March 31, 2017

Regrets: March 31, 2017



To feel sorrow or remorse; an act, fault or disappointment; to think of with a sense of loss.

Teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12.


If you knew that you had only six months to live, would you have any regrets as to your life activities in the past? Many people would think of a long list of “what ifs.”

What about your attitude toward your marriage, your vocation, your time, your finances, your children or your friends that you chose? Could you think of people that came to find Jesus as their Savior because of your words or deeds?

What about your relationship with God? If you knew that you were going to meet God in six months would you be filled with excitement or with fear?

These are questions that each one of us needs to answer today. Unfortunately, many so called evangelical Christians today would struggle with many of these questions. We are living in a society that Christians have become politically correct with their words and deeds instead of Biblical correct.

Where do you stand on the moral questions facing you today? Are you prepared to meet your maker with the standards you are living now? In our minds, there is no logical reason that one that knows the Lord and is in communication with Him daily can agree with such issues as abortion and same-sex marriage. We also know that many Christians question the virgin birth of Jesus and also believe that there is more than one way to get to heaven.

The key to dying without regrets is to learn to live day to day without regrets. The first issue that you must face if you want to die with no regrets is to understand that your final hour is coming and you will be standing in front of your Savior. How will you feel then?

When we have regrets in our mind, it is a warning that we are not pursuing the kind of life God wants us to live. It is important to understand that regrets are reminders to us that something in our life is not right and needs correction. So many get to the place of knowing something is wrong but do nothing to correct the issue, nor do they turn to God, confess their sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Are you living a life controlled by Biblical principles or are you being deceived by the political correctness the world and Satan is marketing for you?

One final thought from Galatians 6:7-8: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from the nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 3:23.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Help me today, dear Lord, to evaluate my life so that I can see the regrets that I have in my life. Help me to change my attitude so that I honor You in all that I do and say. May others be driven to You because of the way that I live. Help me to live a life based on God’s principles and not fall for the politically right philosophy.

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March 30, 2017

Provision: March 30, 2017



The act of providing or supplying; an arrangement or preparation made beforehand.

Now Jesus called His disciples to Himself and said, “I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now continued with Me for three days and have nothing to eat. And I do not want to send them away hungry, unless they faint on the way. Matthew 15:32.

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19.


When you spend time serving the Lord sometimes it becomes very demanding and draining. At that time, you either give up or get to the place where you know that the only way you can make it is if God intervenes. You will get to that place when you have exhausted all other resources if not before.

This is when Matthew Chapter 15: 32-38 will have real meaning to you. So, if you are at that place in your Christian walk and ministry read these verses now.

Great crowds of people followed Jesus. In this event recorded in Matthew 15, a crowd of four thousand people had come to hear Jesus speak. The people had been on the mountainside for three days listening to Jesus and hoping for healing in their lives, both physically and spiritually. Jesus saw that they were tired and hungry and He had compassion on them. They had not eaten for three days. Jesus knew their need. They needed food.

The disciples did not know where to turn to get the needed food. The disciples were with Jesus when He had fed more than five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish. They had seen Jesus miraculous provision in the past in much of the same situations, yet they said to Jesus, “Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?” How little was their faith? Jesus had cared and provided for the needs of a hungry crowd before, surely, He could be trusted to work faithfully again.

They did not understand what the apostle Paul wrote later to us that God would take care of all their needs (Verse above from Philippians).

God knows when we need resources to keep on going. He will give us the provision we need. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:8 that “Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him”.

You have trusted Jesus for your salvation so why not trust him for the provisions you need to serve Him. God will always provide for your every need. All you need to do is trust Him.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 3:23.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Give me the faith today to trust You for all of the provisions I need to serve You. Open doors of service for me and keep me alert for the opportunities You give me to represent you to a world that does not know You as their Savior.

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March 29, 2017

Failure: March 29, 2017



An act or instance of proving unsuccessful; lack of success; non-performance of something; to fall short.

Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established. Proverbs 16:3

He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. Proverbs 28:13.

Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say unto the Lord. Psalm 27:14

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden your face from Him. Isaiah 59:2


All of us have or will experience failure at some time in our life. Just because we fail does not mean that we should give up. Some of the most beneficial lessons we learn in life comes from failure.

The four scripture verses we have put above are guides for us when we fail at some task. The most important key to overcoming failure in our lives is making sure we have a right relationship with our Lord and Savior. An unbeliever may have no one to go to who will stand by their side as they work through their failures. Those who know the Lord can be assured that He will be with them through all their failures.

The first thing that one must do to conquer a failure is to admit the failure to the Lord and to commit the solving of it to the Lord. If there is sin in our life, we must confess our sin and forsake it and seek God’s forgiveness.

When you fail to do something for the Lord or have a failure in some way that affects your relationship with Him, you must experience God’s forgiveness in your life. When you know Jesus, he will forgive you when you ask for forgiveness.

Many people react fast to failure by trying to cover up the failure. That just does not work. It is best to look at the scriptures for advice and read for example Psalm 27:14. The counsel of David reminds us to “wait on the Lord”.

We are reminded what many parents do with a child when they disobey some rule or fail to do something they were supposed to do. The parent will say to the child to take a “time out.” They will tell the child to go and sit and think about what they failed to do.

