August 14, 2011
Purpose: August 12, 2011
The reason for which something exists, is done or made; an intended or desired result.
We were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. II Corinthians 1:8.
“What shall I say, ‘Father save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.” John 12:27
Most people today live a life with no purpose really in mind. We are creatures of habit. We get up in the morning and go about a routine getting ourselves ready to go to school, to work or to do whatever we have to do. Our days are routine and then we return home at night facing the same evening routine that we face daily
Some people, though, have a purpose in life. The problem with most people that have a purpose, that purpose has no hope or any kind of a future. The only people we know that really have a beneficial purpose in life are those that know Jesus as their Savior. Purpose comes from the priorities that one has. Those who believe in Jesus know that they have a purpose. Believers have the God given purpose to be Christ’s witnesses that He died and rose again from the dead to save us and give us eternal life.
Shakespeare had a famous line: “To be or not to be, that is the question!” Hamlet, in the play, speaks these words. He had learned that his uncle had killed his father and married his mother. The horror of this event was so disturbing to him that he contemplates suicide. The question for him was: “to be” (to go on living) or “not to be” (to take his own life). He had to make his decision based on what his purpose in life was.
In John 12:27 (above) Jesus reminded His disciples what His purpose was in coming to this earth. It was a moment that He did not want to face, but He knew that it was God’s purpose for Him to go to the cross carrying all of our sins to die for us, paying the penalty for our sins.
The apostle Paul told the church at Corinth (above verse) that his persecution was so intense that he “despaired even of life.” But he knew that this was God’s purpose for his life at that time. Because he kept his focus on God, he was able to endure joyfully instead of becoming overwhelmed. Paul learned through what God took him through not to trust in himself but in God (verse 9). (“Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we night not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.”)
Paul had such great faith that even in the direst of circumstances He knew that God was at work to accomplish His purpose.
God has a purpose for each of us and He wants us to fulfill that purpose. But so many believers sit back and stay in the comfort zone of their daily routine and never step out in faith to fulfill God’s purpose in their life. Trials in life may be part of God’s plan to accomplish His purpose in our life. Trials make us think and thinking makes us wiser and wisdom helps us see our weaknesses and our need to rely on the Lord.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.
My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.
Give my family the grace we need today to trust You when our burdens seem too much to bear. Make our lives purposeful so that we can honor Your name in all we do. Help us to daily rise above the evils of this world and to be a testimony to people that have no purpose for living.
The reason for which something exists, is done or made; an intended or desired result.
We were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. II Corinthians 1:8.
“What shall I say, ‘Father save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.” John 12:27
Most people today live a life with no purpose really in mind. We are creatures of habit. We get up in the morning and go about a routine getting ourselves ready to go to school, to work or to do whatever we have to do. Our days are routine and then we return home at night facing the same evening routine that we face daily
Some people, though, have a purpose in life. The problem with most people that have a purpose, that purpose has no hope or any kind of a future. The only people we know that really have a beneficial purpose in life are those that know Jesus as their Savior. Purpose comes from the priorities that one has. Those who believe in Jesus know that they have a purpose. Believers have the God given purpose to be Christ’s witnesses that He died and rose again from the dead to save us and give us eternal life.
Shakespeare had a famous line: “To be or not to be, that is the question!” Hamlet, in the play, speaks these words. He had learned that his uncle had killed his father and married his mother. The horror of this event was so disturbing to him that he contemplates suicide. The question for him was: “to be” (to go on living) or “not to be” (to take his own life). He had to make his decision based on what his purpose in life was.
In John 12:27 (above) Jesus reminded His disciples what His purpose was in coming to this earth. It was a moment that He did not want to face, but He knew that it was God’s purpose for Him to go to the cross carrying all of our sins to die for us, paying the penalty for our sins.
The apostle Paul told the church at Corinth (above verse) that his persecution was so intense that he “despaired even of life.” But he knew that this was God’s purpose for his life at that time. Because he kept his focus on God, he was able to endure joyfully instead of becoming overwhelmed. Paul learned through what God took him through not to trust in himself but in God (verse 9). (“Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we night not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.”)
Paul had such great faith that even in the direst of circumstances He knew that God was at work to accomplish His purpose.
