Intention; a determining impulse; the goal or object of a person’s action.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me. Psalm 139:23-24.
Have you ever thought that you could be too helpful to someone? Have you really thought about your true motive when you reach out to help a person in need? Our helpfulness can actually make life more difficult for the person we are trying to help, especially if our motive is wrong. Your response probably is that that is impossible. Let us explain what we think.
If you are bothersome to someone that you are helping by being too available to the point of being intrusive you could be hurting instead of helping your relationship with that person. Possibly you are smothering, manipulative or controlling when you try to help that person. What we do to help others should never stem from a desire to make ourselves look good or even feel good.
If the help we are giving is driven by our own overly zealous motive, we may be just trying to help ourselves. This is why we need to take a real good look at our motive as to why we are helping someone. If our motive is to get something in return, we can be assured it is not right in God’s sight.
In Proverbs 21:2 it reads, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.” We encourage you to look carefully at your reasons for helping someone before you act. Does your desire to help come from a pure heart? We must ask ourselves if our real motive for doing something is pleasing to God.
We should always pray first, for God’s direction. In prayer we can ask God to show us any way we are hurting or hindering others. The scripture we have written above would be a good prayer for you to pray. God will answer your prayer.
If you have a concern that you may be over stepping your bounds with someone, we suggest you ask God to help you to instead show love that “suffers long and is kind --- and is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil,” as it is written in I Corinthians 13:4-5.
Our efforts to help others, especially those that we love the most will always give us at least a small portion of anxiety that our motives may be understood. Keep asking the Lord to help you to show love with pure motives and for the good of others and not yourself.
Our memory verse for this week is found in I Peter 5:7.
Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.
Help me, Lord to act and think today with proper motives. It is my prayer that You will reveal the sins in my life, that would affect my motives, so that I can help others with pure motives and with the love in my heart that only You can give.
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