December 18, 2011
Discouragement: December 16, 2011
Cause to lose spirit or hope; dishearten; dismay.
O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “VIOLENCE!” and You will not save. Habakkuk 1:2
Habakkuk in the verse above expresses his heart just like many believers do today. He was frustrated and baffled as to why God had not corrected the corruption in Judah? God was working but Habakkuk could not see it because it was not the time for Him to answer Habakkuk’s prayers. Habakkuk was discouraged and could not understand why God was delaying.
It is difficult for believers today, as well, to see the injustice and evil that abounds in our world and not be discouraged and wonder if God is paying attention.
Do you feel stuck in discouragement? If so, you are not alone. At some point everyone experiences a disappointment which is an emotional response to a failed expectation. Disappointment is the normal initial reaction to a failed expectation but if you allow it to linger it will turn into discouragement.
The circumstances that bring on disappointment may be unavoidable but we have a choice how we can respond. We can either let it overwhelm us or bring it before the Lord who can help us through it.
Living in constant discouragement can divide the mind, making it hard to focus on anything but our pain. Then anger comes and we look for someone to blame, whether it be God, people around us, or ourself.
Frustration that isn’t handled well may develop into depression, which will turn others away from us. This leads to a low esteem and then we make poor decisions. Choosing this self-destructive path is not God’s best for our lives. Instead of sulking in self-pity, choose to believe God, step out in faith, and climb out of your emotional pit.
Nehemiah is a great example. (Nehemiah 2:1-8) He had every reason to feel defeated, because his people were in trouble. The city wall had been destroyed but he did not allow himself to stay in the low place of discouragement. Instead he cried out to God for direction. Even though Nehemiah knew that sadness in the presence of royalty was punishable by death, the Lord went ahead of Nehemiah and led the king to notice his servant’s sadness and asked what he could do to help.
This miracle led to the rebuilding of the wall and the redemption of God’s people. The Lord can take an impossible situation, just like He did for Nehemiah when He moved the king to talk to Nehemiah, and move in ways mightier than we could ever imagine. Even though we cannot see how God is working we do not need to be discouraged. God is doing His work even when we do not understand why He works as He does.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help me dear Lord, to face the disappointments that I may face today by trusting in You. Help me to remember that there is a divine purpose for everything He allows to touch His children’s lives. Help me to live today with an eager anticipation of what You will do through me.
Cause to lose spirit or hope; dishearten; dismay.
O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “VIOLENCE!” and You will not save. Habakkuk 1:2
Habakkuk in the verse above expresses his heart just like many believers do today. He was frustrated and baffled as to why God had not corrected the corruption in Judah? God was working but Habakkuk could not see it because it was not the time for Him to answer Habakkuk’s prayers. Habakkuk was discouraged and could not understand why God was delaying.
It is difficult for believers today, as well, to see the injustice and evil that abounds in our world and not be discouraged and wonder if God is paying attention.
Do you feel stuck in discouragement? If so, you are not alone. At some point everyone experiences a disappointment which is an emotional response to a failed expectation. Disappointment is the normal initial reaction to a failed expectation but if you allow it to linger it will turn into discouragement.
The circumstances that bring on disappointment may be unavoidable but we have a choice how we can respond. We can either let it overwhelm us or bring it before the Lord who can help us through it.
Living in constant discouragement can divide the mind, making it hard to focus on anything but our pain. Then anger comes and we look for someone to blame, whether it be God, people around us, or ourself.
Frustration that isn’t handled well may develop into depression, which will turn others away from us. This leads to a low esteem and then we make poor decisions. Choosing this self-destructive path is not God’s best for our lives. Instead of sulking in self-pity, choose to believe God, step out in faith, and climb out of your emotional pit.
Nehemiah is a great example. (Nehemiah 2:1-8) He had every reason to feel defeated, because his people were in trouble. The city wall had been destroyed but he did not allow himself to stay in the low place of discouragement. Instead he cried out to God for direction. Even though Nehemiah knew that sadness in the presence of royalty was punishable by death, the Lord went ahead of Nehemiah and led the king to notice his servant’s sadness and asked what he could do to help.