God has a purpose for each of us and He wants us to fulfill that purpose. But so many believers sit back and stay in the comfort zone of their daily routine and never step out in faith to fulfill God’s purpose in their life. Trials in life may be part of God’s plan to accomplish His purpose in our life. Trials make us think and thinking makes us wiser and wisdom helps us see our weaknesses and our need to rely on the Lord.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.
My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.
Give my family the grace we need today to trust You when our burdens seem too much to bear. Make our lives purposeful so that we can honor Your name in all we do. Help us to daily rise above the evils of this world and to be a testimony to people that have no purpose for living.
Guidance: August 11, 2011
August 11 2011. TODAYS WORD FOR THURSDAY AUGUST 11, 2011.
Show the way to; the act or function of guiding or leading; direction; management and leadership; advice.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6.
The day before his 52nd birthday, Abraham Lincoln left Springfield Illinois to go east to accept the responsibility of being the President of the United States of America. With the threat of a civil war coming he said goodbye to friends and neighbors who had come to see him off on the train.
President Lincoln told those at the train station that “I now leave not knowing when or whether I may return. I now have a greater task of guiding this nation than what rested on the shoulders of President Washington.
But he went on to say that without the guidance of a divine being I cannot succeed but with that assistance I cannot fail. Lincoln closed his speech at that train station by saying, “Trusting in God who will go with me and will also stay with you, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well.”
King Solomon instructed us in the verse we have written above that we are to rely on God for His guidance in our lives. When we rely on God, we can face an uncertain future with a confidant hope that God will be with us and will guide our every step. We just need to trust in God just as Solomon and Abraham Lincoln did.
Looking to God for our guidance daily is the basis of our faith. Living without trust in God is like driving into a huge rain storm not seeing where we are going.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.
My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.
I lay in Your hands all of my actions today and rest securely knowing that You will direct my path. Give me Your guidance in raising my children to acknowledge You as their Lord and creator. Help them to trust in You and let You direct their path.
Show the way to; the act or function of guiding or leading; direction; management and leadership; advice.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6.
The day before his 52nd birthday, Abraham Lincoln left Springfield Illinois to go east to accept the responsibility of being the President of the United States of America. With the threat of a civil war coming he said goodbye to friends and neighbors who had come to see him off on the train.
President Lincoln told those at the train station that “I now leave not knowing when or whether I may return. I now have a greater task of guiding this nation than what rested on the shoulders of President Washington.
But he went on to say that without the guidance of a divine being I cannot succeed but with that assistance I cannot fail. Lincoln closed his speech at that train station by saying, “Trusting in God who will go with me and will also stay with you, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well.”
King Solomon instructed us in the verse we have written above that we are to rely on God for His guidance in our lives. When we rely on God, we can face an uncertain future with a confidant hope that God will be with us and will guide our every step. We just need to trust in God just as Solomon and Abraham Lincoln did.
Looking to God for our guidance daily is the basis of our faith. Living without trust in God is like driving into a huge rain storm not seeing where we are going.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.
My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.
I lay in Your hands all of my actions today and rest securely knowing that You will direct my path. Give me Your guidance in raising my children to acknowledge You as their Lord and creator. Help them to trust in You and let You direct their path.
Sacrifice: August 10, 2011
An offering of something to God for worship or payment for sin; to offer a life; a voluntary loss, the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable.
It came to pass --- that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he responded, “Here am I.” Genesis 22:1
But do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Hebrews 13:16.
Let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4.
When God asked Abraham to give Isaac back to Him in an act of sacrifice for worship, Genesis 22:1 calls it a test to see if there was anything in Abraham’s life that he treasured more than God.
There are times when God requires something from us that requires a sacrifice of our time or money in order to get His work accomplished. He may ask us to give up our natural instinct to seek revenge in a situation so that we communicate God’s forgiving love by forgiving our enemy. He may ask us to sacrifice portions of what we may call valuable time to advance His cause. The way we respond to what He requires of us speaks volumes about how we really feel about God. When we do good and share with others God considers our acts of kindness as sacrifices of worship to Him and He is pleased. (Hebrews 13:16 above).
