He promises us plus the unfailing faithfulness of the Promise giver, what keeps you from obeying His command?  The reason we have heard the most is unbelief. People say what if God does not come through? Others say what if I give it away and then do not have enough to pay my bills?

God’s response to this is, “Try Me.” God challenges us to put Him to the test. Everything we have comes from God. God’s test is that we give Him at least 10 percent, a tithe, to advance His Kingdom and to put our trust in Him to provide for our needs. God is faithful and He will bless us. God’s promise is not always material, but we will receive them, if not here and now, we will receive them in eternity.

The Lord desires that we trust Him and what better way to test God and build your trust in Him is than through your finances.

We have been blessed to have had several visits to Israel. We have been to the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. These two bodies of water serve as an excellent example of two vivid financial plans. The Jordan is a flowing river surrounded by trees and greenery but the area around the Dead Sea is barren and nothing lives. When the water flows into the Dead Sea it stays there because there is no outlet. Soon the salts accumulate and poison the stagnate water.

The Dead Sea can be likened to the world’s financial system which is to accumulate and preserve all your wealth. This results in self-centered stagnation. Hoarding makes lives spiritually unfruitful and hinders the good works God wants to do.

The Lord’s financial plan is like the Jordan, a river that moves continually. As God’s provisions pass into our lives, we pass them on to others and God continues to give. God supplies enough to live and enough to give.


Our memory verses for this week are the sixth, seventh and eighth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:13-15.

You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal.


Help me to take the step of obedience today and to trust You to supply all my needs and follow Your promise of giving the first fruits of what I earn to You to further the spread of the gospel message to a lost world.

Truth: April 29, 2014




A fact; reality; consistent with God’s Word.


Jesus said to the Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32.

The entirety of Your Word is truth. Psalm 119:160.


There is so much deceit and deception in this world that it is very difficult at times to know if you are hearing or reading the truth. One of the most difficult situations in the lives of parents today is to know whether their children, their spouse or their neighbors are telling the truth. This is very unfortunate, but it is true because of the evil and sinful nature of the world we live in.

Our world is sick and what the world needs is a transfusion of truth. There is a way to infuse truth into your own life. The one sure way is to become grounded in the scriptures because God’s Word is the one and only source of truth. (see verses above)

If you read the Bible daily, study the passage you read and then pray that God would make that portion relative to you, God will enable you to see and understand truth.

A good illustration that we want to share with you is comparing learning the truth from the Bible to learning the details of the job where you are working. When you begin a new job or a new project at home or at school, you are trained. You are given detailed instructions as to how you are to accomplish what is expected of you. You read the orders over and over, if necessary until you fully understand what you are expected to do.

The same is true when you study the Bible. To find the truth read it over and over until God makes it clear to you what is the truth that you are looking for. Some people that believe in the Lord Jesus as their Savior have accepted erroneous ideas as truth because they have not incorporated the truth that is written in the scriptures into their hearts and mind.

You need a real desire and a solid commitment if you are going to let God’s Word shape your mind, emotions and will. The way to begin is to think of an area of need in your life and then find a passage in the Bible that addresses that need. For example if someone has hurt you look for verses on forgiveness. You can look in a concordance or in the subject section in the back of your Bible under the word forgiveness.

As you read these verses look for instructions from God and then begin to do what He says. The awesome thing about the Bible is that there is no area of life or human experience that the Bible does not address. It is God’s instruction book for us.

If we let the truths of the scriptures fill our minds, guard our emotions and influence our conduct, God will richly reward us with His blessings on our lives. By reading and meditating on His Word you will learn to understand His ways and the more you know Him the more you will love Him.

What better way is there to find the truth in today’s world? A life grounded in truth, as given to us in God’s Word, is powerful and you will learn spiritual discernment which will guide your choices and guard you against deception.


Our memory verses for this week are the sixth, seventh and eighth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:13-15.

You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal.


Help me to continually seek to know the truth of Your Word and apply it to my life. Thank You, Jesus, for Your assurance that I can know the truth and that Your truth has set me free

Perseverance: April 28, 2014




Persist in something undertaken; to diligently persist in the pursuit of something in spite of obstacles or opposition or discouragement.


Tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4.


Have you ever watched a bird try to build a nest in a tree? We have watched as a bird would carry dry grass and twigs, one piece at a time into the spot in the tree that they had chosen for their nest. It is painstaking work and takes perseverance, but the bird perseveres until the nest is built. Sometimes strong winds blow the nest away and soon the bird must begin the process all over again.

The perseverance of the birds in building their nests is inspiring. You can almost catch yourself cheering for the bird because it is a huge project for a small bird and yet they do not stop until the job is done. We watched humming birds build a nest in a bush at the side of our house. We have watched as the two little eggs that the humming bird laid have hatched and the mother bird faithfully perseveres in caring for her tiny babies.

Trying to live a Christ-honoring life in the world we live in today can leave us frustrated and discouraged. Many people today are facing insurmountable hardships including the loss of a job, the loss of a home and families that are in great turmoil.

Satan is alive and well in this sinful world. We can expect trouble and tribulation, especially as a believer. In times of difficulty it is easy to think that God has forgotten us. This is not the case. God never forgets us. Often when times are good it is we who tend to forget God. It is when times are tough that we most need to depend on God to help us through our difficulties.

God will empower us to keep on going even when we cannot see the resolution of our problems. In many situations God is using a seemingly insurmountable challenge in our life to produce perseverance. And as the verse says, that we have written above, perseverance will produce in us character and through character, hope.

The Apostle Paul reminds us in Galatians 6:9 not to grow “weary while doing good.” Paul then goes on to tell us that we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. We are to persevere in everything we do and put all that we are going through in His hands and trust God for the results.

In thinking of what it means to persevere consider Noah. Building the Ark was a huge task and there were no power tools in those days. Imagine yourself building a boat the length of one and a half football fields and as high as a four story building. Day after day, year after year Noah persevered in building the Ark. Certainly Noah must have grown weary.

What motivated Noah to persevere was obedience to God. Genesis 6:22 tells us, “Noah did everything just as God commanded Him.” Noah did not weary in doing good (obeying God is the good thing to do) and he reaped the harvest (success). Noah and all his family were saved from the flood.

When others around you suggest that you give up on a situation do not let them discourage you. Put everything in God’s hands then hope will whisper to you, “Try one more time.” Keep on doing what you know to be good and right. Try it and we can assure you God will not fail you.


Our memory verses for this week are the sixth, seventh and eighth of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:13-15.

You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal.


Help me get through the trials that I may face today that have burdened me down and make me consider giving up. Give me perseverance to overcome strife and keep me faithful to You for the assurance that I have that with Christ I can have victory and that Satan cannot defeat me.

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