This miracle led to the rebuilding of the wall and the redemption of God’s people. The Lord can take an impossible situation, just like He did for Nehemiah when He moved the king to talk to Nehemiah, and move in ways mightier than we could ever imagine. Even though we cannot see how God is working we do not need to be discouraged. God is doing His work even when we do not understand why He works as He does.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help me dear Lord, to face the disappointments that I may face today by trusting in You. Help me to remember that there is a divine purpose for everything He allows to touch His children’s lives. Help me to live today with an eager anticipation of what You will do through me.
Obedience: December 15, 2011
Submissive to authority; yielding; compliance with.
But Simon answered and said to Him. Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. Luke 5:5-6.
Many people today take time to pray when they face major situations in their lives. God wants us to be obedient, not just in major situations but also in minor situations. When we obey God in small matters He can bring blessings.
In the first eleven verses of Luke 5 we read of how Simon Peter’s obedience brought blessing. Simon Peter was a fisherman by trade and had worked hard all night without catching any fish. He was on the shore cleaning up his boat when Jesus approached him. The Lord wanted to speak from the boat to the large crowd on shore. Peter agreed to take Jesus in his boat and the crowd was excited and blessed when they could see that Christ was going to speak to them.
This was really not a good time for Simon Peter to do this. He was up all night and was very tired but he responded in obedience to what Jesus asked of him. God’s requests can come to us at inopportune or unexpected moments. We may be tempted to let someone else respond to His call, thinking it will not matter who is the one to comply. But remember that in Jeremiah 29:11 we are told that His plans are designed for our benefit.
Later, Jesus made a second request to Peter. He asked Peter to move the boat into deeper waters and lower down the nets. You see, Jesus saw their need to get some fish. The fishermen commented to Jesus and among themselves that it was unlikely that they would catch any fish. After all they were professional fishermen and knew when to fish. They had fished all night and never got one fish.
But Peter did what Jesus asked him to do. Because of Peter’s obedience an abundance of fish was caught to feed the crowd. Peter didn’t obey to get rewarded but that is precisely what happened. His simple act of obedience led to greater opportunities for service.
Scripture demonstrates that divine plans often defy human logic. For example, who would design a battle strategy that involved only marching and shouting? God told Joshua to conquer Jericho that way and Joshua obeyed and look what happened. (Joshua 6:1-5)
Look at what God did with Moses. Moses felt very unsure about his ability to lead. God told him to throw down his walking stick. When Moses obeyed, God revealed His mighty power to confirm to Moses that he was God’s choice. (Exodus 4:1-3)
Because of obedience Moses led the Children of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Look at the simple things that God asked these men to do. Throw the nets into the water, to march and shout, and to throw the walking stick to the ground. Our Father may ask us to do something strange or illogical but as these men did, we must respond in obedience as they did.
It may be taking on more responsibility when we are hoping to reduce our workload. It may be to leave a position we just started and really like. It may be to take on an assignment that we feel we are not equipped to handle. God uses our obedience to accomplish His purpose.
We must press forward every day and be obedient to what God calls us to do regardless how impractical the request may appear. Always make obeying God your priority.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help me to be alert to obeying God even in the little things You ask me to do. Help me to listen carefully to Your voice so I can live in obedience to Your perfect will for my life.
Submissive to authority; yielding; compliance with.
But Simon answered and said to Him. Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. Luke 5:5-6.
Many people today take time to pray when they face major situations in their lives. God wants us to be obedient, not just in major situations but also in minor situations. When we obey God in small matters He can bring blessings.
In the first eleven verses of Luke 5 we read of how Simon Peter’s obedience brought blessing. Simon Peter was a fisherman by trade and had worked hard all night without catching any fish. He was on the shore cleaning up his boat when Jesus approached him. The Lord wanted to speak from the boat to the large crowd on shore. Peter agreed to take Jesus in his boat and the crowd was excited and blessed when they could see that Christ was going to speak to them.
This was really not a good time for Simon Peter to do this. He was up all night and was very tired but he responded in obedience to what Jesus asked of him. God’s requests can come to us at inopportune or unexpected moments. We may be tempted to let someone else respond to His call, thinking it will not matter who is the one to comply. But remember that in Jeremiah 29:11 we are told that His plans are designed for our benefit.
Later, Jesus made a second request to Peter. He asked Peter to move the boat into deeper waters and lower down the nets. You see, Jesus saw their need to get some fish. The fishermen commented to Jesus and among themselves that it was unlikely that they would catch any fish. After all they were professional fishermen and knew when to fish. They had fished all night and never got one fish.