Years ago when I (Ken) was in Honduras I remember seeing a young boy with his mother, dying of cancer lying in a hospital bed. I knew that there was some medicine that our mission had sent to this hospital that would help this boy. Even though I delayed our scheduled appointment it was crucial that I found that medicine and spend a little time with the boy and his mother letting them know that God cared and so did we. Several hours later the medicine was found and the boy received it and we were told later that he soon was able to go home to be with his family.
Jesus spent His entire ministry among the suffering, healing them and bringing them the good news of God’s Love. Each thing we do to help someone, no matter how large or small, is our sacrifice in God’s sight. Is there something we can do to help relieve the suffering of just one person in our world where so many are hurting? The writer of Hebrews says we should “not forget to do good.”
The apostle Paul reminds us with his words in Philippians (above) that as believers we are to look beyond ourselves and our own interests and look to the interest of others. It may demand a sacrifice on our part but look what Jesus sacrificed for us. No sacrifice we make is too big for the One who sacrificed His all for us. A tender heart that looks to help others will be a happy heart and one that God will bless, and that blesses God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.
My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.
Help me realize that God uses me to show His love to people caught in life’s despair. Open my heart to be willing to give deeds of kindness to those who need help. I stand in awe when I think of what You did for me. Help me to teach my children to understand how great was Jesus’ sacrifice to save us from our sins.
An offering of something to God for worship or payment for sin; to offer a life; a voluntary loss, the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable.
It came to pass --- that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he responded, “Here am I.” Genesis 22:1
But do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Hebrews 13:16.
Let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4.
When God asked Abraham to give Isaac back to Him in an act of sacrifice for worship, Genesis 22:1 calls it a test to see if there was anything in Abraham’s life that he treasured more than God.
There are times when God requires something from us that requires a sacrifice of our time or money in order to get His work accomplished. He may ask us to give up our natural instinct to seek revenge in a situation so that we communicate God’s forgiving love by forgiving our enemy. He may ask us to sacrifice portions of what we may call valuable time to advance His cause. The way we respond to what He requires of us speaks volumes about how we really feel about God. When we do good and share with others God considers our acts of kindness as sacrifices of worship to Him and He is pleased. (Hebrews 13:16 above).
Years ago when I (Ken) was in Honduras I remember seeing a young boy with his mother, dying of cancer lying in a hospital bed. I knew that there was some medicine that our mission had sent to this hospital that would help this boy. Even though I delayed our scheduled appointment it was crucial that I found that medicine and spend a little time with the boy and his mother letting them know that God cared and so did we. Several hours later the medicine was found and the boy received it and we were told later that he soon was able to go home to be with his family.
Jesus spent His entire ministry among the suffering, healing them and bringing them the good news of God’s Love. Each thing we do to help someone, no matter how large or small, is our sacrifice in God’s sight. Is there something we can do to help relieve the suffering of just one person in our world where so many are hurting? The writer of Hebrews says we should “not forget to do good.”
The apostle Paul reminds us with his words in Philippians (above) that as believers we are to look beyond ourselves and our own interests and look to the interest of others. It may demand a sacrifice on our part but look what Jesus sacrificed for us. No sacrifice we make is too big for the One who sacrificed His all for us. A tender heart that looks to help others will be a happy heart and one that God will bless, and that blesses God.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.
My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.
Help me realize that God uses me to show His love to people caught in life’s despair. Open my heart to be willing to give deeds of kindness to those who need help. I stand in awe when I think of what You did for me. Help me to teach my children to understand how great was Jesus’ sacrifice to save us from our sins.
Rapture: August 9, 2011
The return of Jesus in the clouds to remove the church (believers) from the world before the battle in which Jesus defeats Satan.
“Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:44
Today we want to talk about this exciting event which could be coming soon. Recently we have read about and seen on the television reports from people that have alerted the world of the day that they say the Lord will return to this earth. But let us tell you that the scripture (above) makes it very clear that the Lord is coming at an hour that no one will expect. There is no doubt on the clarity of this verse so do not get caught up with these stories as they come your way.
The most important question that you will face in your lifetime is, IF JESUS RETURNS TODAY, WILL YOU BE READY TO MEET HIM? Let us assure you that nothing is more important than for you --- right now --- to stop and make sure you are ready if Jesus returns today.
Some people will say that they have done good things so they are ready. Others may say that they have been good parents or good workers at their job so God will take me. The list can go on and on, but unfortunately, those things are not what will get you into heaven with Jesus.
