August 14, 2011

Purpose: August 12, 2011




The reason for which something exists, is done or made; an intended or desired result.


We were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. II Corinthians 1:8.

“What shall I say, ‘Father save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.” John 12:27


Most people today live a life with no purpose really in mind. We are creatures of habit. We get up in the morning and go about a routine getting ourselves ready to go to school, to work or to do whatever we have to do. Our days are routine and then we return home at night facing the same evening routine that we face daily

Some people, though, have a purpose in life. The problem with most people that have a purpose, that purpose has no hope or any kind of a future. The only people we know that really have a beneficial purpose in life are those that know Jesus as their Savior. Purpose comes from the priorities that one has. Those who believe in Jesus know that they have a purpose. Believers have the God given purpose to be Christ’s witnesses that He died and rose again from the dead to save us and give us eternal life.

Shakespeare had a famous line: “To be or not to be, that is the question!” Hamlet, in the play, speaks these words. He had learned that his uncle had killed his father and married his mother. The horror of this event was so disturbing to him that he contemplates suicide. The question for him was: “to be” (to go on living) or “not to be” (to take his own life). He had to make his decision based on what his purpose in life was.

In John 12:27 (above) Jesus reminded His disciples what His purpose was in coming to this earth. It was a moment that He did not want to face, but He knew that it was God’s purpose for Him to go to the cross carrying all of our sins to die for us, paying the penalty for our sins.

The apostle Paul told the church at Corinth (above verse) that his persecution was so intense that he “despaired even of life.” But he knew that this was God’s purpose for his life at that time. Because he kept his focus on God, he was able to endure joyfully instead of becoming overwhelmed. Paul learned through what God took him through not to trust in himself but in God (verse 9). (“Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we night not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.”)

Paul had such great faith that even in the direst of circumstances He knew that God was at work to accomplish His purpose.

God has a purpose for each of us and He wants us to fulfill that purpose. But so many believers sit back and stay in the comfort zone of their daily routine and never step out in faith to fulfill God’s purpose in their life. Trials in life may be part of God’s plan to accomplish His purpose in our life. Trials make us think and thinking makes us wiser and wisdom helps us see our weaknesses and our need to rely on the Lord.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 6:20.

My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.


Give my family the grace we need today to trust You when our burdens seem too much to bear. Make our lives purposeful so that we can honor Your name in all we do. Help us to daily rise above the evils of this world and to be a testimony to people that have no purpose for living.

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