September 4, 2011

Faith Part One: September 2, 2011





Confidence or trust in a person or a thing; a belief in God; the obligation of loyalty to a person.


The just shall live by faith. Habakkuk 2:4.

“O you of little faith.” Matthew 6:30.

Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. II Corinthians 5:7.


Faith is an exciting “WORD” for us to discuss. We have listed four verses (above) because each verse has something special for us. Please read carefully each of these verses.

We live by faith every day. It is easy to believe in things we can see and touch. It is much harder to believe in things that are unseen, but we do that every day. We accept the things that are unseen by faith. Let us share with you some examples:

We cannot see air but we take air into our lungs every time we take a breath. Although we cannot see it we have evidence that it is there because of the effect air has on us --- it provides us life.

When you get up in the morning you take your first step by faith. You believe by faith that the floor will hold you and by faith you assume your leg is strong enough to hold you. When you are driving your car on the road and come to a hill, you continue by faith not knowing for sure that the road is still ahead.

When it comes to spiritual things, we enter a relationship with Jesus by faith. This faith cannot be seen or touched but it is evidenced by the effect He has on our lives. Faith in Jesus changes ones outlook on life. When we have a relationship with God through His Son, faith becomes a shield for us. In Ephesians 6:16 it reads that above all, we are to take the shield of faith with us all the time to quench the fiery darts of the evil one --- Satan.

May we share with you this warning? If you do not experience in your life the reality of knowing Jesus, after you say that you have accepted Him as your Savior, we urge you to take a careful look at your relationship with Jesus. A relationship must be a heart relationship that you take by faith and not just a head relationship.

A relationship can grow only when time is spent with the one we desire to have a relationship with. To grow in our relationship with the Lord we must spend time with Him. The more time we spend reading and studying His Word the more our faith will grow and we will be drawn into a closer relationship with Him.

Read again the words of the writer of Romans as he wrote in Romans 10:17: “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” We will continue our comments on faith in next Mondays devotional.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 3:28.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


Help me to be certain concerning my relationship with Jesus. Increase my faith so that with every step that I take this day I will be confident that You are walking by my side. May the love of Jesus abound in my life so that others see my faith by my walk and my talk.

Discouragement: September, 2011




An act or instance of discouraging; the state of being discouraged; to deprive of courage, hope or confidence.


“But God, who comforts those that are downcast, comforts us." II Corinthians 7:6.

"Fathers do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged." Ephesians 6:4.

”Why are you downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 42:5.


Discouragement does deprive one of courage, hope and confidence. There are many reasons given for being discouraged. A child can be discouraged when he cannot find good friends, was not chosen for some role hoped for at school, or because of a grade on a test. For parents discouragement is a result of a souring relationship, an unhappy job situation, money concerns for the family, just to name a few.

From the moment each of our children was born we were, as parents, committed to teach and train each child to live with a positive attitude. We were committed to provide the love, interest and concern for each child as needed. It was important to us as parents to make sure that our children were involved in church, in school, in sports and with their daily "household jobs" because being involved in activities is an important part of a child's life. It helps them learn, to develop relationships, keeps them active and busy and they were very rarely discouraged.

When discouragement comes your way, look to the Bible for strength and answers to your concerns. God told Joshua to always be strong, have courage, do not be afraid and do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9) This verse should be read every time you become discouraged.

Do something positive when you begin to feel discouraged. Eliminate negative thoughts in your life. Each day give something, like a kind word, to someone whether it is someone you know or someone you do not know. David said to Solomon, his son: "Be strong and of a good courage." As parents we need to remind not only ourselves but also our children to be strong in the Lord and not to become discouraged. Our Lord is a God of comfort and hope. When we are downcast He will comfort us and renew our hope and we will be able to praise Him in spite of our discouragement. One of the best ways to brighten any day, if you are discouraged, is to STOP for a few minutes and think about the blessings, the good things, that you have and then thank God for those blessings. It is hard to be discouraged and praise God at the same time.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 3:28.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


Dear God, thank You for a new day and I ask for Your blessing on my life. Help me to not be discouraged today but to face each moment knowing that You are my God and that You are with me every moment of today. Comfort my family, friends and those that need a special touch from You this day because they are discouraged.