In Matthew chapter 24 we have a lengthy account of how Jesus responded to the disciples when they asked about the date of His return. He told the disciples that only God the Father knows. In verse 36 He said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”
But Jesus went on to tell them what we have said above. He urged them to be prepared so that they would not be taken by surprise. In verse 44 He says, “Therefore you also need to be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” We do not know when Jesus will return. But we need to be ready. Make sure that you have accepted Jesus into your heart, asked for His forgiveness of your sins and then make that all important commitment to serve Him and Him alone.
If Christ comes today will you be ready? Are you prepared to meet Him? Have you taken Jesus into your heart? Have you prepared your family so that they are ready?
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20. My son, keep your father’s command, and do not forsake the law of your mother.
Help me and my family to be prepared every moment of every day for Your soon to come return to this earth. May our actions always honor You and may others always see You through our lives. Give us daily excitement expecting Your return soon.
The return of Jesus in the clouds to remove the church (believers) from the world before the battle in which Jesus defeats Satan.
“Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:44
Today we want to talk about this exciting event which could be coming soon. Recently we have read about and seen on the television reports from people that have alerted the world of the day that they say the Lord will return to this earth. But let us tell you that the scripture (above) makes it very clear that the Lord is coming at an hour that no one will expect. There is no doubt on the clarity of this verse so do not get caught up with these stories as they come your way.
The most important question that you will face in your lifetime is, IF JESUS RETURNS TODAY, WILL YOU BE READY TO MEET HIM? Let us assure you that nothing is more important than for you --- right now --- to stop and make sure you are ready if Jesus returns today.
Some people will say that they have done good things so they are ready. Others may say that they have been good parents or good workers at their job so God will take me. The list can go on and on, but unfortunately, those things are not what will get you into heaven with Jesus.
In Matthew chapter 24 we have a lengthy account of how Jesus responded to the disciples when they asked about the date of His return. He told the disciples that only God the Father knows. In verse 36 He said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”
But Jesus went on to tell them what we have said above. He urged them to be prepared so that they would not be taken by surprise. In verse 44 He says, “Therefore you also need to be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” We do not know when Jesus will return. But we need to be ready. Make sure that you have accepted Jesus into your heart, asked for His forgiveness of your sins and then make that all important commitment to serve Him and Him alone.
If Christ comes today will you be ready? Are you prepared to meet Him? Have you taken Jesus into your heart? Have you prepared your family so that they are ready?
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20. My son, keep your father’s command, and do not forsake the law of your mother.
Help me and my family to be prepared every moment of every day for Your soon to come return to this earth. May our actions always honor You and may others always see You through our lives. Give us daily excitement expecting Your return soon.
Destiny: August 8, 2011
That which is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; the predetermined usually inevitable or irresistible course of events.
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. Ephesians 1:5
Beloved, now we are children of God. I John 3:2
Many people are asking the questions today to friends or more often to themselves. What is my destiny? Who am I? Why am I here? How did I get to where I am? Where am I going?
Some years ago we heard the story of a young child who had been told how God created Adam from the dust of the earth and that after death we return to dust. Not long after being told this story the child excitedly called for his mother to come to his room because there was someone under his bed and he could not tell if this person was coming or going.
People are continually coming into this world and continually going. It is the destiny of all of us. We are born; we live out our life span; and then we die. Concerning our destiny we all have questions. People ask: Why am I here? Who am I? Where am I going? These are all crucial questions and need to be answered.
Are you perplexed by these same questions? We want you to know that at an earlier time in our lives we faced these questions. The good news is that the Bible, God’s Word has answers for us.
God created each one of us and He created us for a purpose and with a destiny. Long before He created the world God, because of His love for us, planned that our destiny was to be adopted as one of His children through Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:5)
In I John 3, the writer John calls those who are believers “children of God.” The first question that may come to your mind is “How do I become a child of God?” The scripture tells us in John 1:12 that we become His children by receiving Jesus as our Savior from sin. At an early age we had that question answered in our lives when we accepted Jesus as our Savior.
Now, you may ask the question, that if we are a child of God, where are we going. In John 14:1-6 we are told in the words of Jesus Himself that one day He will receive us into a home that He is now preparing for us in heaven.