It is best sometimes for us to take a “time out” and think about our failure and wait on the Lord in prayer. It is wise not to react fast but take an intermission and evaluate the lesson you can learn from your failure. Ask the Lord to help you understand what he is showing you. By talking to God, you can evaluate your failure and start again and by learning you will be successful if you commit to the Lord what you are going to do.

In order to replace failures with successes you must move forward. But move forward with God in the picture. Read the verses above again and believe God for many successes in the future.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 3:23.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Lord, forgive me of my sins and help me to learn from my failures. Help me today to commit my works, my deeds, my thoughts and all that I do to You.

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March 28, 2017

Grand-Parents: March 28, 2017



A parent of a parent; Grand-mother and grand-father.

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Proverbs 17:6.

For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is within you as well. II Timothy 1:5.


The American family is changing more rapidly today than at any time in history. We are told that over one million children in America are living with their grandparents without either parent in the home.

At a time when many grandparents were considering retirement suddenly they have found themselves thrust into a new role of parenting their grandchildren.

The one good news item concerning this problem is that numerous studies show the enormous influence grandparents have on their grandchildren. Some of these studies show that when a grandchild spends time with their grandparents the result is a better social behavior with fewer behavior problems among adolescents.

A new study by the AARP finds that 90% of grandparents feel that they have an important role to play with their grandchildren by encouraging, giving emotional support and a perspective on life. It is also noted that when a grandchild becomes an adult the ones that have had a strong relationship with their grandparents tend to put much more positive value and importance on older citizens.

In the verse above from II Timothy the apostle Paul makes note of the strong Christian influence that Timothy’s mother and grand-mother had on him.

We have been blessed with 20 grandchildren and now 2 great Grand-children. We learned early as grand-parents to pray daily for each one and we continue to do that. We have always tried to support them, let them know that we are praying for them and communicate with them as often as possible. In recent years, some of the best times we have enjoyed is time with our grand-children.

We have learned that we need to gain the respect of each grandchild as grandparents and that respect cannot be bought, it must be earned. Our actions and words are watched carefully by a grandchild from a very early time in their lives.

Being a grandparent is not only an honor and a privilege but an opportunity and a responsibility to lead them to have a close relationship with Jesus by our words and deeds.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 3:23.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

It is our prayer that every grandparent that reads this devotional today realizes the important spiritual role they play in their grandchild’s life. Burden us as grandparents to put a priority on our love for our grandchildren and great grand-children and to pray for them daily and to encourage them in their faith and love for the Lord.

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March 27, 2017

Foolish: March 27, 2017



Lacking in good sense, wisdom, judgment or discretion; lacking in meaning or purpose; lacking forethought or caution.

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. I Corinthians 2:14

Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of correction will drive it far from him. Proverbs 22:15.


Several times in our lifetime we have made decisions that we looked back on and said to one another, "That was a foolish decision." We then tried to ask ourselves what were the reasons that made us make that decision. Did we see any so called "red flags" --- things that should have been an alert to us to reverse that decision? We also asked ourselves did we learn from it so that we would not repeat a similar decision. If we evaluate foolish decisions properly after they have been made, we will see that the evaluation process became a great learning experience for us.

Foolishness is a word that Paul used several times in the scripture. In the verse above from I Corinthians, Paul says that the "natural man," one that does not believe in Jesus as Lord, cannot understand the things of God. The concept that after we accept Jesus as our Savior, God’s Holy Spirit lives in us seems as foolishness. The natural man lacks understanding and cannot understand spiritual truths. Only the believer can understand the things of the spirit.

Understanding God's message to us and to the world, as given in His Word, has nothing to do with one's intelligence. The message that God sent His Son into the world to die on the cross as a condemned criminal in order to save a world of sinners who rejected and denied Him cannot be comprehended by the human mind, no matter how intelligent a person might be. The spiritual eyes of the unbeliever are blinded and they cannot see the truth. That is because God’s way of thinking is not our way of thinking.

Jesus was rejected by the Jews as their Messiah when He came into the world because He did not fit their concept of what they thought He should be. They expected Him to come as a conquering King who would restore the throne of David. Instead he came as a humble servant to suffer and be crucified on a cross to save us from our sins.

In I Corinthians 1:18-19 Paul said, "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are saved (and have accepted Jesus as Savior) it is the power of God. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent." We cannot trust in our own wisdom but we can trust in the wisdom of our all-knowing, all powerful God.

In Proverbs 22:15 (above), the writer reminds us that foolishness is in the heart of a child but correction will drive that foolishness from the child. The word foolishness in Hebrew means silliness, perverseness and careless of body. The rod of correction cannot change the sin nature, but it can subdue the foolish desires of our sinful nature because it demonstrates that foolish acts have consequences. Without correction children will continue to do foolish things because they do not understand the danger.

Foolishness is a form of sin according to Proverbs 24:9 and according to Mark 7: 21-23 sin originates in the heart. Ecclesiastics 7:25 tells us that foolishness is a sign of wickedness. Unlike wisdom, the foolishness of sin is inborn. The consequence of foolishness, according to the scripture, brings sorrow to people and keeps us from knowing God and increases our spiritual blindness.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 3:23.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Thank You for opening my spiritual eyes so that I can see that the gospel message of salvation is not foolishness. Help my family today to live a life style that others will see Christ through our actions and words. May foolishness not be seen in our lives. Help us to honor Your name and may we be challenged each moment to serve You to our very best.

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