Consideration: August 31, 2011




The act of considering; careful thought or attention; thoughtful or sympathetic; regard or respect.


Now therefore says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways.” Haggai 1:5

“To speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, considerate, gentile, showing all humility to all men.” Titus 3:2.


In his letter to Titus (above verse), the Apostle Paul instructs Titus to remind those who believe in Jesus of the Christian principles that should be evident in a Christian’s life. Being considerate is one of them. Do you live a life having consideration for others? We are living in a “ME” generation and most people today, especially young people, give very little consideration to others.

We have developed generations of people that really are only concerned about themselves and care very little about other people’s concerns. Let us share one example that every one of us experiences every day. We see someone and ask, “How are you?” But do we really care how they are doing? Most people do not care. All they are doing is recognizing someone they meet. Think about this!

Take a moment today and evaluate how considerate you are to others. The prophet Haggai (above) tells us to “Consider our ways.” Look back to yesterday. Were you considerate to those you met and/or talked to? Were you considerate to your spouse and children? When faced with an issue, did you take into consideration all the others that may be involved in that issue?

Before you react to an issue or concern, take a moment and think about how Jesus would have responded. Think of ways today as to how you can be more considerate to your spouse and children. Consider your attitude, your thought process and your decision making style. If you will work on these issues today, your day will be blessed of God. The scripture is clear in telling us that we are to consider others.

Our genuine concern and compassion for others is a true measure of the depth of our relationship with our Lord. Our good works cannot save us. We are saved by our faith but if our faith is genuine we will reach out to others. Our considerate treatment of others honors our Lord.

In Isaiah 58:7, Isaiah tells us what truly honors God: “It is to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter. When you see the naked, clothe him and do not turn away from your own flesh and blood.” The writer of Proverbs tells us in Proverbs 14:31 that “whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 3:28.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


Thank You for giving me a spirit of consideration today. Help me to be considerate to my spouse, my children, and my parents and to all that I meet and talk to today. May others see Jesus through me in all that I do.

Choices: August 30, 2011




The act or instance of choosing; selection; the right or power or opportunity to choose; a variety from which to choose.


Jesus said: “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” John 15:16

Joshua said: “Choose you this day whom you will serve, but for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

“A good name is rather to be chosen then great riches.” Proverbs 22:1

“Refuse evil and choose good.” Isaiah 7:15


Every day we make many CHOICES in our day-to-day living. Some of these choices we make are good and some are bad. We choose what we wear. We choose what we eat. We choose where we go. As parents we choose how we lead and teach. And as children we choose how we respond. Each and every day we have to make choices. Choices have consequences that affect our life and shapes us into whom and what we are.

The greatest and most important CHOICE we must make in our life is whether to serve God or not to serve God. One way or the other everyone makes that choice. This choice is easy to make. If we choose to serve God we have made a good and positive choice. If you choose not to serve God, you have chosen – even by not acting – not to serve God.

How can we determine when the choices we make in our daily lives are right or wrong? The right choice will not be in conflict with God’s Word – the Bible. This is why it is so important to study the Bible because in the Bible is God’s guide book for our life. The Psalmist said: “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105.

Parents have a huge responsibility to train their children in how to make choices. There are so many outside influences today that make a profound impact on children’s thinking and affect the choices they make. Four of the most harmful are peer pressure, music, the internet, and television. Parents must be constantly on the alert and that is why we encourage every family to have dinner together every night, without distractions from “things,” so your children can talk and you can listen to what they are seeing and feeling.

Parents must begin teaching their children at a very early age that making the wrong choices can have a negative effect on their lives for a life-time. And the opposite is also true. Making the right choices affects one’s life in a positive way for a life time.

The choices children make are influenced by what they have observed in the actions of their parents. That is why we parents must live a consistent Christian life putting God first in all we do and in all we say.

As a parent do you take into consideration how the choices you make will affect your children and grandchildren? (Exodus 20:4-5) Parents who live by faith before God will have a strong influence for the positive on their children and grandchildren.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 3:28.