But Peter did what Jesus asked him to do. Because of Peter’s obedience an abundance of fish was caught to feed the crowd. Peter didn’t obey to get rewarded but that is precisely what happened. His simple act of obedience led to greater opportunities for service.
Scripture demonstrates that divine plans often defy human logic. For example, who would design a battle strategy that involved only marching and shouting? God told Joshua to conquer Jericho that way and Joshua obeyed and look what happened. (Joshua 6:1-5)
Look at what God did with Moses. Moses felt very unsure about his ability to lead. God told him to throw down his walking stick. When Moses obeyed, God revealed His mighty power to confirm to Moses that he was God’s choice. (Exodus 4:1-3)
Because of obedience Moses led the Children of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Look at the simple things that God asked these men to do. Throw the nets into the water, to march and shout, and to throw the walking stick to the ground. Our Father may ask us to do something strange or illogical but as these men did, we must respond in obedience as they did.
It may be taking on more responsibility when we are hoping to reduce our workload. It may be to leave a position we just started and really like. It may be to take on an assignment that we feel we are not equipped to handle. God uses our obedience to accomplish His purpose.
We must press forward every day and be obedient to what God calls us to do regardless how impractical the request may appear. Always make obeying God your priority.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help me to be alert to obeying God even in the little things You ask me to do. Help me to listen carefully to Your voice so I can live in obedience to Your perfect will for my life.
Integrity: December 14, 2011
Uncompromising adherence to moral principles; honesty.
Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. Psalm 15:1-2.
Integrity does not seem to be a concern among most people today. We were taught as children and teenagers that integrity was one of the most important, if not the most important, trait a person should have. We taught our children the same thing. But in this so called “ME” generation integrity is a “lost art.”
We live in a sinful world whose standards and morals are rapidly disintegrating. Our standards of living must not be based on those of our evil and sick society.
In this 15th chapter of Psalms (above), King David describes the life of integrity that believers are to cultivate. In the five verses of this Psalm we are given guidelines for living a life of integrity:
• Walk uprightly so that you are blameless.
• Do what is right.
• Speak the truth and be honest.
• Do not speak evil of others.
• Treat your neighbor kindly.
• Be accountable for your actions.
• Honor those that love the Lord.
• Do not be greedy for money.
God wants us to daily increase the pursuit of truthfulness, righteousness and honesty.
We are to formulate our beliefs as believers on the basis of scripture. The foundational truths that we are to build our lives on are to begin with, our need for a Savior, our helplessness to save ourselves, Christ’s death on the cross on our behalf, salvation by faith alone, and God’s free gift of eternal life. We must align our actions, our words and thinking with the Bible and never compromise.
We are to submit to Jesus Christ as our Lord. In Mark 8:34, Jesus commands us to deny ourselves and follow Him. Wholehearted commitment to Jesus will give us all we need to stand against temptations that we may face. We as believers must choose righteousness for this to become a reality in our lives.
We should build relationships with individuals who value godly living and not individuals that care only about the things of the world. The influence of mature Christians strengthens us in our dedication and obedience to the Lord. When you build these relationships and then spend any time with those who thrive on worldly pleasures, you will feel very uncomfortable.
Everyone misses the mark at times and makes mistakes. As believers we are to confess any known sin to God and turn away from bad behavior. (I John 1:9)
When we learn these principles that we have outlined above and practice them daily, we will be living a life of integrity.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help our family to recognize that we live in a culture that approves of ungodly values and behaviors. May Your Holy Spirit open our eyes and help us today to recognize right from wrong so that we may live a life of integrity giving all glory to You.
Uncompromising adherence to moral principles; honesty.
Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. Psalm 15:1-2.
Integrity does not seem to be a concern among most people today. We were taught as children and teenagers that integrity was one of the most important, if not the most important, trait a person should have. We taught our children the same thing. But in this so called “ME” generation integrity is a “lost art.”
We live in a sinful world whose standards and morals are rapidly disintegrating. Our standards of living must not be based on those of our evil and sick society.
In this 15th chapter of Psalms (above), King David describes the life of integrity that believers are to cultivate. In the five verses of this Psalm we are given guidelines for living a life of integrity:
• Walk uprightly so that you are blameless.
• Do what is right.
• Speak the truth and be honest.
• Do not speak evil of others.
• Treat your neighbor kindly.