The story is told about a philosopher named Arthur Schopenhauer who lived in the 1800’s in Berlin Germany, and day after day he walked through the museum constantly asking himself questions about his origin and destiny. He continued to look for answers in the museum but never could find an answer for any of his questions.
One day a park keeper walked up to him after daily seeing him dressed shabbily, looking depressed and lost. He asked the philosopher, who are you? Where are you going? With a pained expression the philosopher responded by saying, “I do not know. I wish somebody would help me.” Philosophy has never been able to answer those questions.
Our maker is not only the author of science and history but He writes the story of every member of Adam’s family since the beginning of time. This includes the philosopher, you and me.
We have no control over our coming into this world. Where and when we are born is in God’s hands. However, we are in control of where we are going. God has given us a free will. We choose our final destiny. The choice is heaven or hell. If we choose to spend eternity in heaven, all we have to do is accept Jesus as the Savior that paid for our sins. The philosopher was searching but no one helped him find his way to saving grace through Jesus Christ.
When you know Jesus, you know who you are and where you are going. Do not continue to search in the wrong places. Today is your day to act!
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.
My son, keep your father’s command, and do not forsake the law of your mother.
My prayer today is that You may open my ears that I may hear Your voice of truth. Thank You for the assurance that I have that as a child of God I know that You are preparing a home for me in heaven. Help my words and actions today to show others the hope that I have because I know that I am a child of God.
That which is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; the predetermined usually inevitable or irresistible course of events.
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. Ephesians 1:5
Beloved, now we are children of God. I John 3:2
Many people are asking the questions today to friends or more often to themselves. What is my destiny? Who am I? Why am I here? How did I get to where I am? Where am I going?
Some years ago we heard the story of a young child who had been told how God created Adam from the dust of the earth and that after death we return to dust. Not long after being told this story the child excitedly called for his mother to come to his room because there was someone under his bed and he could not tell if this person was coming or going.
People are continually coming into this world and continually going. It is the destiny of all of us. We are born; we live out our life span; and then we die. Concerning our destiny we all have questions. People ask: Why am I here? Who am I? Where am I going? These are all crucial questions and need to be answered.
Are you perplexed by these same questions? We want you to know that at an earlier time in our lives we faced these questions. The good news is that the Bible, God’s Word has answers for us.
God created each one of us and He created us for a purpose and with a destiny. Long before He created the world God, because of His love for us, planned that our destiny was to be adopted as one of His children through Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:5)
In I John 3, the writer John calls those who are believers “children of God.” The first question that may come to your mind is “How do I become a child of God?” The scripture tells us in John 1:12 that we become His children by receiving Jesus as our Savior from sin. At an early age we had that question answered in our lives when we accepted Jesus as our Savior.
Now, you may ask the question, that if we are a child of God, where are we going. In John 14:1-6 we are told in the words of Jesus Himself that one day He will receive us into a home that He is now preparing for us in heaven.
The story is told about a philosopher named Arthur Schopenhauer who lived in the 1800’s in Berlin Germany, and day after day he walked through the museum constantly asking himself questions about his origin and destiny. He continued to look for answers in the museum but never could find an answer for any of his questions.
One day a park keeper walked up to him after daily seeing him dressed shabbily, looking depressed and lost. He asked the philosopher, who are you? Where are you going? With a pained expression the philosopher responded by saying, “I do not know. I wish somebody would help me.” Philosophy has never been able to answer those questions.
Our maker is not only the author of science and history but He writes the story of every member of Adam’s family since the beginning of time. This includes the philosopher, you and me.
We have no control over our coming into this world. Where and when we are born is in God’s hands. However, we are in control of where we are going. God has given us a free will. We choose our final destiny. The choice is heaven or hell. If we choose to spend eternity in heaven, all we have to do is accept Jesus as the Savior that paid for our sins. The philosopher was searching but no one helped him find his way to saving grace through Jesus Christ.
When you know Jesus, you know who you are and where you are going. Do not continue to search in the wrong places. Today is your day to act!
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.
My son, keep your father’s command, and do not forsake the law of your mother.
My prayer today is that You may open my ears that I may hear Your voice of truth. Thank You for the assurance that I have that as a child of God I know that You are preparing a home for me in heaven. Help my words and actions today to show others the hope that I have because I know that I am a child of God.
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