There is neither Jew or Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus


Give us this day, dear Lord the wisdom to make choices to honor Your name. We give You praise for choosing us and then allowing us to choose to follow You and then bear fruit for Your sake. Help us to make the right decisions today for our choice of friends, our choice of words and our actions. Protect our children, dear Lord, from harmful choices. Thank You for being our Lord and our Savior.

Change: August 29, 2011




To make different in form; to transform; to make a difference in the state or conditions of a thing.


“For I am the Lord, I do not change.” Malachi 3:6

“God is not a man, that He should lie nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.” Numbers 23:19.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8.


God, who is all wise, all knowing and without sin never changes His mind nor withdraws His promises. He gave Moses the Ten Commandments and they are still valid today. God’s plan for salvation has never changed and His promise for eternal life through Jesus Christ has never changed.

When we see someone make their decision to accept Jesus into their life, most of the time we see a dramatic CHANGE in that life. As a result of Adam’s and Eve’s sin we are born with a sinful nature. God is without sin so our sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2). God can not change who He is so we are the ones that must change if we are to have fellowship with God. Our righteousness must be changed into His righteousness (Romans 3:22). That change takes place when we come to Christ and receive His righteousness, which is a free gift.

The apostle Paul tells us that when we come to Christ we become a new person and the old person is gone (II Corinthians 5:17). Paul’s life is evidence that this is true. His life was completely changed when he met Jesus. His old life was persecuting the Christians and his new life was preaching the gospel and being persecuted himself because of his faith in Christ. His life was completely changed. He considered the gift of life offered by God to be well worth any persecution that he might have to endure. God does not change but He does change us.

I [Ken] can remember seeing dramatic changes in people’s lives, years ago, when I was in a different church every night for 90 days in a row for three summers showing a Billy Graham Crusade film. Every church was filled to capacity and at the end of the film I would always give the audience a chance to accept Jesus as their Savior. It was remarkable to see individuals of all ages respond night after night. They responded because God spoke to their hearts making them realize their need to change from their sinful ways and accept God’s grace and forgiveness.

Over the years, both of us have been part of city-wide crusades and we have seen people from all walks of life make a decision for Christ that brought a dramatic change in their life.

I can remember meeting a man who made his decision to follow Jesus in the Los Angeles Billy Graham tent crusade. This man soon became a dear friend of our family and I watched his life change. It was about as a dramatic change as we will ever see in our lifetime. His name was Jim Vaus. He worked with Mickey Cohen who was known as an under-ground gangster. Jim was his technician for wiretapping, so he was living what we would call an “evil life.” When he found Jesus as his Savior, his life changed and he left Mickey Cohen because of his new found faith and soon opened up what he called Hells Gate Station in New York. This was a program to reach the teenage criminal element on the streets of New York and to bring them the gospel message. What a change Christ made in his life.

When we think of the word “CHANGE” another thought comes to mind that we want to share with you. Many families today seem to be disintegrating because of many different reasons. Some of these reasons are:

• Preoccupation with an occupation to the exclusion of family needs. This goes beyond work. It can include watching TV, being with associates such as in a club, and many other activities. Family needs to come first.
• Refusal to face the severity of a child’s action. How many times has a situation come up and possibly you have responded by thinking that it is not that serious, or I am too tired to deal with that today?
• Refusal to respond quickly and thoroughly to the warning of others. This could be a neighbor, a relative or a spouse warning you and you just do not have time to see if it is a problem or you just do not care.
• Rationalizing of a wrong, therefore becoming part of the problem.

When things are not going well in your life, especially within your family, it is time for change, a change for the better. To change we must want something more than what we have now. We must be willing to give up our sinful ways. What is better than to make a change in how we live our life today and have assurance that we will spend eternity in Heaven with our Lord? If you are willing to make a change then God is waiting for you to come to Him and He will change you.

Our memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 3:28.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all in one in Christ Jesus.


Open my heart today to allow You to change me to be what You want me to be. Help me to want to spend my time doing the things that honor and glorify Your name. Give me wisdom in my decisions. Give me assurance that I have eternal life. Give me the courage to make changes in the things I do that do not honor You.

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