• Be accountable for your actions.
• Honor those that love the Lord.
• Do not be greedy for money.
God wants us to daily increase the pursuit of truthfulness, righteousness and honesty.
We are to formulate our beliefs as believers on the basis of scripture. The foundational truths that we are to build our lives on are to begin with, our need for a Savior, our helplessness to save ourselves, Christ’s death on the cross on our behalf, salvation by faith alone, and God’s free gift of eternal life. We must align our actions, our words and thinking with the Bible and never compromise.
We are to submit to Jesus Christ as our Lord. In Mark 8:34, Jesus commands us to deny ourselves and follow Him. Wholehearted commitment to Jesus will give us all we need to stand against temptations that we may face. We as believers must choose righteousness for this to become a reality in our lives.
We should build relationships with individuals who value godly living and not individuals that care only about the things of the world. The influence of mature Christians strengthens us in our dedication and obedience to the Lord. When you build these relationships and then spend any time with those who thrive on worldly pleasures, you will feel very uncomfortable.
Everyone misses the mark at times and makes mistakes. As believers we are to confess any known sin to God and turn away from bad behavior. (I John 1:9)
When we learn these principles that we have outlined above and practice them daily, we will be living a life of integrity.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help our family to recognize that we live in a culture that approves of ungodly values and behaviors. May Your Holy Spirit open our eyes and help us today to recognize right from wrong so that we may live a life of integrity giving all glory to You.
Unshakeable: December 13, 2011
Determined; stable; steady; unwavering; not open to persuasion.
Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:35, 37.
Our world is literally changing daily. In this changing world many people seek security in wealth, relationships, and power. But what people are finding out is that putting their security in these things is not guaranteed from one day to another. No wonder there is so much despair and fear in our world today.
For believers reality is not based in what we see or feel. Also our foundation for life is not found in this world of uncertainty. We build our trust and hope in the Lord and believe the truth that is in His Word.
The verses we have written above tells us that even in chaotic times like today our certainty is found in our relationship with God. We are His children and He cares for us and tells us that NOTHING CAN TEAR US AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.
No matter what circumstances we might be in, and no matter what happens to us, God’s love for us is unshakeable. We can never lose God’s love. Bad things happen to all of us. Many have been abandoned by those who should love them. Children are abandoned by parents and spouses abandon one another.
In tough times, especially, we may feel God has abandoned us, but we can be assured that God will never abandon us nor stop loving us. God proved His love for us when He gave His life for us on the cross. We must not allow our circumstances to shake our faith in our Lord and Savior.
As believers we are in a very unique position today. In the midst of turmoil and trials we have the assurance that our lives are in the grip of almighty God. We can rely not only on His love and presence in our lives but also on His uninterrupted attention, faithfulness and perfect care.
Is your faith in the Lord today unshakeable? When difficulty arises in your life and circumstances seem overwhelming, can you respond with confidence and strength because of your relationship with Jesus? The psalmist said in Psalm 91:2, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help each one of us in my family to be unshakeable in our love for You. Strengthen the foundation of our lives so that we do not waver in our faith. Help us to put our confidence and hope in You.
Determined; stable; steady; unwavering; not open to persuasion.
Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:35, 37.
Our world is literally changing daily. In this changing world many people seek security in wealth, relationships, and power. But what people are finding out is that putting their security in these things is not guaranteed from one day to another. No wonder there is so much despair and fear in our world today.
For believers reality is not based in what we see or feel. Also our foundation for life is not found in this world of uncertainty. We build our trust and hope in the Lord and believe the truth that is in His Word.
The verses we have written above tells us that even in chaotic times like today our certainty is found in our relationship with God. We are His children and He cares for us and tells us that NOTHING CAN TEAR US AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.
No matter what circumstances we might be in, and no matter what happens to us, God’s love for us is unshakeable. We can never lose God’s love. Bad things happen to all of us. Many have been abandoned by those who should love them. Children are abandoned by parents and spouses abandon one another.
In tough times, especially, we may feel God has abandoned us, but we can be assured that God will never abandon us nor stop loving us. God proved His love for us when He gave His life for us on the cross. We must not allow our circumstances to shake our faith in our Lord and Savior.
As believers we are in a very unique position today. In the midst of turmoil and trials we have the assurance that our lives are in the grip of almighty God. We can rely not only on His love and presence in our lives but also on His uninterrupted attention, faithfulness and perfect care.
Is your faith in the Lord today unshakeable? When difficulty arises in your life and circumstances seem overwhelming, can you respond with confidence and strength because of your relationship with Jesus? The psalmist said in Psalm 91:2, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help each one of us in my family to be unshakeable in our love for You. Strengthen the foundation of our lives so that we do not waver in our faith. Help us to put our confidence and hope in You.
Waiting: December 12, 2011
Remain; expecting something; patient anticipation; a delay; a stay.
But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.
God is the one that formed us. He knows our talents and abilities as well as our weaknesses. He knows every detail of our decision making and the potential results of every decision we make. He knows what is best for our life. And when we have our faith in Him He has a plan for us motivated by wisdom and love and He will execute what He has for us in His perfect timing.
This at times can be very difficult for us to accept especially if it involves waiting. For some reason God wants patience to be part of His plans for us. He does this because He wants to teach us to trust and yield our longings to Him. We demonstrate surrender and humility to God when we submit to His timetable. And for most believers this is very difficult.
God also gave us another option which is the free will to choose His plan or do it our way. So many times when life does not go just the way we want it we will try to make things happen in our power. But very rarely does this work and it always leads to disappointment and difficulty which causes us to miss God’s best for our life.
The verse we have put above from Isaiah contains rich promises that we can claim throughout life and God always keeps His Word. As believers we are to believe with faith, anticipate with hope and wait quietly with patience.
Waiting on the Lord takes patience especially when waiting means enduring hardship. David had to endure much hardship waiting on the Lord. While David was just a young boy God directed Samuel to anoint him to be king after Saul. David had to wait many years before taking the throne. During those years David had opportunity to kill Saul and speed up God’s time table. David chose to wait on the Lord. In his Psalm 40:1 David said, “I waited patiently for the Lord.”
We encourage you to embrace whatever situation you are in today. If it is a time for waiting, choose to learn patience, trusting that His plan for your life is always going to be better than your own. Walking in His will requires us to remain sensitive to His voice. He will protect us from making mistakes when we wait upon Him and are ready to listen to Him in His perfect timing.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help me to learn to wait patiently upon You with an attitude of expecting something big to happen for Your glory. Help my family to also learn to wait upon You. Help us to prayerfully make decisions together in our home as You lead us. Give us the strength to wait on You for your perfect timing.
Remain; expecting something; patient anticipation; a delay; a stay.
But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.
God is the one that formed us. He knows our talents and abilities as well as our weaknesses. He knows every detail of our decision making and the potential results of every decision we make. He knows what is best for our life. And when we have our faith in Him He has a plan for us motivated by wisdom and love and He will execute what He has for us in His perfect timing.
This at times can be very difficult for us to accept especially if it involves waiting. For some reason God wants patience to be part of His plans for us. He does this because He wants to teach us to trust and yield our longings to Him. We demonstrate surrender and humility to God when we submit to His timetable. And for most believers this is very difficult.
God also gave us another option which is the free will to choose His plan or do it our way. So many times when life does not go just the way we want it we will try to make things happen in our power. But very rarely does this work and it always leads to disappointment and difficulty which causes us to miss God’s best for our life.
The verse we have put above from Isaiah contains rich promises that we can claim throughout life and God always keeps His Word. As believers we are to believe with faith, anticipate with hope and wait quietly with patience.
Waiting on the Lord takes patience especially when waiting means enduring hardship. David had to endure much hardship waiting on the Lord. While David was just a young boy God directed Samuel to anoint him to be king after Saul. David had to wait many years before taking the throne. During those years David had opportunity to kill Saul and speed up God’s time table. David chose to wait on the Lord. In his Psalm 40:1 David said, “I waited patiently for the Lord.”
We encourage you to embrace whatever situation you are in today. If it is a time for waiting, choose to learn patience, trusting that His plan for your life is always going to be better than your own. Walking in His will requires us to remain sensitive to His voice. He will protect us from making mistakes when we wait upon Him and are ready to listen to Him in His perfect timing.
Our memory verse for this week is found in Proverbs 20:11.
Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.
Help me to learn to wait patiently upon You with an attitude of expecting something big to happen for Your glory. Help my family to also learn to wait upon You. Help us to prayerfully make decisions together in our home as You lead us. Give us the strength to wait on You for your perfect timing.
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